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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53318029 No.53318029 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of job can I get as a single 35 year old male with no degree and no special skills?

>> No.53318060

I WANT HER TO FUCK BLACK MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53318061

suck a cock to get a job at a car dealership selling sales. learn to sell cars, then try to branch off to better sales jobs.

>> No.53318065

Sorry, all out of jobs.
You can now join the navy up until 39.

>> No.53318093
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Yep, that’s a woman

>> No.53318098

Garbage man.
Pizza delivery.
Stuff like that.

>> No.53318134

You want to be gassed kike faggot

>> No.53318135

Why does your age matter here? BUILD SKILLS. Your age just shows that you're absolutely useless or low IQ if you haven't gotten skills by now.

>> No.53318148


>> No.53318150

Unironically get a job as a professional house cleaner for a small local company. The houses are all multi million dollar homes, they're spotlessly clean, and I regularly get $100 tips, as well as being left alone all day listening to tunes.
Only $25/hr on average but with no degree that would put you in the top 5% of workers with no degree so you can't be too fussy.

>> No.53318155

How does mcdonalds sound?

>> No.53318164

Helpful post
Take your anger out on your family instead of shitting up the board, ape

>> No.53318186

Do you charge extra for whites who don't steal? You can clean my house.

>> No.53318193

learn skills retard.

>> No.53318202

Thank you doctor chud

>> No.53318230

Amazon warehouse. You only need a GED I think. They accept everyone.

>> No.53318241

muchas gracias doctor chud

>> No.53318292

Kek my company just so happens to never have more than 15 employees. This means they can legally discriminate without it being a bona-fide occupational requirement.
Every single employee is white and to this day I've only ever had one black family, and that was yesterday.
I'm not kidding anon it really is a good gig. The cleaners are all payed well enough to not even think about stealing, not that they would anyway.

>> No.53318332

The black family was a client household btw. We don't have a single non white employee. Actually a while ago a black guy I know asked about that job and I had to quickly come up with a reason for him to not apply. I think a black guy in a wealthy client's home might make them a bit uneasy.

>> No.53318336

I'm going to have to track down a cleaning company like that. I'm likely going to have to end up buying more house than I need just because the price on smaller houses is ridiculous for what you get and generally you get better price/sq ft on 4k sqft+ also custom homes with indoor pool spaces and such that you can't get with a smaller house.

>> No.53318430

Grazie mille dottore Chud

>> No.53318461

You read my mind anon

>> No.53318499

I am currently still a poorfag but this job has allowed me to invest $10k since last spring. I know people on /biz/ throw huge numbers around a lot but not everyone is different, and it feels so good to finally see progress like this. It's made me decide that WHEN I make it and have a nice house, I will absolutely need a maid company. Doing this job has made me realize just how much work goes into keeping a large home, it's basically impossible without some help. Which is good for me because there will always be houses to clean, I fucking love it.
I fucking hate touch buttons though, thanks to this job. Touch buttons are globohomo, same as those retarded wifi fridges that beep when the door is open.o fucking hate idiotic leftist faggot technology that only makes things more difficult and convoluted. Other than this annoyance it's the best job I've ever had, hands down.

>> No.53318539


>> No.53318543
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>> No.53318602
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Mentally unstable cali model #5436.
Had a youtube channel and several breakdowns. Can't remember the name, something very generic.

>> No.53318745

i think i found it Jessica Clements

>> No.53318764
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>> No.53318784

Matches the initials in the filename too so that's your thot anon! Good job

>> No.53318927

I once had a gf who looked kinda like this girl in OP but was just a little bit thicker and had god tier tits.
She was a very sweet girl, very caring and endearing, but ultimately I didn't feel like we had long-term compatibility. She was also like low-key a hardcore intersectional feminist, which like is fine I just wouldn't say I matched her on her interest in that.

We broke up in a very vague way after not seeing each other for a bit. She later went through a couple short relationships and is now married to a butch woman.

How should one feel about this biz?

>> No.53318974
File: 250 KB, 840x848, 42-429695_comment-picture-black-pepe-meme-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real blacks don't even like white women, anon

>> No.53319012

merci baucoup le medecin chudde

>> No.53319036

My God look at what the jewish pornography industry has done to our brains

>> No.53319064

Software engineer.
Just sign up for some corporate bootcamp and so long as you have a three digit IQ they will teach you what you need to know.

>> No.53319072

Kys for larping

>> No.53319084

lmao a 35 year old man isn't going to be accepted on a corporate software training scheme.
The best he'll get is paying for a scam bootcamp and then being ignored by companies afterwards.

>> No.53319099

Join a union in some manufacturing facility, work your way up.

>> No.53319109

Get a forklift ticket. Easy job.

>> No.53319480

Construction site labourer, be on decent wages. Then go on site and watch tradesmen working. Then pick one you think you could do. Then do night school after work to learn. Then have skills. Then work as that. Then have even better wages. Then start own company. Then hire people. Then sit in chair with feet up

>> No.53319556

Go to /int/ if you dare. Maybe 1/20 nig peen aficionados are burgers, on an allegedly American website.

>> No.53319598

Yeah if you have literally no experience at 35, idk bro I just wouldn't go into tech.

>> No.53319669

Learn to weld and you will always find a job.

>> No.53319833
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>> No.53319849


>> No.53319860
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What the fuck do you even say to a girl this pretty?
"hi, my name is anon, you look great, wanna go out for coffee some time?"

>> No.53319974

>hold still a bee just landed on your hair
then you slip and fall face first into her pussy

>> No.53319987

Wow she hit the wall huh

>> No.53320027

Came here to say this

>> No.53320032

Yeah basically. Maybe give her a chance to respond to one thing at a time though and out the compliment first, then name, give her time to respond and ask for yours and if she does then you can ask her out then grab the digits

>> No.53320043

first post blacked post

>> No.53320149

"Morning Stacy. [Normalfag small talk]"

>> No.53320186

you ignore her
why would you want to talk to someone who looks like this in a society that overinflates the value of physical appearance?
like, what do you think could ever come out of that? nothing good

maybe after the massive all things bubble bursts, and she finally realizes her looks are worth garbage then you can actually try and strike some kind of conversation

you gotta understand in a scenario of mass delusion that we live today, you're not talking to the person, you're talking to a wall of delusions

>> No.53320224
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>> No.53320315

replace the "you look great" with "what's your name?" and the "wanna go out for coffee some time" with "you wanna go grab a bite?". Have a place in mind that's not a shithole and that's preferably within short walking distance. Then you just flirt with her, ask her questions about herself (work, fun, do you read, blah blah), and just be normal. It's very simple.

>> No.53320333

worst thing that happens is she tells you to fuck off

>> No.53320347

coffee dates are not sexy, fyi, take her somewhere and spend some money.

>> No.53320358

"ignore her", this is how not to get laid.

>> No.53320379

>spending money on women
objectively a mistake to spend any money on women you aren't already sleeping with

>> No.53320413

implying she has zero talents/personality I agree with you but even for a roastie that's a stretch. being attractive doesn't necessarily mean you're useless

>> No.53320422

Don't let her use you as a free fancy dinner.
It's a positive if she's up for a coffee date, means she's actually interested in getting to know you better.

>> No.53320421

dogshit tier advises you have to go back

>> No.53320471

"oh sure, i actually was just thinking, it's lunch time and I conveniently haven't eaten yet and want to go out with a stranger!"

In what fantasy world do you live in? This would only feasibly work if you looked like Leo Dicaprio in his 20s, even then you're supposed to ask for her number and then plan something. Nobody would just drop what they're doing and go get food with some rando.

>> No.53320492
File: 522 KB, 1200x675, D44C3921-CE4A-4BE8-B899-A1B5BD21334E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell the glowie posts because they spam the same suit in the first comment of every thread

>> No.53320498

this is what we're up against lads

>> No.53320585

yoour'e too kind

>> No.53320595

Unironically probably the best option at this point is becoming a zogbot and trying to get an HR job. You can ride it out to retirement for 20 years if you don't mind getting vaxxed and doing PT.

>> No.53320626

She literally is a black male you retards. You can see her penis bump and some parts of her hand aren’t completely painted white

>> No.53320635

>HR in the navy
Go airforce instead. Navy HR is utter hell, for a months you're stuck on a boat sharing the shittest, rusty washroom.

>> No.53320652

Wtf is this new bait

>> No.53320681

Why would I hire a 35 year old with no skills or education. Wtf have you done the last 17 years of your life? However employers of unskilled labor just need hands and a heartbeat / start there.

>> No.53320818

I almost didn't see it

>> No.53320941

You jest but there is a ton of work if you are willing to do it. Anything physical is likely to let you eat. You might even pick up some office work if you know how to fake a smile. If you are a real anti social prick you can do any job where you critique people to their face. High strength can get you into skilled labor. Basic cooking can get you into food service. Etc. You are kidding us though so go gloat at yokels tomorrow on your way home from work. Say you will buy them a bottle of Thunderbird fortified wine if the do a task for you.

>> No.53320972
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when i see nice lloking girl like that i feel i m gay. enjoy my pic

>> No.53321029


>> No.53321040

Jessica Clements?

>> No.53321233


>> No.53321295

Dhanyevad chikitsak chud

>> No.53321309

What field are you looking into?

>> No.53321356

>Mentally unstable cali model
Fuuuuck imagine getting to be the first sleazy middle aged guy who discovered her and promised to make her a star

>> No.53321380
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Accountant. There is a shortage of accountants at the moment.

>> No.53321620
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Get a job in programming, it's not all that it's cracked up to be but at least you make a decent salary and get to brag about being superior than the rest. Plus you can invest on XOR knowing all the ins and outs

>> No.53321770
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>> No.53321775

Never change, /biz/

>> No.53321790
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Me too fren me too

>> No.53321804
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>> No.53321821

mahalo Dr chud

>> No.53322152


why would you want to get laid with a cardboard box?
She HAS zero personality. There is no incentive for her to have one. These instagram thots are handed THE WORLD for simply looking cute and pretty in this reality of everything bubble, What incentive does she have to be interesting or to hold an interesting conversation?
>women doesn't need to be interesting incel/chud
That is exactly the fucking problem. There is such massive inflation that you don't know who she is, she doesn't know who she is, there is no sense of fucking reality. Why would you climb mountains over the gazillion simps, the inflated values and mountains for fucking an empty shell?

Masturbating to her with a rubber pussy has probably the same effect, and much cheaper.
Have this great bubble burst, have her SURVIVE without her looks, corner the bitch into having to BUILD CHARACTER and seeing the bullshit for what it really was.

Then, THEN she is worth the conquest. But now, no instagram top model/thot is worth the dime of the day.

You chase assets when they crash at the bottom. Women is no different.

>> No.53322747

the way of the animu, senpai

>> No.53322757

unbelievably based, first post best post

>> No.53322823



>> No.53323083

Not larping lol

>> No.53323084

Please respect women.

>> No.53323171

Imagine if shell fell off, broke her neck and couldn't move and you decided to fuck her and she was unable to object wouldnt that be funny lol lmao even hahahaha

>> No.53323294

>What the fuck do you even say to a girl this pretty?
All that matters is confidence, and preparation. If you take her to coffee, what do you talk about? Plan that out ahead of time and you will have the confidence to ask her out.
Example - went to baja fresh for lunch. Walk in see some smoking hot woman with her average friend already eating, almost done. I every guy looking, drooling, but doing nothing. Waiting for food, number called, get food turn around girls walking out the door. I follow walking quickly to catch up. She get to her car I approach, she stops and looks at me, I smile an say "I am too late to buy you lunch, so how about I buy you diner tonight?" Girl giggles and say yes. gives me number. No other guy approached, I did not give a fuck if she said no, went to diner. Easy. Fuck she was hot too.

>> No.53323332


>> No.53323360
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>> No.53323478

with all due respect, what the fuck have you been doing for 17 years?

>> No.53323482

Not him but dead end jobs and being a neet

>> No.53323560

man, i went to college for engineering, working at f500 company making 6 figures for 3 years and i feel like i need to do new things to make more money. idk how you niggas are ok with being loser neets.
waging def isnt it either though. gotta start a business of some sort

>> No.53323738

Cuck faggot

>> No.53323807
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Going to need more posts like this from now on chief.

>> No.53323825

I always propose dates where I'm not spending money on them. Coffee, hiking (kinda sketchy maybe for a first date), etc. If she likes me and we get along then I don't mind spending money later, but you'll go broke trying to impress women and you'll just end up with gold-diggers in the end.
>All that matters is confidence, and preparation.
OP, this is good advice for the job market as well. Prepare/rehearse everything in advance, be motivated, and be confident. A lot of autists deride this because it isn't based 100% on "merit", but what they fail to realize is that these things will make you succeed with customers and difficult tasks where smarter people fail (you'll fail if you give up before even starting something difficult).

I would find a job like >>53318336 mentioned and use the experience & networking opportunities to build your own business eventually. I know ex-cons who are making tons of money and living in nice houses now because they do mundane shit well and started their own business, like aerate lawns or spraying for weeds.

>> No.53323952

Oh noes!! He said a Jewess was built for BBC!!!! That means we Aryans are going to get replaced!!

>> No.53323962

Show us proof of her being walled. I need it.
Also, she's married now so it doesn't really matter does it?

>> No.53324593

she is a woman, women cant fuck, they don't have penis, just men can fuck

>> No.53325937

cockroach crawling gutter guy or fembonlyfans

>> No.53326374

Anyone who offer military, police and other physical jobs alike.

How do you do it when you'r older ? I'm currently 36 year old ff and it's already too hard. I know my body is deteriorating + sleepless nights. Athletes retire by now and I wonder everyday wtf i'm doing, I need to leave, now but changing with no skillset is the most brutal life experience I have ever had.

>> No.53327958
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pretend to be the leader of a cult
emotionally manipulate her into using you as a substitute for her lack of a father figure
neg her until she breaks down, then switch to positivity when she's at her lowest
dominate her mentally, gaslight her into believing it is your way of showing "love"
make her believe she would be lost or dead without you

>> No.53328428
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>just be normal and ask her simple questions
tfw when this is 100x harder then it should be

>> No.53328454

much obliged, doctor chud

>> No.53328552

0 to 1 women is technically in infinityx anon

>> No.53328556

You could move to a metropolis and sell fentanyl to tent cities

>> No.53328582

I want one so bad, bros....

>> No.53328629

thanks doc