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53316208 No.53316208 [Reply] [Original]

Saudis to settle oil and gas for non USD currencies


>> No.53316240

Nice. Now they just need some other country with a solid currency and a navy strong enough to keep the Strait of Hormuz and other vital sea lanes open.
Good luck!

>> No.53316316

Looks like we're going to need to bring some democracy and freedom to oppressed middle eastern people again.

>> No.53316354

>Get a few explosive drones to fly into pirate ships

>> No.53316359

Nah. Let them kill each other a bit first. It'll be easier when they're begging us to help and making outrageous concessions.

>> No.53316375
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>if this is true then all hell is about to be unleashed.

>> No.53316390

>implying Iran isn’t on both sides

>> No.53316410

I don't think anyone realises how big it is and how fucked the dollar is

>> No.53316413
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>> No.53316418
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It works both ways. Other countries will have to convoy oil tankers with Aegis equipped ships.
It's like a tell the creepy foreigners on /pol/ all the time: you may hate American hegemony, but you're going to miss us when we're gone and sitting comfy in our own hemisphere.

>> No.53316473
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>you may hate American hegemony, but you're going to miss us when we're gone and sitting comfy in our own hemisphere.
get fucked mutt

>> No.53316532


>> No.53316639 [DELETED] 

Looks like New York is getting another remodeling job.

>> No.53316691

>Saudis to settle oil and gas for non USD currencies
LOL I hope those "non USD currencies" are not communist fiat currencies (russia, china), because it will be funny to see saudis screaming in pain when the currency crashes a 20% in a day.

>> No.53316719

It's going to be bitcoin. People thinking they're gonna replace one government currency for an even shittier government currency are delusional.

>> No.53316734

lmao who the fck trips on biz?

>> No.53316813

Anyone else here buying up forgotten Colombian garbage like AVAL?

>> No.53316843

They're building nukes now.


>> No.53317469

Suprised /biz/ isn't talking about this but than again 95% of the threads on the board are less than 10 posts made by frogposting /qa/ discord troons and jeets/chinks posting shitcoins

Like this shit is monumental if it happens. Yeah sure the west is really pushing electric cars hard now. Which is great. But Oil is used for many things and trucks will not be electric for awhile.

>> No.53317500
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>> No.53317508

its one of the prophecies that was foretold to happen prior to the end

>> No.53317538

desu im sure china could do it if the international community allowed it . they already have a base in djibouti

>> No.53317548

>posting a screenshot of an American movie while crying about amerimutts

>> No.53317567

>being proud of jewish goyslop for manchildren

>> No.53317605
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you cant even maintain order nowadays where Muttland have the hegemony, worse when you lose the only thing that mantains your shitty coin.

>> No.53317758

saudi is doing this for 1 of 2 reasons:
1. a concession from the west to the beneficiaries
2. it benefits saudi arabia somehow
the news is suggestive of #2 however i suspect reason 1.
this has significant consequences geopolitically and economically and will promote dramatically whichever currencies they choose to accept.

>> No.53317816
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How will history look back on this faggot? Will he get panned in 50 years like he rightfully deserves? What a fucking mess of a presidency. I can't even imagine fucking up this hard.

>> No.53317825

i read about this shit over a month ago and nobody cared, i believe it resurfacing again is nothing but a psyop

>> No.53317841
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It's almost like there's a need for a bridge currency, something that will let the americans keep half a grip on the movement of money across borders...

>> No.53317846

They saw a weakness and they are twistng the knife. The US is facing BRICS outside its borders and the potential for civil war inside its borders. All they have to do is apply pressure and USD hegemony will evaporate.

>> No.53317984



>> No.53318109

us hegemony is fading away inevitably but honestly not in our lifetime. america still has a lot of leverage politically and militarily

>> No.53318566

plot twist, they only accept dogecoin

>> No.53318662

if (when) the US shuts its bases in the middle east and lifts sanctions on Iran, strait of Hormuz will no longer be an issue, no?

your brain is too stuck in the current paradigm, you can't imagine any other way of doing business. times are changing quickly


>> No.53318688

>jack nicholson smiling and nodding dot gif
reserve currencies being dethroned is one thing that traditionally is accompanied by war between great powers, yes

>> No.53318714

xrp schizos have been hooting and hollering about this in their containment thread for like 2 years now

also it's not like it's a huge secret or anything

ukraine invasion is actually about ending the petrodollar and transitioning to a multipolar system. cyberpandemic comes next

>> No.53318737

i want you, specifically, to know that you're a faggot and the next years of your life are going to be really difficult and i want you to think of me when you are going through those difficult times. picture a swarthy brown man, pointing and laughing at you

>> No.53318740
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kek fpbp as always

tell me about your space program yuropoor

>> No.53318773

Goldchads rise up

>> No.53318811

No US no problems

>> No.53319038

Iran / China combo obviously

>> No.53319102

No US would solve a lot of problems yes.
But it would probably create a whole lot more and not for the better.

>> No.53319178
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Nukes don't patrol sea lanes dumbass.
Nothing ever happens dude.
No they really can't. They don't have that type of navy.
>The U.S. will just leave the Middle East
Fucking dimwit
You're not a human. Shut up animal.

>> No.53319201

Go to XSG they know. All schizo coins have been waiting for this for years.

>> No.53319280

Been a while since the US had a good oil war. We've got too many young men with all their limbs.

>> No.53319289


>> No.53319304

This time is different, because we won't have Saudi petrodollar to prop up our rampant war spending

>> No.53319311

sound like we about to bring freedom to another level

>> No.53319320


gold. or a new gold backed cbdc

>> No.53319335

they have the largest navy. i know americans think its made out of duct tape but its obviously not. russia doesn't even compare. if they were allowed to have bases in the red sea and gulf they could handle it

>> No.53319363

they have money right? why can't these arab subhumans do it themselves (SA, Dubai etc.)

>> No.53319409

they are too tribalistic and they have been militarily incompetent since the crusades when the turks ran them over. hence why they got bftfod by a bunch of ashkenazi farmers like 5 times

>> No.53319442

>Yeah sure the west is really pushing electric cars hard now

Those electric cars are made of oil.

>> No.53319491

literally means nothing.
nothing will change or happen, you all fucking know it. retards. you all bitch and complain about propaganda and then proceed to eat it up.

>> No.53319625
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Kek, i'll be paying for eggs in xrpl shitcoins while you'll need a forklift truck to deliver enough USD to buy bread.

>> No.53319628

>American hegemony

the fed is a private organization. americans are put upon by the fed just like everyone else. anyone saying otherwise is straight bullshitting you.

>> No.53319653

I would assume that to mean a deal was already struck and settled for US as priority and now the others get what's left in terms of leniency/leverage. If not it was a poor move.
>attempting to piss off the CIA in any manner by potentially hindering logistics
Very poor move.

>> No.53319682


the reason they only traded in USD is because Nixon made a deal that they would protect them with the US military force against threats so I guess they are giving up that part of the deal or that part of the contract has ended so we will see how it goes down

>> No.53319728

>the fed is a private organization. americans are put upon by the fed just like everyone else. anyone saying otherwise is straight bullshitting you.

and when something like this event with saudi arabia comes up, suddenly all the two-faced rats are good ol' american patriots. amazing how their disposition changes. they get right to work conflating the interests of america with the interests of moneyed bankers.

>> No.53319788

50 years next year, unsure how long the contract was. But I'm sure all parties are aware of the change or shit will be hitting the fan pretty soon.

>> No.53319812

Gee I wonder where the shit they can find those anon

>> No.53319884

He’s just an older more retarded carter
He’ll be remembered by libs as “to honest” for the job (and an improvement from “the mad man” trump/Nixon)
And he’ll be remembered by rightwingers as a pussy (and a dementia patient)
After Desantis second term he’ll be a foot note in history

>> No.53319990

Dont forget about the weapons of mass destruction! We cant let the saudis get those!

>> No.53320702

they probably want the US to attack Iran

>> No.53320815

It's the best choice.

>> No.53320908

not to mention, their militaries are not composed of saudis, they are composed of pakistanis and somalis. They're mercenaries, it would be like if the confederacy paid slaves to fight their battles for them, would have gotten steamrolled in the first battle of bull run like they what was supposed to happen, confederates never would have stood their ground if all they had to lose was a paycheck.

>> No.53321082

No. the saudis know this is not a good strategic move so they are making it seem like they dont want to work with the west when in actual fact they do. They just want the americans to come to THEM with a better deal rather than the other way around which is how it is constantly. The saudis will throw russia and china under the bus at a moments hesitation if push comes to shove however they know the US are the kingmakers. I think however this plan will backfire for the saudis because the US will not see this subtle game being played, they will see only the insult. But we will see though

tldr; the saudis are playing hard to get with the americans

>> No.53321178
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>Sea lanes
Boomers still thinking like its 1995 still.
The US will give it up eventually owing to the failure to maintain a strong manufacturing base either from deliberately or a byproduct of greed to undergo globalization.

>> No.53321297

Considering the current leadership of America, this makes perfect sense

>> No.53321476
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