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53315604 No.53315604 [Reply] [Original]

how do i short codenigger pay?

>> No.53315635

seethe and cope

>> No.53315691
File: 101 KB, 1066x1034, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about what? i made $223k last year. i work in a regulated white collar profession that is fairly recession resistant.

>> No.53315934
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childcare will now be done for less or zero, i am imaging a bright future where they will quite literally have to clean it up for free

>> No.53316009

>automation is now basically automated
>this won't impact me at all, i'm an island, only programmers will be impact by this civilization-shift tier hypothetical technological leap
found the absolute fucking retard

>> No.53316477

yes, i am insulated. my work is much more complex than writing peeeepoopoo.js

>> No.53316688

fuck you nigger. I WILL finish my CS degree and get a wfh job earning 6 figures. If AI makes this impossible I WILL murder a bunch of people I dont like in minecraft and then myself.

>> No.53316783

White collar niggers are in for a serious wake up call once AI/smart contracts take away their jobs. Blue collar chads will make it

>> No.53316811

Physical labour isn’t that bad. Dig the hole you fucking zoom zoom faggot

>> No.53316831

Yup the end goal is ultimately a service industry where nothing is actually produced anymore.

By the way, when the CEO says that the pay differences will adjust, he means that the developer job will adjust downwards, not that the care worker will adjust upwards.

>> No.53316900

You could have just said you are tranny

>> No.53316963

peepeepoopoo.js right now is the reason you can pollute the site with your cancerous posts.

>> No.53317043

thank you for providing evidence that it's a 0 value add career that is ripe for automation

>> No.53317065
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>> No.53317143

By the time AI can do 10% of what I do, I'll be dead. Not my problem.

>> No.53317154

Get into sales. This is your last warning

t. Sales GOD

>> No.53317634

I believe it, that's why I'm setting up my compound before the 6 figgy wfh good times dry up

>> No.53318122


Codeniggers its over

>> No.53318239

>the midwit unironically can't even imagine the consequences of basically automating automation; Tiny smooth brain does not compute exponential trends
I'm sure your little 'regulated' white collar 112 iq job will not be impacted at all by a proto-singularity / civilization type II event that is automating the people that are paid to eventually automate everything

>> No.53320150

automating the creation of gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds or whatever it is you do is not a "proto-singularity / civilization type II event."

>> No.53320235
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They really want to remove the existence of middle class that bad huh. And fucking mutt nigger zoomer golems like poster in this thread are cheering for it

>> No.53320871

Buy link. Every time an automated system wants something a coder could do, it'll pay the AI that codes its upgrade in link.

>> No.53321033

you just gotta code so badly that no AI can figure out what the fuck the system is even doing, simple as

>> No.53321102

Every action can be reduced down to algorithms.

AI is very good at algorithms and can improve itself using said algorithms. Even if your braindead job is safe right now, your children will not be so lucky.

>> No.53321281
File: 104 KB, 800x1006, 800px-Bear_hunting_Kodiak_FWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im about to start applying again for BDR/SDR roles. The last one I had was 45k salary + $522/week for 3 SQL's. fucking EASY but then covid hit and got laid off. Time to build my book of clients anon.

>> No.53321293

why are you seething so much homo? Mad that your do nothing job will soon be automated while most peoples real life jobs wont be affected for decades minimum?

>> No.53321969

for decades now customers had access to cheap customizable software, not to mention open source which only costs your time, there were also many waves of more and more accessible rapid development tools not to mention cheaper programmers from strange countries

and every thing mentioned above still made software devs earn more, same will be with AI, because experienced dev with AI tools will be able to create even more value, the noobs with AI will not even be called programmers - they will stay at their job, same way like today accountants learn to code macros for excel

the only things that made devs earn less were market crashes and collusion between big players before facebook came along and paid more to get those devs

>> No.53322740

Seethe brainlets. AI just makes coders more productive than before. Watch salaries go up while other white collars get bloodied

>> No.53322832

Correct but only applies to real software engineers whose value is their problem solving abilities not code monkeys

>> No.53322898

As an experienced engineer, this thing is magic. I can just give him a prompt and let it do the grueling work. Before, I would delegate to an intern or junior, but the reality is we don’t need interns or juniors anymore. If you’re getting into the field now, you’re absolutely fucked. Your only chance of survival is unironically having 140+ iq.

>> No.53322935

There has been automated solution for 90% of white collar jobs for more then a decade now, only reason the tech hasn’t been implemented yet is because of the disruptive it’d cause. Globohomo wants the transition to happen slowly so that it doesn’t cause as much problems

>> No.53322941
File: 412 KB, 511x768, 1604251508433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too will murder a bunch of people (In csgo), then ggnoscope myself

>> No.53322973

People cheering for it are brainlets to stupid to understand basic coding concepts and also too dumb to do calculus I. (They) know programming makes enough to allow people to escape wage slavery so they're trying to eliminate it. The average NEET here who landed a coding job and worked in the industry for a decade would be able to retire rich and own land and that doesn't make (them) happy.

>> No.53322977

>They really want to remove the existence of middle class that bad huh
Yes. Not a commie, but it's a fact that richfags SEETHE at middle class people. For whatever reason, the existence of a class of people who are neither rich nor poor, and just live a happy, honest life rustles their jimmies to the most extreme degree.

Even blumpf did all he could in his power to destroy programming, one of the last refuges of good pay for a white man, with 18 quintilion jeets with his H1B program.

>> No.53323028

I am what you're larping as. Guess what, these systems still require lots of overwatch and tooling. Theyre basically high level compilers. And new blood can train up on open source, like everyone else.

>> No.53323033


>> No.53323106


>> No.53323121

at least effort is still a major compontent

>> No.53324248

oooof fucking based

>> No.53324259

Hey loser. Mind visiting my website and clicking on my ads?

>> No.53324307

tell me you're a dumb nigger without telling me

>> No.53324720

jannies were always ahead of their times. they cleaning up for free since forever

>> No.53325779

HVAC Chads just keep winning
The fridge men hold the real power
Shout out to the r449a crew, restepc

>> No.53325806

i did my undergrad in math at a t20 school. im likely considerably smarter than you, codenigger retard.

>> No.53327548

It will be a huge failure, short MSFT

>> No.53327579

no, there hasn't. post hand or poojeet confirmed.

>> No.53328905

No you didnt. Youre a seething neet who goes into every thread posting this twitter screencap in between bong rips and anime time.

>> No.53328994

No thanks, I have a soul.