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53313227 No.53313227 [Reply] [Original]

Do his economic arguments in favor of mass immigration hold water?
>Most notably, standard economic estimates say that letting all the world’s talent flow to wherever it’s most productive would roughly DOUBLE global prosperity. That’s an extra $75 TRILLION of extra wealth per year. How is this possible? Because even the world’s lowest skill workers produce far more in the First World than they do at home.
>Even if all other fears about immigration were bulletproof – which they aren’t – they’re dwarfed by this gargantuan economic gain. This isn’t trickle-down economics; it’s Niagara Falls economics.

>> No.53313268

Prosperity is relative. You really can have too many people in one place, especially if the new people are lower quality workers and producers. India and China are full to the brim and have a much lower quality of life and productivity per capita.

There is a sweet spot where you are selectively pulling in immigrants to fill needs on a meritwise basis. Caravans of millions of poor retards per year are not it. America's historical strength though has been robbing the world of its brains and its opportunists.

>> No.53313291
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tells you everything you need to know about this.

>> No.53313316

>DOUBLE global prosperity

Then everyone who can't locally compete against all the world's talent becomes a serf living in squander because rent is $3000 a month

>> No.53313320

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period. finance and stock markets are incompatible with life and are in direct competition

>> No.53313349
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>the freer the market the more enslaved

Unhinged lmfao. You fags have no self awareness whatsoever. Any criticism you throw at "le capitalism" can be demonstrated in socialism/communism 50x over.

>> No.53313368

He idiotically assumes a lot of dynamic and interacting variables are static. Suppose the claim that third worldsters are twice as productive in first world countries as they are at home is true - does that then mean that importing every single third worldster to a first world country would double the productivity of every one? No, of course not, because doing so would totally change the first world countries and make them a lot more like third world countries. It's really incredibly stupid and I'm amazed that anyone who is smart enough to spell their own name on the book cover can actually believe the contents of it.

>> No.53313379

Capitalism doesn't exist. It's a mental phantom conjured up by commies
>Due to the word being coined by socialist critics of capitalism, economist and historian Robert Hessen stated that the term "capitalism" itself is a term of disparagement and a misnomer for economic individualism.[29] Bernard Harcourt agrees with the statement that the term is a misnomer, adding that it misleadingly suggests that there is such as a thing as "capital" that inherently functions in certain ways and is governed by stable economic laws of its own.[30]

>> No.53313394


> "it's LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically"

Have you done elementry school English? Do you know what metaphors are?

>> No.53313406


>kids selling water on the street corner


>> No.53313460


Except in reality it's not just the talent that would flow, it would be the problems like crime, corruption, nepotism, culture clash etc. etc. So maybe a few people at the top would capture a lot of that "$75 trillion" while everyone else is stuck in a higher cost of living shithole, but hey, at least their Ipods would be $5 cheaper.

>> No.53313552


I swear to god, economists are some of the most narrow minded chucklefucks on earth. They think putting their models in action will move some curve to the right or left, producing more goods or cheaper goods, but they never factor in the social, environmental, or cultural costs of those gains, gains which largely benefit the top 0.01%.

>> No.53313563

Open Borders by Caplan & Weinersmith


>> No.53313581

I don't care about global prosperity, I care about my prosperity and my community's.
>allow talent to flow
That's not what's happening. If that's what the goal was, we'd have open borders with Europe and Australia and NZ not Mexico.
Immigration is solely for votes, reduced labor costs and preventing unions from forming (again keeping labor costs low).
>even the world’s lowest skill workers produce far more in the First World than they do at home.
Well of course, they're here to work not take a siesta, but why would you assume the productivity trend would infinitely continue? How many more line cooks and roofers and gardeners do we need?
Like he said >>53313368

>> No.53313612
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who gives a fuck about GDP? this is kike speak for live with niggers you filthy goyim. these so called talented individuals can work online and have strict work visas and be taxed at a higher rate for the opportunity. generations of people build and maintain a high trust society just for jews to monetize and hoard control through centralized globohomo corps and kike money printing. kys OP

>> No.53313628


>> No.53313660

Why do they all fucking look like the Australian wojak?!?

>> No.53313684

their arguments are more sophisticated. reduce quality of life comparisons to some measure of chinkshit consumption or "x as a service" consumption. then adjust downward the ever-increasing costs of services and products that actually matter, like healthcare, education, housing, transportation, and non-HFCS (non-goyslopped) food. now one can easily prove that life today is better than life 40 years ago, and so the path to an even better future is even more turd world immigration, outsourcing, and globalization in general. QED.

>> No.53313822

Kys, greek retard spammer
Make like a communist and shoot or starve yourself

>> No.53313914
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I wonder what Bergblatt and Bagelbaum here would have to say about immigration to Israel?

>> No.53313930
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>letting all the world’s talent flow to wherever it’s most productive
Once upon a time I worked in a restaurant. We got a new busser who had just arrived from some third world nation probably a week before. He spoke little to no English.

His first day of work a customer dropped a glass and it broke. My boss, the manager, told him to go clean it up. He handed him a broom and dustpan.
I watched (along with the entire restaurant) in absolute bafflement as the guy proceeded to use the broom like a shovel. He wasn't sweeping. He was DIGGING into the broken glass with the broom, then trying to dump the shards into the dustpan. It occurred to me at that moment that he had never once seen a broom before, let alone used it himself or seen another person use it, even in television. Instead of putting dishes and utensils in the dishwasher he just threw them out. Eventually he was fired though I can only guess the reasons.

And like a diamond bullet shot into my brain I foresaw the entire lifespan of this person before me: he will never understand the country he has moved to because it will be utterly alien to him forever. We cannot assimilate him because we cannot teach him what we regard as "common sense." At best he will be arrested some day for committing an act of rape that was probably encouraged in his previous country as a form of courtship and he will make license plates for a living. That is the best case scenario.

So this is what I think of when I hear we need "global talent."

>> No.53313941

This is what happens when you put money over your people, you get ultra-kiked left and right.

>> No.53313954

No, they don't. The IQ of your country matters a lot. They strawman the brain drain guy badly. Don't be a cuckold.

>> No.53314021

He’s assuming every immigrant will be the model workforce employee

>> No.53314023

open borders make the rich richer and the poor poorer

>> No.53314077

>We should steal the creative energy of the third world so that they can serve me Pret a Mange!
How about you fuck off? The argument is immoral in that you are doing it to people who you never asked on one end and doing it to countries that will never lift themselves out of poverty because of you on the other.
>But muh GDP
Fuck the GDP and fuck you for turning GDP into the sacred measurement. I don't care if we're making an extra billion dollarydoos a year if the way we're making it is prostituting underage children. That'd certainly up the GDP (and hey, there's a gap in the market because of the loss of Epstein) but I'd love to hear you make the argument for that being a moral good.

>> No.53314080

Simply put this is correct from a macroeconomic standpoint and only from that standpoint. There would be lots of pain if you look at it from a micro perspective, and that's not even mentioning the non-economic costs which can't be quantified.

>> No.53314170

How can anyone that’s over 13 yr old or 95 IQ actually think this makes any sense? Where are billions of jobs and the infrastructure and resources to support billions in the first world going to come from? Who is going to extract the resources from the third world to support first world economies if there is no one living or working there? This dude really thinks you can just plop every Brazilian coffee farmer down in San Francisco working at a software company and suddenly their “productivity” expands but who the fuck is going to harvest coffee beans then?

>> No.53314204

you are tentatively a labor force participant housed in an opportunity zone of economic development, and don't you ever forget that, goyim.

>> No.53314248

My gf is an illegal spic and let me tell you, these people have no concept of money. They will gladly surrender 10% of their paycheck at a cash checking place

>> No.53314294

nigeria has about 50x the GDP of monaco
where would you rather live

>> No.53314338

Is it really true from a macro standpoint? Broadly speaking, aren’t first world GDPs so high in part because first world countries use resources bought from other countries to assemble finished products that have higher value? Seems like there’s a million other things that would make this theory implode too like first world countries simply having access to enormous amounts of capital which ends up inflating their GDP relative to debtor countries or those with weak investment

>> No.53314410

Based thirdworld chad

>> No.53314445

canadas official immigration policy is literally called "gender diversity plus" it's not called "talent and compatibility plus"

>> No.53314504

Something feels deeply wrong about this theory but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Would this be like saying “Lawyers make a lot of money. If our country wants to be rich and prosperous, we should train every person to be a lawyer and then we will all be rich” or is that a false equivalency?

>> No.53314509

The argument is basically
>Serial rapists get a lot of sex, therefore rape is good.

>> No.53314530

looking at that book cover.
neat way to package you apocalyptic religious fanaticism - which capitalism and all the other *isms, as well as immigration policies are - in a child friendly comic art style

>> No.53314567

Only let smart immigrants in and make them marry white people. If Johnson did this in 1964 instead of let any immigrant in then America would be a far better place.

>> No.53314609

I really don't understand why this truthful pasta gets reeeee'd at so much.
Finance, economics, and all the *ism-mods that are being applied on this planet are entirely man-made and are only observable in nature IF humans repeat those actions desired by the varying doctrines.
It's all behavior, which of course makes the thing entirely malleable.
It's all a state of doing, not a state of being.

Personally I don't see any alternative to what's currently happening on the planet sans for a dictatorship of benevolence which also reduces the total human population to way less then two billion over time.

>> No.53314625


We went wrong in becoming culturally/nationally apologetic. We lost assimilation power because we bought into Judeo-Christian propaganda that the US was inherently guilty and sinful and that the humble immigrant was superior, despite the latter straight up leaving his nation and culture due to how shitty it was. Now we have entitled immigrants that aren't as eager to embrace our critical traditions and economic model, even.

>> No.53314647


The benevolent dictator is the ultimate political model. Of course the wrinkle is finding a benevolent dictator, those are rare. It's a lot more boom/bust rather than the gradual rot of our current democracies. Great dictator => golden era, shit dictator => plummeting quality of life. Democracy => slow rot and death by a thousand bureaucracies.

>> No.53314669

With bad dictators/monarchies you only need to chop off a few heads.
With bad democracies, there are a whole lot more heads that need chopping.

>> No.53314701

>Then everyone who can't locally compete against all the world's talent becomes a serf living in squander
Those people don't get taken into account when they push this propaganda.

>> No.53314727

That’s what the injections are for. Bill Gates and other faggots have been talking about depopulation for many years now.

>> No.53314747

It's even more inhumane than what you said. If we took all the so called best people of the third worlds then what's left in those third world countries? Nothing, so instead of those original people building up their own country, instead it goes to ruin as the leftover people get to fight over the ever dwindling scraps. Funny how they always leave this little fact out of the argument.

>> No.53314748


They say they can just hop on the dole/UBI. Of course now we're talking about an insane feedback loop where more and more people are getting put on public assistance while supported by a shrinking group of actual producers.

>> No.53314803

Yes, and I've actually read the book unlike most of biz
the book shows that immigrants commit less crime than natives
>what is GDP per capita
the small gain in GDP from prostituting underage children would be outweighed by the losses due to not having a stable workforce in a few years when they become old enough to work. At least that's the strictly economic argument against prostituting underage children
the author is an anarchist who definitely doesn't support public assistance

>> No.53314856

>the author is an anarchist
He's libertarian

>> No.53314890

here's a video he did about anarcho capitalism:

>> No.53314982


Go on and live in majority immigrant areas and tell us how you like it anon :)

Bet you’ll really want to keep importing them!! :D

>> No.53315013

I do faggot
most of the people around me are chinks

>> No.53315028
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he means brown spic niggermonkeys. you know, the vast majority of immigrants for the past 60 years.

>> No.53315029

>the book shows that immigrants commit less crime than natives
No way. Post the pages

>> No.53315071

>letting all the world’s talent flow

yeah those super talented 75 iq nigerians

>> No.53315127
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>Do his economic arguments in favor of mass immigration hold water?
No. His shit is all retarded because his entire position is predicated on the white negro hypothesis. Pic related.

If blacks and browns were really on our level intellectually/socially/creatively then yes. But then nobody would've a problem with immigration in the first place.

He's just another ignorant white turboliberal who wants to be seen as the Jesus of brown subhumans and refuses to accept the biological realities of race. Even at the cost of ignoring statistics, IQ tests and his precious science.

>> No.53315164

His concept of wealth and prosperity doesn't match that of regular people who have to deal with the immigrants who are genetically challenged in cognition. This kind of society can work but it needs to be hyper capitalistic with 0 tolerance toward violence & theft with ethnic segregation and gated societies allowed

>> No.53315177

>letting all the world’s talent flow to wherever it’s most productive
>even the world’s lowest skill workers produce far more in the First World than they do at home.
Is this kike suggesting we let something like 5 billion shitskins inside First World Countries under the guise that "even if they're unskilled they'd be more productive here so we need to take them all in"?
He does realize that Europe has just 800 million people and the USA only 350 millions, right? How does he propose we apply an open borders policy and 6-8x our population without the entire First World collapsing immediately?

>> No.53315219

Compare the ownership of wealth in the US today to before immigration reform in the 70s. Even if open borders increases the GDP, it devalues labor to being almost worthless and only those on top benifit.

>> No.53315221

No economic argument is a justification for white erasure.

>> No.53315251

african immigrants are way better though, and they actually work hard unlike natives
Pages 82 - 84 of the book

>> No.53315297

>the book shows that immigrants commit less crime than natives
How can it 'show' something that's inherently untrue? Let me guess, it's not adjusted for per capita.

>> No.53315309

This, when you look at all this as just justification for white replacement and erasure, you see the reality of the hostility. A lemondrop with arsenic in the middle.

>> No.53315317

>ignorant white turboliberal
They are both jews.

>> No.53315341

>number per 1000 people

>> No.53315377

>if you exclude things like x
There's your answer, anon. Rigged data like usual.

>> No.53315379

Notice it doesn’t break it down by race for either case.
Of course you don’t care, you are pushing the narrative that immigration is good.

>> No.53315856

>the book shows that immigrants commit less crime than natives
If you believe this you're dumber than you think. The authors conflate legal and illegal migrants to sell this 100% bullshit talking point.

>> No.53315872

You can't have free-market capitalism without open borders. Simple as that.

>> No.53315933


>> No.53315993
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>you can't build your own community on your land without open immigration
we'll see

>> No.53316036
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>> No.53316039

Who are you quoting?

>> No.53317498

>Look up guy

>> No.53317511

Ask him if he thinks Israel should also have mass immigration from the third world

>> No.53317569

Anyway, value > growth.

>> No.53317641

>Leftist artist
>Every ethnicity has the same facial features, just different colored skin
A tale as old as time

>> No.53317731

Lol this is the literal plan for ALL capitalist globalists nations
Ethnic tensions are good for economy
Prisons, stealing, constant political racial outrage is good for economy
Indefinite growth of population is good for economy
Anytime you hear an ((economist)) talking about population decline, population collapse, demographic decline etc they are talking about more immigration.
When a nation the size of 1/3 of Texas with 80 million people start to decline in population (like germany) they don’t see it as , natural return to stability, they feel threatened for their profits. Less taxes, less rat race struggles, more opportunity these are all bad.
That’s why they keep saying “Japan is dying” despite its being 130 million on a tiny island.
If they can replace every single German Japanese French etc by niggers just for the sake of population growth, they will do it.
The end goal is unlimited growth for the sake of growth, just like how dominos or McDonald or Starbucks need to open more stores or they go bankrupt.
Kill globalism or it kill your identity

>> No.53317787
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Ohh there's a SCIENCE to it... well I trust the science you know. Let's just open up the gates..

>> No.53317919

When we talk about "immigrants," are we talking about those legally permitted or not? Is the application of the term switched around when convenient?

>> No.53318028

75 trillion except the majority of wealth flows to 1% of the population. There is no effective tax because they write the tax code. If you have billion dollar business in turn over and you havent paid tax last year than it should turn to a flat fucking tax this year where you pay at least something. The double Irish should've been shut down decades ago.

>> No.53318083

They sold this greed line to the the boomers and now third world are their aged care workers feeding the slop and beating them when they complain.

>> No.53318090
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Unironically the kike is right but we should start with Israel.

>> No.53318092


>> No.53318128
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>that letting all the world’s talent flow to wherever it’s most productive would roughly DOUBLE global prosperity. That’s an extra $75 TRILLION of extra wealth per year.

>> No.53318305

Tell me, what are the functions and principles of a cancer cell?

>> No.53318363

Who's that @ top right under the statue?

>> No.53318425

Infinite Growth, with no planning for resources, nor any cooperation with the rest of cells (even other cancer cells)
Will end up killing all the cells in its vicinity, contribute to grow, even if it’s t results in the death of the entire system.
>worked on cancer cells in lab

>> No.53318437

>proper answer was posted 2 replies in
>idiots still fall for jewish bait downthread
the longer i live the more i think goyim is unironically made to be fleeced

>> No.53318578

>Country throws out Christianity
>Country becomes an open borders shithole chasing Jewish numbers and GDP

>> No.53318650

La luz extinguido

>> No.53318664

Every cell does that when left unchecked

>> No.53318702
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>One guy already said the answer, why is anybody else even expressince their opinion??
Go home.

>> No.53318716

Nope. Cells actually have a mechanism in them that stops their growth mechanism whenever they touch another cell.
That’s why cell lines are flat and not “lumps”
Cancer grow on top of each other, suffocate other cells. That’s how it kills you

>> No.53318789


>> No.53318814
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>> No.53318894

I'm convinced. Open borders for Israel.

>> No.53318903

You asked what cancer is and he explained then you proceeded to make a braindead false remark and derail the conversation again. How much longer are you parasites gonna bury your heads in the sand? Capitalism is cancer get a fucking grip

>> No.53318922

>he smiths weiners

>> No.53318947

mass immigration is illegal by the Geneva convention

>> No.53318948

this man is a LEGEND and you are just a wagecuck

>> No.53318954

Actually no. Capitalism is like a regular cell doing it’s own thing. A smart conscious consumer is like a dna repair mechanism, keeping the cell in check. When the dna repair is fucked up, you may end up with mutations and eventually cancer since cell is remain unchecked.
Capitalism + retarded population is going to become cancerous.
Like the usa

>> No.53319069

what if there is a top-down concerted effort to make the consumer population more retarded?

>> No.53319107

I refuse to believe "people" like you are real. You must be bots developed by the CIA there is no other explanation

>> No.53319164

Sure that works too. Like how mechanisms that check for mutations deteriorate over time. Or how humans deliberately fuck with the cell line by doing risky practices such as sun tanning in the beach or doing anal.
Either way, a top down retardation effect is called corruption, and in any government you will see that.
As long humans are in charge , corruption will continue.
My hope is an AI overlord to fix everything.

>> No.53319183

Was my allegory wrong?

>> No.53319210
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Yes. In so many ways you can't even comprehend.

>> No.53319223

>their opinion
What you posted wasn't really an opinion and doesn't engage the topic at all. The ironing is saying he's jewish and therefore there is nothing to discuss then screeching that the other poster told you to stop expressing your opinion and go home

>> No.53319249

Explain then. Where was I wrong?

>> No.53319268


>> No.53319299

I refuse to believe "people" like you are real. You must be bots developed by the CIA there is no other explanation.
The whole purpose of judeo atheist revolutions by the freemason bourgeois in NL, UK and France and Russia was to remove the kings and priests off of their backs. priests and kings took their money and told them what to do , who to marry, daily rules and so on . it was awful for the bourgeois bug.

atheism= hedonism+ propaganda that christian kings are evil, in order to make a society based on commerce alone, and not on priests and military conquests

The typical life of a bourgeois is going to orgies at night and then during day getting bored since they have a very shallow meaningless job or even just be trust fund babies and all they do in the afternoon is getting ready to go parties in the evening.
From time to time they want to feel like good guys so back in the day they would go to church on the sunday morning after their saturday night orgy.

Nowadays they just push for humanism, ie the philosophy they themselves crafted to take power.

And women lead the same life of the bourgeoisie, this is why they thrive so much in the bourgeois pinnacle creation: the democratic republic.
A woman truly have no hypocrisy when all she does in her life is using hundreds of orbiters to get them solve her daily life problems, when she gets free gifts by men, when she has lots of casual sex free of charge, when men put her on a pedestal while her skills are non-existent. A woman is hedonistic and she has very little work do to get an easy life.
Women coast thru life thanks to
-being the apex predator on the liberalized sex market (liberalized by the bourgeoisie since bourgeois hate sexual conventions, because it prevents cooming).
Both women and bourgeois are bisexual sex freaks.
-being deeply neurotic, desperate to virtue signal during the day to gain atheist karma points

>> No.53319305

Somebody should edit that photo and make a hooknosed kike in the background.

>> No.53319307


-being the only species able to sustain high dose of hypocrisy, ie being self centered hedonist but also pushing for more humanism, because they have no introspection faculty

the only difference between a bourgeois and a woman, is that the bourgeois perfectly knows he is a scumbag who doesnt care one bit about the peasants in private, while claiming in public that caring about peasants is super important.

>> No.53319315

>Any criticism you throw at "le capitalism" can be demonstrated in socialism/communism 50x over.
Lol really? Ok explain this
China, is “struggling” with “demographic collapse” yet they decided to throw out over 80k blacks from China between 2020 to 2021. Explain to me why west is so anxious to replace all their people with whatever they can while chink commies want to hold on to their roots even if all (((economists))) think that they are ruining their nation?

>> No.53319324

I agree which is why we need national socialism / sharia.

>> No.53319376

>MuH hUmaN nAtUre
>PeOplE arE ReTardEd DeGeneRate SubHumaNs

It is literally the same braindead "arguments" on repeat 24/7 for 100 years straight i refuse to believe you are actual people. You are algorithms developed by the CIA as an extremely intricate red sacre psyop propaganda. You are a bot

>> No.53319500

Anon humans ARE RETARDED.
I used to work in fast food and people would pay 50c, (last checked it 1.00$) for a sauce packet, that was free a year ago. I would tell them to just go to Walmart and buy a big one for 1$, but nooooo.
So they complained while paying for the sauce, every time!
We have anti work retards complain about low wages while protesting for refugees/migrants are welcomed. They don’t even know they are losing their leverages.
They were told to wear masks while the top elites pranced around without them in their conferences and they just forgot about it.
They are retarded, they are dumbasses. And they deserve everything that is happening to them.

>> No.53319583

>anti masker
>anti communist
This is AI generated response isnt it

>> No.53319641

>not wanting to compete with the entire world for a reasonable pay is “racism”
>holding leader of the nation accountable to lead by example is “anti mask”
>holding the population accountable for being conscious smart consumers who are not swayed by basic instincts and whims is “anti communist”
You don’t have any solution, while I had some. Go back to anti work you dog walker.

>> No.53319828

>look mom, I posted it again!

>> No.53319859

>>Most notably, standard economic estimates say that letting all the world’s talent flow to wherever it’s most productive would roughly DOUBLE global prosperity. That’s an extra $75 TRILLION of extra wealth per year. How is this possible? Because even the world’s lowest skill workers produce far more in the First World than they do at home.
sources cited: own bumhole
experiments done to support hypothesis? 0

>> No.53319894
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4 u anon, feedback welcome

>> No.53319936

>produce far more in the first world
That means fuck all. They consume exponentially more as well. We're in the stage of literal water wars.

>> No.53320440

its literally the only thing i check these days

>> No.53320455

>It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.
thats literally what a metaphore is, idiot
anyway, the solution is obviously national bolshevism.

>> No.53320459

Before the creation of the welfare state? Yes.
After? No.

>> No.53320565

Living in a stable society, with a stable currency, with adequate infrastructure would increase the productivity of most people that don't live under such conditions.
There is also the question of IQ, it's well established that the average intelligence of various ethno-groups differ, i suspect it would make most economic sense to mix them rather than concentrating.

The downside is you need more security as low IQ correlate with crime and loss of social cohesion in a country will also lead to antisocial behaviours. In worst case scenario you could end up turning a well functioning country into a failed state (loosing the first mentioned benefits), in which case the economic benefit for open borders is no longer there.

>> No.53320610

Whats the point? I truly don't understand.
>stable prosperous country of europeans / or other high quality ethnic groups
>suddenly gov decides to flood it with the entire world
>locals get fucked by foreigners into some form of hybrid species,others simply move away
>former prosperous zone is just another third world favela now
Why...? How long can this keep happening for?

>> No.53320649

>Do his economic arguments in favor of mass immigration hold water?
No, but all of his other arguments are really good.
Especially how public schools are evil and how democracy is retarded.

>> No.53320660

why dont national socialist bootlickers just kill themselves? It's so perplexing.

>> No.53320687
File: 228 KB, 1135x1022, ert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually an unironic brain dead communist on /biz/? Shouldn't you be on reddit instead with the rest of the illogical religious cultists?

btw the CIA hates free markets with a passion which is why they support central banking

>> No.53320705

How is it bootlicking to expect local governance and finance to support the local population instead of the entire world?

>> No.53320715

>Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it,
These things have absolutely nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with STATISM, the thing you want more of.
Please kill yourself bootlicker.

>> No.53320732
File: 197 KB, 1080x1111, com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it bootlicking to expect local governance and finance to support the local population instead of the entire world?
it's not
nice strawman tho

>An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible
lmao READ MISES you underage child

>> No.53320746

How is it cancer if it's doing exactly what we want, bettering the lives of humanity?

>> No.53320755

>anyway, the solution is obviously national bolshevism.
lmao why do you hate food?
why do you enjoy being worked to death?

>> No.53320767

LOL GUYS it's an actual communist redditor in the flesh


>> No.53320778

Its not a strawman. The present system abuses local populations to extract maximum profit/productivity. It wrecks the relationship between men and women, destabilizes local community, and has singlehandidly destroyed multiple european ethnic groups (with others soon to follow) by displacing them from their territory. It has set the birthrate as close to zero as possible.
Something has to give.
This globalistic system only profits the top 1% while the rest of us become serfs like the third world.

>> No.53320805

There's no real argument in favor of mass immigration that makes logical sense. It harms the native population in every possible way.

This book is super disingenuous, mainly because the authors are jewish, because it constantly switches between mass immigration and selective immigration. It uses one to make the argument in favor of another.

>> No.53320819

>The present system abuses local populations to extract maximum profit/productivity.
No, it doesn't.
Give an example.

>It wrecks the relationship between men and women, destabilizes local community,
>It wrecks the relationship between men and women, destabilizes local community,

>This globalistic system only profits the top 1% while the rest of us become serfs like the third world.
lmao this is so childish and naive
if you took all of the assets from the top 0.1%(the top 1% of earth includes a large portion of amerians so this figure is dumb) and gave it to everyone else, everyone else would get like $200 ONE TIME

Who gives a single fuck about a one time $200 payment?
You manchildren think they are keeping everyone from living luxurious lifestyles.

>> No.53320849

1-keep the wage low, keep property high
2-racial/cultural tension means the public won’t even have energy to come after elites
3-racial/cultural tension give rise to an excuse for militarilization of police
4-racial/cultural tension give rise to an excuse to disarm the public
5-racial/cultural tension means more police, more lawyers, more courtrooms, more judges, more paper pushers more excuse for government printer go burrr
And all these are just “economic” reasoning, forget about genocidal reasoning
Oh and to answer your last question, it will continue until we ran out of oil or genocide the elite
They will cry the same if you tell them to stop immigration

>> No.53320878

Notice that “mass immigration is good ” and “population collapse” is the thought that only exist in western (((economists))).
China literally kicked 80k blacks since 2020 and didn’t even give a fuck about “muh population”

>> No.53320898

>give an example durr durr
Are you literally blind or what? Our youngest gens have zero wealth, all real estate is unaffordable due to the mass inflow of foreign people/capital, wages dont keep up with inflation since theres unlimited supply of workers, no one is having kids, and our fucking streets/shopping malls/clubs/companies look like somalia/mexico/mumbai or some shit.
Unbelievable that you will keep dicksucking Shekelsteinberg fucking top of the line whores on his 3rd yacht but refuse to give John a liveable wage so he cam have a family of his own.

>> No.53320904

you have to analyze this economic gain to see if its meaningful. if i pay you a million dollars for a rock and then you pay me a million dollars back for a rock, then we've sky rocketed the gdp between the two of us. also you have to analyz the downsides even if there is economic gain. if I paid you a billion dollars to jump off a bridge to your death, would it be worth it?

>> No.53320921

>lmao this is so childish and naive
>if you took all of the assets from the top 0.1%(the top 1% of earth includes a large portion of amerians so this figure is dumb) and gave it to everyone else, everyone else would get like $200 ONE TIME
Retard. The entire point is the concentration of money that can give them immense power to control every aspect of your lifeY
200$ won’t do shit for billions sure, but a guy with hundred billion $$$ can fuck with entire regions and people can protest by asking to use a condom.
This “growth growth for the sake of growth” is not sustainable. Tiny islands can’t endlessly support 100+ million people, small euro counties can support 80+ million people.

>> No.53320923

>how DARE you make me back up by bullshit with facts and data

>Our youngest gens have zero wealth,
uhhh it's always been like that friend
You gain wealth later in life.
I already own a house, speak for yourself zoomer.

>wages dont keep up with inflation
Then why the fuck do you support inflation? LMAO
This is so fucking simple yet you're too blind to see.

>> No.53320936

>The entire point is the concentration of money that can give them immense power to control every aspect of your lifeY
The only way they can do that is through the state.
They primarily use their wealth to better my life by running businesses that increase my living standards. How is this a bad thing?

>This “growth growth for the sake of growth” is not sustainable.
I don't give a single fuck. I'm not living in the pod. I am not eating the bugs you communist subhuman animal. Kill yourself.
Economic growth is good. Poverty is bad.

>> No.53320946

>Tiny islands
HAHAHAHA It's incredible how delusional you people are.
The economic impact of a tiny handful of billionaires buying a few tiny islands essentially does not affect your life in any way.
Grow up.

The working class receives 99% of all of the consumer goods and services in the economy.
What more do you want than virtually everything?

>> No.53320947

>also you have to analyz the downsides even if there is economic gain.
Lol there is no “down side” in our system.
Ethnic tension? More jobs for courts and cops and printer hq.
Hundred different demographics? Fine, more “customized” products, more holidays to celebrate and more money to spend.
Gambling, porn and drugs are bad, but as long as they tax them and also get money for “dem programs” for “rehab” it’s all good.

>> No.53320950

>facts and data show low birthrates
*nope durr doesnt exist*
>facts and data show that millennials/genz have a far far lower proportion of wealth at the same age as previous gens
*nope durr doesnt exist*
>facts and data show that real estate has become significantly less affordable than previously
*nope durr doesnt exist*

You dont own shit btw lol. If you actually did you'd know how hard it is and wouldn't dickride a fraudelent system.

>> No.53320968

>>facts and data show low birthrates
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
When people have a higher living standard, they don't have to have as many children.
>*nope durr doesnt exist*
Actually that is kind of true, but it's mostly due to central banking and government intervention. Things which you support.
>*nope durr doesnt exist*
See above.

>You dont own shit
I own my own home like 65% of americans do.
You poorfag losers are in the minority lol

>fraudulent system.
Hey man I hate this system just as much as the next guy. The difference is I know the actual problem and don't claim the solution is the problem.
We need a free market dictatorship.

>> No.53320983

Wtf retard
I am talking about Britain and Japan “dying” according to (((economists))) because “muh demographic collapse”
>I am not living in a pod and not eating the bugs
the fuck.
How wanting the society to think about locals than “fuck who cares” foreigners will cause you to relocate to a fucking pod or eat bugs?
If anything the “growth growth for the sake of growth” endless refugee streams will keep your country highly overpopulated and you END UP living in a pod as a result of it.

>> No.53320986

i meant downsides for the humans living under the system, not downsides for the system itself

>> No.53320988

No. 90% of migrants never work, they come to be on welfare.

>> No.53320998

Shouldn't you be shitting up the /pmg/ thread?

>> No.53321003

>>>facts and data show low birthrates
>Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
>When people have a higher living standard, they don't have to have as many children.
Idiot you are NOT going to have a lower population in a “growth growth for the sake of growth economy”
You will instead see every one dead native to be replaced by 5 immigrants as infinitum.
Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.53321017

Humans doesn’t matter in this system.
System is so fucked that they don’t let you even exit the system on your own term.
Noooo, you need to pay for “dem programmers” consisting of hundreds of thousands paper pusher to just be allowed to “suicide”

>> No.53321025

/cmmg/ and /pmg/ are filled with miseschads and austrian bros

/biz/ is an austrian econ board

>How wanting the society to think about locals than “fuck who cares” foreigners will cause you to relocate to a fucking pod or eat bugs?
You complained about economic growth and used a leftist buzz phrase.
I'm still not living in the pod or eating the bugs, mr anti-growth.

>endless refugee streams will keep your country highly overpopulated
The solution to this problem is to allow the third world to industrialize by freeing their markets, by force in necessary

>Idiot you are NOT going to have a lower population in a “growth growth for the sake of growth economy”
This is already happening though.

>> No.53321027

The US government stopped keeping track of so many data metrics because got so overwhelmingly bad. We don't know the exact amount, but the FBI puts about ~60% of illegal hispanics down as white. They don't even specify hispanic most of the time. The FBI's own data for white crime statistics are poisoned and probably 3-6x higher than they actually are. Other metrics were showing that100% of illegal immigrants are a net tax loss of anywhere from 12k-80k per year immigrant, depending on which services they use. You don't have to be a legal immigrant to enroll in public schools, get EBT/SNAP, WIC, public housing, use the emergency room, ambulances, etc. Your average libcuck will say that they have to be legal to get it, but it's not enforced in any state, even the deepest red states.

>> No.53321034

So its really ""not a bad thing"" that you, your sister, mom, uncle, best friend, etc, have to live a subpar life foregoing one of the most important aspects of human nature such as family/kids? In theory lowered populations would result in better resource distribution, HOWEVER we have the "global south" of r seleted humans that just breed eat shit and work menial jobs incoming to utterly annihilate formerly first world nations.
It disgusts me. I dont want to share the same physical space as these people just so some fat jewish faggot can live on a yacht. Its ridiculous that you expect people to accept it.

>> No.53321038

part of this: >>53321025
is a reply to you
my bad I forgot to quote

>> No.53321047

This. There’s displacement of the locals who may have historically contributed to the prosperity of an area. Like a bunch of non niggers making a place enjoyable etc

>> No.53321052

>have to live a subpar life foregoing one of the most important aspects of human nature such as family/kids?
I'm saying they're doing this of their own will because they don't need to have as many kids as people used to when you needed to breed like rabbits just to have enough labor to survive

>> No.53321057

>>Idiot you are NOT going to have a lower population in a “growth growth for the sake of growth economy”
>This is already happening though.
Show me ONE nation in west that is not bringing in hordes of refugees to counter “muh demographic collapse”
Show me ONE western (((economist))) who is not crying about “muh demographic collapse))) 24/7

>> No.53321072

>Show me ONE nation in west that is not bringing in hordes of refugees to counter “muh demographic collapse”
They don't NEED to do this. Demographic collapse is a myth.
>Show me ONE western (((economist)))
Why do you hate jews so much man? Why can't you judge people based on the content of their character?

>> No.53321074

Nobody is ""choosing"" not to have kids. We are overworked to death, our women spend their best fertile years slaving in unis/offices, constant brainwashimg about childfree shit, and dysfunctional communities. This isn't what life is supposed to be like and you know it.

>> No.53321091
File: 179 KB, 816x483, wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody is ""choosing"" not to have kids.
Plenty of people are. It's much more easier to have kids now than say 100 years ago.
Hell the fucking state PAYS you to have kids now.
People just don't want to do it because it's a big responsibility.

>We are overworked to death
We work much shorter hours than our ancestors did. pic related

>This isn't what life is supposed to be like and you know it.
>muh naturalistic fallacy
Life isn't necessarily a good thing.

>> No.53321094

>You complained about economic growth and used a leftist buzz phrase.
>I'm still not living in the pod or eating the bugs, mr anti-growth.
I don’t want an economic growth that end up displacing or hurting the natives
Tell me, what was the “leftist buzz words” that I used. If anything, leftist are pro immigration too which is ironic to me.
> The solution to this problem is to allow the third world to industrialize by freeing their markets, by force in necessary
Aha, and then how do you get your cheap foreign made shoes, shirt and bags from? Don’t tell me locally because that would be mega expensive and it seems like you wouldn’t want it
Also, why my country have to use his blood to”industrialize” others?

>> No.53321099

>The solution to this problem is to allow the third world to industrialize by freeing their markets, by force in necessary
What do you even mean "by force "? Colonization again? When the empires abandoned their colonies, they left the infrastructure intact, and those nigs still couldn't industrialize.
Disregarding that, how would 3rd world shitholes even get going if their best and brightest(which is questionable at best) keep immigrating to 1st world countries anyway?

>> No.53321132

>I don’t want an economic growth that end up displacing or hurting the natives
Economic growth has nothing to do with this. You're confusing economic growth with immigration policy.

>Tell me, what was the “leftist buzz words” that I used.

>Aha, and then how do you get your cheap foreign made shoes, shirt and bags from?
From the foreign countries? If they industrialized, they would be able to sell their products cheaper. Wow you really don't understand how economic growth works. You leftists think there MUST be a bunch of exploited third worlders in order to sustain 1st world lifestyles.
Ever hear of industrialization and automation?

>Colonization again?
Honestly yeah that would be pretty based. Not if a government did it, but if a bunch of people got their money together and did it. Coups etc, that would be sick as fuck.
>Also, why my country have to use his blood to”industrialize” others?
No shit.

>> No.53321147

This guy is friends with the founder of Tezos btw

>> No.53321152

>We work much shorter hours than our ancestors did. pic related
That's really the narrative they want to sell you but it doesnt make any sense if you think about it logically. Child birth and raising is a time and resource intensive task. More free time for women at home = higher birthrate and more domestic roles. In 1960s they sold girls baby dolls today they sell them the same career oriented male toys lol go check a catalog.
>Plenty of people are
And yet statistics say otherwise and we are one of the most pathetic regions worldwide if you don't count other hyper capitalistic advanced economy places like China or Korea.
If reality doesnt match your thoughts, maybe theyre wrong?

>> No.53321156

DUDE, yes they DO NEED THIS. Your entire talking point about “endless growth good” is result of population being HIGH AS FUCK. High population spends a lot and pay tons of taxes.
Why do you think the (((economists))) in charge cry about demographic collapse 24/7? That’s the ESSENCE of their growth.
And it doesn’t matter how they get it, local, foreigner doesn’t matter.
So yes, support this, and you and your family will be displaced and eventually relocate to a pod because population is too high and pods are the only affordable shit.
Also, you said you don’t like bugs right? You know why eco fags love bugs? Because you can have a high population sustained on bugs instead of prime ribs.
So ye, you will end up eating bugs too.

>> No.53321159

meant to say "no shit" to "When the empires abandoned their colonies, they left the infrastructure intact, and those nigs still couldn't industrialize.

>> No.53321192

>That's really the narrative they want to sell you
the data backs it up
>More free time for women at home"
women literally have more free timee now

>DUDE, yes they DO NEED THIS.
No, they don't lmao. Japan manages just fine.
>Your entire talking point about “endless growth good” is result of population being HIGH AS FUCK.
No, it isn't.
>High population spends a lot and pay tons of taxes.
I'm talking about economic growth on a per capita basis, not about increasing the population to increase total economic growth. That's stupid.

Why do you hate jews? Do you also hate women? Are you a virgin bro?

>and you and your family will be displaced and eventually relocate to a pod
kek my family has a massive house and I own one as well as a rental property
>population is too high and pods are the only affordable shit.
Then allow people to build more housing?

>ou know why eco fags love bugs?
You're a /pol/shart so you're probably a tree loving tedcuck that wants to eat bugs.

>> No.53321202

Dude you are so fucking blind that it hurts
I wasn’t talking about the fucking planet. What you think i am some sort of numba a?
I was talking about small nations like Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, korea etc and that their population is ALREADY high enough.
When I said it’s not sustainable I meant EXPECTING them to stay at 80, 100 million forever (and not go lower like you seen recently) is not sustainable.
But what (((economists))) want? They what population growth or at least , staying the same.
That’s why EVERY (((economists))) want open borders to counter (((muh demographic collapse)))
Also immigration policy and open borders have to do 100000% percent to economists and population collapse. Just listen to some of their talk shows

>> No.53321224

>When I said it’s not sustainable I meant EXPECTING them to stay at 80, 100 million forever (and not go lower like you seen recently) is not sustainable.
Yes it is. Population declines have happened many times thoughout history. If it's done through economic growth, then it just means we will have higher living standards.
Also, I'm not even in favor of mass immigration.

Why do you hate jews?

>That’s why EVERY (((economists))) want open borders
This isn't true at all and it's strange you're painting all economists like this.

>> No.53321246

>Life isn't necessarily a good thing.
this is your brain on post modernism

>> No.53321249

Stop being a kike. No one is going to have a serious debate with you if all you're going to do is be disingenuous while you push liberal cuckoldry talking points

>> No.53321254

Man you are so fucking blind that you can’t even read?
And no, if you ask (((economists))) Japan is doing HORRIBLY and is just on the verge of extinction if not open borders and welcome immigrants
And here is a word of prime bug lovers
All these fearmongoring despite Japan being above 100 million and due to a needed population correction
Pleasure continue supporting them
Hope you enjoy the bugs too

>> No.53321270

>Yes it is. Population declines have happened many times thoughout history. If it's done through economic growth, then it just means we will have higher living standards.
>Also, I'm not even in favor of mass immigration.
Literally every (((economists))) following this process of “we need more population”
Please show me ONE (((economist))) that is not in favor of mass immigration

>> No.53321286

>post modernism
That's not even post modernism.
holy fuck you retards just hear random buzz phrases and repeat them

>Stop being a kike.
Stop being a basement dwelling virgin with no irl friends.

>No one is going to have a serious debate with you if all you're going to do is be disingenuous
You're claiming all jews are a hivemind that are against you.
What if a jew supported what you supported. Did I just short circuit your brain?

> liberal cuckoldry
You support economic cuckoldry tho

Yes, every single jew ever supports exactly the same thing. You're right anon and the voices in your head are real too.

>Japan is doing HORRIBLY
Nice try kike

>Hope you enjoy the bugs too
This is what you support tho

Man, it's funny as fuck you claim you don't want people to live in pods and eat bugs yet you also claim that we need to massively increase the population to survive. What do you think happens when there's more people and less space?

>> No.53321299

>Literally every (((economists)))
Manchild virgin, explain why you hate jews and think they're all evil. I'm genuinely curious how /pol/shart brain damage works.

>following this process of “we need more population”
So? Just because a few leftists said something doesn't mean all economists support it.
Are you retarded?

>Please show me ONE (((economist))) that is not in favor of mass immigration
Living? I dunno, Peter Schiff? Per Bylund?

>> No.53321307

Ok I am done.
It appears that You are disingenuous retard. You literally skimmed over my points and then put words in my mouth that are completely opposite of what I actually said here.
Whatever, people who need to hear my points, did listen to me.

>> No.53321315

>Nothing but strawmans and ad homs

You are either a jew or a tranny useful idiot. Hopefully they're at least paying you to post this garbage. The only way to improve society would be hanging degenerates like you

>> No.53321319

It's bullshit. Here in Canada we're immigrating nearly 2% of our population from the third world here. Last quarter we had the highest rate of immigration in the first world.

Guess what? GDP went up. GDP per CAPITA, did not. This means more money was created, but it wasn't spread to the people. How can that be? Because the wealth was accumulated exclusively in the few rich, mainly corporations. Meanwhile services just got more crowded, because immigrants need those services like healthcare too.

Notice he doesn't go on about the social costs? Just economic and "ethics". That's because plenty of research has been done on social costs. It's fucking terrible. Military suffers big time too because who the fuck wants to defend a country when that country isn't their own, but rather, the country is now "the worlds" country. It ends up in collapse, period.

>> No.53321323

>That's not even post modernism.
irrelevant, your claiming life isnt necessarily good - unless its making money
i dont give a shit what the right buzzword is because youre still full of shit

>> No.53321339

>Ok I am done.
I accept your defeat.

coming from the retard that literally thinks all jews are a hivemind collective that support exactly the same thing and are attacking him personally lol

>>Nothing but strawmans and ad homs
I guess you cannot read.

>The only way to improve society would be hanging degenerates like you
HAHAHAHAHA You're legit seething and will NEVER get your way. You will NEVER have sex.

Of course it's relevant. You don't even know what post modernism is.

>your claiming life isnt necessarily good - unless its making money
I never said or implied that.

>> No.53321348

Why is it that anyone who has this specific style of srt is a massive faggot. Don't you think it's strange how particular art styles are almost guaranteed faggotry? I know you niggers know what I'm talking about, like some artists you can see the linework and just know they are secretly homosexual communist retards

>> No.53321351
File: 750 KB, 738x736, 1673065197509489-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every. fucking. time.

>> No.53321385

lefties get very serious about the importance of GDP and number going up only when immigration is brought up, any other time they say they hate corporations. almost like every progressive talking point is actually about white genocide, really makes me think

>> No.53321402

>Notice he doesn't go on about the social costs? Just economic and "ethics". That's because plenty of research has been done on social costs. It's fucking terrible.
Ofcourse dude. The “infinite growth” economists only care about the corporation money, not the damage in local population. That’s why drugs and gambling is great. Drink, pay taxes. Get liver damage pay a doctor, wanna quit, pay for rehab.
It’s all this.
Elites love vices, ethnic tensions , cause it’s all more excuse for printer to go burr for dem programs.
Hell you are Canadian, so I think you find it funny too, that a man can’t even leave on its own term, without paying this system to sui you.

>> No.53321430

Lol anti work is full of these schrodinger (((economists)))
Basically, corporation bad unless it hurts white people

>> No.53321503

>Do his economic arguments in favor of mass immigration hold water?
For Israel, Yes.

>> No.53321511

I unironically think you are arguing with a bot.

Line must go up, and if you disagree you are a ‘commie’. He will continue to boil in his pot like a frog until one day he realizes he owns nothing and is happy.

>> No.53321523

many such cases

>> No.53321637

I mean he literally kept skipping my points, use one line and just respond to that(as if it couldn’t see other ones) and then inverses my point and labeled me as complete opposite of my points.
I don’t know. Average normie on anti work or Reddit are not too far mentally from this one. Maybe this bot was trained on those?