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53308117 No.53308117 [Reply] [Original]

He's right, you know...

>> No.53308226

and all it took scrooge was some under the table handies to get in on the early 20th century version of icos buying railroads and oil

>> No.53308240

Quiz: what person in crypto wrote an episode of Duck Tales?

>> No.53308709

Don Rosa

>> No.53308724

Boomers had a better economy and more opportunities. Everything was more affordable.

>> No.53309223

you can start from the top of the company just by starting it yourself the only people who have to work their way up are normalfag drones

>> No.53309309

Ironic coming from the duck who
1) earned a mining company with the help of the owner of said mining company THROUGH A LOOPHOLE, but was forced to sell it back for a measly 10k because the family needed the money or else their castle would be taken over.
2) Did the equivalent of crypto where he loses all his investments, his times and his very SOUL and he still didn't end up any richer, in fact the little money he made he had to give back to his family to support them
3) the only reason he managed to make it big was because he got a breakthrough because of 1 giant golden nugget which yielded him 1 million dollars. BUT BEFORE THAT he was making scrap in gold dust and was forced to sell the gold dust to some scammer loan shark instead of murdering him, stealing everything the scammer stole from him. AND BEFORE THAT he finally made a claim to his land which meant all the newfags came in and started prospecting in his area, effectively milking his bitcoin dry, he was lucky to eventually get that 1 breakthrough to find a giant golden nugget worth at least 500k in dollars. So if he didn't have that breakthrough, didn't pay the scammer, didn't a lot of things he would have sucked dick like any wagie cagie. Bitch got lucky. "If I hit my heat in the metal wall enough it will eventually break" except when it doesn't and he just got lucky to finally find water in a desert.
And what did he lose?
What did he have to lose He also lost his mom. He also lost his eyesight, had to wear fucking glasses. He was such a fucking faggot he would even refuse to use bullets to shoot a bear because the bullets were too expensive.
He lost his humanity.

>> No.53309362

And most importantly he's the same faggot duck who said "Work smarter, not harder" but that's the original rich Scrooge, not the wagiecuck Don Rosa built to make you feel sorry for him.

So in conclusion if he didn't get a breakthrough by finding the gold nugget and starting his own company and buying a shit ton of stock during the crash of 1929 he would had still been sucking piggy loan shark dick and paying rent to his family offshores.

So go suck duck dick, Scrooge. I myself kept banging my head against the empty well and I almost made it before it all got taken away from me and I was left with scraps having to make due. You think I won, you think I survived? I lost my fucking brain, soul, heart. I would had been infinitely happier being a millionaire in 2005+ than I ever will be now. Money is just a number to me now. I should be fucking dead. All this money means to me is hiring people to torture my enemies because death is reserved for me, not them. I would had been infinitely happier dead back then than I am now, now I am too stubborn, too ingrained in life to call it quits, too committed, too fucking stupid to take the rope. Fuck you and fuck your pasta. FUCK ME. I should have become a porn artist in 2008 and making Pateon bucks. I should had been a talentless hack programmer stealing ideas like Markus "Notch" Persson did.

You know what else I have in common with Scrooge? We both did in fact start at the top, used to have money/a castle, but it all got taken away/wasted and we were left with the equivalent of polishing shoes. We didn't start from the bottom, we started from the top and fell to the bottom and we've been clawing at the opportunity of going back to the top.
The man who starts at the bottom is happy with the bottom, he doesn't know what he's missing. The man who fell from grace knows exactly what he's aiming for, what he's fighting for. Just like Prince Zuko. A peasant merely has a theory of what it's like being at the top.

>> No.53309872

Ok boomer

>> No.53310056
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>> No.53310081
File: 200 KB, 299x316, thinking fox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
