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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 400x400, dxpvelaexchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53305263 No.53305263 [Reply] [Original]

public beta cancelled day before release and team refuses to let anyone see software. delayed until further notice holy shit lol

>> No.53305272

Retards the lot of you for investing in a shitty GMX fork #5564

>> No.53305305

And still the price doesn't crash. That's because the people are comfy and confident. $10 before summer and you can only watch ;)

>> No.53305332

>supposed to be a great public beta launch in a few days but now it's a private beta with only discord trannies admitted.
>dxp to vela conversion was also supposed to happen before the 18th and now that date is undetermined
>they promoted a bullshit january 18th public beta launch and liquidity narrative for the last vested investors to sell
>refuses to show anyone their software unless they are a preapproved paid faggot
>redo the website but now includes less information and is more vague on roadmap
> added 7.5% tax to the first NFT in the middle of the night without any announcement during a period when it was selling a lot
>increased the supply of DXP from 7 million to 8 million a few days ago with NO ANNOUNCEMENT and only said anything about it when asked. 500k of which was injected into the circulating supply

this is also the team responsible for the jade protocol rugpull and created dexpools which is a ghost town failure

>> No.53305333

the price doesnt crash because there's no liquidity to trade it

>> No.53305352

lol where you been? it's been going down all day. you think this is gonna get better? lol

>> No.53305436

lol look at this cope
lol so whatever someone wrote on the beta application is now COMMITED LIQUIDITY! no actual TVL just "COMMITTED"
fuck this fucking scam lol

>> No.53305451
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forgot pic

>> No.53305495


lol like clockwork

A new day, a new fud thread by you. And you called me paid shill? lol

>> No.53305525

you should take this opportunity to sell, before people figure it out. Fucking dumbass

>> No.53305528
File: 3 KB, 427x57, sexybridgesocool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bro you don't get it...the swap bridge is gonna be SEXY bro omg i can't wait

>> No.53305544

>this is also the team responsible for the jade protocol rugpull
Wait really?

>> No.53305571

LOOOOOOOOOOL so many people creating threads to spread FUD and hate to a 7M mcap coin. You guys don't have more important stuff to do? Get a life LOL

>> No.53305573
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>> No.53305596

don't look now...you're about to go under a dollar lol

>> No.53305601
File: 296 KB, 327x316, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53305603

sell signal. This shit is going to drop hard

>> No.53305604

7000 applicants... seems close to the telegram pajeet count sorry I mean user count... I smell bullshit bros

>> No.53305646

>don't look now...you're about to go under a dollar lol
It's fine. I bought at 40c.
>sell signal. This shit is going to drop hard
I can tell you're larping. I did this many times too.

>> No.53305666


he is larping every day like holy shit whats the point?

>> No.53305682

yup 7000 applicants is such a lol lie

there's like 1500 holders

btw whales are now selling

>> No.53305697
File: 187 KB, 631x513, 1634270947468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I initiated the final dump selling my stack

>> No.53305750
File: 40 KB, 600x902, russell_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard devs bro. Twice now they delayed this shit. Both times the market was actually in uptrend and prime for alt gains. These rats wait 24 hours before beta launch and then pull this shit. Holy fuck and this entire BTC pump where alts routinely made 40% and above gains DXP did nothing but sit around $1 for the last week!!! Now they delay until Feburary?!? Fucking sold this shit. When BTC dumps this garbage will go with it. Fucking moron greedy devs. They probably dont have the committed VLP volume yet as $10M committed isn't the same thing as $10 minted VLP tokens. FACK

>> No.53305789

they are scam artists. they know they have vaporware and are just milking for as long as possible before they disappear to their next project of course

>> No.53305826
File: 679 KB, 1512x2016, 1634271662485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck velabros... it was nice while it lasted.... filtering DXP and VELA from my catalog... fuck these scammers but thanks for the 80% of gains.. adding that to my GNS stack

>> No.53305838

I made nice gains too, initial around 44 cents but god damn we should have easily blasted past $2-3 such a shame.

>> No.53305863

yup we were heading straight to 2 dollars but then they literally minted 500k tokens in the middle of the night without telling anyone on January 2

can't make this shit up

>> No.53305938

100% bros, when these motherfuckers started with their "airdrop" bullshit I knew this was the end... fucking telegram full of jeets saying gm and hi just to apply for the drop... but I let it ride because I was greedy as fuck thinking the beta launch would complete and things will get better. Fuck this shit, let them have their discord trannies and shitskins.

>> No.53305947

no shoes ?

>> No.53305999

These VELA threads are the most bullish signal I've seen in biz in the last years. There are in this thread people larping as bears trying to get a cheaper entry point. I know that most of you own a bag of VELA.

>> No.53306072

>devs verifiably lying to everyone is bullish
>software delays day before release are bullish
please go on

>> No.53306132


>> No.53306135
File: 73 KB, 708x831, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retarded classic biz take man, you know everything we said it's true. I think you are giving too much credit to a couple of biz autists making a couple posts that will impact the price so "we can buy low"... good luck bros

>> No.53306184

you should have a silver stack

>> No.53306303

want some more proof devs are scammers?

they made the announcement of the delay in the telegram and discord but on their twitter page they still have a pinned post about january 18th being beta day

again fuck these scammers

>> No.53306403

95 cents and you love to see it
can we hit 80 cents by the end of the night?
i think we will
fuck these scammers

>> No.53306528

What happened to Jade? Can't find anything on google

>> No.53306562
File: 48 KB, 980x547, Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 01-39-02 Jade Protocol price today JADE to USD live marketcap and chart CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this what happened

>> No.53306641

>16 posts by this id
Seriously, get a life, see a doctor, go out, mate. There's a whole world out there, and there's something called sun, let it touch your skin with its light. I bet you have cadaverous pale skin.

>> No.53306739

Well I sold my stack. Should've sold at 1.18 but whatever

>> No.53306791

go back to discord faggot you don't belong

>> No.53306823

oh btw i told you this was gonna happen yesterday and earlier today. if only you had listened you dumb fuck.

>> No.53306832

Are you cryptoroyalty in discord?

>> No.53306853

>oh btw i told you this was gonna happen yesterday and earlier today. if only you had listened you dumb fuck.
What has happened??? Look at the 1y chart.

>> No.53306854

nah i'm not in the discord what was he saying?

>> No.53306864

lol you must be new to crypto bro. these are how the rugpulls start. this is only the beginning for your pain. enjoy

>> No.53306907

>lol you must be new to crypto bro. these are how the rugpulls start. this is only the beginning for your pain. enjoy
Oh nooo a micro cap being volatileeee wooow never seen before!!!!

>> No.53306936

we at 86 cents and you love to see it :)

btw here's the thread where i warned everyone earlier today and the price was still 1.10

you should have listened but you didn't oh well


>> No.53306957

Hoping this thing goes back to 0.60 cent range. LMAO let's meme it there bro

>> No.53307054

wew look at that fucking candle

I never trusted this team and neither should you - deploys on metis, comes up with a pointless token "migration" with all kinds of wonky vesting, changes terms and names every year to try to rebrand into hotter markets only to be late to the party....late to metis, late to arbitrum defi, late always

>> No.53307127

well fucking said they are amateurs who failed at BCG and are now resulting to crypto scamming using their connections. pieces of shit people

>> No.53307157

Lol that hacken audit must have been trash

>> No.53307179

Bouncing already lol. You guys won't get my DXP for less than $5.

>> No.53307232
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x563, 1661052625635954.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a few DXP left gonna sell it all on this dead cat bounce and rebuy around $0.75 cents in about a week when BTC corrects. You'll sell the bottom likely in disbelief.

BTW they delayed into February because unlocks happen at the start of every month. And they want to dump again in Feb and use the momentum of launch to sell at higher prices.

>> No.53307311
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I sold when my meme lines told me to and glad I did.

>> No.53307318

>And they want to dump again in Feb and use the momentum of launch to sell at higher prices.
not on my fucking watch. i will make threads every fucking day i don't give a shit

>> No.53307534
File: 535 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230116-222105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I almost got got. Thanks anon. I'm outty

>> No.53307553
File: 527 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230116-222327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not have tried to screenshot that at a better time

>> No.53307599
File: 175 KB, 598x600, twitterscamming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are hours after the delay admission and yet this is still the top tweet on their twitter page. fuck these fucking scammers

>> No.53307703
File: 504 KB, 1170x1932, 369E44D1-75F7-4B9A-B859-C0397B6CAF60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53307724

yes totally organic pump team is so not panicking at the moment. great opportunity to get out. let's see if anyone takes it

>> No.53307744

>yes totally organic pump team is so not panicking at the moment. great opportunity to get out. let's see if anyone takes it
Stop larping, mate. We all know you have bags of VELA in your name.

>> No.53307760

just curious how much they pay you to shill?

>> No.53307783

Thanks this was the dead cat bounce where I am completely sold of all DXP. I bought back during the FTX meltdown in early November. These faggots routinely delayed things 3 fucking times now. I'll buy back at $0.60 cents.

Cope, seethe and it was written

>> No.53309080

why buy back when they haven't even provided any proof that their platform works. you think they found that out today? they played us for weeks (maybe longer?) in order to get us to buy in

i wouldn't

>> No.53309176

You can still make money from scams and since we actually know its a scam we can sell the top and dump on the retards like >>53307744

Also I see a whale that dumped a month ago the last time they announced the delay and he sold his giant stack around 0.70 cents. Of course he fucked up cause we went all the up to $1.22 and I was watching his wallet laughing the entire way up cause I could imagine how wrong he was to sell after that first delay. Well he was the one who just bought back the 22k DVP that dead cat bounced us to $1.09. LOL. This fucking guy must of been seething this whole time and now buy backs after the second delay.

I'm not buying back any time soon cause once BTC corrects this shit will dump. 2 full weeks before just the fucking private beta, no launch before late February. There will be a fuckton of further dip[s between now and then. I'll buy back around 0.65 cents.

>> No.53309203

cool thanks for the intel. glad to hear your perspective.

>> No.53309226

Just keep fudding daily or every other day!

>> No.53309895

i was in their private beta, it worked fine this is classic /biz/ tier fud lol