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53306827 No.53306827 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53306965
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It's not good for a capitalistic economy, but it is a good thing for the long run many generations from now. Although it is probably already too late to stabilize humanity. We are so fucked when we deplete the earth of resources and drinkable water .

>> No.53307046

That because they all moved to colonised Canada and aus

>> No.53307069

They are sending their CCP drones to other colonies. Canada and Australia will soon become China. All it takes is the Party's order to reproduce.

>> No.53307071 [DELETED] 
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The thing is, we've had the ability to produce virtually unlimited energy and by extension have oceans of water to pull from , the real problem is small groups of humans wanting to control other humans (this will always be the case).

All things come to pass and all is vanity but to think it will anything otherwise is ultimate fallacy.

Seek the eternal.

>> No.53307088
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The thing is, we've had the ability to produce virtually unlimited energy and by extension have oceans of water to pull from for many decades now , the real problem is small groups of humans wanting to control other humans (this will always be the case).

All things come to pass and all is vanity but to think it will be anything otherwise is ultimate fallacy.

Seek the eternal.

>> No.53307091

The scarcity narrative is a psyop.

>> No.53307093

Every human on earth could fit in Los Angeles if we were standing shoulder to shoulder. Please stfu about over population and resource depletion. I have no idea what ur talking about

>> No.53307117

Try standing shoulder to shoulder for 80 years retard
There are too many people on the earth.

>> No.53307120

>Every human on earth could fit in Los Angeles
That doesn't mean anything.

>I have no idea what ur talking about
Sounds like your problem.

>> No.53307126

Fucking stupid brainwashed cattle goy. Don't ever talk to me

>> No.53307129

This. The entire world is fucked because the bugs fuck and reproduce like rabbits. They don't have to go to war. They just have to send 50 million to here, another 50 there, another 50 over there, tada entire West is taken over without firing a single shot.

>> No.53307139

Why would we want to imitate the korean halloween crush in LA of all places?

>> No.53307176

>humans are gonna deplete all of Earth's resources
Lol fucking retard

>> No.53307183

You are a fucking retard if you think we can consume things at the current exponential rate forever.

>> No.53307210

Shut the fuck up and don't ever talk to me again u small brain faggot

>> No.53307213

Go die in a ditch and save some water for the rest of us please.

>> No.53307231

You are truly stupid. Water is a closed system. It doesn't run out. Thankfully your lineage will

>> No.53307250

Is this why there is a huge movement about asian men being unattractive, shiet there's some sort of shadow war being fought everyday all over the world.

>> No.53307284

Have fun drinking salt water in 2040.

>> No.53307333
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Overpopulation is an elitist psy-op. Congratulations, you fell for it.

>> No.53307369
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>> No.53307511

Sounds like they need some big Uighur cock.

>> No.53309199

They will pump useful robots in 10 years also they sent their diaspora to Canada, Australia and Africa

>> No.53309339
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good old bill gates stickin it to the gooks

>> No.53309498

you can acknowledge overpopulation is a problem while still distrusting gates, schwab, et al's promises that they can fix it

>> No.53309570

lol at thinking overpopulation is a problem of space and not resources. we are continuing to see diminishing returns on the EROEI of oil and green energy alternatives are not replacing fossil fuels anytime soon. consumption of such nonrenewable resources will only increase when india, china, and southeast asia all start wanting middle class lifestyles

>> No.53309720

I realised this decades ago. What can we do to explore elons vision of population explosion without the capitalism hell hole like that wall they’re planning in Dubai.

>> No.53309725

I was going to make a joke about about dumb americans waiting for china to collapse but then I remembered /int/ is like 90% third worlders shilling for china and hating the west. I wonder why they come here to an american website to seethe.

>> No.53309759

The technology to power the world is owned in many patent portfolios of energy companies who will never release the technology

>> No.53309790

Now put the pile of food we consume in a lifetime next to it, and the ocean of oil we consume next to that. In every part of the Atlantic or Pacific, take a water sample and you'll find fucking plastic. Trash washes up on every shore all day. Our forests are full of cans and bottles. If you randomly pick a spot anywhere in the US on a satellite map and zoom in, 95% of the time you'll get farms, roads or housing. We are pushing our technology to the limit trying to keep food affordable, and you think showing an absolutely massive pile of humans towering over the walls of the grand canyon is an argument. What a retard.

>> No.53309828

China's working population peaked a decade ago.. look it up. Shit is old news, and no not bullish jfc.

>> No.53309873

China doesn’t fucking care
They had 100k blacks in 2019 and now, it’s less than 20k.
All this “population/demographic collapse” are literal economic jew fearmongoring so they have an excuse to bring in more immigrants and keep the property price high and jobs payment low.
That’s literally their model of economy, inciting growth!!
The cultural tension/racial tensions? Doesn’t even matter
First of all they live in gated communities.
Second everyone pay taxes whatever they do, and prison and jail and courts and lawyers and bailiff stimulate the (((economy))) so whatever
That’s why they say that japan with 130 million population is dying without immigration cause, “how dare it tries to correct its extreme population to stable level, growth to infinity!!!”
Same with Germany
It’s 1/3 of freaking Texas, yet it has 80 million population
Absolutely unstable level of population, but when it drops to correct itself? OH NOOO country is dying we need immigrants or it’s over for Germany.
Any country aligning with Jews and usa will end up with this cuckbait economy.
Mark my words, Japan will bend the knees, along with korea, and all of Middle East. Only people who values their own population above infinite growth are unironically, commie chinks.

>> No.53309906

>drinkable water
Underneath earth lies drinkable water 3 times the water of all earth oceans combined.

>> No.53310704

They need to open their borders IMMEDIATELY or china will not survive

>> No.53311219

>non-zero chance of starring in a liveleak rekt video
>tortured dogs fried in gutter oil drained from sewers
>smog so bad you'll feel like you're living in Blade Runner LA
>swim in cancer rivers
>kids peeing and shitting in the open
I won't live in China even if you paid me fat stacks

>> No.53311919

thats why shhinzo abe had to go

>> No.53312749

The only sensible post.

>> No.53312783
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>Canada and Australia

Clearly you're not from there, Canada and Australia is full of poojeets

>> No.53312805
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>This. The entire world is fucked because the bugs fuck and reproduce like rabbits.

Hello pol/cel/. China, Japan and South Korea have declining birth rates, I thought they're breeding like rabbits?

>> No.53312838
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>but then I remembered /int/ is like 90% third worlders shilling for china and hating the west.

America causes war and destruction. They export toxic culture. China produces shoes and electronics for you. QUestions?

>> No.53312873

it is good for my capitalistic economy

>> No.53312938

That is what they get for siding with Ukraine

>> No.53312968
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i'd like to see the chinese population reduce to zero

>> No.53313945

when the fuck are they going to allow crypto again anons?

>> No.53314013

>those glowies on pol creating bot threads about BBC and replying to their bot threads with bots about chinese making BBC threads and having small peepee