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53300214 No.53300214 [Reply] [Original]

So I ran a Pearson's Correlational analysis on 30day average transactions logarithmic vs 30 average Bitcoin price logarithmic.
Results were
R = 0.5753
P = 0.3321

Any R value above 0.5 is correlational.
Any P value above 0.05 could not have occured by chance.
This means that TeF is scientifically proven to be a stable currency.
Das rite, my social science degree finally paying off.
You can find the data on my medium, you know the one.

>> No.53300224
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>> No.53300260

just trust the science anon

>> No.53300458
File: 76 KB, 469x629, 1661828190831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you explain this in a bit more detail?
for how many months have you computed this?
did you do a weighted average or a standard average for the results? how far back in time do the results keep staying above those thresholds? what are the implications of these results?

>> No.53300813
File: 59 KB, 994x489, full+average+transactions+bitcoin_064349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Jan 16 2021 to Nov 16 2021
It was a very volatile period so I went with that
B. I used a standard average while exporting the data from blockchain.com/explorer

C. Picrel is the complete data since genesis, looks consistent to me. It's not meant to be exactly like the dollar price, it's just meant to be close enough that it can be used as a replacement.

The purpose is to avoid using external price feeds that can either go down or be tampered with.
This is important for building distributed bots or smart contracts that can't be altered once deployed. The bots or contracts would always be able to pull information from the VM nodes and therefore always have a TeF price source.
No matter how good a source is it *will* go down eventually or make changes that have to be adjusted for by a central entity that controls the bot. This is why existing stablecoins are centralized.

>> No.53301085
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>> No.53301121

>Any P value above 0.05 could not have occured by chance.
Any p value BELOW 0.05 is unlikely to have occurred by chance. P = 0.05 means there’s a 5% chance the correlation was spurious. P = 0.33 means there’s a 33% chance there’s actually no correlation nigger

>> No.53301155

Okay but if it’s based upon manipulated data then isn’t your whole evaluation misrepresenting the actual truth? It’s just assuming your data is valid, not knowing. Correct if I’m wrong.

>> No.53301166

He should assess other chains with the same calculations.

>> No.53301265

Chinks taglog

>> No.53302106

i meant have you tried computing this since genesis and putting it on a plot? i think that would be interesting possibly get some more insights from this

>> No.53302679

Oh well nobody cares about P value anyways.

Nice numbers, can you explain what you mean when you say "manipulated data".

Well... I would but then I'd actually have to reinstall SPSS (was using an online calculator for this which is why I only did 300 days).

Plus the data for that would be massive, even attempting 1095 at first made my PC lag.

How I got the data; I exported from Blockchain.com as json, then used wordpad to remove the schema, then arranged everything in Ms word with tables and replace function, using "^p" for paragraphs.

Then exported to the online tool. But doing that for 5110 entries would be hell.

>> No.53302706
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saving this thread, i will pick up the mantle later this month when i have free time with my laptop. Godspeed anon

>> No.53303040

:) Awesome!
There's some more info on existing liquidity issues on my medium @genericmage1127
I also discuss a new DEX and token format which could fix existing issues with constant market algorithm, just search for the TeF article.

I really want to see your findings, please when you actually do it feel free to link me to the thread. You can just comment in the TeF article or something idk.

>> No.53303230
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sadly i dont use the bird app, got banned for so many times it made me not want to come back. paying 2$ when making each new account got tiring for my wallet after a while
but if i post it ill tag this thread so you can find it if you search in the archives

>> No.53303294

Well I was referring to medium, they use @'s as well.
Anyways, here's a direct link to the article, I don't *think* it's a filtered link.


But yeah tag the thread, I should've thought of that. I think just the key words "Pearson" "TeF" and "analysis" should allow me to find it.

>> No.53303316

Wrong article but whatever, just look for the TeF one on my profile.

>> No.53303339
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