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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53293430 No.53293430 [Reply] [Original]

But newfags needed it
I also made many other bullish threads in december specifically calling january bullish

>> No.53293436

Unironically worse than the roastie whore.

>> No.53293442

Last chance to buy at 16k
What do you want we should us give good tips here

>> No.53293492

>What do you want
I want to die but the world keeps me in a degrading state where I'm always on deaths door.
Why do you think I'm bitter nigger I died years ago I'm just watching for my brain to realize it.

>> No.53293579
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What happened

>> No.53293736

Think I got pancreatic cancer or my pancreas is failing one of the two, doctor's thought it was my spleen but that came out fine, then suddenly it feels like someones grabbing my left side abdomen with flaming hands when I pick anything up, sit up or stand down.
Fairly sure I'm gonna die within the next few weeks which I actually predicted 2023 would be the year I died.
It was my house number when I was born, this was all a simulation I'm just thankful it's about to finally end.

I've become very angry these last few months and it's not my true nature it's just a side effect of my body shutting down and my brain lashing out in a final attempt to be relevant.

>> No.53293848
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That sounds very sad.

>> No.53293872

Meh I don't really care anymore I just want it to speed up which I prayed it would, and today seems to be reaching a new level of pain which tells me whatever is failing is about to finally give out, we are like engines some of us run on old oil, some of us can afford the good clean shit and live a bit longer.

I ran on bitter oil for years and now I'm throwing a rod.

>> No.53293923

Just kys you whiny bitch

>> No.53293998

With any luck my body will do it for me, I've tried to avoid suicide strictly because I knew if I waited it out long enough I'd succumb to whatever is killing me.

I was always lucky in life, including lucky in getting million to one chances happening to me, I knew pretty early on I would be dead young, I was for years seeing visions of the end of the world around this time, and was convinced especially after 2020 it was coming true but putting the pieces together my world is ending yours will remain, although in many ways I'm truly lucky this planet could be a beautiful place to live but unfortunately it is absolutely not.

My biggest struggle in life which many of you will find in the coming years of your life is holding back the will to take your own life, it's a natural reaction to an unnatural existence but I believe in the end those who struggle through this hellscape will be awarded another realm where they can truly enjoy being alive.

That's what keeps me going anyway, at the very least I won't have to endure this place any longer, and I sold my guns otherwise I would have killed myself this week, It's been a battle not to capitulate and when I felt my symptoms increasing which usually was signaled by mental breakdowns I would sell my guns knowing these kinds of moments would come into my life again and again especially now that I'm at the end.
It's like the worlds trying desperately to trick me into coming back by taking the easy way out.

>> No.53294084

She DOES think that it WILL do x thing guys

>> No.53294164

Let me know when she buys back. I'm gonna sell. This niggerbitch is a better indicator than the stochrsi.

>> No.53294184
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>Listening to a woman.

>> No.53294229

You will make it through it

>> No.53294352

nigger do you think you might have a fungal overgrowth? might be worth researching

>> No.53296229
File: 399 KB, 1536x2048, wendyohnononothatsaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a man

>> No.53296297

bruh I think you're being pretty melodramatic. Just go to a doctor? You might be fine bro haha lol

>> No.53296324

have they checked for appendicitis? Very common to misdiagnose (happened to me twice) and quite easy to fix

>> No.53296349

I think you're right about a lot of things but perhaps too negative, I think we need to find the beauty even in this world (or bring it into this world) to move on

godspeed anon

>> No.53296615

I’m sorry anon. I’m dying too. Remember in the next life to buy magic internet money or the equivalent. See you on the other side bro.

>> No.53296834

Better not be larping go to emergency, hospital right now what the fuck are you doing on BIZ you faggot. Go NOW

>> No.53297660

Yeah I spend a lot of time larping on /biz/ kek
No I was asleep because of sheer pain and my blood turning on me, I'm going back to my doctor's today but likely won't help at all, this has been an ongoing struggle on and off since 2017 and whatever is killing me is finishing the job.

I'm fairly sure it's my pancreas the majority of my pain is in my left lower abdomen around the rib area, radiating to my back which only thing that comes up with is spleen or pancreas and the ultrasound of my spleen was fine, only possible other thing it could be is my left lung although my breathing is fine so I don't that.
It feels like my ribs are shattered into a million pieces and if I stand up too fast I'll collapse like a sack of potatoes and no i refused the vax this shit was ongoing before covid was a thing.