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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53291270 No.53291270 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else accumulating coins like FET RLC and AGIX for the upcoming normies fomoing into muh blockchain AI use cases?

im debtmaxxed into AI plays because ChatGPT went so viral I feel it will come to crypto

>> No.53291281

Inb4 the jeets shill their special “anti jeet spambot antiraid AI” scamcoin below lmao

>> No.53291528

The fact is no one will buy AI coins until it's too late. The other fact is that it'll be too late quicker than usual because the AI narrative is only getting bigger.

>> No.53291546

Cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence have nothing to do with each other whatsoever, and anyone who says they do is trying to scam you.

t. ML scientist

>> No.53291559

I’m in vxv that ai crypto doing some giga gains
So many people gonna miss out on the AI train

>> No.53291570
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lol, lmao even

>> No.53291588

go back to plebbit

>> No.53291604

Not when there’s a huge shortage of use for gpu miners and a large supply of mining farms ready to provide computational power to a network in exchange for a monetary incentive. You are going to miss on bittensor just like you missed out on Bitcoin. No vc. No premine. Pure decentralized AI neural net.

>> No.53291614
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I guess you haven't been keeping up with the times then old man. And this is just RLC... the others have other use cases too.

>> No.53291630

Except literally nobody uses those because they don't want to expose their proprietary datasets to the public, which they would have to do if they were to submit training jobs to those services.

>> No.53291638

lol ur dumb as fuck i just showed you the solution to that issue, AI dataset renting via iExec

>> No.53291661

Nobody in industry or academia uses that though. You're being scammed. See >>53291630

You dumb pajeet nigger, I'm literally a research scientist at Big Tech. """"""""""Renting datasets"""""""""" doesn't even make sense.

>> No.53291671

Okay larp nigger, it's literally new tech and iExec has companies lined up to use it. That image is from Intel's website btw. If you don't think there will be amazingly profitable use cases for companies to use this you're delusional or ignorant.

>> No.53291691

Enjoy your bags, you stupid poojeet. Maybe you should stop talking about things that you know nothing about.

>> No.53291702

Says you.

>"Renting datasets doesn't even make sense"

>> No.53291722

How will renting someone else's dataset help me solve my proprietary domain-specific ML problem? Answer: it won't.

>> No.53291786

Validators train the models off network.

>> No.53291828

You still have to hand it over to an untrusted third party. I can't think of a single corporation who would allow that vs. training on GCP/AWS. You have no idea how tight the data access controls are.

>> No.53291832

Depends if someone else's data is useful to your specific problem. It either will be or wont be, but for those with problems that CAN be solved, IE automation, it will be useful and extremely valuable/timesaving.

You act like you're intelligent but you're just another bot lost in the sauce.

>> No.53291844

>untrusted third party
You should really learn how iExec data renting works because you seem like you need a software update. It's paradigm shifting.

>> No.53291872

How heavy are those bags, bro?

>> No.53291879

If that's your response it's clear why you're in this thread.

>> No.53291884

we need a decentralized chatgpt

>> No.53291931

So you truly believe there is zero use for decentralized AI networks due to IP concerns huh

>> No.53291957

In a corporate setting with the money to pay for those models, yes. For academics, they wouldn't have the money in the first place to pay for those datasets and services, and they would use one of the abundant free and open source datasets instead while training on their own hardware.

>> No.53292054

Your insight is interesting to say the least but what about profiting from contributing to the network? Bittensor pays you more block rewards for the more you contribute to the network. There has got to be a real use case for this but I understand the issue of handing over your expensive IP to the network

>> No.53292137
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ChatGPT said silver will go to $160/oz, so if you trust AI, you should go balls deep in silver instead of retarded scampanies.

>> No.53292209

The question is from all the scammy ai blockchains what lookd the one thats going to be usefull

>> No.53292297

I own 400 toz when I'm gonna make it?

>> No.53292389

iExec encrypts the model/dataset. It's only ever decrypted inside an enclave (Trusted Execution Environment) where only authorized code can access it.

>Nobody in industry or academia uses that though.
Because it's too fucking early. Nobody knows about it yet.

If iExec won't get adoption, a competitor with similar or even better tech will.

>> No.53292440

who? and source?
forhead too large but I like the way she dances ;)

>> No.53292566

silver/gold is for retards
bruh it's in the filename. alizee

>> No.53292653
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>> No.53292964

I also work in ML.
You're fucking retarded if you think any big company is going to use RLC or any other cryptoshit with tons of overhead and that requires custom development instead of just renting out GPU instances from AWS...
HOWEVER your retardation makes a bull case for a quick pump and dump on AI coins, because normies like you think that you can just mash up a bunch of buzzwords and get a new industry changing technology.

>> No.53293065

AGIX CEO Ben Goertzel is a grifting scammer and a massive joke in the AI space

I bought a ton of AGI before he changed the name to AGIX and abandoned the old chain so people dont see his massive dump on the community, he dumped on me 2017-2018

he also dumped on everyone with AGIX, he never filled the promises and keeps delaying the project goals by YEARS as a time sink for his grift and to try to avoid SEC FRAUD

I'm going to join the sec fraud case showing my $100k loss when he dumped on me that piece of shit

but yea unironically it was a good buy for a quick pump on the ai hype this week but it'll go back to zero again once the whales and BEN dumps on everyone. So get out before the SEC suit & the dump

bruh he partnered with vaporware scammer Charles Hoskingson of Cardano....

did I mention he is jewish, ask sam bankman fried how that goes

>> No.53293083

So basically should I ape into RLC

>> No.53293212

>blockchain AI
lol wut?

>> No.53293738

Any AI projects are good, but RLC has a small marketcap and small supply

>> No.53293812

There are no real usecases for blockchain AI which can't be handled without it.
These projects only add transaction costs and a virtual currency to pay and trade for whatever garbage they offer.
The scam (slacker) projects will still go up because of "clown world".
Nobody played the shitty metaverse trash games and their token exploded as well.

>> No.53293828

Pure FUD

>> No.53293837
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Why is /biz/ consistently without fail months late to any fucking trend and only talking about coins after they're already up 2-4x

Holy shit you retards don't even realize you are exit liquidity

>> No.53293924

What makes you think they are late? They want you to be their exit liquidity.
They haven't taken all profits just yet, they take them step by step and then they begin to fud it because they want another entry after realizing there is a 10x+ potential.

>> No.53293957

Based ROSEchud

>> No.53293979

I personally think we're extremely early to the crypto-ai pump

>> No.53294500

Haven't bought anything, but its worth noting AI is a really convenient narrative, like metaverse coins that did well after Facebook changed its name...

>> No.53294724

ding ding ding

>> No.53294833


Software dev, got laid off recently. I'm thinking of creating a Shill Creator App where you can post some info and the AI will give you shill texts (both idiotic, long retarted DDs) and images of random green arrows going up with your product.

Should I make this? I have the necessary AI knowledge to make this.

>> No.53294845

Sounds useless but funny

>> No.53294864

How about training an AI model to create new 'jaks. I need money somehow.

>> No.53294946

>I need money somehow.
if there's a market for it sure

>> No.53295021

>buying after the pump
>buying shitcoins that have literally no product because you like chatgtp and waifu generators

>> No.53295207

AI will pump just from normie niggers but institutional investors probably will be investing in big data. Data is the fuel that feeds the AI and Chainlink is the best solution to bring the data on chain for AI

>> No.53295296

>Any AI projects are good
A good number of them have tendencies to do well, another great niche to keep an eye on is Data related projects they seem to be flying on the charts as well a good examples are ALBT and OCEAN.

>> No.53295424

iExec lets you rent said data, there's a ton of money there as well waiting for the tech to be built