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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 640x640, 127D5379-AC55-4B35-A44E-8BA6EA1FE72A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53289463 No.53289463 [Reply] [Original]

Please share.

>> No.53289475

please delete this thread

>> No.53289494

And a small investment of a few million could replace the slave labor entirely

>> No.53289508

>big bank Japan of Yen ID
Based Im gonna make it

>> No.53289537
File: 31 KB, 552x556, C01E3BE1-74C5-4193-A41A-4E05DF0ECBAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of raising the minimum wage we just jenoside people that are on it? And let’s eat the rich while we’re at it.

>> No.53289569
File: 122 KB, 832x589, Screenshot 2022-12-22 213707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share if OP KYS

>> No.53289593

nooo i prefer to pay fast food workers below living wage so that they get govt assistance which i pay for anyway so there's literally no difference nooo

>> No.53289655
File: 5 KB, 256x256, 8D7F82E9-E038-45E9-BADD-1BF9D3170767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s awfully antisemetic of Purdue university

>> No.53289660
File: 3.45 MB, 1619x1611, Walls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Occupy Democrats

>> No.53289858

What’s wrong with this image?

>> No.53290000
File: 80 KB, 347x288, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>share if you DONT mind paying a little extra for your meal if the person who made it could earn a living wage
i mind.

>> No.53290087

Oi m8 Im claiming these digits on behalf of the King

>> No.53290100

1000 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53290320


This is not how it works.

>> No.53290331

Someone show the math here. Also every mcdonalds near me already pays 15+

>> No.53290359

I honestly don't give a single fuck about McDonald's workers or how much money they make

>> No.53290373

Based and nippon pilled

>> No.53290407

$15/hr is a liberal strawman. There's pretty much no where left that pays under $15/hr. If they were serious about this retarded idea, they'd push for $25/hr minimum wage, but they know that would cause a ripple effect that would destroy everything. Minimum wage is on the same level of bullshit as climate change and the gender pay gap

>> No.53290424

I was paid $4/hr. Google incentives.

>> No.53290450


>> No.53290573
File: 364 KB, 469x631, 1663700445549660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a goyslop thread?

>> No.53290595

>goy in the word
not my fault people are deaf and retarded

>> No.53290604

Most McDonalds workers already get $15 an hour. They actually get more than this in the northeast, NY and CA. Was this slide made 6 years ago? kek

>> No.53290616

BASED and truth pilled

>> No.53290825

they made 12.8B in profit in 2021, they wouldnt need to raise prices at all to pay their workers better

>> No.53290846

>There's pretty much no where left that pays under $15/hr.

you'd be surprised. it's less than this in my flyover hometown. my gf just picked up a part time wagie job in a middle eastern restaurant for $13/hour plus tips.

>> No.53290857

the middle eastern restaurant is in the upper middle class exurbs of a major city

>> No.53290861

wow, sounds like an attainable goal was set and achieved. now compare that to what conservatives do, which is nothing but bitch. they also set forth a bill to abolish the IRS and income tax, I wonder the outcome of that will be(protip: its not gonna happen)

>> No.53290869

Makes no sense why she would even take a job paying that low. The chickfila in the most flyover trailer park pays more than that now.

>> No.53290905

>Makes no sense why she would even take a job paying that low.

because all of the other jobs paid just as poorly. at least this is a somewhat upscale place and not mcwagies with nigger coworkers.

>> No.53290920

Seethe harder tranny. Minimum wage went up without government intervention. Stop sucking government and IRS dick. You yourself would greatly benefit from removing the income tax

>> No.53291038

Why not just make the human scum to walk faster?

>> No.53291043
File: 530 KB, 1074x1439, 1643327828243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I was at mcdonalds I spent $30 and waited 40 minutes in line to get my meal. I probably saw close to two dozen doordash orders get made before mine. I had to walk up to the counter, show my receipt to the worker that was there, and then it took an additional 10 minutes for them to prepare and hand me my order.

They got it wrong of course, and gave me 2 randomized quarter pounders which I didnt order.
Yeah, no.

>> No.53291150

>still $15/hr
They should probably be asking for over $30/hr by now. I remember a McDonald's in buttfuck nowhere, between Louisville and Lexington had job postings to start at $13/hr about 8 years ago.

>> No.53291193

People also seem to forget most McDonald's stores are privately owned. I just had to google it to check the number and even I'm surprised it's this high:
>Approximately 93% Of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local business owners.
And if I remember correctly, most store owners don't see any profit on their investment until at least 3 years in on average. Average of 150k profit per year last I checked. Imagine a +$10/hr raise for every wagie on your staff lmao
There's no way the 17 cents figure in the OP is true at all

>> No.53291208

>implying I eat goyslop

>> No.53291350

McD around here starts at $17. When is this ancient image from?

>> No.53291587
File: 181 KB, 2230x410, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop at 15?

>> No.53291592

I used to drive OTR with a guy that would parrot this all day. Shows they don't understand basic economics.

>> No.53291723

not these days lmao

>> No.53292706
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, 1673133270247999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$30k annual
Still poverty. Why not pay that wagie $40hr?

Serious question tho, what happens when the wagies get replaced by automation?

>> No.53292746

oh vey the antisemitism

>> No.53292794

I dont eat at mcdonalds

>> No.53292924

The largest consumer base bought Big Macs when they made $7.25/hour, now that they make $15…

>> No.53294254
File: 142 KB, 784x407, 5602B89D-E6FD-4322-941A-20EBD3EE0FBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53294383

>Berlin wall

>> No.53294411

why do mcdonald's workers still exist? what the fuck is taking so long to automate such a formulaic service
they even put those screens in the restaurants in this past decade but still have the people at the counter to... give you the bag?? what the fuck is the point

>> No.53294422

Big Mac cost $2.50 in year 2003. Now it costs $8.

>> No.53294434 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 648x1080, haerin [Close-Up] NewJeans HAERIN(해린) OMG [multiview-32120698]-[00.46.533-00.51.166].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are already 5 dollars
so they'll be 5.30 now lmao

i remember when a big mac was only 2:49
in 2002

>> No.53294730

It also shrank in size like 20% or something

>> No.53295466

Experts, economic models, and new studies are always 100% accurate, never falsified, incomplete, or biased.
Thank you for sharing sir, this study will really change the world

>> No.53295493

The point is to dead ass no cap say less, socialize about pure consumerism, on God, while the scrawniest omega wagie does the most work

>> No.53295544

Electricity, R&D, repairs and planned obseletion.

These things all cost more than a human. If you want automation you need to encourage wagies to find another way in life. Business isn't going to just let go of their precious minimum wage.

>> No.53295554
File: 19 KB, 567x405, check the price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is weird because wages are 15/hr and big macs cost like 10 bucks instead of the 7 they were before.

What do you mean that liberals lie?

>> No.53295564

White people aren't yet a minority so more mexicans must be imported.

>> No.53296259

lol are dems really still grifting that $15 shit a decade later?

>> No.53296341

>implying $15 matters at this point due to the massive inflation making $15/hr on par if not worse than the precious status quo
>implying either political party actually does anything useful besides be gay and evil
Are you a redditor from like five years ago or what