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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 234 KB, 1080x1734, MyPoorfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53286274 No.53286274 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfolio rate thread. I will start!

>> No.53286287

Kek what’s it like only having a months pay saved

>> No.53286291

Buy NFT's

>> No.53286410

bro you are supposed to go all in on an alt if you are around 10k
fuck you don't diversify with 10k lmao

>> No.53286426

Kek what's it like only making $10k/month? I wouldn't get out of bed for that

>> No.53286468
File: 67 KB, 1137x879, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go bois, roast me

>> No.53286513

my poorfolio : I am betting on DGB 30xing.

>> No.53286530
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my poorfolio

>> No.53286539

You should put $100 on 80 different microcaps with doxed teams. Waste of time what you’re doing now.

>> No.53286540

Was referring to passive monthly dividends, not salary you peasant

>> No.53286546


>> No.53286577
File: 99 KB, 1080x2400, Ledger_Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have anything besides these two coins, consider yourself at a loss.
As for me, I like the coin

>> No.53286634
File: 109 KB, 863x904, Screenshot_20230115-161726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your alts but BTC feels less risky in current market conditions

>> No.53286666

Kek all you retards are double poor because you are literally holding non existent useless internet fantasy coins. You are double poor in my book. Keep beating your small cocks to those imaginary numbers on the screen. You are all going to get raped when the shitcoin purge happens later this year

>> No.53286853

The numbers ....

I also hold SPY but this is a crypto board realistically

>> No.53286913

Wasted Texas ranch quads with some retarded bullshit.

>> No.53286925
File: 251 KB, 1080x1983, Screenshot_20230109_160337_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven chads assemble

>> No.53286944

Where can i find these?

>> No.53286967

still 6 figures in the bear, you'll be a millionaire this year

>> No.53287013

Usually L1s will host fund raising that’s a good place to start.
Crypto Twitter is Great but hard to find sub 1m cap coins

>> No.53287027

No. Not this year. Mania only comes after Btc halving dumbass.

>> No.53287136

This right here is what having any intelligence looks like

>> No.53287357
File: 396 KB, 967x1735, Screenshot_20230115-102458_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't know about xhv

>> No.53287438

Too many coins imo.

>> No.53287447

>6 digits

>> No.53287572
File: 24 KB, 430x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it brings me back to 2019 when i was posting my 2000$ folio and some guy told me to choose between ftm/ocean. i chose ftm

>> No.53287641
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how bad things really are

>> No.53287999

>implying WBTC is the same as BTC
enjoy being 2k poorer

>> No.53288017

that's actually... quite dumb lol

bad idea

yeah, if everything works out this could run hard but it's a hard gamble too

plan is not to hold on to all of them but to cycle back into btc/eth after a 5-10x.

cronje scam

dude wtf

>> No.53288096

>plan is not to hold on to all of them but to cycle back into btc/eth after a 5-10x.
Anyone who doesn't do this is a fool. Bitcoin dominance increases in bear markets and decreases in bull markets. If you aren't holding small shitcoins in the bull market, you are unironically not going to make it. Just make sure they are converted to BTC ETH or XMR somewhere near the top of the bull.

>> No.53288208
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to 1m or 1k

>> No.53288356
File: 35 KB, 580x449, cb327870-76a4-11ed-a2bd-af393d3ea022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linux mint
>coin gecko
>$500 in [redacted] token
i bet you do this all on a 13" notebook financed for 36 months

>> No.53288537

You're forgetting
>from Mumbai

>> No.53288551

yeah hopefully i can make it tight

>> No.53288555

i wouldnt like to assume what 3rd world shithole anyone is from. i know poorer people next door and i live in the UK oh wait

>> No.53288556

that revpop scam has already failed

>> No.53288746


>> No.53288787

There's too much fud to dedicate yourself to only 1 coin.

>> No.53288833

gtfo kys

>> No.53288916
File: 174 KB, 1080x1202, Screenshot_20230115-124629-091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly back in 6 figure hell.

>> No.53289005
File: 544 KB, 1284x1679, DCE6D96F-361D-4C50-BC42-5525B2237DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here we go my poor folio

>> No.53289040
File: 395 KB, 1284x1878, 9B549D5E-40F2-428C-AE52-F01D5F98D4F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold some which is why graph falls off. $4k profit

>> No.53289055

You are holding too much bitcoin. See >>53288096

>> No.53289185

>too much Bitcoin
No such thing. And I think you're jumping the gun a little bit, given Bitcoin dominance (whether or not you include stables & shitcoins) is still bottomed out.

>> No.53289294
File: 200 KB, 1080x1782, 1673813580078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I started trading crypto I lost about 1k...

>> No.53289388

Also one question regarding haven. According to this:
There's still 15 million xUSD waiting to be converted back to XHV and sold, once conversions are re-opened. It seems like a massive dump just waiting to happen; their economics keep breaking.

>> No.53289404

Whats the best app to track my portfolio in 2023

>> No.53289467

>Whats the best app to track my portfolio in 2023

>> No.53289500

You don't have any privacy coin or governance token? you are never GMI

>> No.53289509

And I don't see how the economics differ all that much from LUNA/UST, where xUSD is really just a derivative of XHV, which is why they closed withdrawals, so as to avoid a death spiral.

>> No.53289605

I don't care about that stablecoin crap honestly. If they pull it off that would be sick, and the coin will be worth tons. It is inherently risky though. What I really care about is XHV being integrated into THORchain soon. It will be first privacy coin (Monero fork) on a DEX. It's unknown how much volume that will bring to the coin, as people permissionlessly remove KYC from their coins.

>> No.53289719

Well sure, I mean Luna did numbers before it blew up, but the whole system was flawed so it eventually blew up. Likewise, the only purpose of XHV is to collateralize xUSD it seems.
The haven route so far seems to be centralized control, locking down the system when it's about to fail, increasingly jerry-rigged economics, "governance" (dev) fees, conversion fees, on/offshore fees, miner fees, coin lock times, etc. If it does well, more power to you, but the entire thing seems fundamentally broken.

>> No.53289758

I don't like stablecoin projects either. They are all fundamentally broken. This one is worth the risk for me though. It's not one I will hold forever.

>> No.53289820
File: 165 KB, 1080x2026, Screenshot_20230115_155822_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme a rate lads

>> No.53289837

The amount of xUSD waiting to be redeemed exceeds the entire market cap of XHV by several million. The only thing Thorchain will bring is masses of new bagholders.

>> No.53289845

> no icp

>> No.53289904

Honestly pretty good just keep accumulating BTC and ETH. Polygon and Cosmos are solid alts that will do well next bull run. BTC and ETH are no brainers. I've been thinking of getting some cosmos at some point

>> No.53289989

Any thoughts? I also own some XMR

>> No.53289994

Possibly. Possibly not.

>> No.53290011

bobos know you don't sleep on shit like this, only fucktards don't watch out.

>> No.53290040


>> No.53290057
File: 212 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230115-161434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And $7500 BTC, $7500 ETH

I cannot decide on XRP or HBAR.

>> No.53290071
File: 335 KB, 360x1556, DAEBA1E5-B8AB-420E-A332-3DF51CB960D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoin collector

>> No.53290106

Damn wish I had your ETH stack. I'm aiming for 20 ETH and 1 BTC myself

>> No.53290296
File: 836 KB, 3440x1440, Orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.17 BTC
1.337 ETH
17 Link

It's all I can afford pls rate and shame. Cousin gambled the past 5 years in crypto and has nothing

Anyone remember Oyster and Iota?

Yeah small coins are where the upside is but hot dog I've seen this dude up 200k and down living on the streets.

Gamblers gonna gamble I suppose

>> No.53290342

>0.135 BTC
>1.82 ETH
>20k ROSE

Still accumulating

>> No.53290433

I respect it but you need better more obscure shitcoin picks. 1000$ in a coin is cool if there is 100x potential, not those 5-10x dinosaurs you selected

>> No.53290475
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>> No.53290500
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based junobro, stay strong

>> No.53290529

This MF got "%of P". Thinks he is a real probablestician.

>> No.53290838

Takes time my man. Just keep up that DCA

I’ve only recently came back to /biz/ so most of those “dinosaurs” I’ve been holding for literal years lol. Need to do a little more lurking before I pick my coins for the next bulk run (and need to actually sell them when they moon this time)

I used to have Oyster (PRL) before they exit scammed. A strategy that’s worked relatively well for me is to play the shitcoin lottery and hope that one or two hit. I’ve owned a ludicrous amount of shitcoins over the years, but it only takes one or two hits to make some serious $$$

>> No.53290852

Imagine not making $10K per pay period.

>> No.53291033

I'm doing fine with it, having sold half near the top. Bought more on the way down.
Also the red vs blue daodao thing looks fun, crypto twitter has been super into it.

>> No.53291076

>150K in the deep bear

That's like at least 5M next bullrun if this was the bottom and you stay in alts, you basically already made it fuck off

>> No.53291278
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x2436, 36F3E0EE-BF21-44D8-A713-A302246C4A6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I looking at 100k in bullmarket conditions!!?

>> No.53291355

pls dont touch quant bro, that shit pumped all the bear market. it pumped agaisnt BTC several times in 2021 and 2022, i dont think it got more fuel to run.

>> No.53291378

85% BTC, 13% house, 1% cash, 1% equities

>> No.53291502

Assuming your house is a milly
you have 8 milly btc?

>> No.53291509
File: 164 KB, 1289x1074, F3D7B133-E037-4343-AADD-2C01CBE730A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53291527

>rate thread
none of those command any rate whatsoever
my dividends range between 3% and 8.5% on probably $300k principal. the rest is either cash or spec buys
i'm not going and getting a screenshot for some crypto idiot, though

>> No.53291535

If my house were worth one million, I would have 5.6 million in BTC according to those percentages.

>> No.53291575

>be me, 21
>no financial knowledge
>no idea how stocks and crypto work

hey guys never been on /biz/ before and I have basically no understanding of crypto. what app should I use to invest in it and what coins do I even invest in? (besides the obvious BTC, ETH, etc)

>> No.53291593

lads how do we cope with not selling the top last bullrun?

>> No.53291601

oh sweet summer child

>> No.53291622

I gotta start somewhere I guess. Obviously not braindead, just need some help

>> No.53291640

>What coins do I invest in?
For your first cycle, only Bitcoin and ETH. Anything else and you'll most likely lose money.

>> No.53291644
File: 537 KB, 740x641, 1609361083575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're making a critical mistake
leave now while you still can

>> No.53291657

Yea yea keep larping.

>> No.53291665

Sounds good, already got a bit. About a year or 2 ago though I bought into DOGE from how dumb it was. Made like $200 off of what I told. Should I just sell the 60 coins left when it’s at a high or just hold on for the fuck of it since it’s worthless now (like $5 or some shit for me)?

>> No.53291668

Just stay away from a shitcoin called ICP. If you do that you’ll be ok

>> No.53291669

That's a Bitcoin maxi right there.

>> No.53291695

AZERO now that's a fucking chad, I'd recommend you add another low cap to the list preferably SYLO, massive growth potentials herein.

>> No.53291721

Everyone gets caught up in shitcoinery at first, and usually fuck it up.

I mean, who cares it's just $5.
Also, don't take any advice from biz whatsoever. Folio threads aren't too bad. But 99% of the time it's someone else trying to dump their bags on you, or fud you out of buying something good. Usually the best projects aren't talked about at all on here.

>> No.53292318

$ALBT has had my interest for some time. Been accumulating for a few months. Might be a coin you want to check out.

>> No.53292365
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Just got a real job so hoping there's a long bear so I can stack

>> No.53292414

Get more into not so known L1s like Azero.
L2s: Metis, Optimism
Mobility and Metaverse gems: RIDE
Security: VXG and XMR

>> No.53292846

That one alt gets hacked or devs run out of funds and start dumping tokens LINK style oops there goes your 10k.

>> No.53292890

Just take out some loans anon

>> No.53292927

By selling the top next bullrun

>> No.53293115

It's over

>> No.53293156

Can you niggers tell me what to buy please i'm begging

>> No.53293189

ETH and BTC retard. No brainers

>> No.53293231

I want to buy some haven, is kucoin or coinEx the better exchange for it?

>> No.53293272

Linux mint is good. Rich man mentality to not pay to be spied on.
Firefox is good, fuck chromium monopoly destroying the internet.
Coingecko is good, Binance bought CMC long ago and coingecko brings decentralization of the shitcoin chart market. Stop feeding CZ infinite data.
$500 HarrySonicFaggot69Cat Yeah that's pretty jeet.

>> No.53294416
File: 274 KB, 750x1035, B5A0B6C8-29B0-4E68-B126-DB649D7CD290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOT and parachain maxi…
Gavin Wood pls save me -_-

>> No.53294465
File: 175 KB, 1080x2294, Screenshot_20230115-211648~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it lads?

>> No.53294484

Ditch poop. Get more GLMR.

>> No.53294494

HBAR look at the tps lately, shit is bussin.

>> No.53294569

Maybe 100k by end of bull cycle if you're lucky

>> No.53294595

That’s the plan. Bullish on GLMR being the big L1 next bull cycle, similar to FTM and AVAX.

>> No.53294705

So you started with 800?

>> No.53294733

You better put 2k in onchain ponzis. Cus you arent making it with that

>> No.53294924
File: 437 KB, 1439x2291, Screenshot_20230116-063029~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

What can I expect next bullrun?

>> No.53294954

What app is this?

>> No.53294990


CoinMarketCap app on android

>> No.53294993
File: 400 KB, 1440x1852, Screenshot_20230115_234125_CoinGecko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has bull run begun?

>> No.53295024

Very low chance but Azero could moon and you’d be at 100k. 50-100x on that coin if it moons

>> No.53295031


>> No.53295078


>> No.53295369

Privacy is a great place to keep an eye on desu, this is one of the reasons why i am quite bullish on NexeraID.

>> No.53295775

why a d? because i am holding to many coins and no btc?

>> No.53295795
File: 28 KB, 355x349, Numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo here,

>> No.53295825
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>> No.53296060

Good bags, I fucked up and didn't buy HBAR early, now I have to fomo.

>> No.53296179
File: 658 KB, 1284x2778, 81624ADF-BA1D-4012-A008-42984259C864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im expecting 150k out of this but will keep adding more

>> No.53296196


Zoomer's Portfolio.

>> No.53296222

Lol lmao

>> No.53296261

Azero will moon hard bruv, ain't no two ways about that, all privacy tokens will Sylo, Qredo, ZKP, name them all, the hype is on them fr though.

>> No.53296291

Dump the link, you can get psychological damage holding it.

>> No.53296305

I think you have a shot at 1mill. Good luck Anon. I’m right there with you.

>> No.53296328
File: 229 KB, 1300x1080, Ff9FlQnVEAAciJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More diversification anon but I also think you should be buying a lot more MATIC.

>> No.53296356

Nigga you retarded?
The less you got the more you need to invest into the shitcoin casino.

>> No.53296512

Name of app pictured?

>> No.53296519
File: 195 KB, 1080x2081, Screenshot_20230116_014759_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers my anus, they tongue it

>> No.53296524

Should be Delta

>> No.53296541

look up bitconnect, great investment opportunity

>> No.53297054

Good bag. I have all except BTC
Got other mid and low caps like ORE, HBAR, and VRA

>> No.53297081

Get 2,000 link dude. Grandmas out there have 16 eth.

>> No.53297090
File: 143 KB, 1440x1264, Screenshot_20230116-122557(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

held all the way up and all the way down. Still up multiple 10x's from my initial investment in 2020 and I'm going to hold until I've made it

>> No.53297127

OGN RAIL EGLD BNB... Hope this chills your thirst

>> No.53297148

Why is no RAIL not in the list? Oh, I forgot you're a newfag

>> No.53297167

Why? Now more users need to know about the need for self-custody and how to manage their assets without fear of hacks as there is no need for lots of passwords anymore.

>> No.53297180

It is important to point out, that the user pays ONLY for ERC20 transfer and doesn’t pay for staking operation into Tornado.cash contract, harvest, and re-stake operation.

>> No.53297187

Everyone deserves a privacy protocol to avoid hacks

>> No.53297193

50/50 CRO/ETH

>> No.53297204

Fuck off ranjeet

>> No.53297207

The PowerPool research and development team ran experiments that processed on-chain data of the Tornado.cash governance staking contract which revealed that there are optimal time conditions for compounding TORN income:

>> No.53297208
File: 20 KB, 400x378, 1650209791446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one privacy project, ROSE, you NGMI, those that use the latest privacy tech ZKPs are the ones to have.

>> No.53297353

Spam alert! Shillscam

>> No.53297555

this portfolio is boring but comfy af, you already made it just have to wait.

>> No.53297740

Or better, pick 10 shitcoins with potentials and put 1k in each one, pray everyday and you are done. 3x probably is the worst case scenario, still better than you current one tho

>> No.53297790
File: 163 KB, 640x479, 1673823663447307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sold when ypu had 700k.
Nigga, its over for you.

>> No.53297997

Post your portfolio you fucking faggot

>> No.53298009

RAIL is as credible as ULTRASAFE was.

>> No.53298317
File: 33 KB, 938x439, binance portofolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd worlder coming through

>> No.53298326

I’m a maxi for a reason.

>> No.53298649
File: 28 KB, 313x640, CD02EB81-6F6E-4D89-B4C4-5F12FC23A16E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rose chud reporting in

>> No.53299052
File: 488 KB, 1170x1733, B3484374-E31B-463C-815F-1E00B5CAE2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell my SNX stack for ROSE?

>> No.53299148

I was using Blockfolio to track my assets before it died. What app are you guys using? Does it allow you to track other investments like commodities, stocks, etc?

>> No.53299152

No ORE, Never GMI

>> No.53299458
File: 686 KB, 1125x2055, EEEF1FDA-0BA8-4742-A7D7-10823DFBEF08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53299723

>t. Rock climbing tranny
I always knew you were just fudding your own shit.

>> No.53299995

quentin, i am happy that you stopped "writing" shitty books

>> No.53300663

any hope for MTV, SYLO ?

>> No.53301322

>84% BTC
>C rating

>> No.53301488

solid asf
I have similar top 3, unless I'd replace atom with ride.

having one or two 20 to 50m market cryptos makes sense because they can sometimes do huge numbers

>> No.53301650

30% BTC, 20% MATIC, 20% SOL, 20% GALA, 10% memes

>> No.53301663

Too much ethereum

>> No.53301683

I hold this and ENS, these data management protocols definitely got a place in the next pump

>> No.53301691
File: 528 KB, 1125x1758, 2FD28E6B-33A4-462B-810E-596053DDAECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1 XRP holder
>90% shitcoins which will be going to 0 after regulations and CBDCs
Nobody is gonna make it

>> No.53301696

Right but applies only to em good ones actually worth holding
Feels criminal to be all in just blue chips alone

>> No.53301745

Thinkpad user.

>> No.53301875

send me your shitcoins then before they go to zero

>> No.53301914

btc maxis think everyone should hold only bitcoin because everything else is useless and will go to zero kek

any reason behind the replacement anon?

>> No.53301965

They make Defi fucking easier to use.

>> No.53301986

We’re out here, I just don’t post my holding here, so glowies will raid my house.

>> No.53302100

Lmao, didn't even take profits. Jesus christ, you're a living meme.

>> No.53302182

>because it could print harder on the long run, elrond based project, bringing the metaverse to cars with vr game product already live.

>> No.53302605
File: 22 KB, 446x432, folio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on the interchain.

>> No.53303105
File: 664 KB, 1030x941, terry come with me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fund is only holding around 300MM RSR right now.
its the only thing im still speculating on.
if a CBDC launches on the rToken platform, i'll nearly be a billionaire by the time i do the die.

>> No.53304137

bro might as well all in Bingus.

>> No.53304714

what programm are you using? Is it non custodial?

>> No.53306350

i'm going all in with
30k on avax
10k on lunc
3k on shib
4k on xrp
the rest on GLMR

Roast me niggers

>> No.53306506

ore and hbar price prediction

>> No.53306514

unironic xrp price prediction?

>> No.53307253

hello i am from india

>> No.53307495

>we're totally in a bull market again guys listen to how wealthy we all are

>> No.53307721
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 887F0C2B-1D1B-40F9-9DCD-A5D28A66F901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no BitDAO
unironically NGTMI

>> No.53307738

fucking autistic
no one’s buying you bitfuck bags anon

>> No.53307746

Pretty based. Need RUNE though, top tier cosmos project.

>> No.53307753
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>> No.53307756
File: 101 KB, 1124x873, 77A9F4B0-69EA-468A-8259-F481ECED6C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol apparently many people are
pumped 80% over this month
this is what consistency looks like anon

>> No.53308839

It could get to $3 in the next bull cycle anon, other alts I have eyes on for good profits are Dot, Sylo and Ar

>> No.53309078
File: 53 KB, 1740x1056, alts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these shitcoin portfolios
Shill me your best altcoins

>> No.53309133

What is your rationale for holding this? Its only function is already implemented on Ethereum.

I read this entire thread and most of you are insane. Why are so many of you holding XRP and LINK in 2023?

Why LTC?

>> No.53309628

why you spreading yourself so thin? you should be putting that into 1 or 2 coins

>> No.53310608

Buy AVAX or Die poor that’s all I know

>> No.53310652

>why you spreading yourself so thin? you should be putting that into 1 or 2 coins
he's zoomer gambling, what do you want him to do, buy 0.15 bitcoin and hold it?

>> No.53310654

>0 XRP

>> No.53310657

Either you guys are massive retards or XRP is a /biz/ meme I haven't caught onto yet

>> No.53310735

All you niggers need to be buying kneepads for when your non btc shitcoins go to 0

>> No.53310740

What about solana and polkadot?

>> No.53311124

what about them? There is a very tiny pool of users, capital and devs, most are concentrated on eth and bsc. Sol has the remanents of mainstream nft faggots fleeced by the afro jew, dot - beside kusama and shortly moonriver and beam, nothing really gained traction

>> No.53311429

No single privacy related coin. Add XMR, SCRT or RAIL. You are welcome.

>> No.53311733
File: 655 KB, 1215x1571, C4C13C94-132A-40C5-9C3A-7BDE8C49B77C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hodling LUNC until it makes me rich, BTC as a safe contingency

>> No.53313482
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>> No.53314360

>XMR's only function is already implemented on Ethereum
Eth is proof-of-stake, so neither decentralized or all that immutable. And for the purpose of having a decentralized/secure digital currency, a dedicated PoW chain scales better than adding another OFAC-compliant widget to ethereum. Maybe won't perform amazingly in price, but I think it's worth holding.

>> No.53315247


Im with you.

5ETH to cover my fantom.


they have no idea whats in store.

>> No.53316252


>> No.53316319

Lol... Why is MATIC red? Delete it and add the 20% of ALBT for the portfolio to be balanced...

>> No.53316394

ORE shills in full force lately, yet you see none holding this shit in any portfolio threads

really makes you think

>> No.53316474
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Dark theme is gay.

>> No.53316657
File: 64 KB, 929x852, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This + 100k LCX. Consolidated my portfolio instead of having like 10 different coins.

>> No.53316847

You are a fucking dullard. You have all the portfolios to see who holds what and who doesn't? Even Telos adopted the solution recently.

>> No.53318025

Lol Telos have adopted it... I'm sure they will be the next to adopt the Nexera protocol after peaq network.

>> No.53318170

Where did they adopt it? Show me where you can use oreid with telos, heck show me where you can use oreid with ANY chain and i will shut up

>> No.53318818

If you dyor you'll be richer than Elon Musk


>> No.53318916
File: 231 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20230117-171239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save me bros. I hate being poor.

>> No.53319807

not bad, all of these will likely make new ATHs.

but you wont make massive outsized returns or get rich from this either

>> No.53319883
File: 129 KB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20230117-182304~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icy Piss Marine & My Rosey Stays Cozy

>> No.53320295
File: 20 KB, 421x696, Skilled Trader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey folks, how's my heckin portfolio lookin? Am I diversified enough? Thanks in advance

>> No.53322147

Based anon, I have seen good potential in some like the Seekers which would be used to run nodes on a decentralised communication platform and earn users rewards

>> No.53322198
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>> No.53322473

YGMI but you type incredibly cringe, sorry

>> No.53322603

>he doesn’t know you can get hacked posting your folio

>> No.53322702

I'm 100% in BNB. Am I going to make it?

>> No.53322712


>> No.53323431
File: 10 KB, 253x260, Skeptical-Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fag? Most nfts are vaporware and oversaturated. New ones keep launching. Would rather pay attention to more important things like how payment solutions will change the space. Now isn't time to be stupid

>> No.53323442

Based. Low caps with strong fundamentals and staking rewards. Evmos has good yields. Xpress does too via Allianceblock defi terminal. More out there to choose from.

>> No.53324150

Most definitely anon, CZ is not going down and BNB is going to be worth so much more in future. I also diversified into more alts with long term potential for profits like Hero, Ride and Senate in the metaverse

>> No.53324955

Hbar currently has highest transaction volume/live and real world use cases (with plenty more to come this year) so could realistically see a 10x by eoy. Xrp has the sec case which everyone knows they'll win and has already been priced in. When it doesnt pump like people are expecting, id wager it actually goes down because normalfags get pissed off and sell. Thatd be a good time to buy.

>> No.53325047

I own one Bitcoin and one monero. sold everything else last year.

>> No.53325080


>> No.53325204

I'm getting some XMR here and waiting for privacy adoption. Better improved tech is coming with ZKPs and better anonymity with some privacy protocols.

>> No.53325214

BTC and ETH will go 4x and 10x at most respectively. There are solid alts that will do better but retards always fade.

>> No.53325237

One solid privacy protocols. I'm rooting for RAIL and SCRT as well.

>> No.53325287

I'm holding. Stop being a fag and thinking everyone FUDs like you. I'd like to FUD the hell out of your bags. Mention them here you fag.

>> No.53326266

5k BTC
1k Cardano
Can this get me to 30k? If it goes high enough I may play shitcoin casino

>> No.53326526

>Not salary
LMFAO you have W2 income? GTFO poorfag. Talk to me when you learn to make real money