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File: 29 KB, 250x247, Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53282989 No.53282989 [Reply] [Original]

Calling all
Qredo Pedos
Q Anons
Assemble! Qredo will torpedo.

>> No.53283067

Up 50% in 7 days. 35m circ mcap.
They seem to understand shitcoin marketing, I think they'll pay off some influencers when bull is in full swing. That's good for stacking more sats.

>> No.53283284
File: 19 KB, 225x456, This chad could be you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please buy my shitcoin, 10c was the bottom I promise, no rugpull thievery.
Binance eventually.
CZ can't resist pump and dumping
Coinbase eventually.

>> No.53283474

stupid fuckhead faggot gaylord cockass vagina shit cunt whore bitch
Enjoy your 1trillion token unlock bought by VCs for less than 1 cent

>> No.53283494

I'm not sorry you didn't sell at $8 like I told you to when you laughed at me when it went to $10, but this is the bottom. Try not to fomo in again at $2 next time.
Qredo circulating supply will only go up 3x by 2025, but I will have dumped my bags on your uncle before then. Fortunately it's very easy to sustain the current price with the current inflation and when the bull is really taking off they'll hold of on dumping until people fomo in at the top again. I am comfy.

>> No.53283549

Why are you talking to yourself lol
Never touched this shitcoin, never will
Glhf pedo

>> No.53283570
File: 2.88 MB, 2880x1606, whyareyoumad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a pedophile.
Your loss.

>> No.53283613

You know what
Since you're a 33rd degree supreme faggotlord, i'll create a thread in a few weeks to honour you when this shitcoin goes back to the red poop scoop inside your dilate hole
Looking forward to laughing at (you) which will hopefully encourage you to join your comrades in the 43%
Cheers xoxo

>> No.53283823

That’s okay. I’m up 50% though.
Main hold is BTC spot and BTC longs.
Qredo is doing fine since I bought.

>> No.53283880

>I'm not a pedophile.
Maybe you just haven't found the right kid yet?
Are you holding your BTC longs until 100k EOY?

>> No.53283907

>Maybe you just haven't found the right kid yet?
lmao ok
>Are you holding your BTC longs until 100k EOY?
No, but I've been posting shit like 50k EOM and 100k EOY lately for lulz. I'll be holding the spot until around 2025 anyways. Long are expensive to maintain, I'll consolidate it into spot soon if BTC would do me the honor of pumping to 25-30k and induce FOMO in all the current disbelief posters so we can dump on them.

>> No.53283942


>> No.53283950


>> No.53283963


>> No.53284478
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>> No.53284845
File: 26 KB, 957x202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going.
Only 50% up from the absolute bottom of a coming bullrun, still early.
If this goes back up to ATH that's a 100x return!

>> No.53285390
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Feels good

>> No.53285556

>Qredo circulating supply will only go up 3x by 2025, but I will have dumped my bags on your uncle before then.
Source? And what does it mean 2bn max supply and 860m total supply? Is there another billion to be dumped on us?

>> No.53285689


Perfect shilling for 2023-2025 getting CEX liquidity on a DEX without giving up keys. FTX is free marketing. We will hear a lot about this when influencers get paid to shill this shit. SBF will be in the news a lot which gives HUGE opportunities for people to shill Qredo as a way to trade on CEX while not getting rugged by the exchange going under.

I believe eventually as CEX integrates qredo they will be able to farm QRDO by participating, but the circulating supply won't change for that because you're going to sell the rumor and there will be no chance for cex liquidity miners dumping on you. Either way it would be bullish as fuck.

>> No.53285820 [DELETED] 


>> No.53285919

I wish I could get hyped but this reminds me of that time qredo pumped from 20 cents to 30 cents
still I'm not selling tho

>> No.53286023

This is time is likely different because BTC bottomed and is breaking out.
The other pump had no chance, it was obvious to me the market hadn't bottomed yet. I managed to wait all the way from $10 to 10 cents before buying. It's pretty funny.

>> No.53287164
File: 3.70 MB, 1639x998, 1638265591515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not buying anymore yet. Waiting til this current pump chills out and we resume the typical boredom phase of around 1 year. More queerdog inflation in the meantime. Probably buying more in 8-12 months. Stay torpedo'ing though lads.

>> No.53288214
File: 8 KB, 200x200, jjds3443-1242346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]