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53280661 No.53280661 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe BTC is pumping because the smart money believes the US government will default on it's debt when they fail to raise the debt ceiling this week. Say hello to hyperinflation if the federal government defaults.

>> No.53280729


>> No.53280734
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$goshi maxis > btc

>> No.53280745


>> No.53280802

There are btc maxis and there are niggers. The maxis are invested in the future and the niggers are gambling on the immediate price action to supplement their nigger lives.

>> No.53280888

>America will fall1!!!111111

Sorry bro were in the republic period of our civ we still have the empire chapter we need to clear before the downfall. In other words the dollar isnt going anywere anytime soon

>> No.53280930

Bitcoin is basically a short on the USD/Fed, so yes that's what's happening

>> No.53280947

Some argue that we entered the empire chapter with FDR being the first emperor. America hardly functions as a republic anymore.

>> No.53280962
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It's not just buttcoin maximums, it's gold and silver shills argument as well.

>> No.53281028

Yes but gold is starting to stall out and silver has yet to squeeze. If BTC is indeed the best short on the USD then we can expect it to keep rising with debt ceiling drama which will eventually turn into money printer go brrrr.

>> No.53281060

No, they will raise the debt ceiling, further devaluing the dollar, no default. Now in order to understand what's going on, you have to look back to the 70's when the US ditched the gold standard and then created the petro-dollar which has sustained the dollar ponzi for 45 years. But we are now in a paradigm shift, the petro-dollar is dying and the dollar system is simply a house of cards that will ultimately collapse. Zoltan Posar explained how Putin can destroy the dollar system by requiring gold as payment for oil. What if Bitcoin is the better option? Nevertheless, hard assets are the life boat to survive the next 15 years and it was no accident that Bitcoin was released in 2009.

>> No.53281151

The only thing that can save the dollar is a replay of WWII. This is why there's a war in Ukraine and why the US is trying to start a war in Taiwan. This isn't going to happen though. So what's going to be the next reserve currency? It's not going to be the dollar because the dollar hurts everyone outside the US. It certainly isn't going to be the Euro or the incredibly manipulated Yuan. Time is running out, so what's it going to be? Gold again?

>> No.53281281

If Putin makes Bitcoin legal tender for Russian commodities then hodlers are in trouble. The feds will make Bitcoin illegal to possess just like FDR did with gold.

>> No.53281376

The State Duma is supposed to discuss the matter this month. Yes, the US government can try that but it's like shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.53281384

lol at btc actually being an inflation hedge

>> No.53281760

>The feds will make Bitcoin illegal to possess just like FDR did with gold.
Countries have tried to ban Bitcoin before. China has done it every other month for like 6 years in a row. It has never worked. Feds can confiscate physical gold but they can not confiscate self custody Bitcoin.

>> No.53281795

They will strangle all fiat bridges and the market cap will collapse as retail runs for the exits. Sure, it won't die but it will be on life support.

>> No.53281906

At this point making Bitcoin contraband is potentially a national security threat. China banned it and lost majority of the hashrate and price just went up.

>> No.53281991

Banning official fiat bridges can hamper it but cannot stop it if it's a commodity that is truly in demand, just as prohibition never stopped the consumption of substances that were prohibited. Trying to prohibit something that's in demand will just create black markets.

>> No.53282007

Can they confiscate the BTC backing gBTC at Grayscale? Almost 1m BTCs

>> No.53282023


>> No.53282077
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always have been

>> No.53282149

Considering that's a trust that is managed that depends on the managing entity. Most likely the trust would surrender any BTC holding it has if the federal government politely asked. It wouldn't want any other assets the managers may hold to be frozen. There is a reason people say "not your keys, not your coins"

>> No.53282367

Central Bank funded,
National Digital Currency is coming in the next few years
Bitcoin is the first one integrated
10k, 15k, 20k, 30k is still considered a really good buy in.
Don't leverage if you don't have enough balls or money, and DCA in and enjoy the rollercoaster

>> No.53283819

The issuance rate of new bitcoin drops in half next year. Everything else is irrelevant. The price will go up because the supply is predictably increasing at a significantly slower rate than the dollar. Don't overthink this with short term price action and politics. To the extent that you're invested in fiat and fiat derivatives, you're helping the government pay for child abuse.

>> No.53283878

they always raise the debt ceiling, why would this time be any different? If our debt had meaning in the traditional sense the country would've collapsed before it reached 20+ trillion.

why would they integrate bitcoin instead of just creating 1 node they control completely

>> No.53283908

>US defaults on debt
>no more 50T debt
Whats the causal mechanism on prices going up if debt isnt paid? Any explanations?

>> No.53283975

Why wouldn't they?
Banks be wild'n in they looked at Gold and said "nah, it won't be beneficial for us to hold this"

>> No.53284095

It happens all the time in other countries that have defaulted. Other countries will immediately not want their currency since the country is considered unsafe to invest in. This devalues their currency resulting in imports rising in price drastically. Also, without debt, the available amount of oneynincreases which further increases inflation. In the USA in particular, foreigners would sell use debt causing the debt to be repatriated and Deb is the basis of money supply in our retarded kek created system.

>> No.53284125
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Look at El Salvador, they adopted Bitcoin and they are broke AF.
Wait for Elon Musk make Dogecoin the official coin of Mars