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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 378 KB, 1024x1024, 1673704268805129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53280063 No.53280063 [Reply] [Original]

LCX dot com, don't waste time log on
Get connected with your free account all on one platform
We gon' help that cash flow like a river
Disrupt innovate and deliver
LCX oh yeah they the best
LCX better than the rest
Cut the check, oh we up next
Watch how I flex, this is not a test

Verse one:
What you know about blockchain, have you heard of crypto?
Let me put you on game, show you something official
LCX, that's the place to go for all your needs
Plus you know we going up, hash tag bullish beat
We have the technology, you don't need any degrees
Gon' build you fast pace, livin' life like a breeze
Smart order your assets, this ain't checkers it's chess
Say it with me right now "LCX is the best!"
LCX dot com, don't waste time log on
Get connected with your free account all on one platform
We gon' help that cash flow like a river
Disrupt innovate and deliver
LCX oh yeah they the best
LCX better than the rest
Cut the check, oh we up next
Watch how I flex, this is not a test

Verse two:
I get money I get checks trading on LCX
Easy as 123, ABC a couple steps
Now I'm trading, the haters hatin'
But I'm on my grind staying motivated
I trade here I trade there, I am winnin' like a bear
Look at this, what is that? The market bullish that's a fact
Now we gettin' it, paper stackin'
All because of LCX they made it happen (Thank you!)

LCX dot com, don't waste time log on
Get connected with your free account all on one platform
We gon' help that cash flow like a river
Disrupt innovate and deliver
LCX oh yeah they the best
LCX better than the rest
Cut the check, oh we up next
Watch how I flex, this is not a test

>> No.53280158

300k Chad reporting!

>> No.53280181
File: 209 KB, 500x547, 1673479614044233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute worst exchange I have ever used. Make sure you try it before buying the shitcoin. It reeks of curry and the pajeets can't even make the deposits work properly.

>> No.53280183

i bet you've made a LOT of money these last couple weeks havent you nigger boy

>> No.53280210

nobody cares about the exchange chink boy the only reason people buy LCX is for the ICO's and TOKENIZATION OF THE WORLD NIGGER

>> No.53280212

Why would I buy something where the shills are such newfags they make it look like the name of the coin is LCX Ticker?

>> No.53280224

the name of the coin is literally LCX Ticker (Ticker: LCX)

>> No.53280277

>Liechtenstein states on its website: “Registration under the TVTG is effective exclusively in Liechtenstein; passporting according to the model of European financial market laws is therefore not possible
>We are pleased to announce that LCX has received regulatory approval as a Physical Validator according to the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act (TVTG). This makes us the first and only company in Liechtenstein, as well as the first company worldwide, to attain this registration.
> LCX Becomes First Physical Validator in Liechtenstein and Globally:
> Bridging the Digital and Physical World Enabling Tokenization of Assets.
>Our application for this regulator registration was filed more than 2 years ago. Since the application in 2020 we have provided a variety of documents to clarify details of our role as Physical Validator. This includes a formal Physical Validator Application as well as Physical Validator Operational Procedure explaining all details of the tokenization process managed by LCX.

>> No.53280323
File: 1.58 MB, 900x1200, FYyWP7ZUEAAlkPt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine missing out on this entire pump

>> No.53280338
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1671178255324800.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at the OpenSea volume for Tiamonds

>> No.53280339

Zoom out.

>> No.53280367
File: 545 KB, 634x635, 1665681363710571 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53280452
File: 8 KB, 253x164, imaginebeinganXCMbaggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should probably update these memes since theyre 15% off the actual price

>> No.53280460
File: 162 KB, 1200x1182, 1464295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow anon it's great that you are in profit maybe you can take me to a nice restaurant soon but why do you keep talking about other companies whenever I ask you about our investments?
What do?

>> No.53280472
File: 853 KB, 931x1041, 1673426801089952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paging XCM schizo with the picture of Monty with all the Indians and other hilarious LCX images.

>> No.53280475
File: 106 KB, 1552x774, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just buy some Bitc- AH FUCK NOT AGAIN

>> No.53280488
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, 1668763428704298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally worth more than coinmetro (you cant make this stuff up

>> No.53280499

The funny thing about you posting this to "own" Coinmetro is it looks way worse for the project you are shilling. Shiba Inu is billions, market doesn't need to make sense.

>> No.53280514

nobody cares about the exchange chink boy literally nobody uses it. LCX is destined for far more than trading internet money. i mean... our team is completely indian (literally outperforming the coinmetro team)

>> No.53280523

Keep going.

>> No.53280537
File: 8 KB, 242x165, xcmfalling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. did you know coinmetro is literally in freefall down the crypto rankings? would be heartbreaking watching my unsellable coins also become undesirable

>> No.53280542
File: 89 KB, 847x1390, girl-holding-out-hand-for-smack-and-crying-ABEWYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon why are you taking me to the bad part of town... where are my parents. I'm scared. Can I hold your hand?
What do?

>> No.53280585
File: 45 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230114_204804_638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you invest in LCX, you invest in geniuses like Sumit. Some say they only keep him around because Monty is an insatiable cuckold, but I think he does great marketing.


>> No.53281901

the fact LCX can moon 140% without marketing should have coinmetrannies shaking in their boots. how does a brown skinned ESL team have more brains than a board of whites

>> No.53282013

>140% without marketing
Are you retarded? Bitboy may have said it wasn't a sponsorship, but he is a liar. He was paid.

>> No.53282028

i think deep down you know thats not true but whatever helps you cope. maybe you can pay bitgoy for a video and see if he will do it secretly

>> No.53282038

>maybe you can pay bitgoy for a video and see if he will do it secretly
He does pumps and dumps all the time. If you think otherwise you are a mentally retarded monkey.

>> No.53282048

he would do a pump and dump of XCM but.... well... you cant sell it.... HAHAHHHHHAAH

>> No.53282293

KEK not much else to say is there

>> No.53282316

You are a literal child. There is no point talking to you. ctrl-w

>> No.53282337
File: 115 KB, 911x1024, 1673758834554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow anon you sure showed those guys. So tell me how big is ur... LCX stack?
What do?

>> No.53282407

hahahahahhah enjoy hodl mode trannymetro baggie maybe next time the entire market has a 20% run xcm will go up instead of down HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH

>> No.53282462
File: 30 KB, 474x711, th-2477784140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> know this place is a little public but there is no need to be so shy when I'm speaking to you anon. Are you this shy around all girls or is it just me?
Wat do?

>> No.53282585
File: 100 KB, 1906x1084, bullish beat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. In 2 years all /biz/ niggas will know the lyrics to Bullish Beat, whether they like it or not.

It's going to be so EXCRUCIATING and ANNOYING and STUPID, pure WEF CLOWN WORLD, I almost feel bad for LCX haters.

>> No.53282594

i will dance over the bodies of suicided xcm shills when we hit $50b mc and xcm has been shut down for tax fraud (again)

>> No.53282702


>> No.53282729
File: 129 KB, 1920x1006, bullish beat 5 asian women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do, get 5 Asian women to help. I've learned alot about dance from LCX.

>> No.53282741

no shit there is no passporting of licenses dude how stupid do u think we are? u seriously think we are mooning so hard because the market doesnt know they cant passport their license?

i thought youd have time to do some more research while u hold illiquid unsellable bags HAHAHHAHHAHHA

>> No.53282751

You are below the 10c minimum price Monty promised in your original whitepaper that he rugged you on.

>> No.53282759

Check out the wallets on this page
Every single one has sub 10k and hundreds of transactions except number 1 which has 12k worth of doggy coins lmao.

>> No.53282761

damn i guess i will sell now HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAAHHAHA when you're holding an exchange token literally running itself into the ground and you cant exit i wouldnt give out opinions on investments very loudly KEK. maybe get a financial advisor bro

>> No.53282771

who the fuck cares about tiamonds dude its a proof of concept like SNS-1.. KEK. XCM is your entire life savings and it literally cant be sold and every baggie is literally HAPPY about it HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.53282781

Maybe you are right anon. The tokenisation of everything but legally only being able offer the service to people living in Liechtenstein could be the future of blockchain.

>> No.53282790

HAHAHAH the future of finance is price floors, 3 new users per week and zero buy side liquidity KEK

>> No.53282794

Insiders bought 25% of the supply of ICP for 3c and that is all it is worth. You bought a shitcoin on that network.

>> No.53282811

i dont own any ICP or SNS-1 bro.. its a proof of concept coin which i have explained to you i do not own. its probably best you change IPs again and start your seething from the beginning KEK

how does it feel watching XCM slip down the rankings every day? the xcm chat becoming more and more of a ghosttown. do you regret your investment yet? you could've swallowed your loss for 20c/XCM a couple weeks ago, put that all in LCX, and have the same profit as selling your xcm at 60c... but you didnt.. you CHOOSE to baghold a dying token KEK

>> No.53282826

>XCM chat becoming more of a ghosttown
Telegram bros... It hurts...