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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53279334 No.53279334 [Reply] [Original]

what dog coin do i buy

>> No.53279372

WOLFY on ETH or WPACK on BSC I guess

>> No.53279384

those are gay and so are you

>> No.53279400

>he is not buying cat coins
Fucking lol

>> No.53279409

RLC (Really Long Corgi)

>> No.53279479

bought catgirl and some coin called sakura neko in 2021. never doing that shit again my nigga

>> No.53279792 [DELETED] 
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The bot is an advanced ChatGPT-based chatroom moderation tool that is designed to improve the user experience in online communities. It has features such as smart raid detection, custom-trained models, AI interaction and even build a Discord bot capabilities. It can quickly and accurately identify and remove harmful or disruptive content, making the chatroom a safer and more enjoyable place for all users. Additionally, it can also be programmed to detect and respond to specific keywords or phrases, providing helpful information and resources to users in need. With its advanced features, the bot can help create positive and productive online environments for users to engage in discussions and share information.

>> No.53279829
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>> No.53281415

canine holding bludgeoning object on bee ess see

>> No.53282223

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Dobbo. He was a friendly and loyal companion to his owner, but he had a strange habit of carrying around a baseball bat.

His owner, John, had no idea where Dobbo had gotten the bat from, but he found it amusing and let him carry it around wherever they went. But Dobbo had a special mission with his bat, he would bonk people on the head if he saw them being too "horny."

John was initially confused by Dobbo's behavior, but as he started to observe more, he realized that Dobbo had a keen sense of detecting when people were behaving in a way that made him uncomfortable.

Soon, people in the neighborhood began to take notice of Dobbo and his bat, and they started to change their behavior around him. Couples would keep their public displays of affection to a minimum when Dobbo was around, and even the local teens were careful to keep their flirtations more discreet.

John was proud of his companion and decided to make a name for him as the "Horny Bonker." He made a few flyers and put them around the neighborhood, and before long, Dobbo became a local celebrity.

Dobbo was a beloved member of the community, and when he passed away, everyone was devastated. But his legacy lived on, as people still tell the story of the dog with the bat who bonked people for being horny.

>> No.53282350

drain gang :)

>> No.53283459

>Not adopting every single dog coin you come across and creating a large kennel of good doggos


>> No.53283461
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>> No.53283473

Most definitely D0bo. If you want to see real gains 2023.

>> No.53284993

The esc or bsc one?

>> No.53285138


ISHI the shibfather (ETH)

>> No.53285147

Obviously eth the esl jeet chain has already pumped and dumped. If you wanna see any kind gains go for eth

>> No.53285189
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Take the piss pill, dog coins are so 2018

>> No.53285201

BSC is legit, ETH will rug in February (check the contract)

>> No.53285340

You can literally watch the ETH rug countdown timer, anon.

>> No.53286789

POGE. It’s not dog token, but kind of dog token. Inspired by DOGE, but panda! Asian influencers are starting to pick it up. On ETH, but no taxes! LP locked. Contract renounced. Total degen play, but serious meme potential.

WOLFY is another one that will pop. Prediction market launching on the 18th. Not a degen play.

>> No.53286859


>> No.53288499

If you’ve already bought Shib, then get Kuma Inu as well.
Their infinity staking loop is finished. The more you use Kuma Swap X to trade the higher your staking rewards. Last I heard staking rewards are tax free. TAX FREE MONEY!! A year from now bear market bull market doesn’t matter as long as you use Kuma Swap X and stake dKuma