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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53273294 No.53273294 [Reply] [Original]

Can you feel it?
The biggest financial collapse in human history is almost ready.

>> No.53273314
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>2 more weeks

>> No.53273322

stfu faggot. holy fuck you annoying spamming bobos are obnoxious.whats this? you made another bobo post? awww XXXXXXXX for spamming/flooding. guess you shouldnt make 20 bobo threads a day all wit the same trolling opening and intro. dumn pathetic bobo spammer you will never have an erect penis bigger than 3.5 inches and that makes you eternally seethe that no matter how much money you larp you made you'll never have a penis that will pleasure a female and cause her to genuinely desire you and sex with you. not stop spamming/flooding 20+ bobo demoralization threads a day.

>> No.53273355

Isn't that in May or something?
Oooh. New pasta.

>> No.53273361

>Can you feel it?
yes i can feel it bobo. 1st Q results start next week. Nasdaq gonna drag BTC down into the basement and rape it if you know what I mean

>> No.53273372
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hurry up you faggot bear i have ammo to use