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53273076 No.53273076 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting a B.S. in Computer Science still worth it?

>> No.53273121

NO I work with people that have masters in CS what a waste of time they don't know anything.

On job training is the way to go.

The problem is B.S and Masters are a dime a dozen from india and they look at there degrees like they are the same as other countries when they get passed based on just showing up or proxy attendance.

>> No.53273134
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Not worth. CS majors don't know shit. Can't program for shit. holding bit will make you rich anyway so no use doing it for cash. bad decision anon.

>> No.53273181

The other two anons are somewhat retarded

You don't just get a college degree and get a job, you do internships to expose yourself to real world applications of your skillset.
However, CS specifically, idk, probably not, with all this AI shit and the job cuts. The barrier to enter will be so so so much higher it may actually be easier to make even a mechanical engineering degree work better.

>> No.53273229

Western Governor’s University?
I’ve never heard of that football team

>> No.53273257

It used to mean something 15+ years ago. Nowadays, the tech industry is extremely gatekept. Bunch of trust fund assholes that just hire their friends.

>> No.53273377

>You don't just get a college degree and get a job, you do internships to expose yourself to real world applications of your skillset.
Boomers should be exterminated inshallah.

>> No.53273860

Its worth it if you are doing real compsci....os code, chips, algorithms.
a tiny fraction of the cs degrees actually end up going this way...

>> No.53273882

This is extremely true. The cronyism and nepotism is crazy

>> No.53273905

Im 23 got my cs degree 18 months ago. Found a job instantly over covid just applying online with no internship exp, making 80k starting. I had a 2.6 gpa and im retarded and cant code for shit. After a year there i now work at a giga corpo company and make 105k and dont do shit. If u get a cs degree and ur white and good looking and can talk well in an interview its not a meme

>> No.53273918

Yea it does. I don't need a some codemonkey in my team that can only copy-paste code from stackoverflow and has memorised some bullshit code codeacademy. I need legit engineers that can into advanced maths, physics and electrical engineering.

Kinda tired of the faggots with their "hello world" codeacademy projects on their github profile that can't do simple linear algebra like a simple matrix multiplication

>> No.53273934

probably not. software is pretty much dead and gay these days.

>webdev = mentally ill frameworks, mentally ill coworkers, lowest barrier to entry, most ripe for automation.
>AI = currently a scam, but if it does mature into something practical it'll be yet another instrument of judaism: targeted marketing, next generation spyware, etc.
>OS = leading mainstream OSes are steaming piles of shit which get incrementally worse with spyware, integrated advertising, telemetry, etc.
>embedded = IoT shitware

>> No.53273962

This is how the scam works:
>Trust fund fag takes daddy's money and create a tech startup
>Fag hires a bucnh of pajeets and retards for free. Disguises it as an internship.
>They do all the work for him for free.
>They create a fancy json parser that said rich fag sells to daddy's friends for 10 million bucks or some retarded amount of money.
>Rich fag retires in his late 20's.
>Everyone that worked for him finds out later on that internships mean nothing now, and they got scammed into making some rich asshole even richer for free.
It's the greatest scam of our time. I'm impressed.

>> No.53273986

>B.S. in Computer Science still worth it?
Yes. You don't want to be a coder, you want to supervise a half dozen coders.

>> No.53274026

Te majority of people can barely write at an English 101 level. I was taught to use MLA formatting when I was in school. The quality of the technology is degrading every year.

>> No.53274033

I got a BS in Software Engineering which is essentially the same curriculum as CS. I've been trying to get a job since September or so and have probably submitted 300+ applications and have only gotten like 5 interviews or so.

>> No.53274037


>> No.53274038

Yes it is worth getting a CS degree
I have a degree in engineering, but lots of coding experience. The entry jobs I am speaking with all start at 120k

>> No.53274070

>I'm speaking with

I'd be genuinely surprised if you get more than 2 interviews per week after which you get ghosted.

I've had a handful of interviews and one company flew me out of state for a technical interview that I think I performed quite well on.

They then ghosted me.

>> No.53274072

You're right. For every one viable business there are 100 scam startups for VCs & wall street to promote. Employees are given restricted stock as compensation that almost always end up worthless. If they're lucky the company is acquired and their bags are transferred to the next idiot.

>> No.53274083

I paid $30k for mine and now make six figures. I'd say it's worth it if you can get it for less than $60k.

>> No.53274086

Because you bitched out and skipped the math requirements for a CS degree. You're entire degree is calling you a shortcut taker to HR roasties

>> No.53274091

If you need someone else to answer this, no.
Do something you love and focus on networking and researching economic opportunities tied to it.

>> No.53274151

You might be filtered out by HR. You need to network. Try to pass your resume to the hiring team through LinkedIn instead. If you get an interview through this method then make sure to research the company before the interview and ask questions surrounding it. Also during the interview express your willingness to learn. The first company I was hired at, small company, during the interview with sr devs they were grilling me one after another with technical questions. Some of these questions I didn't know so I straight up told them I didn't know. Later it was revealed to me my honesty earned me points with them to eventually get hired. And my knowledge of the company won me over during the interview with the CTO.

>> No.53274156

What math requirements? Linear Algebra?

>> No.53274165
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>*blocks your white path*

>> No.53274178

Although this may be true for training itself, the degree is an important marketing piece to show your serious. If you are smart it will also expose you to a lot of ideas you ou never would have otherwise.

Physics, math, engineering work equally well for fulfilling that goal.

I agree with this anon. Try to go cheap at a state school

>> No.53274239

If you have to try to underplay the math portion of CS you know you fucked up anon

>> No.53274380

I'm genuinely asking what Math you're talking about. I doubt CS students take any other math courses that I didn't take including:

calc 1-3, discreet math, linear algebra

>> No.53274579

CS major here, I had to take all of these but you are forgetting mathematical proofs, and Stats.

>> No.53274758

> Bunch of trust fund assholes that just hire their friends.
For executive positions at startups, this is true. The higher up the ladder you go, the more your relationships matter, and trust fund kids already have access to money and successful friends/family. That said, there are plenty of boring corporate jobs that can help you get your foot in the door. It's nowhere near as glamorous, but it's still a better living than 95% of America.
t. corporate wageslave

>> No.53274835

You are only ten years too late. Software developers will be replaced by ChatGPT within next 2 years.

>> No.53274846

You have to escape the wage slave mindset, you ultimate goal should not be to obtain a peice of paper so you can work at some bloated gay company. You don't even learn very much in school. That being said, you probably do need to get a job, and some college course have placements or internships that can get your foot in the door. If you don't have connections, this is your best option.

>> No.53274847
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Pls explain
>T. Blue collar plant operator wagie trying to salary-maxx

>> No.53274849

nobody actually checks if you have a CS degree.

>> No.53274934

Which part in particular?
For getting your foot in the door, just aim lower. Every company you can think of uses some level of software engineering these days (McDonalds, Home Depot, your local government, etc). Those positions will be easier to achieve than FAANG or unicorn, and will let you build your skillset. After 3 years, you can jump ship to another company because at that point you'll be aiming for senior positions which are way more forgiving in terms of getting through hiring filters (most companies want candidates to be plug-and-play, without having to train from the ground up). You'll still need a degree though, even if it isn't in CompSci.

>> No.53275012
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I was considering acquiring the CompTIA+, NET+, and SEC+ certs and applying for the best paying entry level IT job I can find. What degree would you recommend that's reasonably priced though?

>> No.53275013

I am beginning to think this too (but I honestly know nothing about software engineering). Can other Anons comment on how much the field will be affected by AI? Also any Anons know if accounting will be affected by AI/blockchain?

>> No.53275086

IT and Software Engineering are completely different fields. IT has a lower ceiling in terms of salary, but you typically just need the certs you mentioned and don't need a degree. If you want to salary-maxx, I'd recommend going the software engineering route. 2 years at community college while working part-time, then transfer to a 4-year state school and take loans if you need to.

>> No.53275135

Based advice. Anons, if you are smart and disciplined and take the right major, university is still an excellent investment. Do it as cheaply as possible. I joined the army after my degree and was able to pay all my debts in 3 years.

>> No.53275210

>if you are smart and disciplined

>> No.53276028

A 1:60 interview rate isn't that farfetched these days unfortunately

>> No.53276726

Did you get it from Penn State?

>> No.53276737

Realistically, how often does a programmer use either of those on the job? Never, I bet.

>> No.53276952


>> No.53277460

Ask Chatgpt....

>> No.53277655

There's no jobs you retarded nigger. I applied to 2000 coding job postings. They all just want some pajeet that won't ask for too much money.

>> No.53277768

So work for less, build experience, make more money later in career? Why does it have to be so hard for you self entitled zoomers?

>> No.53278018

They did it because they are taking PPP loans and used you and your time to justify that they couldn't find someone with their unique qualification requirements

>> No.53278034

I'm not a Zoomer and I'll be retired in my early 30's so please end your life.

>> No.53278037

You don't understand. Outside of a few, coding jobs offer barely above minimum wage.

>> No.53278123

doesn't matter boomers/hr still take college very seriously

>> No.53278498

Are you joking or are you actually this retarded?

>> No.53278546

A poor man who eats without bread shouldn't talk about getting rich.