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53271498 No.53271498 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of owning gold and silver, if the Government will confiscate them in the future? This makes crypto superior because you can hide it away from Governments reach. Why are goldbugs so retarded?

>> No.53271509

they're not going to take your rock

>> No.53271515

>What is the point of owning guns and ammo if the Government will confiscate them in the future?
Why is OP so retarded?

>> No.53271526

Why do you think the government wants to confiscate it

Because it has value obviously

>> No.53271531
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>> No.53271543


>Govt. cuts power grid / shuts off internet. No way to update ledger.

Boomercoins now worthless.

>> No.53271555

go to another country? also, there are illegal means of using the internet even when services are "off the grid"

>> No.53271566

Im sure the government will stay in power long after cutting off the electricity

>> No.53271592
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>if the government will confiscate it in the future

>> No.53271611

They will raise taxes for the wagies.
They will come for the homeowners for more property tax.
They will come for businesses.
They will come for the stocks crowd.
They may even cut the power to kill crypto.
But at that point the country is fucked. They wont be able to pay millions of government agents that come to your door.

>> No.53271647

Retarded thread. In OP's scenarrio gold and silver would be literally the only stores of value that keep any value at all. As for the government, if they come to try tto take my belongings for no reason by force someone is dying in that exchange

>> No.53271708

>Government will confiscate them in the future? This makes crypto superior .
Sure keep going and be the next ftx

>> No.53271737

there's no better investment than bitcoin. its like a house you can carry on your back. if your country goes to shit you can take it with you without it losing any value and start somewhere else with all your wealth intact.

>> No.53271753

Governments want to confiscate crypto too…they just can’t

>> No.53271762

they can actually confiscate it, its just a lot more difficult. taking your gold coin is easy. getting the seedphrase out of your brain... well..

>> No.53271812


They have in the past. Many such cases.

>> No.53271826

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.53272154
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OH NO!!!

>> No.53272220

Nothing happened. It was banned but no one cared. See >>53271611

>> No.53272231

wow that sounds convenient to buy some eggs and apples…

>> No.53272410

>donate to peaceful anti-government protest
>government orders that your wallet be frozen
Imagine thinking that anything on the Internet is safe from the government. Whatever they can't compromise, they'll make illegal to use.

>> No.53272487

This anon >>53272410 is picking up what everyone obviously forgot. Does no one remember the trucker convoy? All the crypto wallets that were frozen and Bitcoin taken for wrong think? wtf do you think is gonna happen when something even bigger happens?

>> No.53272492

uh, do you think people are going to comply? when gun ownership is at an all time high?

FEDs don't wanna knock door to door for guns, do you really think they will do it for gold and silver?

>> No.53272504

you’re talking to cryptobros

>> No.53272524
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based cangen nigger

>> No.53273207

>letting the feds know about your gold/silver stash
lol lmao even

>> No.53273247

>gov cancels digital currnency
>freezes all crypto
>crypto companies comply with the gov or steal your real money, oops data broke lol crypto gone

>> No.53273378

Governments also confiscate crypto. In fact its easier for them to confiscate crypto than gold and silver.

>> No.53273426

Theoretically speaking
>Hello anon, we know you have purchased copius amounts of gold thanks to these transactions here
>Order 6102 2 is active, why aren’t you exchanging your gold for Goyllars?
>Oh sorry sir you have a gun, yes I will not be stepping into your property again, but you do know you are now effectively a criminal and there will be a warrant to raid and confiscate gold existing in your premises
>2 more weeks
>Police force knocking at your door
What are you gonna do big boy

>> No.53274126

Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 (equivalent to $433 in 2021) per troy ounce.

>> No.53274203

Just tell them you sold it for drugs. kek

>> No.53274212

This whole thread makes me bullish on monero.

>> No.53274248

that's not even the biggest problem
the biggest problem is that the government can suppress gold's price as they want through paper IOU's / ETF's
I have yet to see a goldbug come up with an argument to this

>> No.53274269

crypto is the most trackable asset in human history
if you think you can hide it, you're dreaming

>> No.53274286

Well they're doing a pretty bad job surpressing the price then

If anything this shows how much of a great buy gold is at the price

>> No.53274303

It's the duty of each citizen to break unconstitutional laws (people who understood what that meant hid their gold)

>> No.53274310

Buy it with cash, retard.

>> No.53274312

sorry, I sold all my gold and silver at a loss. inflation’s a bitch, donchaknow

>> No.53274339

own property large enough to hide it

>> No.53274341

>implying anyone would hand over their gold willingly like they did back in 1933 when people believed it was the patriotic "right thing to do" for their country

>> No.53274360

bitcoin solves this

>> No.53274369

they didn't hand it over per se. people kept it in vaults (not your vault not your gold) and the government confiscated it from there

>> No.53274379

Not in my state and county and city. There will be cops fighting feds while I sip coffee

>> No.53274445

Source? Most private citizens held their gold at home AFAIK.

>> No.53274560
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>crypto wallets that were frozen

>> No.53274584


>> No.53274666

That didn't happen. Crypto was the one type of payment they weren't able to freeze on the Convoy. Everything else was shut down.

>> No.53274692

Firstly, you can hide it if you know what you're doing. Secondly, and more importantly, tracking is not the same as censoring.

>> No.53274694
File: 352 KB, 828x887, F7B03811-A64B-44B8-90D1-B4BA3A236BA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the antichrist

>> No.53274724

Exactly. Do you Anons not realize that by the time the government is kicking down my door to confiscate my weapons and assets that I will be living in a third world country that doesn't have extradition tresties with Canada/the USA?

>> No.53274744

Lol. So in other words all they did was tell crypto companies not to deal with those funds? And this affects me how? These impotent tyrants will be hanged if the people ever get the chance.

>> No.53274991

And no one did and nothing happened

>> No.53275358

No they literally froze wallets on the bitcoin ledger. There are (non-commercial) tools for that.

>> No.53275420

Shade.cash you say? Back in business with legal work around? Microcap with huge potential?? Can buy a whales share for under 1k on spookyswap??!!!


>> No.53275446

laws must be enforceable in a practical way

expecting billions of people to haul shiny rocks to government centers is not practical

expecting any one particular person to admit to having shiny rocks and to bring it in is not practical

>> No.53275511

Bullshit. Source or fuck off right now.

>> No.53275793

point and laugh at this technologically illiterate retard

>> No.53276593

Unless you own a fortune the gold can easily be hidden.
Hoarding silver is retarded though.

>> No.53276635

Anyone dumb enough to willingly obey this bullshit would have also took the vax if they lived in current times. You have no idea how utterly bullish this would be for gold and silver if it happened again.

>> No.53276668

>getting a seed phrase out of your brain is harder than getting gps coordinates out of your brain
ok bud

>> No.53276738

>Hoarding silver is retarded though.
unless you're poor and your silver stash is small

>> No.53277899

The problem is, if they reveal they are tracking crypto like XMR, this would mean publicly they are tracking anything and everything, on the OS and global communication level.
Same with apps like telegram. Of course they are listening. But should they ever use it in court for example, this would mean publicly that the smartphone is compromised on the OS level, even on hardware level.

>> No.53278101

That means it's cheaper as long as they keep the manipulation going.
But this is /biz/ where the rule is to buy high and sell low.