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53269154 No.53269154 [Reply] [Original]

the entire geopolitical order has just shifted... forever

>> No.53269193

Estimated amount 1 million ton. China has 44 alone, of the total 120 worldwide. Will be very expensive to extract, as EU can’t use the cheap third world methods, as it’s too environmental unfriendly.

So overall: important but no shift, no. Also building the extraction factories will take around 10 years with environmental studies and such.

>> No.53269202

>as in state subsidized

>> No.53269222

>no shift
Europoors are socialist and will just spend infinite dollars on their state companies to get it. China doesn't have "44 alone", they have 44 of the known 120 because they deliberately use slave labor in state-owned companies to drive prices lower, preventing the USA from exploiting Appalachia and the Rockies and Alaskan reserves of REM (losing my religion) because the USA is a retarded kike-run garbage dump full of subhuman mutts so it only has private companies that get btfo while democrats invest money in trannies and republicans scream and demand everything be cut except the military, military gud.

Sweden doesn't have these problems. Sweden can also mass import men from eastern europe to be their workers. Albanians reproduce quickly, they are a useful factory resource.

>> No.53269241

all the mineral and resource companies there are state owned, the oil fields the entire lot. always have been.

>> No.53269258

Holy shit kek what a coincidence

>> No.53269269

they are depleting chinas ressources first.

>> No.53269272

Stfu pol retard

>> No.53269306
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>> No.53269312
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Discuss the subject or fuck off newfaggot
>not /pol/
Lurk or die, faggot nigger. A 20% pump on bitcoin and we have third world tards from twitter coming here to act like the thread police when you can't even understand the words I'm saying.

>> No.53269397
File: 34 KB, 572x566, 1541479794400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so then what's with this gas-stove shit that capitol hill is suggesting a ban on...did california just insider trade by banning gas vehicles? i knew it.

>> No.53269415

"Rare" earths are not rare at all. It's funny that this is in sweden where many of those elements were discovered. The only reason they aren't extracted by USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, etc. is because it's difficult to separate and purify them. Chinese and Viets get away with it since they dump all the acid from the process in the river lol.

>> No.53269547

They're increasing mining in Australia, but it isn't economical (or sane) to compete with China's lax environmental and labor laws.

>> No.53269599

anon...mining isnt the issue, refining is.

>> No.53269620

mining isn't allowed because climate change. also theybfound a shit ton of gold in africa.

>> No.53269646

coinciding woth what exactly? the whole climate change, oil bad, davos oligarchy?

>> No.53269656

lol pajeets always resort to the "nuh you're the scammer!"

>> No.53269663

that's a good point. i thought thebstuff they needed for batteries was so toxic to extract that only china could get away with it.

>> No.53269672

whats so special about this rare soil that it grows newsworthy bananas?

>> No.53269690


>> No.53269743

It can be done 'cleanly', or at least safely. There's just no point competing with the Chinese for it.

>> No.53269758
File: 657 KB, 2000x1434, jet engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..NOT the issue. the issue is how we deal with that.
financially speaking.

>> No.53269773

Whoever got scammed in that pic is a moron

>> No.53269777

fuck off bot

>> No.53269851
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eat my boogers

>> No.53270274


>> No.53270974

Europe is full of natural resources.
We have coal, gas, rare earth and wood.
The thing is that exploiting them basically wrecks the ecosystem around it.
Better let niggers and chinks ruin their country than us.

>inb4 you're just importing the fleeing niggers
Expulsions and ethnic cleansings happen everyday at the scale of human history, meanwhile once you have a gigantic landfill of toxic chemicals it's not going to be habitable or producr anything for centuries.

>> No.53270980

Lol bye bye China

>> No.53270992

>EU can’t use the cheap third world methods, as it’s too environmental unfriendly
im pretty sure theyre burning coal over there now that they shut down nuke plants.

if it can make money and things are getting bad enough then this wont matter, they will just come up with some bullshit window dressing

>> No.53271201

lol that shit just flew right over your head didnt it?

>> No.53272160

15 years minimum until these minerals hit the market.

You’re wrong.

>> No.53272181

Anyone noticed the human rights violations Sweden has been committing over the last year or so?

>> No.53272269
File: 252 KB, 1523x1600, Haloperidol Tablet (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This type of comment makes complete sense for some people here

>> No.53272435

There's no banana like a banan grown in retarded dirt.

>> No.53272536

Yah. Sweden can't be allowed to suffer. Its time for 'merika to deliver sweet freedom and democracy.

>> No.53272638

Stay mad shill, he has a perfect point.

>> No.53273239


>> No.53273679

redpill me on tempur pedic beds

>> No.53273739

>better let them ruin their ecosystem than ours

I don't understand this logic?
We are literal on a rock flying in space.....aren't ALL the ecosystems connected?
If the chinks and the niggers wrecked their ecosystem are you assuming it will have ZERO effect on the rest of the planet???

>> No.53273833

these people are the people that are gonna ruin everything, they are doing it unchecked no regulation, nothing
if just a few large volcano eruptions occur we can have an ice age but imagine what these people might bring about

>> No.53273881

>15 years minimum until these minerals hit the market.
its no longer peace time, peace time regulations don't apply

>> No.53274128

It will not be expensive to mine since the mines already connected to where it is

>> No.53274144


It’s interesting that most seasonal changes are responses to sunlight duration rather than temperature. Egg laying, plant growth cycles, etc. It suggests adaptations that baselined against a constant (sunlight duration) were more reliable/advantageous to those that baselined against a variable (seasonal temperature). It suggests temperature variability is an inherent behavior of the planet and the myopic view that the past 200 years is representative of the default, optimal climate that must be maintained at all costs will probably cause “solutions” to be implemented that amplify any upcoming cold-shocks.

>> No.53274192

>subhuman mutts
That is you.

>> No.53274263

>the entire geopolitical order has just shifted... forever

the ores are useless without very expensive and highly polluting processing. if they are used at all they will almost certainly be sent to China for processing.

>> No.53274282

>all the mineral and resource companies there are state owned, the oil fields the entire lot. always have been.

there is no oil in Sweden

>> No.53274305

What a shame that it is not green to mine these. Looks like they will stay in the ground.