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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53267883 No.53267883 [Reply] [Original]

How do we figure out pic related?

This is home to all functional schizos yet you fucks dismiss this shit. Countless times we point out how the elites believe and utilize all the esoteric woohaa horseshit but you midwits swear to be above it.
What the fuck do they mean by this, lets fucking get rich god damn it.

>> No.53268139
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sadly /biz/ is not the board for this, even if you got decent replies the jannies would shut it down.

t. actual insider whos insider infos got deleted because they were too much truth

of course the real whales know all about it, did you know that the constellation of the jovians decides how much energy the Sun puts out?
of course you didnt.

>> No.53268162

>t. actual insider whos insider infos got deleted because they were too much truth
What info did you give that got deleted?
What kind of astrology? There are so many different kinds. All the way from tarrot shit to Chinese shit to Indian shit. Which branch of astrology am I even supposed to look into?

>> No.53268183

Well lets see if this thread becomes an exception. What do you know, oh soothsayer of wealth?
Whichever is closest to Jews I assume.

>> No.53268230
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>What info did you give that got deleted?
you want your thread deleted? and a 3 day ban? because thats what everyone gets whenever the truth is spilled here.
>What kind of astrology?
there is only one that is truly important

>What do you know
I know a lot, I know where the next 1000x is, I know how to find the next 100x and more as I have access to what the whales call "the goldmap", I even know where your money is NOT safe during the next big market shake up as there is a big happening engineered right now.
but we arent allowed to talk about this here on /biz/, this information upsets you know who.

>> No.53268246

cringe LARP kys underage faggot

>> No.53268259

Based larper

>> No.53268276

Yeah I'm fairly wealthy and I'm really into stuff like that. And I didn't go Harvard but I did go to college nearby and when I was in college I hung out at Harvard all the time and dated girls from there. And all of those kids were super into paranormal type stuff too. IDK why you rightwing retards think it's so scary and taboo. IDK, that's down to your moronic religion where you worship some evil sky demon. IDK people who are smart are generally 1) not worshipful and submissive in the way christians are 2) not dumb enough to get conned by the stupid bible and 3) still interested in the nature of life and spirituality, just interested in exploring it through other avenues.

Also the other thing is that all of the kids at Harvard and the college I went to who were into paranormal type stuff were all the nicest people. And they were all the people who cared about doing good things in the world, and helping out society. And all of the people who didn't have any interest in that stuff were the soullest moneygrubbing capitalist sociopaths who would just as soon cut your throat for a dime. So if you're gonna be against the people who have an interest in paranormal stuff or new age stuff and be supportive of the spiritually dead rightwing types that weren't into that stuff, you're REALLY backing the wrong horse IMO.

Also Harvard kids were, ironically, generally a lot less elitist and pretentious, and were far more unassuming, than the kids from my slightly less notable school. So that tells you something too about how people who get close but don't achieve anything can become so insecure.

>> No.53268304

Redpill a hard working man some coins nigger

>> No.53268316

drop the info NOW

>> No.53268324

Everything happens in cycles. Every cycle is born, lives and dies inside a larger cycle. The macroeconomic events of the last couple years made this clear to many people who were not paying attention to the movements of the macro cycles. But the macro changes themselves also live in a larger cycle which influences the movement and the timing of its interior cycles. In seeking to understand these cycles and use them to one's advantage one eventually arrives at the cosmic scale.

>> No.53268352

Fuck jannies, oh no a 3 day ban. Fuck it, lets get as far as we can and screencap it, pass it along to other anons. They can only ban so many of us for so long.

>> No.53268373

This is my general understanding too, it's the details that are a mystery. wtf do the elites actually do with that information. And don't give some general reply. Something SPECIFIC, like "elites are putting in x amount of money in y place during z time for q length of time"

>> No.53268374
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JP Morgan was rich, but how much richer would he have been without wasting his time on astrology?

>> No.53268735

Why apocalypse?

>> No.53268744
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no larp, its all true.
I could but I'm usually not in the business of repeating myself.
answer me this question anons, how long have you been in crypto?
why didnt you screencap the deleted threads?
to accelerate innovation and introduce change into a system they stage a crisis and then offer a Solution.
thats happening in crypto right now too.

>> No.53268802

>why didnt you screencap the deleted threads?
I wasn't in them
>to accelerate innovation and introduce change into a system they stage a crisis and then offer a Solution.
>thats happening in crypto right now too.
Ok, so not terribly new news, still not necessarily explaining how we can accurately, or even semi accurately predict the next moonshot, or where and when the market is exactly moving using astrology. Come on anon, give us the goods.

>> No.53268974

Integrating some occult knowledge into how I manage my portfolio (gematria, angel numbers, asking the ouija for tickers) has made me more money than when I didn't do that, but I couldn't have a positive portfolio if I went by that alone.

3, 6, 9, Tesla was so right about those numbers.
5, it can be divided in 2, 3, and 4 equal parts of 3 if you can visualize it.

>> No.53269027

How did you apply it?

>> No.53269030
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It’s all in here. Start reading and studying. Astrology is the secret to unlimited wealth and interestingly filters out most people. Christians will reject it as evil (ignoring the fact that the entire Bible is really just an allegorical book about astrology and 3 wise astrologers went to visit the Christ child). And edgelord atheists will write it off as ignorant superstition. Most of the few that will accept it won’t have the intellect, patience, work ethic, and mathematical skills to apply it. Straight is the gate and narrow is the way indeed.

>> No.53269070

I see you posted in my /pol/ thread as well, will look into this book

>> No.53269077
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>I wasn't in them
you cant climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets, while you are out there horsing around people are digging for gold nuggets here on /biz/ like those english dogs with the rats be like them
>still not necessarily explaining how we can accurately
by buying the solution and the fruits that grow on it, thats the trade but understanding the trade is what counts here.
I could easily just say "buy X and hold for Y timeframe" but then you wouldnt understand why or how and you wouldnt be able to know the accurate targets and what to expect.

>> No.53269104

M8 I can't be here 24/7 monitoring every thread so I missed the previous posts you may have made to enlighten people. As for your 2nd response. I understand that, that's why I'm asking the how not the what. You still haven't explained the methods

>> No.53269304

nigga just tell me if i should be holding onto my linkies

>> No.53269377

>This is the people giving financial advice

>> No.53269825

All I know is you CANNOT masturbate.

>> No.53269860

>to accelerate innovation and introduce change into a system they stage a crisis and then offer a Solution

Yeah you know what you’re saying. Problem is the “solution” is about as bad as not accepting the solution. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Some of their plans are truly creative genius as much as I hate to say it.

>> No.53269877
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You knowledgeable about parasites at all? And not the entry level stuff either.

>> No.53269939

So many synchronicities in this thread. I watched an interesting video the other day talking about how the fish in the bible(the loaves/fish miracle) represented the age pf pisces and how this current age came to an end last year. Apparently carl jung even talks about in aion. The guy gets only like 10-20k views too on his vids and is a schizo(I can recognize my kin). I want to share it but honestly I feel like this thread has alot of people who just demolish the breadcrumbs they’re given

>> No.53270054

Poast brother

>> No.53270201

You will find absolutely nothing here from a bunch of mindless shitskins and white niggers pretending to have answers, using that as a way to receive attention from you for their mindless and meaningless existence. /biz/ at times can have genuinely informed posters about your relevant topics, such as astrologyanon who reads people’s orbits and alignments. But he actually provides the consistent reads and has been proven to largely be honest with his beliefs, as well as the interpretations he makes holding some credibility. But anyone who hints at knowing anything and yet will not tell you, such as >>53268139 or >>53268276 and anons like them, are just monkey tribalists who are desperate for your attention. They offer nothing except blindness because they give you nothing to learn further. It all stops with their anecdotes, their egos, the attention falls only on them. Avoid these types of people wherever possible.

Recommendation: disregard anyone who will not give you information, statistics, arguments that will not further your venture into the esoteric, spiritual, or “occult”. Occult for instance is in quotations because what occult really means is hidden information. Any demand to recognize the occult as satanic or special wisdom that Christians can’t know about is inherently promoted by selfish beasts who don’t know anything and seek your attention. Occult == Hidden information. That’s it. It’s a generalization for obfuscated, ostracized, hidden or lost knowledge. The anon >>53269030 gave you a book. That’s something. I don’t know whether it’s useful or not, but you can find most books in pirate gen repositories at this point, it probably wouldn’t hurt to genuinely read it.

Ultimately you will need to go to /x/ and other communities relevant to occult and esoteric intrigue, because you will primarily find drones on this board, especially since an influx of cattle flooded here.

*/x/ has suffered similar posting quality issues

>> No.53270225

I took this journey a couple years ago, called this pump 2 weeks ago due to Saturn/Jupiter/mercury placements and everyone called me a achizo lmao

>> No.53270255

Although /x/ has seen a degradation of quality in both content and posters over the years, it could serve as a good introductory into some valuable topics it sustained with intact generals and weekly/monthly topics. Examples for what you might be seeking relevant to your OP:

>material visualization
>karma and spiritual debt
>sin and forgiveness

>> No.53270267

This may be a surprise to you, but I don't get wealthy out of any pacts with the devil, retard. I'm interested in new age stuff, but it doesn't make me wealthy. I get wealthy in markets because I spend literally every minute of every day reading incessantly and learning. Learning how everything is made, how the manufacturing process is, learning where every plant for every company is, learning what ships are coming from where and what cargo they're carrying into what ports, learning what every business plan and outlook for every major company is, etc. Constantly constantly constantly learning.

It's all constant learning and also not being an retarded, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theorist. Because guess what? All of that shit that rightwingers post on the internet? It's all fucking fake. All of it. 100% of rightwing /pol/, twitter, infowars, foxnews, gop, nazi shit is fake.

And guess what happens to you if you have delusions and believe in fake premises about how the world works? You can't predict markets because you're out of touch with reality. If you think "the jews are gonna cause the markets to dump today" because of some stupid conspiracy theory, then guess what? You're gonna lose all of your money in markets because you're a fucking retard who doesn't know fuckall.

And this epitomizes most of the people on this board and most of the people on the far right. Certainly all of /pol/.

So yeah, that's all. That's the secret. "Hard work and obsessive studying". Getting an education. Going to college. Having an eidetic memory. IDK what else to tell you.

But rich people aren't getting rich from "pacts with the devil" like you inbred morons believe and at some point you're gonna have to face that just since you're Earths' not-smart people, maybe you shouldn't support capitalism since it's inevitably going to lead to you fucking losing and getting your ass kicked on every economic level by people better and smarter than you, such as myself.

>> No.53270304

I would advise you form a strong foundation of what is even occuring before delving into any spiritual practice. You need to build discernment or you'll lose your soul. The stakes are high at the big boy table

>> No.53270325

This, the Germanics should’ve never left the forest.

>> No.53270372

>But rich people aren't getting rich from "pacts with the devil"
This absolute Ahrimanic Chad can't fathom that things might exist outside of his 5 senses.
While he's entirely right, he's also entirely wrong. Beautiful isn't it?

>> No.53270458

I don’t engage with people who use the political compass as a measure of clarity or intelligence. You are a dimwit and since you preface your arguments with the romanticizing of Harvard attendees, I am currently attending Stanford, my family is filled with blue blood Ivy League from Yale and Oxbridge to technicals like MIT, and my lineage dates back traceable from the 1700’s in America to the 1600’s acutely in England. Your opinions are absolutely worthless because you slant them in the idea that the “far right” is imbecilic, but anyone who has an open mind realizes that the political boxes people use to feel who is a friend and who is an enemy, are inherently vapid and impotent due to the fallacious and sophistic nature that is American politica to begin with. All you have posted is that “rigt wuhngers baed”, something anyone over 155 15sd immediately drops when they reach the age of 18. Grow up.

I don’t participate compassionately. I just find imbeciles like vfSe a drain on my patience. Most people don’t have the faculties to discern anything to begin with, anyway.

>> No.53270524

Based and dynasty-pilled

>> No.53270532

this advice is wise but unnecessary to any decent person who is interested in taking this trip
I don't know a thing about astrology but I've had enough psychedelic influence to know what you say is true
if the devil offers you a deal that sounds easy or too good to be true (or god who the devil may be masquerading as) don't take it
just do your own thing

thanks for the recommendation, you were the most useful anon here

>> No.53270555

You are a nigger.

>> No.53270573

Everyone in this thread is a fucking moron

>> No.53270582

extremely inaccurate and midwit take its not the bush era anymore you fucking NPC

>> No.53270634

I agree he reads like some 120-130 coastalite who rants about consumerism and fancies himself intelligent. Guaranteed to have gone into libarts general degree no spatial or verbal at all lol.

>> No.53270819
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yes chainlink is a vital part of this. its the only real solution to the oracle problem (everyone who did the research already knows, thats not new) but the oracle problem wasnt the only problem holding crypto back from mainstream adoption. there is far far more to the story that most people have no clue about, even all the crypto twitter "link researchers" are still walking circles in the dark. kinda funny at this point as its becoming more obvious every day whats going on you just have to look and put the pieces together.
>I can't be here 24/7 monitoring every thread
fair enough you still gotta max out your /biz/ time and dig for the gems. thats how you make it, thats how you find the information that matters. /biz/ helped me in the past and I return that favor.
my threads are probably still in the archives and by filenames alone you should easily find them if you really wanna know.
in this case the solution is actually pretty good, it makes sense in many ways.
the evil component of the plan is making the switch a conspiracy which involves some of the leading researchers, glowniggers and the largest investment bank, they decided to steal from (You) and many others.
remember the ">they dont want you in their club" meme?
its not a meme and there is a plan to impoverish a lot of baggies.
>You knowledgeable about parasites at all?
of course I know which jewish family branches run the world.
do you know about (((their))) special "numbers" and markers?
>But anyone who hints at knowing anything and yet will not tell you
I told plenty of times and I'm not a broken record, I dont like to repeat myself. you didnt listen the first time?
well too bad for you, you are missing out.
you get it or you dont, if you dont get it the message was not meant for you.

>> No.53271062

Post something useful yourself and I will.

>> No.53271589

Are XRP and ISO20022 going to be the foundation of the world economy?

>> No.53271682

there is nothing to figure out. they can use astrology because it doesn't matter what they use. they control supply of money so they can follow what they want.

>> No.53271755

I also suggest it to keep you grounded. It's very easy to get lost in the "woo" or more luciferian aspects(in the theosophical sense).
I find the universal laws of hermeticism to help me on that front.

Some good books:
Language of the Gods - BR Taylor
The Emerald Tablets: Alchemy for Personal Transformation - Dennis William Hauck
The Secret Teachings of all Ages - Manly P Hall

>> No.53272097

Looks like a good place to start for me. Thanks.

>> No.53272132

Thank you for these also
I haven't had time to do personal improvement (taking care of a dying mom, then dad starts to decline right after my mom).. busy few years.
I don't need the money and time with my parents is more important as its limited.
I will note these books for later.
Also a friendly shill from a tech fren (highly educated in formal cryptography and CS, not so highly in the occult methods) NOIA, dyor it'll print profits for you

>> No.53273750

what did you learn? What information did you use to predict this pump?
I made a thread about it on /x/, but it hardly got replies before being archived
could you at least give a date or link to an archived thread if you refuse to repost because so far, your posts just seem mastubatory and pedantic. I made a thread in hope that even one person may give some very useful information to help out some anons. You have me, the OP pretty much showing you I'm willing to actually learn but now that you have someone with open ears you're all like "nooooo you didn't listen before, i don't wanna repeat myself, but hahah i know it and you don't", come on now. You have way too much ego, not a single spiritual leader would behave like this.
I have Secret teachings of all ages, Emerald tablets been on my list for years. I'll look into the Language of the gods, thanks

So far still the only person who was actually selfless enough to try and help educate and not stroke his own ego