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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53266918 No.53266918 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53266923

priced in

>> No.53266926

The United States federal reserve has nothing to do with Bitcoin.

>> No.53266928

Bull signal

>> No.53266931
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>> No.53266940

lol so you think it's a coincidence SPY and BTC both went up at the same time in
the last 2 weeks? BTC is just a volatile tech stock at this point

>> No.53266941


>> No.53266944

You're the type of person who didn't see this pump coming because of MUH MACROECONOMICS

Go back, newfag

>> No.53266947 [DELETED] 

Cock has nothing to do with balls.

>> No.53266955

You can find correlations between BTC and literal moon phases... What's your point?

>> No.53266958

Who cares? Most people buying crypto aren't buying it with debt. They are buying it with their paychecks. The most important factor is how much pain they are feeling from price inflation. If they can't afford to eat and pay the gas bill then they won't be buying crypto. If the cost of living is stable then they will invest.

>> No.53266964
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Benis has nothing to do with bagina.

>> No.53266968

fucking newfag kys

>> No.53266973
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What happens when pricing in the fed gets priced in?

>> No.53266978

And where do they get those paychecks from? Their jobs. What if their employers can't borrow money cheaply as they were previously able and expecting to? They'd have to lay off employees and trim other fat. Good thing there aren't any forwarding looking companies laying off 10% or more of its workforce in anticipation of this.

>> No.53266997

i'm saying crypto's market cap is at the point where it isn't going to up as fast as the old days. you can make just as much money investing in tech stocks that are down 70% right now and not have to worry about a crypto exchange collapsing.

>> No.53267009

pricing in the fastest rate hike in history? that's impossible because it's never happened.

>> No.53267036

Okay but that has nothing to do with the fed

>> No.53267041

it kind of does. the US economy is the largest in the world. if people have less money in the US it's not good for any discretionary asset price.

>> No.53267054

Yeah that U.S. recession is really hurting BTC right now lmao

>> No.53267076

Cryptobros truly are the stupidest investors in history.
The value of the US dollar absolutely does influence the price action of BTC and all other commodities and equities, son. This value is influenced directly by the monetary policy of the federal reserve.

>> No.53267077

When the fed pivots and lowers the rates is when bulls should be scared, most crashes have come after that

>> No.53267102

Nobody talked about this shit before a few years ago when there was an influx of you newfags

>> No.53267149

Oh, wow. This is adorable.
We're not in a recession. Until you see mass unemployment or significant declines in production, there hasn't been a recession.
You need to see real destruction in the Dow Jones before you can say there's a recession. You obviously haven't been an adult during a real recession in previous years.
But it's always been true. The difference is that BTC has ALWAYS had endless money printing by the Fed. Until this past year.
I'm 2020 newfag and distinctly remember threads warning anons about the relationship between money supply and BTC price in 2021. Those were the bobos who sold the top.

>> No.53267197

what happened to 2 weeks bobo? I think your delay got inflated.

>> No.53267278

More people than ever lost their jobs during the COVID faggotry. We saw layoffs like we had never seen before. Governments gave people free money and people invested some of that money into crypto markets. When governments turned off the money spigot those were the darkest of times. Many people were still out of a job and there was no more free money. The economy is slowly recovering and people are getting new jobs. They are buying things with their paychecks.

Yeah certain sectors are laying people off. Overall jobs are being added and people are getting their lives back together. People aren't as broke as they were a year ago.

The interest rate plays a larger roll in markets like housing where everyone is dependent on debt. Crypto isn't such a market.

>> No.53267288

>I'm 2020 newfag
We know

>> No.53267318
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>3 more weeks

>> No.53267542

What is it with people constantly beating the "priced in" 'tard drum? Have you people not been paying attention for... I dunno... all of history? It's NEVER fucking priced in.
>Most people buying crypto aren't buying it with debt.
Uh.. what?
>Is taking out a loan to buy crypto wise? Almost a quarter of US investors seem to think so.
>A recent survey by DebtHammer, which polled 1,500 investors across the US, found that 21 per cent of investors said they’ve used a loan to pay for their crypto investments.
>According to the report, other methods of funding crypto investments came from payday loans, mortgage refinances, home equality loans, title loans and funds left over from student loans.
It may not be "most" but there are a meaningful amout of people using debt to purchase crypto.
>Okay but that has nothing to do with the fed
What are you talking about? The Federal Reserve puts liquidity into all domestic markets through its activities. That liquidity or lack of liquidity directly influences asset prices of multiple classes.
>We're not in a recession.
>According to the general definition—two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP)—the U.S. entered a recession in the summer of 2022
You're six months too late my son.
> They are buying things with their paychecks.
>Americans’ personal savings rate is near an all-time low
>The rate at which Americans are saving money has dipped close to an all-time low, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The personal savings rate was 2.3% as of October, down from 7.3% a year earlier. It’s the lowest since July 2005, when the rate hit a record low of 2.1%.

Guys... Search engines are your friends....

>> No.53267564

>Until you see mass unemployment or significant declines in production, there hasn't been a recession.
>The S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI was unrevised at 46.2 in December of 2022, pointing to the biggest contraction in factory activity since May of 2020, amid weak client demand. Output fell at a solid pace that was the quickest in just over two-and-a-half years and new orders fell at one of the fastest rates ever.
.... you mean like that??

>> No.53267608

didn't read, you type like a faggot

>> No.53267679

priced in

>> No.53267868

HHAHAHAHAHAHAH aaaahhh that was good.
Yeah I wouldn't like being shown up like that either. Next time do your research man. Google is simple and easy. It has an approachable layout that even a dick wad like you can muddle through.