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53262681 No.53262681 [Reply] [Original]

what does it feel like for a girl to care about you?

>> No.53262707

it brings a certain level of comfort desu

>> No.53262708


>> No.53262712

gets boring after about 3 months

>> No.53262732

It gets old.

>> No.53262756
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Feels exhausted when you get bored of them (99% women are piss boring) and they're clingy in their caring. Who cares nigga
Focus on bihcon gongo up

>> No.53262763

sometimes it's nice but other times it's annoying and feels like she's just trying to control you.
Also buy NOIA

>> No.53262780
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I want this feel

>> No.53262801


it's comfy but also I'd rather no one care for me

>> No.53262802

I was actually more depressed when I had girlfriends then when I was single.

>> No.53262844

are you an introvert? i swear I became more and more depressed the more my relationship went on with my gf even if we loved each other madly. I've put myself on standby for now and refuse to commit but I still talk to her here and there.

>> No.53262860

keeps me alive, honestly
hope you're doing well friend

>> No.53263252

You take them for granted

But they are the ight of your life when you examine it closely..

>> No.53263423

Niggers that talk about it getting boring are too stupid to know how to value or appreciate a woman that loves them. It feels great to be in a loving relationship.

>> No.53263770

Yes, very much so. Aren't most people here introverts? Yeah, I don't know, last girl I was with was very extroverted and you would think it would help but it made me feel more isolated. On the flip side I've at least dated more "introverted" women and it's not really any better. I kind of just gave up at this point since I think relationships/romance is largely artificial etc. Additionally, I like being alone and in my own head even if it furthers my own personal descent into madness.

>> No.53263790

There’d a certain level of comfort knowing you can cum all over her face whenever you want

>> No.53263802

Yeah for like a year. Who cares?

>> No.53264320

If they show it by doing things that make your world more peaceful and easier, it's pretty nice.
If they show it by doing simple things for you that you can easily do fro yourself, in some lame attempt to make your life easier and more peaceful, then it gets pretty shit pretty quick.

>> No.53265085

This.. Unfortunetely you get stale pussy syndrome and then new girls start looking more appetizing.

>> No.53265129

Incels talk about pussy they never seen.
Keep saying that when youre 50 married with your 50 year old hag and have to walk around prime horny 18 year old pussy.

Mans primal motive is to acquire vast reaources and many women and impregnate all of them. Not be a leashed cattle simp with one hag

>> No.53265812
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Been married 12 years and it's bretty great. The only thing with women is you have to keep them in line or else they'll get hung up on some retarded shit. Most of their brains do not work like ours do, logic and reason takes a back seat to emotion. If you beat them over the head with logic and reason, they'll eventually come to terms, and on a long enough timeline they'll start thinking more rationally, but you need to constantly challenge their ideas and decision making process in a manner that won't make them cry, which is what I think a lot of guys find annoying or exhausting.
>tldr a woman's love will make you whole, but you gotta keep that dumb bitch in line.

>> No.53265871

Unironically euphoric. But when you fight then it's one of the worst things ever.

>> No.53265930

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53265934

You can fuck other women while married you know

>> No.53265955

dont worry. once you hit the bottle of ketchup once it just keeps coming pal.

>> No.53267095

it feels good and then you realize she feels the same way about another guy. thats when it feels pointless and you start doing things for yourself like accomplishing things and learning. good luck with your journey OP, you sound young and dumb.

>> No.53267196

Failures of opinions
You are miserable because you settled for any woman
Be honest with yourself, you didn't meet the girl you dreamt about, but you were pressured by social circles racing to the finish line and your own lack of self confidence
"Well if I keep searching, what if I lose what I have now?"
That's you. Complacency brought you misery.
Did you not remember that you only get one chance at this life?
Women get to search their entire lives, they play the "what if it can get better though" game even when in a happy relationship
The LEAST you should do as a man, is not settle for "yeah I guess time is running out so here we are"
The absolute glory about being a man is that your prime time clock is longer than theirs
If you settled for a wetch you only have yourselves to blame.