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53262157 No.53262157 [Reply] [Original]

I'm actually starting to feel bad for them, but it's also fucking hilarious. You link retards can't catch a fucking break lmao

>> No.53262172

Link had one good run and bag holders are still clinging onto it lmao

>> No.53262180
File: 816 KB, 808x805, pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold my bitcoin for link during the retarded wbtc fud
>bitcoin pumps
>still down on link purchase
Fuck my ass

>> No.53262211

thank you chainlinkgod based king

>> No.53262215

>Link had one good run
It really it was a limp dciked run compared to other cryptos, even Btc and eth. Remember eth went from a dollar to 1k in a year. And bnb went from 10 to 200 and it’s still going pretty strong. I honestly have no idea where this love of link came from.

>> No.53262270

It was nice because link pumped hard before everything else during the last bear market. From under a dollar to like $50. But then the actual bull market started and it's sucked ever since.

>> No.53262322

>From under a dollar to like $50.
At most it pumped to like 12 or 14 dollars. It only went up that high because it was being dragged up by btc like a cuck.

>> No.53262335

Please, it was under 20 cents when it started. That's still huge.

>> No.53262363

>everyone thinks Link is shit now

>> No.53262382

Name any crypto other than BNB or Doge that has gained more than Link ever since it was created up until today (Mid 2017 - Today)

>> No.53262413

There are coins that pump the most and dump the most, and there are coins who pump the least and dump the least, Given the choice you ALWAYS choose the first, even if it means more pain during the bear.

I think LINK is part of the second group, hopefully i'm wrong

>> No.53262423

It peaked. It's time to move on

>> No.53262433
File: 78 KB, 498x468, seetheyoufaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name cryptos that outperformed link
>n-no bnb, eth, btc, shiba, doge, ada, and other top 20 cryptos don't count
lol lmao

>> No.53262438

quantitative eating dump has started

>> No.53262439

Meant to reply to you

>> No.53262444

It's good I sold it for avax.

>> No.53262462
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>> No.53262471

you're wrong. It pumped the least and dumped the most. It went from top 5 to 20 lmao

>> No.53262479

It's an incredibly obvious scam that is only promoted these days by scammers and the most desperate of baggies

>> No.53262489

speaking of which
>Link "partners" up with AWS
>AVAX does the exact same thing

>> No.53262500

Avax/Fantom/Solana are the type of coins i meant by "pump the most and dump the most", They seem to go haywire on whatever the momentum is. Not sure why is tho

LINK is the opposite, It even pumps when barely any coins pump, It's good for the bear (As you can see, LINK moved from the top 30 to the top 20 during the bear) but horrible in the bull when you WANT to ride the momentum explosively

>> No.53262514
File: 936 KB, 1280x720, quantitative eating.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.53262543

That fatass is either a grifter or a complete retard. Imagine having the whole globohomo on your back and still manage to fuck it up lmao.

>> No.53262612

> 7 posts by this ID
get a life, anon
also rentfree

>> No.53262658
File: 329 KB, 960x1280, s83gejvlpmq61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-get a life
>r-rent free
ngl it's starting to feel bad making fun of linkies. Their retort has gone limp lately.

>> No.53262729

Either way AVAX is a great bull run coin. I expect it to go up to $200 by 2024. LINK had the most bullish news for it since it's release and hardly moved in price. I doubt it will do anything extra other than pumping with the market.

>> No.53262922


>> No.53262951

>8+ pbti on Friday night
heh rent free, if you put as much effort into dating as you do shitting on LINK, you could have gotten a girlfriend

check em

>> No.53262988

Linkies are starting to sound like normie liberals.
>h-ha you're an incel!
>get a life virgin
These comments are made by used up roasties who has nothing else better to say lmao.

>> No.53263005

k incel

enjoy your 20+ post this evening, virgin

>> No.53263063

You sound like a faggot anon

>> No.53263078

An absolute faggot

>> No.53263095

a link fud thread on a friday night LOL
you are by definition a loser
> t. DN;NS

>> No.53263119
File: 92 KB, 1278x900, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I bullying you too much?