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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53243327 No.53243327 [Reply] [Original]

Bobo suicide edition

>> No.53243345

not your keys not your coins. show me the unstake and claim rewards button.

>> No.53243351

Congrats, you get more of a shitcoin while losing money overall

>> No.53243375

How much money have you lost overall since you staked.

>> No.53243381

we don't know yet if staking was smart or dumb
it all depends on the price of link in the coming months and the performance and model of the build tokens

>> No.53243387
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>> No.53243413
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>> No.53243457
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Sorry you didn't make it into the v0.1 pool anon. Maybe next year when staking v1 goes live on more feeds you can stake the remnants of your Bancor haircut stack on some BNB scam-token price feed. 50 LINK is all you have left right? You should be able to squeak into a pool with that amount!

>> No.53243535
File: 2.78 MB, 1251x1431, victors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017: Buy LINK
>2022: Stake LINK
That's literally all you had to do. You didn't have to lurk /biz/, write pasta, swing trade, or anything else.
All you had to do was buy LINK in 2017 and stake it in 2022. You could do that and just live a totally normal life, not thinking about crypto, and you would be set forever.

>> No.53243609

He won't get any BUILDIES though, poor chap

>> No.53243629

How many BUILDIES have you got?

>> No.53243630

He'll never belong with us BUILDerbergs

>> No.53243658

Probably a lot since I have 9 wallets and there have been projects joining every couple days. Looking forward to finding out!

>> No.53243659

Sorry the underlying price of your asset has plummeted by around 30% since you started staking and you've lost thousands of dollars. Maybe when (if) the withdraw function is added you can finally panic sell and move on from your epic chainlink mistake.

>> No.53243660

How can staking be considered risky?
If staking goes to shit, Link is dead anyway
No one can loose any money if they cannot sell at a loss
What would make the price of Link increase? Wouldn't that be staking doing well?

>> No.53243682

Why don't you have a look in those wallets old chap and tell us what you see in them. I'm excited to know what Sergey has awarded you loyal linkies who have stuck with him through thick and thin.

>> No.53243721

Come come, Mr Fud; you know as well as I do how this story ends. Let us raise our glasses to all of us who made it (not you) and we shall feast and be merry!

>> No.53243772

If link gets to 8 dollars and you didn’t perfectly swing from December staking to that point, you lost by not staking. Idiots who did nothing but hold and press the stake button will have outperformed you. How does this make you feel?

>> No.53243773

I'm well aware of how the story ends Mr Shill, I'm afraid its a Macbethian tragedy with many betrayals and suicides for your lot.

>> No.53243795

Oh and even if you perfectly timed your swing, if you don’t evade taxes you still won’t have outperformed stakers.

>> No.53243868

It is rather Shakespearean, I agree. I wonder how he would have portrayed your character? Lago in Othello springs to mind, though I see you as more of a Dickens' Uriah Heep. I'm sure you'd fit either.

>> No.53243886
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>> No.53243903

I mean, all sorts of shit that does absolutely nothing is pumping
a speculative pump is not impossible
but yes at some point when the network is not being subsidized etc. there will be a new fundamental value which should rise quite drastically over time

>> No.53243995


>> No.53244061


>> No.53244175

You need to spend less time shitposting and more time reading literature, dear friend. Perhaps you will develop the necessary reading skills to comprehend the execrable chainlink whitepapers and avoid furthering your misfortune with this "project".