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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53239060 No.53239060 [Reply] [Original]

One fucking price feed? Are you telling me it's impossible for them to walk and chew gum at the same time? The BTC/USD feed should've been added to staking after one week. They could easily roll out more price feeds to the staking contract. Literally the slowest progress in tech history right here. If not the BTC/USD feed, why not your own fucking LINK/USD feed? I'm amazed at how slow these people move, almost like they're inconvenienced by people expecting progress

>> No.53239084

Yes, they're doing it because they're really stupid and lazy. That's right.

>> No.53239122

Doing what? Consistently missing deadlines?

>> No.53239133

They make shitty ‘staking’ to quiet everyone asking for it. It only exists to placate people, not to do anything proper.

>> No.53239150

What deadlines did they miss

>> No.53239162

ITT newfags who don’t remember the roll out of price feeds following the exact same schedule.

>> No.53239185

now you are just being disingenuous.

>> No.53239202

They literally only missed one deadlines, ever.

>> No.53239220

staking, twice
abstraction layer

These are just what we know publicly. I can't imagine the bullshit that happens in private.

>> No.53239232

>staking, twice
You mean never.

That's the one deadline they missed.

>abstraction layer
Not a product.

>> No.53239252
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you're literally doing it for free at this point

>> No.53239269

while you're getting paid?

>> No.53239285

staking was right around the corner in 2019, sergey's own words.
staking was meant to go live in 2022. instead we got a rushed, not even half-assed version of staking that isn't even staking.
ccip missed publicly, at least another deadline privately judging by the comments by the AAVE team last year, who anticipated having CCIP as part of their v3 launch
>abstraction layer not a product
You are so completely out of your depth and you make it plainly obvious you bought within the past year or two.

>> No.53239304

Agreed, only the most deluded bagholders can disagree with anything this anon has written.

>> No.53239326
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>staking was right around the corner in 2019, sergey's own words.
"Right around the corner" is not a deadline.

>staking was meant to go live in 2022. instead we got a rushed, not even half-assed version of staking that isn't even staking.
We got exactly what was promised.

>You are so completely out of your depth and you make it plainly obvious you bought within the past year or two.
"Abstraction layer" is a general term.
According to Chainlink's website you can use Chainlink as your "abstraction layer" right now.

Chainlink has only ever missed one (1) deadline in its entire history, and that was CCIP.

>> No.53239356

>damn nexo bulgarians
The same ones that link was supposedly integrated with?
Gee sergey just keeps trusting all these untrustworthy people.
It’s like some sort of...pattern.

>> No.53239363

You're either a chainlink labs shill or a shit eating cuckold if you're defending the current iteration of "staking" we received. The implication when Sergey announced that staking was coming this year was that it was a finalised version of it not some v0.1 beta. I'm tired of your disingenuous kike pilpul, I hope you are at least paid to defend Sergey on the internet.

>> No.53239379

>if you're defending the current iteration of "staking" we received
Again, we got exactly what Sergey promised.
I don't mind shit starting small, mainnet started small too.

>> No.53239401

>I'm tired of your disingenuous kike pilpul, I hope you are at least paid to defend Sergey on the internet.

Your office got raided today dude. Go home. They arent paying you.

>> No.53239402

yes please observe OP's pic
chainlink is the standard sir

>> No.53239456

>while you're getting paid?
Yes. 4.75% in Link. You lost yours kek.

>> No.53239478

>How stupid is the Chainlink team
they managed to sell billions worth of shitcoins to neet incel racist pedos
they're smarter than you

>> No.53239500

No, you're wrong. V0.1 is not staking as outlined in either whitepaper. Sergey lied.
>You lost yours kek
most people browsing here lost tonnes of LINK, what does that have to do with anything.

>> No.53239522

>V0.1 is not staking as outlined in either whitepaper
Sergey didn't promise "staking as in the whitepapers" by 2022.

>> No.53239529

Town Crier, Mixicles, DECO moving at the pace of a snail, enterprise abstraction layer, FSS

>itt, newfags who forgot about the actual scheduled rollout

>> No.53239539

That we're being paid. Jeez you're a dumb puppy
t. never lost any Link as I wasn't stupid enough to risk my golden ticket on anything other than staking. Greed can be a bitch, though i guess you know that more than i do

>> No.53239557

This. Where is the 'superlinear staking', and why haven't any of the paid shills in this thread tell me, an actual staker, why the BTC/USD price feed can't be added with the click of a button? Notice no one gave a technical or logistical reason, just muh 's-stop questioning the company goy'

>> No.53239575

A masochist I see. You’re a living “Sergay please shit directly in my mouth” meme.

>> No.53239604

notice a lot of the fudders these days is from anons who claim to hold Link but are 'just so pissed off'. This is the latest attempt to get you to lose heart; the 'i'm just like you and i'm angry.. so should you be!' approach. It fails just like all the other methods lol

>> No.53239641

Everyone here holds LINK, why do you think it is that "fudders" have so much knowledge about it. We are just frustrated at their slow development and lack of transparency.

>> No.53239659

I'm telling you the literal fact of the matter.
Only a woman tries to weave elaborate lies to obfuscate a simple fact.

>> No.53239665

>abstraction layer not a product
We know it's you, Josh.

>> No.53239688

lol I've been saying this since January 2022.
Describe the product "abstraction layer".

>> No.53239799

Real deal schizo right here. I likely hold way more LINK than you, and the BUILD rewards are nowhere to be found. Where are my fucking bUIDL rewards you cock suckers? Think we forgot? Can't add a couple more price feeds to the pot?

>> No.53239840

>and the BUILD rewards are nowhere to be found.
Any of these gonna be worth holding or are they all complete trash? They all seem like total shitcoins to me so far.

>> No.53239883

>We are just frustrated at their slow development and lack of transparency.

So you bitch and moan like a bunch of pussies and bend the truth?

Go home faggot, your office got raided, no pay for you.

>> No.53239890

probably only 2-3 and the rest will be cannon fodder, the fact that we don't have more clarity around all of this makes it worse

>> No.53239915

Don't deny that I'm bitching and moaning but we're not the ones bending the truth here.

>> No.53239930

>I likely hold way more LINK than you
Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Why do you feel you needed to mention it?
>'we' are just frustrated
I'm not. Neither are many others. I've held since 2017 and I wouldn't wish Chainlink to do anything they don't feel ready to do.
Odd then that you feel everything is so awful. I wonder why that is? Hmm...

>> No.53239972

how stupid are you that you think it would be a good idea to expand staking faster? have you been following the project, and crypto as a whole, at all? retard. the rest of the sector is years of development behind them

>> No.53240088 [DELETED] 

Chainlink doesn't owe you anything. They're a private company. You are not a shareholder. You know nothing about buildiipng a network. You know nothing about the resources and time it takes to building something this large. When's the last time you built something from scratch?

>> No.53240108

Chainlink doesn't owe you anything. They're a private company. You are not a shareholder. You know nothing about building a network. You know nothing about the resources and time it takes to build something this large. When's the last time you built something from scratch?

>> No.53240109

>we're not the ones bending the truth
t. retard who claimed itt that Sergey promised full whitepaper staking.

>> No.53240160

made oatmeal couple minutes ago , didn't need to hire dozens of 300k HR ladies to do it
I could probably build an okay website before lunch
>pooja manpreet

>> No.53240216

>anybody who disagrees with me is le epic bulgarian fudster

You are a double nigger, CLG is a triple nigger, and Sergey is the biggest quad nigger of them all.

>> No.53240287
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>You are a double nigger, CLG is a triple nigger, and Sergey is the biggest quad nigger of them all.

>> No.53240305

>Frantically attacks the idea of simply changing one attribute in the staking contract

ngmi midwit

>> No.53240333

Any fudder who mentions chainlinkgod is obviously a twitter faggot who doesn't get enough attention on his tweets so comes to attention whore here. Literally no one here cares about him except you newfag e-celebrity obsessed zoomers.

>> No.53240371

If chainlink wanted to, they would have you fucking midwit. The chainlink team is running chainlink not you, you know nothing. You do not work for them. They dont want your opinion. Go back to hole.

>> No.53240493

So chainlink are beyond criticism by anyone outside chainlink because they're not the ones running chainlink and know nothing. You are a shit eating cuckold.

>> No.53240516
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>> No.53240519

Didn't read; staking.

And buying more every month ;^)

>> No.53240536

you see dear teacher, i actually did my homework, it's this headline i wrote. it's homework v0.1, and i did it

>> No.53240573

Great analogy, based.

>> No.53240609 [DELETED] 

Thats not criticism, thats you being a baby complain you didnt get more. Fucking retard.

>> No.53240631

Thats not criticism, thats you being a baby, complaining you didnt get more. Fucking retard.

>> No.53240887

I've held Link since 2017 and I think CLG is a great ambassador for the Chainlink community. You're just a dribbling tranny retard who gambled a sure thing away on stupid lending platforms out of greed. Now you're ever so salty because you know you and your sort are true idiots and the cognitive dissonance is driving you mad.
I'm so glad I'm not like you.

>> No.53241019

You come off as a whiny, little bitch. You have no constructive criticism to offer.

>> No.53241054

Notice the sentence structure here. Notice how both use the word criticism. This is the same person. Holy shit, Chainlink literally is paying people to defend their bullshit, SmartCon 23 I'm going to hire 20 homeless guys to crash your party

>> No.53241125

Nice headcanon, go on then with the criticism. All ears

>> No.53241133
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>> No.53241238
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SDL will have a LDO run soon. Soon.

>> No.53241323

Ok, cool. Sell and leave. Why waste your time here? Oh wait, I know. You're fudding.

>> No.53241430

You just used it

>> No.53241461

The year is 2021. It's the last day. Biggie Mac raps one last time, says in 2022 we will get staking, CCIP, and the enterprise abstraction layer. Posts charts and diagrams confirming all of this. Fast forward to January 12, 2023. We have one price feed being staked. No CCIP. No enterprises are interacting with any smart contracts, and no enterprises are paying customers. Staking does not secure BTC/USD, VRF, etc. You can assume what my problem is

>> No.53241531

I said constructive. You sounds like a broken record. Nothing you provided can be debated, it’s all your interpretation. All I can do is agree to disagree.

>> No.53241533

>You can assume what my problem is
You saw "8%" on the Bancor website and decided to give them all your Link tokens?

>> No.53241630

8% is higher than 4.5%

>> No.53241639

they're literally testing the waters with the SEC
if you can't see that, I feel sorry for you

>> No.53241759

>a version of staking will be released

Also Sergey:
>releases a version of staking

Seethe and mald.

>> No.53241763

Ah yes the 8% apr which resulted in permanent loss of LINK due to protocol unsustainability was indeed a higher apr than the virtually 0 risk 4.5% airdrop from Sergey.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, dipshit

>> No.53241838
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>Ah yes the 8% apr which resulted in permanent loss of LINK due to protocol unsustainability was indeed a higher apr than the virtually 0 risk 4.5% airdrop from Sergey.

>> No.53241873

why complain this way now?
a lot of us fucked up and didn't take enough or any profit at the top or on the way down
but we all still know that nothing has fundamentally changed
you either still believe and are buying or you can go gamble on other coins

>> No.53241937
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>Greentexts an entire post and posts a basedjak

>> No.53241938

So what do you think the issue is here?

>> No.53242428
File: 35 KB, 500x344, 51fVw8ZWHrL_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basedtexts an entire post and posts a Blackjack

>> No.53243143

kek this is mega cope

>> No.53243188

this. It's painfully obvious what we got is a bare bones skeleton version of actual staking, just put out to placate the baggies. And you know what? it worked for me. I'm happy. At least we're getting money while the real money machine is getting built.

>> No.53243232

>while the real money machine is getting built.
proof? What have they accomplished in the last year other than collectively paying HR roasties millions of your dollars.
Captcha: HAGDH

>> No.53243342

>real money machine getting built
>nothing is built yet

Headcount has skyrocketed at this company and they can't put a team together to actually code, sounds about right