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5323173 No.5323173 [Reply] [Original]



Starts talking about their partnership from 36:50.


>> No.5323210


>> No.5323283

Where do you buy this anon?

>> No.5323317


>> No.5323346
File: 166 KB, 850x638, cockatiel nesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all in on Cardano since .13

Too comfy

>> No.5323424

Wow looks like this thread is gonna die. Fine by me stay poor and fomo in this when its >100$ cocksuckers

>> No.5323573
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>> No.5323599

Thanks, should I just send btc or convert to ltc first from binance?

>> No.5323605

its dying because ppl are fomoing in and saging. thank you for the tip based anon. just bought 42 of these.

>> No.5323644

Ada correcting atm brought in half way

>> No.5323694

Wait so do I buy ada or zen?

>> No.5323741
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>> No.5323904


>> No.5323917

zen lmao

>> No.5323920

can u explain? i dont get any of this

i hold 22k ADA

>> No.5323925

Charles has been an advisor for a long time now. Not much of a surprise desu.

>> No.5323976
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>retards think this means buy ada. just buy zen, low cap, privacy coin, previous teeka pick, timing is perfect to go interstellar on zencash brahs. we are gonna make it brahs

>> No.5324045
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fuck i just went all in on ADA

>> No.5324131

People are seriously buying ADA instead of ZEN? What the fuckidy hell?

>> No.5324163


>> No.5324245

Don't worry just buy ZEN. News + charts indicate that we're going to pass ATH ZEN/BTC in the next 48 hours.

>> No.5324279
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Buying more zencash right now, obvious moon mission coming soon especially with rebrand near end of Jan.

>> No.5324327

get 42 for a node before these shits are 1k each. circulating supply is so low its gg if this shit trends for 24 hours.

>> No.5324367
File: 8 KB, 1109x279, buyhighselllow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy high sell low: the posts

>> No.5324469

zoom out. also use your common sense.

>> No.5324546
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do you just hold 42 of them on bittrex for the dividend? I'm new to all this lol. please dont shit on me :/

>> No.5324569

saved to bully when zencash is 100 dollars in less than 24 hours

>> No.5324609

to set up the node you must configure a linux server attached to your zencash wallet

>> No.5324663

damn. that sounds complicated lol. ill look for a tutorial online. is there an estimate of how much profit youd make if you set up a secure node?

>> No.5324686

0.06 zen per day

>> No.5324783

i just threw 100 bucks at this at ATH. ill be fine if i hodl right?

>> No.5324823

there is a guide online, its gonna be really hard without a working knowledge of linux or bash shell to set up a linode server and such

>> No.5324894


>> No.5325166

Guys look at verge’s chart (XVG), now look at Zencash.

You WILL see the same moon mission.

Why you ask?

Because Zen is superior to verge in every single way and they are building an anonymous platform on top of it.

Your welcome

>> No.5325193
File: 12 KB, 800x188, Zencash-e1496448428691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zencash is a true gem. its THE most anonymous and secure privacy coin and is still at 130m market cap. easy x5 - x10, the next xvg. John macaffee has been talking about zen in his videos and will surely tweet it any day now.

And to top it off ZEN IS COLLABORATING WITH FUCKING ADA to implement the first true DAO and treasury model


>> No.5325346

zencash circulation supply is super low. this is the next antshares anons

>> No.5325606

This type of liquid-democratic treasury system is really interesting, might get me some ada before this is implemented

>> No.5325631


I dont have any accounts and bittrex failed verifying me. Is Coss.io gonna fuck me if i use their exchange for zencash?
i already have 17k ada

>> No.5325802

We will make it brother

>> No.5325903

How the fuck are you guys holding so much I only have 270 ADA that i bought today but hold about 10 ltc and xmr did i buy at the wrong time

Never see cardano threads here

>> No.5325933

So why is ADA dropping so hard?

>> No.5325940

Once ZEN gets on Binance its going fucking nuclear. You thought Verge mooned? This literally can 15x short term. This shit WILL 100x in the long term. Already have $30k worth. It's my retirement ticket and I'm 23.

>> No.5326076

Is this a shill thread? I actually own some ZenCash. Is this really big news???

>> No.5326294

How do i buy zencash I only have a butfinex and binance acct

>> No.5326448

>a scam partnered with a scam

great news guys buy buy

>> No.5326758

lol what
cardano isnt a scam. i dont know about zencash though

>> No.5326819


>that marcketcap position without any product


>> No.5326837


>> No.5327067

So a shitty 6th rate privacy coin partners with a soy powered Ethereum rip off.

Not at all interested.

>> No.5327119

cause buttcoin is dumping past supports and making everythingdump. we are bat near critical dump levels.
desu i wouldnt hold ada jst zen

>> No.5327140

Post in reddit and pump groups lets go boys the fundamentals are just too strong

>> No.5327246

6th rate
one the highest standards for privacy.
long term hold from oct issue pbc
lowest ciculation of any priv coin
pioneering treasury system with top cap coin with one of the most anticipated minds in crypto.
6th rate

>> No.5327313

You're right. But let's just be fair, Monero supply is lower. But Zencash is going up. Make no doubt.

>> No.5327470

I've shared it with some signal group admins. We'll see if it can pickup traction.

>> No.5327553

a 100 mill market cap coin helping a 15 bill market cap coin with developing their infrastructure. You tell me it that is MOON news

>> No.5328168
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now is your chance

>> No.5328335

Zen Unaffected by btc dip.
Feels fucking comfy

>> No.5328488
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For now

>> No.5328931

zen is the easiest all in ive ever done. and ive done many.

>> No.5328965

Oh lawd I've been waiting for this. ADA has been so painful for the last couple of days.

>> No.5329019

I am split between 50% link
25% icon and 25% zen.

>> No.5329081

thats very nice brah.

>> No.5329084

Hugely invested in ADA, but be careful. ADA is already way overbought in the short term, and is unlikely to pump any higher compared to how far it's come. Maximum I'd see is 2x from here in the next few weeks, but even that would be ambitious since everything is priced in.

I've moved 20% over to ZEN since it is prime for big movements. This partnership will benefit ZEN price more than ADA price in the short term, and hugely impact both in the long term.

>> No.5329108

ADA was cheap last week, and the week before that it was dirt cheap. It went from 3¢ to where it is now very quickly.

>Got in at 11¢
Feeling comfy rn

>> No.5329171

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.