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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53238497 No.53238497 [Reply] [Original]


"The FTX restructuring team has recovered more than $5 billion in cash, liquid cryptocurrency, and liquid investments in securities, FTX's lead attorney Adam Landis said on Wednesday morning at a court hearing in Delaware.

The assets recovered also include “dozens of illiquid cryptocurrency tokens,” and Landis noted that the “holdings are so large relative to the total supply that our positions cannot be sold without substantially affecting the market for the token.”

>> No.53238518 [DELETED] 
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Major happening! Military-fag thread was (((shut down))). Picrel. Proof: archive.is/mmoCT

>> No.53238519
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I mean, at least we know it won't be ADA, it can't be used for anything....

>> No.53238576
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My bet is that FTX is holding large amounts of AVAX. SBF must of seen it as a competitor to SOL (similar amount of downtime).

>> No.53239555
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>> No.53239587

Would explain the availability shills trying to get more liquidity these past 2 weeks

>> No.53239945

So they rug a bunch of shitcoins. Big deal. How much LINK do they have?

>> No.53239969

I don’t recall the balance sheets having xrp (or much of it). He can’t dump flare either so that’s nice.

>> No.53240604

you dont file for bankruptcy, go to third world jail and get extradited if you had 5 billion lying around
this is obviously bullshit for the trail and like mtgox will take years to settle
and if there is something it is probably illiquid shit he has 90% of the total supply from
remember caroline and gary already pleaded guilty to all charges, they would not do that if there really was 5 billion

>> No.53240625

they already dumped a lot during the worst possible moment in late nov and all of it was absorbed in defi before it was even arbitraged to the exchange price
in the graphs as such you dont see it, but in defi the link price wicked down to 4 for a brief moment and then all slurped

>> No.53240676


1000% they are still counting FTT as part of assets. Lmao. "Hey guys we have $4.5B in FTT! (and $0.5B in other shit!)"

>> No.53240797

Would be funny if they are just like how the kike tried to pay bail with it (before some other kikes bailed him out)