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File: 5 KB, 360x360, png-transparent-oasis-network-rose-coin-cryptocoin-exchange-coins-crypto-blockchain-cryptocurrency-logo-glyph-icon-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53237403 No.53237403 [Reply] [Original]

any TA on ROSE?
I think it will be around $1 end of year

>> No.53237430

lmao people still baghold this 2021 scam?

>> No.53237434

Tongue anus

>> No.53237446

>I think it will be around $1 end of year

Why would it be $1 exactly?
What do you personally do with your Roses right now?

>> No.53237583

Because mountain climber fag keeps shilling $1

>> No.53237729

TA means fuck all.
Fundamentals mean fuck all in this market.
If they can't hype, the price won't move.
Look at what AVAX did. They had a nothing little thing with Amazon which multiple others have had before and failed to capitalize in, but what did Emin do? He got on Twitter and told everyone it's a huge fucking deal. Even though it's not. He's a snake oil salesman, and those are the types that win in this game.

Dawn is not a snake oil salesewoman, she has integrity. Her only chance at winning is the long game of building sound fundamentals, and there is no historical data to show that will affect price. Will it hit $1 this year? Nobody fucking knows. I highly doubt it.

Will it be one of the only protocols still standing 10 years from now? Probably.

>> No.53237925

This shit has zero fundamentals. 1c soon.

>> No.53238039

There is literally no reason for it to be higher than 5c. No one cares about this ghostchain.

>> No.53238341

You guys are trolls. Anyone with 10m of research realizes that they already have the most important partnerships in all of crypto and the only useful privacy solution which unlocks trillions in value for blockchain.

>Meta: Part of their revised advertising product focused on privacy as a means to increase ad revenue & success
>Equifax: Part of their compliance to serve the entire US loan market

Find me a chain with actual bigger deal partnerships. I'll wait.

That being said, it won't mean fuck all for price.

>> No.53238693
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partnerships mean fuck all kek
i have a partnership with my local deli: i provide money, they provide me food. same applies to like 99% of crypto "partnerships"

>> No.53240422
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They spy on workers 24/7 with remote neural monitoring. Astar Technologies parent company is shady AF. They shill privacy but do not respect it. Not the only player in the game to do it. Beware of the KYC and Web3 Ambassador programs. They do some shady stuff with your data and your body.

>> No.53240520
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Verification not required.

>> No.53240805

>Find me a chain with actual bigger deal partnerships. I'll wait.
Besides link with swift, don't think there's one

>> No.53241207
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Deluded Rosies clinging to these proofs of concepts posing as partnerships.
Find two companies in more financial peril, I'll wait.

>> No.53241353

all you fudders will be priced out within this year
cope and seethe or yield and survive

>> No.53241426

Remember when everyone was saying Dawn wasn’t CEO anymore? Fudders are retarded

>> No.53241482

How much is the Sui Stack for this?

>> No.53241787

well considering I'm up over 18% now at .4c, maybe I'll let you have half my stack at .5c next week if I don't get stopped out with 15% gains.

>> No.53242049

Make it stack is 100k

>> No.53242232

Piss off magnifaggot, useless shitcoin.

>> No.53242288

It's 1 million rose you fucking idiot. And that's if this shitcoin even does anything in the next run.
If there is a next run

>> No.53242338

10bn total supply so sui stack is 100k and make it is 1m. Really depends on your definition of making it though.

>> No.53242378

another rose thread full of desperate fud

>> No.53242890
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I'm still accoomulating. It's either the worst mistake of my life or the golden ticket.

>> No.53243470
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>thinking this shitcoin will ever hit a dollar

>> No.53244719
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, ROSE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will not only go to $1, it will go to $10 and beyond.

>> No.53244738
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I bought 10k ROSE last month as a joke. Is that even a sui?

>> No.53244888

That's a woman for sure.

>> No.53246609

Bullish thread.

>> No.53247874
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>> No.53248983

it is a reason to sui yes

>> No.53249007

I own this, my bags are heavy, pump my basterds

>> No.53249046

its 250k retards

>> No.53249055

do not redeem sers, my rosies stay cozy

>> No.53249160
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>> No.53249176
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>> No.53249187

Captures Rosetards perfectly

>> No.53249200

Kek i hold rose but this is classic.

>> No.53249223

fuck you bloody basterd, MY DEAR FRIEND JACK SAYS 12 DOLLAR MAY 2023

>> No.53249229

danke habibi

>> No.53249317

this is not funny

>> No.53249345
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>this is NOT funny

>> No.53249430

its pretty funny, ngl, kind of looks like m e if i had a helmet on and drooled

>> No.53251257

muh rose is doing a lil sum sum today

>> No.53252161
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>> No.53252181

I'm already staking my RAIL and loving the experience! The shielding feature has been a game-changer for me, providing me with an extra layer of security for my assets.

>> No.53252252

Idiots will still buy in and boom it falls like an old asian woman's breast. Fuck it crypto is dead

>> No.53252298
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 12 dorrar soon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man knows

>> No.53252311

lol this is hilarious
rosechuds are seething

>> No.53252360

I kekd

>> No.53252586

Hey dickhead, You still don't say shit about crypto when BTC is hitting above 18k. Get your ass some RAIL using matchaxyz and then deposit into railgun.org governance. 2% of treasury is distributed to stakers every week. Morons won't know this.

>> No.53252609

When you keep licking shit asses when you should have dyor. Are you not a foolish idiot?

>> No.53253490

Gay, you need a pussy

>> No.53253591

Just keep your asset safe and secured. It feels good to use privacy protocols.

>> No.53254297

Yeah anon, its good but every privacy platform has its own unique features, but i'll pick Railgun over monero because it uses relayers instead of mixers and offers zk-Snark privacy.

>> No.53254865

Lol, look at these railshillers, no one asked or mentioned rail except these paid shillscammers Rose is gonna make it. Fill your bags, it’s dirtcheap now.

>> No.53255069
File: 341 KB, 1289x2129, 372B4DEF-DA46-4340-BF65-F163EE76B075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 dollar end of decade.
>solid team
>solid fundamentals
>great partnerships
>extremely ambitious