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5323824 No.5323824 [Reply] [Original]

*breathes in*


>> No.5323892

u wot

>> No.5323916

I'm retarded newfag to crypto, so i gotta ask what the hell does this mean?

>> No.5323926


>> No.5323930

And I'm one of them...

>> No.5323945

Eth is kingdom

>> No.5323958
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pay dedts

>> No.5323961

Bitcoin has no use.

>> No.5323999
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mfw I'm sending all my coffee sized btc transactions from bitstamp for free and they confirm in less than 10mins.

>> No.5324259

it means some people try to send BTC without paying the fee and that's how we get all these unconfirmed transactions
they clear up after several days but thanks to the massive volume of BTC being moved around we currently have 200k unconfirmed ones
BCH shills like to use this an example of how BTC is ded, they do this every single time BTC is on the red

>> No.5324321


when they're the autists clogging the mempool

its so awesome how Coinbase cockblocked them

i love it

>> No.5324352

It means BTC is dying since it costs you 30$ fee for every transaction and yoour transaction may be stuck in mempool for 4+ hours.

Bitcoin is unusable for anything but keeping it on an exchange

>> No.5324368
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>> No.5324382

because bitstamp swallows the fee.

>> No.5324418

>increasingly nervous laggards

Are you here to make money or ideology?
BCH will be the only coin thats actually used in online shops

>> No.5324431

>without paying the fee
You mean, without paying at least a 20$ fee

>> No.5324468

why aren't cashing opening short future positions on the KING then?

I challenge you autists to do it
fucking pussies.
put your money where you mouth is

>> No.5324495

>without paying the fee

nigga I literally had to pay $40 to get rid of my BTC because the previous transaction never confirmed

>> No.5324502

>muh KING
they put their money in bcc, what more do you want faggot

>> No.5324520
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>quickly distract to some other point!

How much money are you willing to lose for this cult?

>> No.5324562

lol already shorting 10k leverage faggot

>> No.5324579
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>spelling mistake in the very first word of the very first line
>it's the name of the guy it's written about

>> No.5324615
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They send segwit transactions and bundle them together, they pay like 0.02$ per transaction

>> No.5324650

>Sold 23 Bitcoins today
>Converted 40 Bitcoins to BCH the day before yesterday

My money is right where my mouth is

>> No.5324712


this makes me feel comfy being 50% in BCH

>> No.5324739

Yeah, I don't even give a shit, even if BCH drops to $2k, at least I can move those coins.

Sending BTC was always a process of staring at the blockexplorer for a couple hours.

>> No.5324777

proof nigga

>> No.5324808

Thinking bout doi g the same. Fuck Core neckbeards that cant do anything for the fee problem

>> No.5324810
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>> No.5324824

i hope this shit coin drops to the ground and dies

>> No.5324856

And the feeling of horror when your shitty wallet sends the wrong fee even if you put it high

>> No.5324866

I'm comfy too but also franticly monitoring the situation.
This is my personal big short. Things get freaky when you have 7figures riding on an outcome.

Im confident of BTCs decline though

this also. really refreshing

>> No.5324877

Why the fuck would you buy on blockchain? It's 19k for a btc...

>> No.5324905

Whats the point of posting portfolio its easily faked

>> No.5324950

You could use Jihans accelerator. It works and they take BCH but it can cost you an extra 60$ on top of the regular fee

>> No.5324990

i didnt say blockfolio. screenshot your btc sale

>> No.5325191

it means soon you will be paying 100 dollars per btc transaction

>> No.5325201
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>> No.5325275

omfg nigger i have 50 and i thought i was a big baller kek. how did u cash out 23 btc tho?

>> No.5325276

depending on what youre doing its already there

>> No.5325278
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My man

>> No.5325338

>how did u cash out 23 btc tho?
to fiat for now

>> No.5325377

yea but which exchange? did u slowly cash out or all at once? coinbase only lets me cash out 50k max

>> No.5325458
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>> No.5325481

Never used coinbase but wherever I cash out I try to get support to verify my amount is allowed. Also always call my bank before a big withdrawal.

>> No.5325487

>all those fucking cheap faggots clogging up the network

>> No.5325520


>> No.5325665


>> No.5325724

So they weren't kidding about rocketing to 1 million.