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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53235979 No.53235979 [Reply] [Original]

I need a book or a forum or something that can teach me ways to enrich myself illegally or immorally at least. Lots of money, I've recently lost my morality and empathy that was holding me back. But I have no ideas, I need ideas on how to enrich myself through my lack of morality.

>> No.53235985

get a job faggot

>> No.53236030

stay cucked, I'm gonna do immoral shit and be rich while you're grinding for years


>> No.53236162

Read a book on politics.

>> No.53236210

Bot gold in videogames and sell it for crypto doesn't get anymore immoral than that.

>> No.53236221

yes, what a vile, evil act. How will I live with myself?

>> No.53236233

Imagine what kind of IQ you need to have to think the way to become rich through crime is to read a fucking book kek.

Your best bet is to be drug mule of some kind so start reading books on how to stretch you rectum because that's as high as you can aspire to get in you criminal career.

>> No.53236264

There's shit like the anarchist's cookbook. Why can't there be something similar but for money making instead of stupid shit like bombs and drugs or whatnot? I don't give a shit about bombs and drugs, I just want money.

>> No.53236263
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Buy GEO and LMT. Thank me later.

>> No.53236275
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>read a book on crime
Jesus just deal weed like a normal person you fucking cringelord

>> No.53236278

I would, but I need to commit some evil shit to get the capital to invest first. Broke for now.

>> No.53236286

Dealing drugs is stupid, that's the least stealthy crime out there.

>> No.53236302

Just wageslave as a prison warden for 5 years.
Easy money.

>> No.53236315

you should try prostituting yourself to men at public venues like truck stop restrooms. i'm sure you'll be able to """enrich yourself""" with this immoral behavior.

>> No.53236320

Ehh, in my country even doctors make $300 a month. Would take too long to save anything, hence I need crime.

>> No.53236340

OK if you really need money fast and don't have any moral values - just lobby some pharmaceutical companies.

>> No.53236363

>turd world shitholer
>too lazy to work
>fantasize about crime
>(but too lazy and retarded to actually commit it)
if you had a brain, you would realize that you're getting exactly what you deserve.

>> No.53236364
File: 1.16 MB, 1240x624, TIMESAND___CuntFaceGang2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a low opinion of, and a great disdain for, the gang that uses the thing in OP image as their gang sign.

>> No.53236377
File: 743 KB, 900x1018, TIMESAND___goatse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53236397

Not too lazy to commit it, just too retarded.

>> No.53236410

But I'm broke, I need some other crimes first to build up capital

>> No.53236471

Dont do it, judging from your posts i can tell youre not smart of ingenious enough to pull it off.

>> No.53236495

Nah, this apparent naivete of mine is just how I talk online to gather information. If I sounded smarter or more antagonistic, I'd never get any genuine suggestions.

>> No.53236675

Buy some RAIL trannies using Matchaxyz and then deposit into railgun.org governance. 2% of treasury is distributed to stakers every week.

>> No.53236886

Sorry, but from my professional assessment, you're just a tool. Maybe if you dropped your Joker-tier "criminal mastermind" act, you'd have some chance of making it.

As of now, the best investment for you isn't in books but in knee pads.

>> No.53236923


Anyway, got some crime ideas?

>> No.53236975

Prostitution is illegal in some places.

>> No.53237012

well that backfired didn't it because now people aren't giving you suggestions because you come across as too stupid to pull them off successfully and no one wants to be responsible for someone spending time in the can.
Not so smart now, are we?

>> No.53237043

nah, it's all a percentage game. By the naivety I increased my chances, although it was unlikely to gain any useful advice either way.

>> No.53237055

You sound like an edgy teenage nigger or mexican OP

>> No.53237093

Fuck men up the ass. Also, get fucked by as many men as possible as well

>> No.53237331

Buy a vr full body set and strip for people in metaverse