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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 232 KB, 900x600, prof-klaus-schwab-wef-900x600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53225818 No.53225818 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something more powerful then Klaus schwabs World Economic Forum?

>> No.53225824
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The prison of our mind.

>> No.53225835

a 6-inch prybar

>> No.53225863
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>> No.53225871


>> No.53225883

Council on Foreign Relations

>> No.53225945
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The antichrist will come to destroy the WEF and their ilk, then Jesus will come to destroy the antichrist.

>> No.53225977

The demiurge

>> No.53226024

Klaus Schwab's sphincter itself.

>> No.53226186

How much pressure is that thing holding back at any given moment?

>> No.53226196

100psi of rectal poisonings

>> No.53226204
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>> No.53226216

>the chairs in congress literally have swastikas on them and there is a fasces symbol at the front of the room
kek how do they get away with it

>> No.53226228

me, with a single knife in my hand

>> No.53226236

I never noticed that in particular.
Context for anons that don't get the picture.

That is the TOTAL PANIC of the democrat congressman during the insurrection.
Scary stuff.

>> No.53226297
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the satanic inverted jesuits pulling the real strings
using jews as foot soldiers and patsies

>> No.53226341

Revelation even tells you it's people that say they are Jews but aren't.
>inb4 that refers to original Jews
Possibly, but the trick works and it's dead on.
The Jews mentioned in revelation are Christians.

>> No.53226447

Yes, the WEF is just a product of the Committee of 300.

>> No.53226458


>> No.53226464
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Based and redpilled

The WEF is just the economic/financial megaphone of the Bilderberg group and Comittee of 300. And yes they are ushering in a NWO and the antichrist

>> No.53226480

>page 103

>> No.53226548

Yeah, the pure powerful and efficient new world order brought to us by cryptocurrencies and decentralized markets. You know, what Dextools and all are trying to make?

>> No.53226559
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>> No.53226572

>The WEF is just the economic/financial megaphone of the Bilderberg group and Comittee of 300. And yes they are ushering in a NWO and the antichrist
And here I thought I was the only one having taken the true redpill. It's funny how /pol/ believes that everything is being ruled by jews when in reality they're just subject to massive psychological warfare.

People won't know what will hit them the next decades. They're pushing down on the accelerator hard. They've perfected their brainwashing. 99% of NPCs drown in apathy.

>> No.53226579

The Vice President of Burundi is more powerful than the WEF. It's a fucking think tank, they have zero actual power.

>> No.53226580

I had a dextools bag. Should I rebag?

>> No.53226614

Interesting that it was in Osama bin Laden's compound (that's why it's on the CIA site if you're wondering).

>> No.53226615
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my dick

>> No.53226618
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kikes are just a part of the bigger picture, the endgame is ushering in a global government and a world leader (aka the antichrist) as prophesized in Revelations.

There are plenty of goyim working at the top levels who are just regular freemasons doing the dirty work. Also lots of useful idiots too

>> No.53226637

peak Reddit midwit take

That's like saying the WHO has no say during pandemic outbreaks, these globalist sovranational entities have more power than governments. This is the endgoal of neoliberal capitalism

>> No.53226662

Depends on how you look at it.
If they are just front men set up to give the illusion of a non power then...
It's pretty convoluted on purpose.

>> No.53226687

Yeah bro the guy who wears weird outfits who literally everyone identifies as the bad guy, is the bad guy. That's how life works. Super obvious bad guys who play their hand right out in the open.

>> No.53226764
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>People won't know what will hit them the next decades.
Can you explain further?

>> No.53226808

>calls people midwits
>believes this is a super secret plot to usher in the antichrist and not just people wanting power
Nobody should take you seriously. But they will, because people are retarded.

>> No.53226860

Committee members don't need to hide in the public. They're precisely save due to people ridiculing "conspiracy theorists".

Read 1984.

Being naive like you must truly be bliss.

>> No.53226885

I don't doubt they have their own pet goals, but prove it's "the antichrist" (which you'd have to be pretty naive and stupid to believe in)

>> No.53226918

>but prove it's "the antichrist" (which you'd have to be pretty naive and stupid to believe in)
I don't believe in the antichrist either, as religion is just a tool to control the masses.

>> No.53226949
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Yes. Cardano.

>> No.53226952
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Whats /biz/ opinion on this what do you believe and what not
Are there some groups/people missing?

>> No.53226965

Then you shouldn't call me naive for not believing in it.

>> No.53226971

They literally and figuratively project the anti christ into almost the entirety of pop culture and art.
The biggest midwit trap is being afraid to feel stupid and thereby rejecting things on fear of feeling or looking stupid alone.

>> No.53226976

Yes, no one actually cares about this guy other than schizophrenic NEETs from /pol/. This guy's actual impact on economic policy is close to zero and no ones life is actually affected by him, this obsession you guys have is just the meme of the guy putting up cardboard boogeymen around the room and then squirming on the ground in fear over his own creation

>> No.53226986
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>> No.53226996

>the anti christ
That stuff is all made up dude lol, even if you unironically still believe in all this stuff, you can't seriously be stupid enough to think that they scary globalist elites also believe in demonic creatures and "Satan" and all that, take your meds man

>> No.53227015

I'm not afraid of "feeling stupid," I just think you're stupid for believing in made-up bullshit like the antichrist and believing that it's a major goal of these people. People like you mixing in schizo religious BS muddies the waters and makes it harder for people to take the real issues seriously.

>> No.53227024

make sure to get your jab normie!!! XD

>> No.53227035
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You missed an important level somewhere right in here.

>> No.53227045

I'm sure some of them are into the occult (I know for a fact a few are). But that doesn't mean demons are real or they're taken seriously by everyone even in their circles. It's just that the "elites" have their fair share of /x/ larpers too.

>> No.53227060

Your fear is palpable. If you weren't afraid of feeling stupid you'd discuss it in a more reasonable manner given the ever present symbolism of an antichrist and it's presence for thousands of years as a meme.

>> No.53227069

its clear you all have no idea where humans actually come from and why there are ancient pyramids all around the "globe"

>> No.53227083

If you had anything worthwhile to say, you'd say it. Instead like all schizos you jerk yourself off by pretending you have hidden knowledge above the normies. Provide some evidence for your claims or shut up.

>> No.53227093

>its clear you all have no idea where humans actually come from and why there are ancient pyramids all around the "globe"

What? Explain

>> No.53227101

Humans come from Martians buttfucking chimps.

>> No.53227116

No way dude I don't want to die like those other billions of people who got it and then promptly fell over and died
Yeah no doubt, there's a lot of weird freaks in there, it just shouldn't matter. even if the Clintons were caught performing an actual "satanic ritual" with their billionaire friends the only correct response would be to laugh at them for believing in something so embarrassing

>> No.53227124

i mean since day one we have been taken advantage from fallen angels or demons. We fell from grace and now we bicker over nominal things. God is real, satan is real and the ones in power believe in these forces even more than the average normie. Make sure to get the jab!!!!

>> No.53227127
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>he doesn't know

>> No.53227133
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>satan is real

>> No.53227169

Tell me then (you can't)

>> No.53227190

autistic normie alert!!!!

>> No.53227195

What did you think of "One nation under blackmail"?

>> No.53227205

Please explain more about the fallen angels and demons, sir

>> No.53227206

Have you ever butchered a lamb with your own hands? You get a slight hint of the things going on without us knowing them if you watch its eyes turning dead.

>> No.53227212

>Osama bin Laden's compound
did not know that O_o

>> No.53227241

bruh look into the Sumerians and Egyptians its all around us
>Verification not required.

>> No.53227311

Surely you can do better than written accounts of people from 5000 years ago, even ignoring translation/interpretation unreliability there's quite literally no reason to take those seriously, even if we can somehow know they're trying to write an accurate and literal account rather than something mythological.

I'm sure those fallen angels and demons are still around somewhere bud, do better

>> No.53227343

thank you bud!

>> No.53227358

was it really that easy to completely shoot down your entire schizophrenic worldview? at least put some effort in, redpill us on fallen devils

>> No.53227375

some people are destined to hell
>Verification not required.

>> No.53227379

We arent a race from the earth
Join my Religion anons

meteorites that came from space and fell to earth billions of years ago
brought bacteria with them which evolve over billions of years into living beings that explains the multiple races and how adam and eva didnt make humaniry with only 2 humans and since the meteorites have hit different places, people are all over the world

>> No.53227392

just ten minutes ago you seemed all excited to tell us all about your fallen little friends, what happened?

>> No.53227396

i just told you bruh do your own research

>> No.53227406

sounds cool, how do i join?

>> No.53227426

i was just asking you for some friendly pointers on where to begin this research journey, unfortunately there's nothing to "research" about written accounts from people who hadn't yet figured out how to wipe their ass after they take a shit. guess i'm just destined for heck :(

>> No.53227443

yep :(
>Verification not required.

>> No.53227665
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Oh boy...
Newfag here. Probably on a list now.

>> No.53227671

I could kick her ass

>> No.53227672

How does the CFR have more Power then the WEF

>> No.53227794

/pol/ is opped for sure but if you think the Cof300 started all this with the jews then you are not well read at all as far as history is concerned.
>In the Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of
the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely
controlled "new" society only it isn't new,
>150 years
toppest of keks

Read The Anglo American Establishment by Quiqley and you'll be further down the rabbit hole than this.
In fact. Read Lewis Carroll as well.

>> No.53227836

So the jews werent the evil Leaders who pulled the strings behind the backs?

>> No.53227845
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For example:
In each old capital you have a obelisc in front of a building with a dome roof. Believe it or not it is a temple of power and the obelisc is there to attract the blessing of apis (the sun) or whatever you want to call him. He has many names in human history. Build your own little temple and you will see your business boom ;)
Also buy an reverse-osmosis waterfilter and grow your own vegetables. Also buy some sheep or cattle and you will have your own little kingdom with people who are dependent on you.
Don't forget to sacrifice from now and then in your temple and to also worship saturn, the female part which got replaced by the sun we can see today. Thank me later. Kek

>> No.53227872

You can just do this in your head.T
tptb are mental midgets so they build it out.

>> No.53227934
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, D984CDFB-3E37-4578-9D2E-ACF573AEFC95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i vill NOT eat ze bugz
>i vill NOT live in a pod
>i vill NOT werk for fghee
>i vill NOT die aloone
>i VILL make it

>> No.53228193

Amen anon

>> No.53228204
File: 544 KB, 1200x966, beardedbaseddude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tptb are mental midgets
Yeah, they care about illusions like power after all.
No wonder the based dudes in history gave a fuck about them.

>> No.53228255

I'm not a good english speaker

>> No.53228409
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Hello? Did someone say committee of the 300?

>> No.53229199

Your smartphone. That's how they have you by the balls.

>> No.53230054

>In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer in the field in Angola, West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States governments. I was thoroughly familiar with all of the well known secret societies such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, Bolshevism- Rosicrucianism and all of the spinoffs of these secret societies. As an intelligence officer, and even before that as a young student in the course of my studies at the British Museum in London, I had cut my eye teeth on all of them, plus a good number of others with whom I imagined Americans were familiar.
The fuck am I reading

>> No.53230072
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His reserve currency

>> No.53230074

Lloyd Pye, everything you know is wrong