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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1500x785, Bitcoin_SV_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53221356 No.53221356 [Reply] [Original]

rip me

>> No.53221367

>I invested in an obvious scam by an obvious drunk scammer
>poor me
No you get exactly what you deserve.

>> No.53221376
File: 481 KB, 2412x1700, FcN2fPkWYAAAyXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a long-term game.

>> No.53221390
File: 43 KB, 689x760, BSV_737Max_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened this time?
>the obvious truth of >>53221367 by side

>> No.53221401

what is ur fucking problem man?

>> No.53221420

I don't think he has one
well, not ops problem anyway

>> No.53221428

If it was a scam they would have rugged when the price was way higher. Instead they just kept building infrastructure and supporting dev's building apps, seems like a shitty way to scam people.

>> No.53221434

do you really have to be such a asshole? kicking a man while hes down. just disgraceful

>> No.53221446

why is he down tho?
is he drunk/grounded by the FAA/another suicide attempt/what?

>> No.53221458

we need calvin and CAH to skeet more DNA of BSV onto olive skinned girls 1/3 of their age to stay alive

>> No.53221465


>> No.53221467

oh - you are the tarded op, my apologies
I was just trying to figure out why this shit was dropping like a stone now, but I guess its just Wednesday

>> No.53221476

it is down more than 7%. goddammit just fucking end me

>> No.53221511

what happened to the short squeeze on the 19th of december? and the massive pump?

>> No.53221607

It just keeps going down. This is the end for me. I can't take it anymore. 5 years wasted hoping bsv is the real Bitcoin. I'm fucking devastated

>> No.53221655

hi greg, we're gonna send you to jail ya filthy cunt

>> No.53221671

Getting pulled from the retarded zoomer exchange, and they're the only ones who'd ever fall for believing pineapple man is satoshi.

>> No.53221693

BSV is going to $10k this year, then $50k in the 2024 bullrun. FACT. This is literal gold and EVERY SINGLE TWINK on this godforsaken hellhole of an image board will rope once their worthless crypto CRAP goes to $0.0000001.


>> No.53221699


>> No.53221707
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Holy Crap
this POS is not gonna outlive the day

>> No.53221711

bros I'm getting scared that it's actually going to happen soon. where's the safest place to keep my bsv?

>> No.53221741

There's only one miner on the network, so you can just take Craig to judge Judy and win them back if you lose your keys or bonded couriers walking to your house from Bangladesh take 5 years to arrive.

>> No.53221747

its kikes vs csw, how do you anons not get that?

>> No.53221763

>People are unironically invested in this literal scam
Fucking yikes

>> No.53221779

>It's news vs a drunken con artist backed by a Canadian pedophile
false dilemma... I chose neither and can still safely laugh at you for falling for "I'm satoshi" fanfic you read on one of Calvin's websites.

>> No.53221806

Time to slurp some cheap bitcoins

>> No.53221917
File: 255 KB, 1000x1502, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAhV8y1jb3dJtr4RZFRWTtLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im beyond demoralised. my life is worthless

>> No.53221935
File: 122 KB, 500x555, 1673353031013841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is not Bitcoin

>> No.53221952

losses have trebled since thread start. If only there had been some way to salvage the rest..

>> No.53221973

all my bsvs are on a paper wallet i printed from bitaddress.

>> No.53222082
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>> No.53222096
File: 585 KB, 828x1227, 8322F2AB-019C-4A42-91A8-36217CFD31E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s dunking cause robinhood delisted

>> No.53222179
File: 55 KB, 582x423, robin_retired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they did
rh+bsv, such a perfect pairing as well

>> No.53222225

Fuck me the bsv shitshow just keeps getting browner and stinkier.

>> No.53222246

yeah, 25th aint gonna be pretty either

>> No.53222472
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should i end myself?

>> No.53222551


>> No.53222559

You're not a woman

>> No.53222745

It's over. BSV is the real Bitcoin, Craig is probably Satoshi.

But it's clear as day we lost.

>> No.53223310

>below $40
couldn’t happen to a fatter charlatan

>> No.53223355

Thank God for the establishment continuously attacking and delisting BSV for the past 4 years. If it wasn't for them looking out for my best interests, I might have mistaken it for the real Bitcoin and accidentally bought some, instead of the real, establishment-approved BTC.

>> No.53223563

It's present round of delistings are due to its network only having one miner. The counter party risk for anyone holding it, trading it, or facilitating transactions of it is beyond catastrophic, considering the entire ecosystem is 100% under the direct autocratic control of a mentally ill pathological lying drunken con man.

>> No.53223622

no and no

>> No.53223645

>building infrastructure
I throw up everytime I hear thise phrase in crypto


>> No.53223646

Look buddy I lost over 100k and now scraping by I'm only poking fun because my life is still way worse than yours, just sell and learn not to invest in australians.

>> No.53223659

eth is under the control of eth devs, the biggest bag holders due to epic premine
countless shitcoin x is under the control of their devs due to having epic premines
btc even has two miners controlling 50%
btrash is the same
fake and gay, that excuse doesn't fly

>> No.53223685

>I throw up everytime I hear thise phrase in crypto
imagine being conditioned to be against it actually being used for purpose

>> No.53223703

Whatever keeps you holding pineapple coin, retard... Nothing anyone says will snap you out of your hypnosis, because you like all baggies (gme, link, countless new paradigm erc20 shitcoins, etc) would need to admit you were wrong in order to move forward. You are emotionally incapable of doing that. It would literally kill you.

>> No.53223737

same to you retard
btc is total garbage and you can't tell me is isn't
7 tps is absolute digital fools gold

>> No.53223761

there is no "infrastructure", no one uses blockchain for anything, it's completely inefficient, and if it's efficient it's because it's centralized so may as well ditch the blockchain part altogether, the only application or use case for a blockchain is MONEY (bitcoin) everything else is a joke, I'm not saying you shouldn't ride pumps on shitcoins to make money but to think that muh blockchain is somehow gonna be used for everything after it's been around for 13 years ise completely naive
what is ethereum used for after all these years? nothing, just creating more shitcoins and running decentralized exchanges to trade those useless shitcoins

>> No.53223856

>btc is total garbage
You're goddamn right. None of this shit is relevant in anyway in the real world. The best crypto tech is slower, more expensive, and infinitely more convoluted than solutions that have existed since the 80's-90's. Crypto is an unregulated casino. Make your money, and grfo.

Don't bag hold trash to zero "for the tech" or for the underlying philosophy, or out of protest against and to stick it to the Bulgarians/core devs/hedgies/jews/ government/ boomers/ Mom and dad/ whatever

>> No.53223996

It's official now. I'm just sold all my bsv. I know in my heart it's the real Bitcoin. But one Autusitic Australian is not powerful enough to beat the jew.

>> No.53223999
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>> No.53224088

nothing is used because it's convoluted and it's too expensive (fees), bsv was the shot in the dark for adoption, it's simple, fast and cheap
nobody out there wants to go shopping or manage business accounts with 100 different tokens and protocols that can just get lost or locked permanently with devs that fuck up or just cash out and disappear
im holding bsv, i only have 100, i probably paid 5k or a bit more w/e. it's the most superior token on the market, it can have recovery and it has scalability, simplicity and it's fast. everyone can use it. the devs are building big things, they are in for the long haul, it's not an exit scam. they file patents, build institutions and services and are supporting entrepreneurs. it's a gamble but an easy no brainer compared to everything else

>> No.53224578

what's bitcoin sv?

>> No.53224631
File: 33 KB, 600x453, FaDYTWcXEAIZOMh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53224772

same price as a week ago
robinhood delisting does nothing really, one less scam bucketshop to worry about

>> No.53224881
File: 191 KB, 682x779, uhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53224905

fucking lol

>> No.53224948
File: 1.58 MB, 1588x2256, 1669224390743281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53225166


>> No.53225230


10 spam posts


>> No.53226032

>t. analy devastated bsv baggie

>> No.53227641
File: 9 KB, 225x225, pepe-keking-pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invested in a project led by a guy that unironically wears a tuxedo
how can people still not recognize the Ferengi in the year of 20k+23? they even have a dress code