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File: 949 KB, 1198x677, pepe-drinking-coffee-in-workshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53215957 No.53215957 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw found a new l1 with a doxxed white team that's not even on coingecko

Is there a comfier feeling?

>> No.53215969

dont be a sunt and chare with your frens anon.

>> No.53216002

L1’s are so last cycle anon. Have fun with that

>> No.53216050

Do you guys ever get the feeling that black people – niggers – if you will, say nigger amongst themselves to charge some energy force for chimp outs?


I mean literally and unironically what is powering these chimp outs?

Nigger... Nigger...

I think its the greatest force known to man. A great secret only the Hood knows. If only we could harness the power of the chimp out for constructive instead of destructive purposes, we would save humanity with the power of just one little magic word.

Nigger... Nigger... Nigger...

Saying nigger obviously powered the industrial revolution. Those cotton fields did NOT pick themselves. When those black folks were lazing away, a proud Jewish man would whip them into a frenzy.

Nigger... Nigger... Nigger... Nigger...

Legend has it, on a cold winter's night, one would light a fire and spurn it into a roaring blaze by uttering the magic word

Nigger... Nigger... Nigger... Nigger... Nigger...

>> No.53216059

kill yourself

>> No.53216150

Remember, Jews pass themselves as white and use white representation to run their scams and schemes. Do not trust anything from Israel or with Jewish involvement.

>> No.53216163


>> No.53216275

d.tau.net is on coin gecko if you look for AGRS

>> No.53216306

Mazel tov. Found you.

>> No.53216607

what the fuck is a l1

>> No.53217682

Layer 1

>> No.53217704

i guess i jsut dont undertand what OP is trying to say. like he found a new ETH replacement network? i thought nobody cared about layer 1 anymore

>> No.53218325

Nice op. Always try and look for White dev teams in order to minimize scam potential.

>> No.53218663

I am addicted to l1s. Need the name

>> No.53218703

"White team" should be a tag on coinmarketcap

>> No.53218899

at first i agreed but then i realized we would never get in early on good projects, its better that it stays a 4chan secret

>> No.53219754
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1667630909017938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, liq is too low to share sorry.
I'll give you a clue it's like kaspa, not a premined l1. PoW
No u
For sure. Jews did give small pumps though they just rug more stealthily.
Chink teams are the worst, as they scam from day one
It has four letters. That's all I say for now
I may post again in a few days

>> No.53219778

Spit it out OP or I'll use weaponized autism to kill your goldfish

>> No.53220973


>> No.53220987

you found another one of the thousands of shitcoins that will never go anywhere? wow!!!! you are a genius!!

>> No.53221017


>> No.53221114

>btc is so last cycle anon

>> No.53221355
File: 36 KB, 600x600, bear jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont tell them nothing anon, these here people are the picrel, they want you to fail.

>> No.53221412

At this point you might as well tell us OP. Doubt anyone else will invest. I most certainly won't I just want to add it to my list of l1s.

>> No.53221437

"L1" doesnt mean shit anymore. ETH clearly won the race and there are hundreds of L1s out there now

>> No.53221482
File: 22 KB, 723x130, Screenshot 2023-01-11 091336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people on this board judge projects based on ethnicity and race rather than fundamentals. Surprised? Me too. Used to chalk it up to shitposting and edgelords but starting to realize these people are serious.

>> No.53221520

Like I said I'm addicted to L1s. If you have a list with a 100 of them I would like to have it. Bonus if you include OPs L1.

>> No.53221534

OP it isn't on coingecko. Is it on coinmarketcap?

>> No.53221669

What L1? I like ATOM. Also picking some ORE as well.

>> No.53221905
File: 85 KB, 500x500, your late insanity-doge.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to share it with us if you want our honest opinion about it. Don't be scared we pump it to high before you can buy, nobody here is rich actually

>> No.53223147
