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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 608x531, winkelvi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53209006 No.53209006 [Reply] [Original]

Surprised there is no thread on this. /biz/ is trash compared to CT.

What's going on w Barry? Market still going up, but should it? Especially considering this fight between gemini and genesis is just heating up


>> No.53209031

>another twitter screenshot thread
You have to go back.

>> No.53209101

what I am talking about took place on twitter, so it makes sense to include the twitter screenshot.

Anyway, it is interesting that Gemini is going for this "court of public opinion" thing, airing Genesis' dirty laundry on twitter. Does it mean they know its's a hard lawsuit to win?

Either way, there are like 30 bot threads and not a single one on DCG/Gemini/Genesis even though its the news of the day....

>> No.53209239

summarize that shit melanin man
I aint reading 4 pages of text

>> No.53209317

I've been out of the loop but I think he is basically blaming the market/Genesis for losing customer funds from Gemini Earn. It's basically one huge scam and they will all pay off whoever in order to avoid real consequences

>> No.53209356

DCG never actually bailed out Genesis from the 3AC losses. Instead, they wrote them a 10 year IOU, and they pretended that it was actually worth something and that they weren't bankrupt. TO be more specific, the accountants classified the 10 yr note as a current asset, which it isnt, so that is fraud.

Gemini is saying that Barry knew all this all along and that he can't be trusted.

What it really means though, is that there is still a 2 billion dollar whole in the DCG empire's balance sheet that has not been fixed.

Either all the lenders take losses and Genesis just goes bankrupt, or gemini successfully sues DCG to repay Genesis' debts, and Barry has to market sell all his shitcoins.

>> No.53209364
File: 70 KB, 556x544, 1668205844946884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fight between gemini and genesis is just heating up

>> No.53209379

I just love the hustle and bustle of a good crypto twitter fight.

>> No.53209487

It's hilarious how someone like the WInklevoss twins who were one of the largest holders of BTC can come to a point of having to cry in public because they're no longer in a good financial position.
Same with 3AC, same with FTX, they all had billions and then instead of just doing the absolute minimal shit like taking 0.5-1% trading fees or whatever they put their billions in various degen ponzi farms, enter shady deals and take out even shadier loans until their billions become zero. Every single one.

At this point I don't give a fuck anymore to pretend to care to read about any damn details of any of their cry outs, it's just bad actor vs bad actor so I really don't give a shit, may the market cleanse itself from all these retards even if BTC has to go back to low 4 digits in the process of it all.

>> No.53209522
File: 31 KB, 547x561, 1669740652366498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is trash compared to CT.

>> No.53209545

it's on biz now tho

>> No.53209671
File: 123 KB, 1438x519, winkelvi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur right should probably add the screenshot

>> No.53209705

>141 KB PNG
>Surprised there is no thread on this. /biz/ is trash compared to CT

lol why dont you fuck off then faggot? you think anyone would miss your sorry nigger ass?

>> No.53209782

I feel genuinely bad for people who don't have any concept of the internet outside of giant negging competitions. Anon posted a thing about crypto that could cause larger events. Its /biz/ related and something worth discussing. Your inability to comprehend this and only interact with the world through irony and memes reflects a very poor social iq. Not even trying to be funny, its genuinely annoying to see a post like this and see half the responses be garbage like what you posted.

>> No.53209825
File: 24 KB, 440x534, 1620857134666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are just 3 bots. They randomly highlight something you said, greentext it, and post some Neg shit.

who knows why. Could be some anon for the lulz, could be that 4chan is running these bots to defraud their advertisers, could be that /biz/ users actually are masochists and like interacting with neggposters.

>> No.53209931
File: 756 KB, 1500x1180, Cupace20221117225656107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53209949
File: 21 KB, 200x200, 3655-soypoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel genuinely bad for people who don't have any concept of the internet outside of giant negging competitions. Anon posted a thing about crypto that could cause larger events. Its /biz/ related and something worth discussing. Your inability to comprehend this and only interact with the world through irony and memes reflects a very poor social iq. Not even trying to be funny, its genuinely annoying to see a post like this and see half the responses be garbage like what you posted.

>> No.53209974

Yes biz is trash. But mildly entertaining during work hours.

>> No.53210004

I'm pretty sick of this place too.

There's no information, just tranny posting and fake hard guys like you shilling literal garbage.

I wouldn't care if 98% of this board killed themselves.

OP is the biggest news in crypto today and nobody here is even aware of it shows how shit this place actually is.

>> No.53210048

>Market still going up, but should it?
First time you retards heard of bear market rallies?
that is unironically the best source of info investment-wise, if you're following the right accounts, of course. Go back to your containment board, incel

>> No.53210071

ya the board was OK 2 weeks ago, then Solana pumped and all the moonboy scammer bots came back in force.

>> No.53210082

Barry? Oh he’s fucked but fighting it. The dude was a restructuring specialist before DCG. Every dirty pilpul trick will be pulled out to try and keep the winklevii from fucking him but it’ll all come out in the end: DCG is straight up out of money and probably owes 1-3 billion. No refunds!

>> No.53210116

This board has been useless for over a year now, its like watching paint dry with the same threads over and over. At this point I only come here out of habit but even that is breaking down. There just isn't any good reason to be here, its not even funny or entertaining.

>> No.53210607

bump all barry threads

>> No.53210704

There are always people in this shithole who think they are funnier than they are

I’ve been wondering this too. Wasn’t there some sort of deadline on the 8th though?

>> No.53210717

yes i saw it when they sent the first letter to barry asking for their money back.
no one made a thread as it’s just some faggot boomers scamming other boomers

>> No.53211064

>Last tweets talking about liquidity 3 weeks ago. He starts crying with open letters.


>> No.53211230

the 8th was the deadline of Gemini's offer to forgive the debt w a 20% haircut.

seems like Barry thinks he is teflon don. Will let Genesis blow up and go bk, screwing the winkles. Winkles basically have to argue that Barry is personally responsible so they can "pierce the corporate veil" and sue the parent company DCG, even though their beef is with Genesis.

I didn't know he was a restructuring specialist.

Looks like a more sly operator (barry) may have managed to separate the winkles from their ill-gotten facebook gains. A fool and his money...

>> No.53213160

>put their billions in various degen ponzi farms, enter shady deals and take out even shadier loans until their billions become zero
Gemini didn't do this. They offered the Earn service to customers who wanted it because everyone else was getting paid. Gemini is advocating for customers who signed up for the Genesis program, which was outside of Gemini.

>> No.53213179

>Either all the lenders take losses and Genesis just goes bankrupt, or gemini successfully sues DCG to repay Genesis' debts, and Barry has to market sell all his shitcoins.