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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53207276 No.53207276 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/bros, when does this happen? I'm starting to feel a bit dumb, like maybe we were wrong.

>> No.53207320

pol is wrong, im going to the vaccine and boosters now. COMMOTIO CORDIS

>> No.53207327

Polcels are retarded but ngl it does feel like everyone is brain dead after 2020.

>> No.53207414

with all the people on the news and in speeches, sports passing out/dying, really want to be on a plane?

>> No.53207419


The vaccine was indeed le bad, but since the procedure for transporting it, storing it, and administering it was so complex, the whole process was butchered and the shots were inoculated, thus many people weren't and will not be harmed by it

>> No.53207538

*destroyed, not inoculated. Whoops

>> No.53207562
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Hahahaha pol is so dumb, amirite? Biz would never rally behind a bogus prediction that never comes to fruition

>> No.53207637

How can people be dumb enough to believe schitzopherenics? It's like believing the ramblings of druggies to be facts. The stupidy of some people never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.53207744
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/pol/ being wrong doesn't stop Reddit from being wrong too. And those injections still have the highest injury rate of all vaccines to date, while only giving very limited benefits. Let's face it, it was a big cash grab and Big Pharma doesn't care about your life (see Purdue Pharma case, and lots of others including Pfizer, Moderna and co).

>> No.53207774


>> No.53207785
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Yeah why would you trust such people, I wonder. Let's hope none of them manages to reach a high rank in society, it would be terrible.

>> No.53207815

commotio cordis, fucking kek. No one has ever heard of this before but they had it ready to shill when that nigger dropped. The best case scenario for jabbies is they didn't work. Short MRNA. /biz/ related

>> No.53207819

Psychopath detected

>> No.53207824

/pol/ is always fucking wrong. But let's not forget that Reddit is just as wrong. Those damn injections are still causing the most injuries of all the vaccines out there, and for what? A shit load of limited benefits. It's just a big cash grab by these greedy motherfuckers at Big Pharma. They don't give a fuck about our lives. Just look at the Purdue Pharma case and all the others like Pfizer and Moderna. They're all just a bunch of money hungry assholes who don't give a single shit about human lives. They're nothing but a bunch of corrupt, money grubbing pieces of shit and they deserve to rot in hell.

>> No.53207870
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/pol/ was retarded when it came to all the coof and vax stuff. The official story about everything is 100% true, some shit escaped from a Chinaman lab researching vaccines thanks to the usual Chinaman safety standards. The part they leave out is that lab was was researching a vaccine for MERS at the behest of Israel. That's why Jews got rekt so hard and fast and that's why the kikes that run the West were flipping the fuck out with insane rules trying to force all the goyim to get vaxxed. It's not a plot to make everyone infertile or die of heart disease, they were legitimately afraid of the coof. Now, I still don't trust the vax but it's because I don't trust any new vaccine or new vaccine technology until it's been out in the wild for at least ten years and we can see the long term effects but I don'tbl believe it's an evil plot just a shitty product rushed due to political pressure from the most powerful people in the world. You retards could have just stuck with basic antisemitism and been completely right but instead you went down retarded Q tier boomer rabbit holes.

>> No.53207894
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/pol/ isn't wrong.

Excess deaths are up everywhere. Pandemic was 2 years ago.


>> No.53207903

>Le two more weeks

>> No.53207928
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>> No.53207944

>Pandemic was 2 years ago.
Top kek. It's still going strong, combined with a strong flue and RSV season, we've just collectively stopped caring.

>> No.53207956

Janny clean my board from retard zoom zoom pol brownoid niggers

>> No.53208003

> Just look at the Purdue Pharma
Cool it with the antisemitism Chud, how were the Jewish sackler family supposed to know OxyContin was addictive you fucking racist?

>> No.53208005

Not your posts, not your threads

>> No.53208018

Unironically i graduated as a doctor ladt summer and i haven't seen a single vaxx complication patient during my time working. Covid complication patients i see multiple every week. Sure some people died of the bad vaxxes that were taken out of circulation, but so many more died of covid. The ER rooms were starting to overflow at multiple points and then people from treatable diseases would have started dying in masses. Mass vaxxing the populations was the lesser if two evils, but i understand if some spoiled shut ins can't understand the necessity of compromises.

>> No.53208050

WTF a pandemic just flew over my house !
But you're right no one cares about a 0.05% mortality rate. Me and my family got it and it was a big nothing burger. Unvaxxed of course.

>> No.53208053

Stfu you nigger faggot

>> No.53208057
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>Not your posts, not your threads

>> No.53208064

Touch grass.

>> No.53208074

The response to a bad flu was absolutely insane. Spanish flu was worse but no one shut down the world economy over it. That's why people had to come up with all these ridiculous theories about it, to avoid noticing that Jews run everything as usual. Why /pol/ fell for that shit instead of seeing its just Jews being their usual neurotic selves is beyond me, I guess everyone intelligent left that place after the influx of crater brains from 2016.

>> No.53208075

I hope you're not some hypocrite and never go to the hospital for the rest of your life.

>> No.53208120

I work in medical transportation and I've talked to quite a few people having complications because of the vaxx, but none of them were recognized as vaxx injuries. One old woman told me that her husband died the day after his second injection. It's no genocide but it's not exactly harmless either.

>> No.53208135

Is there a more sad group of people than /pol/cels?

>> No.53208150

I think the shots were mostly placebos with a few weird experiments mixed in

>> No.53208156

the lack of sexual intercourse in your life

>> No.53208173
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Haha dumb /pol/tards the vaccine is 100% safe and effective.

Pharmaceutical companies wouldn't lie to you chuds

>> No.53208179

Maybe you're right but I also suspect well poisoning, because making your opponents look insane is a good tactic to discredit them. See platism. It's also funnier to go full retard on schizo theories, and /pol/ is basically a worse /b/ by now.

>> No.53208186
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Redditors when pharmaceutical companies release a new product

>> No.53208190
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>> No.53208194

With the covid complication patients you could easily link the start of symptoms to the time when they got covid. Can the same really be done with those who claim they got complications from the vaxx? The point is, the amount of patients talking to me about the long term effects of covid is so much more higher than those talking about vaxx effects. Sure, some people did die of the vaxx, but so many more died from covid. As i said it was the lesser of two evils.

>> No.53208203

My aunt is dead from cancer
her daughter my cousin had skin cancer once, and had another bout of it when I last saw her on her left cheek.

A girl I used to fuck right before all this noise happened in late 2019 has lung cancer that's spread down to her femer, at most 2 years left (6+ months ago), does H and other hard drugs because lost job and has no way to afford the socially acceptable variants.

Since this is biz seems like the only good investments I can see going forward are things that will help me atleast offset the pain that comes when the majority of people who aren't working, otherwise from being sick or not giving a fuck anymore won't be moving forward

>> No.53208214

aww I hurt your feelings

>> No.53208219

I'm sorry? Can you repeat that?

>> No.53208265
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Yeah it's incredible the amount of cum guzzling and stockholm syndrome.

Pfizer has paid 11 billion dollars in fines over the last decade because they released shitty products, but the new mRNA vax is 100% effective. Bourla said so ;)

Even ghetto niggers have a higher IQ and a higher survival instinct than the average NPC

>> No.53208287

It's not incredible. Redditors literally brag about popping antidepressants on a regular basis. It's considered a life milestone for them to consume pharma products. It is totally expected that this is their reaction to the "vaccine debate"

>> No.53208335

>Mass vaxxing the populations was the lesser if two evils
This is not your decision to make. Anyone asking this question was labeled a conspiracy theorist and some lost their jobs because they weren't allowed to de-risk their own longevity. The lack of honesty from the government/medical professionals during this whole ordeal demands retribution.

>> No.53208342

>Can the same really be done with those who claim they got complications from the vaxx?
Yes but from what I've seen, most doctors really don't like to take them seriously and always try to blame something else. I hope you're not that kind of doctor. And the only complications I've seen with COVID was "long COVID" and it tends to disappear by itself after some time. Also COVID death were largely over reported thanks to hospitals labelling COVID death anyone that would die, at least in my country (France), and that's fact.

>> No.53208389

And i didn't make that decicion lol, politicians and virology experts did. I'm not american so i don't know how much they lied about it and represented it as something else than the lesser of two evils.

>> No.53208391
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People literally took a literal glownigger experimental vaccine because they were afraid of being labelled """"antivaxxer""""

How can normalfaggots be so dumb? It's beyond mind boggling

>> No.53208399

No more people died of covid than the regular flu, you dumb pharmajew

>> No.53208423
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pic didnt upload

>> No.53208453

>most doctors really don't like to take them seriously and always try to blame something else. I hope you're not that kind of doctor.
As i've said, not a single of my patients has even talked to me about possible vaxx complications, but i've had multiple appointments with people who got covid complications (mainly heart and lung problems). From that alomne i deducted that covid complications must be way higher than vaxx complications. Finnish here.

>> No.53208454

Doctors and pediatricians who pushed the vax for anyone under 40 should be unironically be....I'm not going to say it but yeah you understood

>> No.53208462

/pol/cels are part of the "War on Expertise". They're on the side of the dumb people.

>> No.53208468

woops made a typo

>> No.53208485

*with mass lockdowns and vaccinations, my dunning-kruger friend.

>> No.53208489


>> No.53208491

Meanwhile normalniggers literally took an experimental vaccine >>53208391 because the TV told them

Stop acting as if you're smart, ghetto crackheads have a higher survival instinct than you. Every single Instagram/TikTok influencers was pushing this liquid crap

>> No.53208513

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.53208515

people where already getting whacked by the flu vaccine, i don't believe you.

>> No.53208518

Get vaxxed and die from sudden death.

>> No.53208538

haha normal nigger cattle, are you taking the 4th booster? This new variant is super dangerous and deadly bro!

>> No.53208574

Mass lockdowns did more harm than good, especially for kids and people with preexisting conditions. Not to mention mental health issues.

Maybe people are ashamed to talk about it, idk. When I drive patients I have plenty of time to talk with them, something you don't have during a medical examination. I also try to be as empathetic as possible, so people feel as ease. Also dead people don't talk, only their relatives do.

>> No.53208585

Insurance companies are reporting significantly higher excess mortality, and in 2021-2022, more athletes (people in peak physical fitness) spontaneously died than in the combined 20-30 years prior. Hospitals across the world are reporting higher natal mortality rates, decreased birth rates, and significant excess deaths. All this excess mortality started in 2021, after peak covid, and during the peak phase of vaccinations. Meanwhile, the big pharma companies are making an ungodly killing off the government enforced gene therapy and censoring negative information about it while pushing a mass advertisement campaign (BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER!). Twitter and Big Tech have been heavily censoring any information which sheds the vaccines in a negative light, and they along with the MSM and government have created a cult around the vaccine which makes any kind of legitimate criticism impossible, resulting in a global sized echo chamber.
So, to answer your question, pol, like usual, got the concept right, they are off on the timeframe like usual. It is happening right now, but it's going to be a lot slower burn than they expected.

>> No.53208587

It'll be gradual rather than sudden and shocking as was planned.
The recent study showing the increase in igg4 antigens has painted some light on what will happen.
In short mrna injected people will continue to get reinfected with covid19 and their time of death is dependent on these factors
- how many jabs they have had
- how strong their base immune system was
- how fast their body can repair damage done from constant reinfections
They will die at a time drastically shorter than their natural lifespan would allow for and it will be due to many different reasons rather than one common easily identifiable one as theirs a lot of randomness involved with a crippled immune system.
What we've seen so far has been short term immediate effects from the mRNA injections, heart damage from continual exposure to the toxic spike protein. The corrupted immune response takes longer to effect the populations.
Profiting from this is difficult as both the consumer and producer is being eliminated simultaneously. Labor gaps from the dead will be filled via immigration. Expect to see an even more concentrated wealth distribution among survivors.

>> No.53208619
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>To everyone who has ever felt they were looking out over Hadrian's Wall while Rome crumbled behind them.

>> No.53208632
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>> No.53208637

>person who isn't a wrinkly old 80 year old fuck dies


>gets a random brain aneurism, which can happen to random healthy people and kill them without any warning


>> No.53208646

2 more weeks. Trust the plan.

>> No.53208664

>Mass lockdowns did more harm than good, especially for kids and people with preexisting conditions. Not to mention mental health issues
Not going to deny what you said, the lock downs were another can of worms and i can't even say if they were the lesser of two evils.

I also am an empath and many of my patients have talked to me about how they think their symptoms started with covid, but it might be that they don't dare to talk about them starting because of the vaxx. Any way the lack of real complication patients speaks for itself.

>> No.53208677

/pol/ only exists as a psyop to make any reasonable take unhinged as possible
only people who are ngmi still browse that board

>> No.53208683


>deaths by cardiac arrest increased after 2 years of telling people to sit on their ass and not go anywhere


>> No.53208688

Yeah maybe Anon, maybe.

>> No.53208693

how many people were getting the flu shot you dumb fucking faggot? how many coof shots? stupid fucking self aware wolf

>> No.53208695

>the lock downs were another can of worms and i can't even say if they were the lesser of two evils.
the entire point of border closures or lockdowns is to keep the pathogen from getting in, its useless if you wait it for it to spread first

>> No.53208713

Yet funny how western leaders absolutely refused to close the borders to Chinese people right at the start of the pandemic, because it would have been racist.

>> No.53208726

exactly like John said in the book

>> No.53208759
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>Pandemic was 2 years ago.
There was no pandemic.