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53208093 No.53208093 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53208125

>quantitative eating

>> No.53208161

>qualitative easing

>> No.53208297

oh my god
he actually said
quantitative EATING

>> No.53208347

>hits juul on CNBC

>> No.53208349


>> No.53208379
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>quantitative eating
how can you not love this guy?

>> No.53208397

It's real. My god.

>> No.53208412
File: 142 KB, 720x970, Screenshot_20230110-164551_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

57 views, interviewed by a literal who kek
God linkies are desperate

>> No.53208432

He measures his food intake in tons.

>> No.53208571

Just sold my car that i bought 2 years ago with link profits
Is it safe to buy already?
Staking clean 7k and holding around 12k

>> No.53208662

fucking kekked

>> No.53208682

His beard is so smooth and luscious now though. He's really been working on looking after it.

>> No.53208686
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>> No.53208744
File: 3.79 MB, 2408x1250, Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 11.12.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>host Chainlink CEO
>have ticker show prices of BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, FTT
>no mention of LINK

>> No.53208885
File: 31 KB, 474x461, 19F180C8-E3C3-4065-A655-97F3EDDE2C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually said it wtf

>> No.53208957
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based, LINK will save us from the quantative eating

>> No.53208962
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Holy fuck I can't believe he actually said it

>> No.53208978

>the economy isn't bad enough, we have to make it worse
WTF did he mean by this??

>> No.53208992
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holy maccaroni I am invested in this shit

>> No.53209023

when THE BIG apocalyptical recession to end all recessions comes, LINK will outperform all other assets because it will be the backbone of every WEF Great Reset-backed CBDC in the world

>> No.53209038

Same occurred every time he has been interviewed. It's odd.

>> No.53209039

I'd rather just not have a hellscape-creating economic crash, tyvm sergey but I'll pass, WTF r u on

>> No.53209104

there has to be good reason for people to flee one system for another anon. by the way, whats the average duration that past currencies have held their dominance as the world reserve currency? how long has the current one been the dominant currency?

>> No.53209117

silver lasted thousands of years in the Roman empire before they diluted it too much, if that's what you're asking brainlet

>> No.53209124

He threw us a bone with that one lmfao

>> No.53209193

>linkies are desperate
Is that why they didn't watch it?

>> No.53209207

>I need to see more memes of myself being obese on my timeline, sentiment is not good

>> No.53209267
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Sergey is the best part of link. I'm not even a link baggie but the amount of laughs this man has given me on /biz/.

>> No.53209372
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>> No.53209455

good try, i guess you know everything therefore are incapable of doing a little research. how many vaccines have you taken in the past 3 years?

>> No.53209607

none, now go fight some other strawman

>> No.53209612

>cow farts are bad.
No, they make up the atmosphere. Stop trying to create artificial famine you satanic piece of shit.

>> No.53209623
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>> No.53209794

it's real pahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.53209927

I dont understand you

>> No.53209979

Cryptographic truth blah blah blah blah

>> No.53209984


>> No.53209991
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>> No.53210150

>how can you not love this guy?

How about he scammed me out of my fucking money.

>> No.53210238

>quantitive eating
kill me now

>> No.53210522

I think the marketing manager at Chainlink is actually mega retarded. Why is Sergey speaking at this literal who channel? CNBC international has nothing to do with CNBC, just look at the production value and this Eastern European whore looking host. He should be speaking on shows with hundreds of thousands of viewers, not this Internet shitshow. Not even Charles takes these invites, it's so useless. The only audience is LINK marines, no serious business person is watching this trash. He could go on IntoTheCryptoverse with Benjamin and get more reach from serious people. And there he would actually get a serious interview with a guy who at least gives a fuck about Chainlink and not some whore reading prepared questions

>> No.53211481

Dude we got epic nfts xD holding these rare nfts will give you a chance to receive a free premium token, its called safefartrocket and it will go up 100x and make you rich!

>> No.53211643

>get on that show and say quantitative eating. They’ll love it
>yes mistress

>> No.53212172

Everything about this interview screams 'this is the bottom'

>it's CNBC but it's really just their YouTube channel
>interviewer is an ugly old hag apparently sitting in a closet with a shitty plastic cnbc poster behind her instead of a proper set
>they're still listing FTT as part of their main index
>she still mentions Solana, like Cramer every time they mention crypto, were so obviously bought off by the kike and bought the top
>that title, 'Chainlink says'
>'crypto coins like ethereum'
>Sirgay looking bored out of his skull
>Sirgay still trying to give a bullish prediction when everyone knows it's bs

>> No.53212202

It was interesting he name dropped David Hunter though. Are you familiar with his prophecy?

>> No.53212249

if LINK was top 5 market cap, it would be shown. it's 25th, so it's not

>> No.53212256

holy shit it's real.
I have one thousand cups of coffee invested in this man.

>> No.53212282


>> No.53212589

It's always been this way anon. Always had to be

>> No.53212771
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What have you fucks done to this poor man fucking kek

>> No.53212980

Elaborate anon

>> No.53213111 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 360x456, Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 4.44.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this rally real or is it just a little bit of a short recovery bounce????

>> No.53213124
File: 216 KB, 360x456, Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 4.44.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this rally real or is it just a little bit of a short covering bounce????

>> No.53213303
File: 34 KB, 695x547, blinditem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it to do with this?

>> No.53213304

kek what is with the audio

>> No.53213317

It's been puzzling since the start. He's never appeared on cnbc's crypto focused specials like the other founders. He gets interviewed by that Nasdaq roastie all the time, with very little to no views. He gets no Bloomberg or Fox Biz appearances either. I mean, to think of it, if he just uses that gay background in his apartment, maybe they wouldn't want to give him any airtime, but goddamn has he been fumbling since the game started

>> No.53213321
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nah this shits embarrassing. the novelty of him wearing that faggoty flannel has worn off and now he just comes off as narcissistic like he thinks he is steve jobs tier yet in reality he is just a low IQ fat slob.

>> No.53213332

>dumps on steaking
>pumps on quantitative eating
You can't make this up.

>> No.53213357

he wasn't written into the script in previous crypto seasons. next season he's the main character though.

>> No.53213358

What the fuck? I remember him wiping his hands nonstop during SmartCon. What the FUCK

>> No.53214030

Meme magic is a wonderful wonderful thing.

>> No.53214063

>he knows
>he knows everything

>> No.53214140

Only 57 persons hold chainlinks.

>> No.53214335

A few other notable items for those who didnt watch:

-open of the interview, Sergey is literally eating and/or sucking on his thumb before the first question. That explains the first comment about eating

-Serg has a glazed over sedated look, somewhat similar to people who have had strokes. Compare to his videos from even two years ago, hes noticably slower. Possibly on meds?

-at the 1min mark, he calls crypto an “anti inflation” hedge…which doesnt make sense for the point hes trying to make, which is that it is an inflation hedge.

-the interviewer quickly btfo the idea crypto is an inflation hedge. Serg sticks his hand back in his mouth.

1:50 - rest of video: he goes on autopilot incoherent buzzword rambling. Ive watched 3 times and cant make any sense of what he says.


We’re fucked

>> No.53214405

this. just sold 100k, unironically

>> No.53214428


>> No.53214510

>hes noticably slower.
did he take the jab?

>> No.53214644
File: 63 KB, 900x900, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcfatfuck nastyslob

>> No.53214687

Someone make him into the last scene of this video please

>> No.53215620
File: 209 KB, 418x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to his teeth?

>> No.53216459

he ate a few

>> No.53216581

>chainlink thinking about them beans

>> No.53216604
File: 80 KB, 1200x794, E-N3SVjXMA0uqW5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEkZiNiW6Zw for anyone who didn't believe it

>> No.53216658

So what year will 10k link staked = $50k staking rewards? Please tell me 2024

>> No.53216662
File: 29 KB, 450x450, laughingcheeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing my shit fuck my sides hilarious

Come on man this whole time the only FUD that might be true by the shills was he spent all the money on McDonalds kekekekekek

>> No.53216957
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>> No.53217067
File: 416 KB, 445x335, 1651749478984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sir gey...We enjoy

>> No.53217099

>sergey only has a left audio channel
what did he mean by this?

>> No.53217253


Here is a forum post from 2020. Note the last part seemingly happening now (post speculates late 2020s)

>He has been saying that the US market is currently in a 'melt up', on the way to an imminent blow-off top (mere months away - September). There will follow a super rapid 'Global Deflationary Bust' wherein the market will lose 80% from the top. This bust will hit everything except the USD and associated treasuries. It will hit even gold which will halve from its +$2,000 USD top - imagine what that will do to gold stocks. The downstroke of the bust will take 12 months and the markets and hard asset values will start to recover a few months later.

>There will follow a recovery cycle fuelled by government and central bank 'limitless' intervention - their final interference. Stocks will recover over the remaining years of the 2020's decade, gold will exceed $10,000 USD, other commodities will inflate and there will be an industrial boom, albeit lumbered with enormous but cheaply serviced debt. Everything will be great for asset holders until the late 2020's by which time extreme inflation will have set in, interest rates will have broken out, unemployment and bankrupcies will soar and there will follow a deflationary economic collapse - the final one, where central banks and governments will be helpless and there will ensue a secular depression.

tl;dr, its fuckin ogre.

>> No.53217455


Its a legacy from Adelyns shitty marketing. They have a relationship with this CNBC operation and also “trade talks” on the other one.

This was just Adelyns shit marketing tht never grew past 2018 tier tiny start up. As you can imagine it would be quite suitable if LINK was still in 2018 but it isnt and Adelyn was out of her depth less than a year after being hired and continued to operate link chainlink wasnt even on mainnet yet with her marketing approach.

Good news is she is gone and being replaced and i have seen some changes already

>> No.53217468
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>> No.53217538

This is complete bullshit. The Fed is going to hammer everyone into a Depression and then walk away. No cutting rates, no relief for assets, we peaked early

Next step is redo the entire global financial system while it's all broken

>> No.53217841

he's gonna lose more this year when baggies knock more out lol

>> No.53218018
File: 703 KB, 320x240, 1661550981182177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergay will never forgive biz, incoming dump