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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53204998 No.53204998 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't go to university

>> No.53205006

that dude probably makes $35 an hour and will never get laid off

>> No.53205012

This guy doesn't have to deal with HR roasties or a Chief Diversity Officer. He's got a good gig.

>> No.53205025

Kek some marketing intern roastie earns more than that

>> No.53205029

Not anymore, they all got laid off

>> No.53205032

I bet the majority of his managers were not women

>> No.53205098

>35 an hour

>> No.53205384

lmao tradies

>> No.53205401

someone has to do these jobs to keep society running the fact that he is doing it means it's market rate. some guys are just suited for this kind of work

>> No.53205409

>some guys are just suited for this kind of work

>> No.53205419

All them turkish ladies be crawling on him bro

>> No.53205421

I bet he makes more money in the US than a studied engineer, surgeon or financier in Europe
Equal salary to a code monkey with 10 years of experience in Germany

>> No.53205426

He's going to suffer endlessly and die young from all the chemicals and shit he's inhaling daily you coping wagie

>> No.53205429

LMAO these guys make minimum wage. Not even kidding. Essential workers almost always make shit wages

>> No.53205449

>you coping wagie
I have a masters degree in engineering idiot and I suffer as much as him
Fuck this old continent, it's dying

>> No.53205474
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>bachelor in mechanical engineering
it's over

>> No.53205580

I know your feel brah

>> No.53205589

I couldn't take it, hate bugs. But then, maybe he doesn't give a shit and he hates people instead.

>> No.53205599

in england this is the outcome of graduates too

>> No.53205619

I seen this thread three times in the past month. I'm starting to think OP is seething he got a meme degree from a irrelevant university and can't find employment. Either that, or it's a bot reposting this considering it's always 1ptbid.

>> No.53208109

pencil neck office basedboys seethe at the chad self employed tradie, remember the world wasn't built by coding or marketing

>> No.53208272

I love watching this aussies videos, don't know why but it's addicting. He seems like he loves his work, being outside everyday, seeing the fruit of your labor...

>> No.53208288

Forgot link


>> No.53208310

I didn't go and I'm currently soaking in the tub in my house that's paid for
die pedigree wagie

>> No.53208334

tfw didn't put yourself $140k into debt for a 1/10 chance at a decent career after college

shit, this guy probably makes more a year than you + has healthcare & a bunch of other benefits. Cope harder faggot

>> No.53208382
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kek, it's sad you think that's good. On the flip side jobs like that and trucking can be done with an IQ of 70!

>> No.53208442

More than anyone on this board makes including you poorfag

>> No.53208474

clam the fuck down tradie. I spend about 30k on my education and make 160k remotely living in a low cost of living area.

People do just fine on here, and there is nothing wrong with make 60k a year, just don't think it's a lot

>> No.53208494

This. I earn more with my forklift license than most of my classmates who went to university.
Dealing correctly with heavy metals and other poisonous 1st world stuff is knowledge you don't learn in university or can achieve by visiting good doctors. Our capitalistic medical system does not care if you are rich or not. It lets you suffer and squeezes the last penny out of you equally with expensive methods like "chemo therapy" or whatever shit they use to do.

>> No.53208579
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I know that feel, fren. I am racking my brain trying to figure out why I thought it would be a viable career.

>> No.53208704

People like this LITERALLY make the world function day to day, without him, the people at the top cannot live comfortably, and if he doesn't do it they can't just get another pajeet to go in. This isn't grocery shelf stocker or stop sign holder. This is some dirty job ass shit that only the most hardened of men would even apply to in the first place.

He makes 6 figures, easily. The jews at the top DO pay the actual essential jobs like this because they know if they mistreat them the world literally fucking breaks and the public doesn't come for him, no, they come for them.
No your fucking job at Target or some warehouse at the airport is not comparable.

>> No.53208725

I didn't go to university and I work from home at a comfy IT job.

>> No.53208738

There’s only been a few hundred thousand public layoffs, we need at least 10-15 million more.

>> No.53209858

if this is USA, those dudes are all union. He prob only has do this like once a month while doing fuck all on the normal. Making engineer wages, and others pointed out not dealing with roasties or office politics. He got it good

>> No.53209946

Based and $1000 twice a month pilled

>> No.53210001

most people would kill for $60k a year retard

>> No.53210014

Interesting, I make 160k a year and consider myself poor. I'm only saving 7k a month

>> No.53210052
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Bait, but I make 4000 usd a year working all day six day a week, being thirwolrder is a curse

>> No.53210059

Imagine what roastie who somehow works in an office thinks of this man.

Imagine what women see watching this poor fellow doing what is need to be done.

>> No.53210061

you need to be more subtle with bait.

>> No.53210081

Where are you from?
I would hire you for double your pay and work would be easier

>> No.53210157

Germany is peak NGMI hell. Salaries are piss low, taxes are sky high.
As a fully residency trained doctor you make 80-120k. What a joke of a country, no surprise everyone fucks off to Switzerland

>> No.53210189

But don’t germans work just to work?

>> No.53212731

Surprisingly interesting channel, thanks anon.

>> No.53212892

>I am racking my brain trying to figure out why I thought it would be a viable career.
because when we were teenagers we had retarded fucking boomers telling us that $70k to design nuts and bolts all day was worth it
Not doing CS is the biggest regret I have in my life (besides not buying more bitcoin)

>> No.53212998

> bragging about 70k/yr

>> No.53213469
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Women in the workplace is worse than being swarmed by literal cockroaches.

Just think about that for a second.

>> No.53213538

imagine actually working with women

>> No.53213646

Learn to code fag. It's isn't too late to join the light.

>> No.53213771

Meanwhile OpenAI.

>> No.53213791

>>remember the world wasn't built by coding or marketing

you are a mega retard.

>> No.53213814

Hilarious to see so many people on /biz/ defending physically intensive yet low wage work.
is this bizzaro /biz/?

>> No.53213827

It wasn't built by self employed tradies either. It was built by master masons and architects while trade workers were just disposable and only paid enough to keep themselves drunk each night.

>> No.53213925
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, sewer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be empowered woman
>go to college and party for years while getting a meme degree
>instant 6 figure meme "job" where you eat catered cuisine all day

>be manoid
>don't go to college ONCE
>instantly downgraded to sewer dweller that even smelly pajeets caste system calls "untouchable"
No wonder 3x more men are becoming trannies

>> No.53213943

That sounds awful lol

>> No.53213980

if companies like chainlink keep hiring them, this problem will never go away

>> No.53214031

And it destroys society because career women never settle until they are post-wall and become genetic dead ends just like low status men. And the best most blue collar men can do is marrying mama June from honey booboo.

>> No.53214050

At least the descendants of mama june and the blue collar cuck will have a chance when clown world finally dies

>> No.53214086

And if you switch to CS now by the time you finished you still wouldn't be able to get a job because the doors were closing on that career path going into the pandemic and by the time we come out of this recession, the market will be so saturated with 20x more CS majors than needed and AI will have automated all entry level jobs anyway.

>> No.53214090

why is he walking like a retard?

>> No.53215344

I’m starting to think posts like these are just stealth CS gatekeeping

>> No.53215441
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I dropped out of university in 2021. If I had focused on my studies I would not have been able to focus on the market and 200x my portfolio during the bull run, so it was worth it.

>> No.53215535

I can't wait for you low IQ tradies to be replaced by AI robots

>> No.53215600

My dad makes 6 figs as a plumber. He tried to put me through plumbing college as a teen but I didn't appreciate it until I moved to a big city and every plumber couldn't even be fucked getting out of bed for less than 500 a day

>> No.53215649

Also 100% guarantee trade workers survive the AI takeover and code monkeys do not. Robots are lightyears away from going under some white trash trailer and replacing a tap

>> No.53215680

stop posting this. also stop posting nick avocado asshole. it should be autoban

>> No.53215704

You can't use AI for all trade skills, and if success continues to mean earning more money for less work, then the global economy is going to implode, again.

>> No.53217722

if you didn't notice already we're stagnating technology wise if not going backwards
becus muh equality and niggers and global warm...climate change larp
the ai fantasy larp will never happen

>> No.53217758

The first jobs that will get btfo’d by automation will actually be white collar jobs. Most white collar jobs are just data imputation and can be replaced with smart contracts.

>> No.53217824

Did this job for 3 summers. A roach tried to crawl into my ass one time. I didn't mind. The bug was gay not me just saying

>> No.53217904

The fact is there needs to be people to do "shit jobs" in society to keep society running. If nobody did them, than society collapses, and all your wealth you saved from neeting it out with meme coins and crypto becomes useless because its now mad max.

>> No.53217932
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I still don't get why people on this board are mad for someone doing his job.

>> No.53217946

t. Shit stirrer

>> No.53218535

Better then being a yuppie
The most miserable life is that of a yuppie surrounded by yuppie frienemies
Let the normie’s be normies

>> No.53218563

Everyone on Earth should know at least 9 programming languages, the core 3 markup languages, JSON, 4 software architecture patterns, SOLID design principles, the optimal sizes for hashmaps, how to search a binary tree, the basics of x86_64 assembly, the fundamentals of Git, and Groovy

>> No.53218592

You are delusional.

>> No.53218858

Even for $70 an hour I would never do that job.

>> No.53219423


$35/hour is nothing lmao but srsly bros why the fuck isn't he wearing full body covering?

that's the first thing I'd make sure of if I had this shit ass job

>> No.53219519

The world we know on earth is one giant code and physically seeing everything in waking life is just fake and gay marketing

>> No.53219569

Nothing escapes AI takeover except classic intentional withholding of public tech and price gatekeeping. Theoretically AI would solve, design, build the tools and robots itself.

>> No.53219575
File: 38 KB, 219x210, 1625507098824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always comical how dipshits on biz like you act like you're super rich chads and make fun of everyone who's pay is under $100/h, yet we all know you are all just unemployed neckbeards

>> No.53219613

I make £20/h in rural Britain by WFH doing absolutely nothing, I would not trade that for this to make an extra £8 an hour, I could just do a couple of certifications to make that instead

>> No.53219624

Ask it to teach you how to code.

>> No.53219636

Anons, because this site helped me get into crypto and CS, look into DevOps careers, they pay fucking great and it can be pretty fun.

>t. just started making $60/hr

>> No.53219640
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and this is what happen if you did go to university

>> No.53219642

I make music with my friends, if our band ever takes off I'd quit my 125k job to fulltime work on music. In the meantime I can fund sick as equipment.

>> No.53219652

By the way, I started CS when I was 25, I finished when I was about 28. I was a retail saleperson making like $15/hr before, sales is fucking great because it helps you develop conversational skills. Sales Engineering is a another way to make good money.

>> No.53219656

I'll never understand people that feel compelled to come and lie on an anonymous image board.

>> No.53219662

You may mock him but you fail to realize that he got no female colleagues

>> No.53219705
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Thanks for the compliment, now I know how the ultra-shredded natty guys feel when they're accused of roiding, but 125k really isn't that much compared to others in my field, I had some conversations with companies in NYC paying 175k+ & bonuses / equity. t

This anonymous image board has probably saved my life multiple times now and brought me lots laughs, if I can inspire another anon to not be demoralized or help with advice or guidance than I've payed it forward a little.

>> No.53219729
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That guy does a job that would traumatize you faggots, leaving you a blabbering husk because some roaches walked over your skin OH NO!
Man the fuck up, never lived in a small town with large fields in which to play and catch bugs?
Anyway, i didn't go to the unifraud and i make 200k € working from remote.
Enjoy your debt unichuds.

>> No.53219756

I kind of appreciate people who are enthusiastic about their work like that, same with that subway guy on Youtube.

>> No.53219824

I respect these people, without them civilization wouldn't run. Are people bred like this? I feel like I was bred to be an artist/engineer/philosophy type person but I always thought I was dumb because I didn't do well in school. I always loved the idea of being a farmer, used to play the shit out of Harvest Moon.

>> No.53219912

easy just put 60k into defi and make it back fast real quick in a few months. oh wait you said a year?

>> No.53220056

AI is still far from perfect. It still fucks up in the most critical and unexpected moments. You'll still be safe for another 20 years at least.

>> No.53220227
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jej'd and zozzle'd

>> No.53220355

>and will never get laid
that's it.

>> No.53222606

What does university give me that a high school diploma doesn't?
I can't come up with a reason that justifies spending 5 years of my life without income to get a degree when I will end up doing the same job I am doing now (IT).
I could just invest my current income and end up with more money than I would have if I go to university instead.