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File: 42 KB, 768x516, 54ebb486c3155_-_6-woman-denying-man-bed-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53199930 No.53199930 [Reply] [Original]

>gf denies you sexy times
Wut do? Financially speaking

>> No.53199946

Get new girlfriend. Next thread.

>> No.53199967

You should respect her boundries anon.
Jk >>53199946 only good answer

>> No.53199977

take a moment to realize that you're trying to do something that's already been done, accounted thoroughly, studied, written in all artforms, talked about, cried over for tens of thousands of years. and you still think it's something special and unique to you.

>> No.53199995

>You should respect her boundries anon.
this but unironically
or this if it's a deal breaker for you

>> No.53199996

rape her, she will like it and save my relationship as pol keeps telling me to do

>> No.53200034

Those are both men.

>> No.53200371

Denying you sex is code word for rape-play fantasy time. And I'm not even joking, she wants this, unless she's on her period or has other medical issues.

>> No.53200409

She owes you sex because you have no job.

>> No.53200426

Nailed it.

>> No.53200473

you liquidate her (in binance of course)

>> No.53200503

my gf wants more sexy time than me. I want to do SR and only sex one weekend per month. but this is needed cause fi we have sex a lot then it becomes boring. So i tell her no. and we just hug instead. and its ok for her. cause I'm the boss.

>> No.53200551

Invoice gf hooker bill

>> No.53200682

Try again. If she always says no then stop asking and stop caring. That means not even caring about jerking off. Also don't start conversations unless necessary. You'll have effectively seized all the power in the relationship by taking away her only worth while simultaneously denying her what she wants most.

>> No.53200758

unzip pants

>> No.53201004

Do not cohabitate with or marry her. Keep her for now so you can signal your value to other women. She's your wingman now.

>> No.53201054

try the devils gambit; begin to cuddle with her, kiss her, gradually she become in the mood and you will get sex.
if you fail at "seducing" her, you have given yourself blue balls and will have to do yourself in the bathroom; hence the "gambit" part.

>> No.53201113

My ex refused sex constantly. It caused us to fight and led me to resent her. I loved her but I had to leave her. Looking back I wish I would have tried to make her feel more secure with me and see if she would be willing to work on her lack of desire. But that's all in the past now so I've moved on. Good luck anon

>> No.53201128

She's gonna get blacked

>> No.53201154

ive never had this happen, thank god, i'd get rid of someone who wouldn't want to have sex with me cause obviously they're not interested in me anymore.

>> No.53201172

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53201173

how often do you guys have sex with your long term gf's? We average around 4 times a week, I talked to other couples and the average was 2. Seems low, I dont even live with mine.

>> No.53201185
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 22insanity-doge.com better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the time gained to make money

>> No.53201253

call a hooker.
let your gf get upset and leave.
fuck the hooker with a free conscious because you now realize you got rid of a bad investment.
pay the hooker which was a better investment than the gf.

>> No.53201404

4 times per week is good. If you're raising children and working full time I could see 2-3 times per week. Any less than that I would not like but I know there are many couples who skip weeks and longer altogether

>> No.53201434

I have erectile dysfunction so I don't even want to do it.

My dick works fine when I jerk off though