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File: 123 KB, 589x549, 1653254226329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53195238 No.53195238 [Reply] [Original]

We did not simply invest an a simple Eth kill Layer 1. Hedera is not an Eth killer at all. Hedera is the blockchain killer. Every single blockchain based cryptocurrency will be dead in 10 years maximum because of Hedera. The total market cap of all of crypto is going to be swallowed up by Hedera.

50 dollars is not a meme

Hedera will be the Bitcoin of the Hashgraph.

>> No.53195252

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a picture of a green cartoon frog when posting, but the frog has nothing to do with the content of your post! Whoops! Frogs are unwelcome on 4chan and "frogposting" is seen as bad form. Instead of posting green cartoon frogs, you should post cats! Cats are a fun and healthy meme. Catposting is the 4chan way.

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to 4chan culture!

>> No.53195315

No shit. Anyone who doesn’t understand that deserves to be poor forever. Loaded the fuck yo let’s go boys!!!

>> No.53195333
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Sorry here is my cat. I came from reddit and do not understand 4chan yet

>> No.53195418
File: 167 KB, 500x262, pepelino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we purchased:
coupon fraud prevention
programmable digital currency
green crypto! don't you care about the environment?
built of south korean's gambling nature for a CBDC
mance is NWO/WEF business connections
Leemon is a schizo and thinks he can talk to god directly
50 Billion tokens, 25 billion left to dilute over the next 8 years
it sound like a joke, that's why it will outperform everything.
long HBAG!
Israel is our greatest ally!
price target of $2.67 in 2024

>> No.53195504
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x810, ICP scape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is the only blockchain that can compete with Hedera. All other blockchains are a meme and will be dead in 10 years.
The problem is that ICP might actually make Hedera obsolete. Hedera is the best DLT for Web 2, but when everything is hosted on a blockchain anyway (web 3) you might not need it anymore.
I'm really not sure how it will play out in the long run. Maybe ICP and Hedera will coexist for a long time.

>> No.53195570

absolutely not.
there is no space for ICP.
that's a for real venture scam coin.
ICP's time was it's ICO and that's way past.

>> No.53196313

If that were true, and we know it isn’t, you wouldn’t feel the need to shit up an Hbar thread like a pajeet looking for a paycheck.

I’m gonna go one step further op:
$5T mc, $100/hbar 2030

>> No.53196460
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I'm not shitting on Hedera. What I'm saying is that Hedera is the best DLT for the internet we have now, since it has the superior consensus mechanism, but this might not be needed when the entire internet is hosted on a fast blockchain anyway and transactions can be done directly.
As far as I am aware, you can not host websites on Hedera. However if they implement this in the future and make it cheap and usable then it could make ICP obsolete.
I'm a Hedera maxi at heart, but my head is telling me that I need to keep an eye on ICP because as of now, it can do things that Hedera can't.

>> No.53196669

I didn’t say you were shitting on Hedera, it’s unshittable. I’m saying you were shitting up an Hbar thread to shill icypiss, which you were. Decentralized websites will never gain traction beyond websites like 4chan, and no, icypiss would never ever be able to handle a website like twitter/YouTube/ig.

>> No.53196935
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I want to have an actual discussion. Every single coin general is usually filled with "lol my coin best all others shit" and no one ever has an honest discussion comparing it to other coins.
If I was trying to argue in favor of Hedera in an ICP thread (ICP doesn't have abft, predictable fees, fair ordering etc.) I would get the same reaction you are giving me right now and this is sad.
So, your argument is that web 3 won't ever be a thing? I doubt that, as we are seeing development in that direction right now and it will become more important to have censorship resistance in the future. There are other Web 3 projects as well, like Flux.
I remember Leemon saying that you can host files on Hedera, but the question is how large can these files be/how expensive will it be to do so and will it be economically feasable. If you know more about this please share.

>> No.53196961

XRP and flare is the blockchain killer, makes everything irrelevant. Cope and seethe

>> No.53197026

> So, your argument is that web 3 won't ever be a thing?
Nice strawman. If I wanted the latest on icypiss I’d read the countless shill threads posted daily. I’m simply saying there isn’t a network that can handle a website with substantial traffic because it’s either cost prohibitive or the network is too slow, or both. Hedera could handle an ig etc, but leemon said that hosting such a website would be prohibitively expensive. I don’t see how icypiss, which is slower and more expensive than Hedera, can somehow host websites. Maybe low traffic like 4chan, but nothing w substantial traffic.

>> No.53197063

hi where did you guys dyor about hedera? good videos/papers?

>> No.53197194

YouTube leemon Baird Harvard lecture. There is no one in this space I trust more than Leemon

>> No.53197204
File: 681 KB, 700x1000, HBAR mall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBAR is better than XRP in every way.
ICP can achieve this by adding a bit of centralization, you can only use high performance nodes given out by Dfinity (which cost like 10k+ each) to make sure the network is fast. The cost of hosting is $5 per gigabyte per year on ICP, which is feasable to host data/websites. This is an actual, non bullshit usecase.
I think in 10 years there will only be a few DLTs left that have been adopted globally. Hedera and ICP will be among them.
You should watch the Havard lecture by Leemon as a first step to understand Hedera.

>> No.53197262

What is ICP governance ?
Why would Amazon or Reddit hold their infrastructure on ICP ?
Or, why would companies tokenize their stuff using ICP ?
Would the Stock Exchange be put on ICP ?
Also, how do you pay for transaction ICP ? Is it a dollar-pegged fee like Hedera ? Those points matter a lot I think !

>> No.53197421

>Why would Amazon or Reddit hold their infrastructure on ICP?
they wouldn't. ever.
however i-see-pee takes a net neutrality angle so maybe Netflix would've been interested, if crypto progressed differently.
all it do is pretend to get rid of the ISP, but the ISP's are not going away.
so it's a piece of dogshit coin because they'd charge you $5 for 1 gigabyte lmao.
if you wanted to host a website, you'd be able to do it through amazon/microsoft/google much cheaper/more intelligently, with 1000x the support.

>> No.53197622

>What is ICP governance?
Holders of ICP can vote in a DAO how to change ICP. Of course, the developers hold the majority of ICP so they mostly govern it.
>Why yould you hold your infrastructure on ICP?
Because blockchains are inherently unhackable and censorship resistant.
>Would the Stock Exchange be put on ICP?
Maybe, who knows. Would be fairer but they would have less control over it and jews don't want to give up their power.
>How to pay transaction fees?
Each transaction costs 0.0001 ICP. That meas as ICP gets more expensive, so do transactions. Not Dollar-pegged.
It is cheaper than AWS, unhackable and censorship resistant. You don't need to trust companies.

>> No.53197660

>It is cheaper than AWS, unhackable and censorship resistant. You don't need to trust companies.
then why isn't anyone using it!

>> No.53197717

Why would companies build on a network where the governance is not another companies ?
Why would you build on something that gets more expensive as it gets more popular ? Like imagine you play a mmorpg that gets lamer the more people join..! Why would any business build on anything else than Hedera is beyond me.
It will be the basis for business collaboration.

>> No.53197728

>Each transaction costs 0.0001 ICP. That meas as ICP gets more expensive, so do transactions. Not Dollar-pegged.

>It is cheaper than AWS, unhackable and censorship resistant. You don't need to trust companies.

When you says it’s cheaper than AWS you really only mean it’s cheaper right now, right? If the token increases in value the associated fees for any business running on the network would increase as well. If fees aren’t dollar pegged the network is retarded.

>> No.53197800
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Funny. They would have been the blockchain killer, if not for open sourcing way too soon. Now they can easily be usurped by an existing blockchain upgrading to use the open source Hashgraph algorithm instead.

Imagine how fast and cheap ETH is going to be once they make the swap to hashgraph, without needing to pay or license anything. It's just a straight upgrade with no downside. Thanks Leemon and Mance! I'm sure Hedera will be noted down as the inspiration behind the booming hash-ETH and hash-SOL revivals... somewhere. Maybe in some footnote.

>> No.53197840

it's more humorous then that.
imagine an internet experience with uptime dependent on cryptocurrencies price volatility.
crypto is down, great time to host, I can access any website!
crypto is up, REEEEE, why is "google" down!. (of course google wouldn't be dumb enough to run on ICP, but you understand the scenario)

>> No.53197866

good luck with that.
how long did that "merge" take again?
8 years?

>> No.53197874

kek baggies

>> No.53197932

It’s actually not open source yet. It’s still open review, I think it converts when Hedera comes out of beta

>> No.53197955

Yeah but the obvious downside is that mass adoption of the hashgraph will take many years. Mass adoption of the blockchain hasn't happened yet, and when it does, it will take years to be replaced. Hedera doesn't market to retail, it solely exists for enterprise apps that are mostly behind the scenes. And enterprises are SLOW. Will HBAR be a 10x from here? Almost definitely. How long will it take? 10 years, at least. Mance and Leemon said it themselves- this project is a hundred year project. 1 Million HBAR is the make-it since $2 seems to be the current moonshot prediction. WAGMI hbros

>> No.53197963

To host websites on ICP, you need to convert your ICP to "cycles" which then get burned depending on the amount of traffic. The conversion rate from ICP to cycles is pegged to the Dollar, so in the future it will be as cheap as it is now.

>> No.53198067
File: 71 KB, 371x458, Leemon frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't talked enough about Hedera in this thread.

Hedera btfo's blockchains because of its superior consensus mechanism, the hashgraph. It has the highest security, efficiency and throughput. It is so efficient that it is basically only limited by bandwidth. It can do hundrets of thousands of tps (for real) without sharding, infinite with sharding. It comes to consensus with finality within 3-5 seconds while having low, predictable fees of $0.0001. It uses a leaderless system so it is resilient to any kind of network attacks.
Hedera is the only L1 that is capable of being adopted worldwide at its current state.

>> No.53198384

>of bei
Don't know. I keep selling my 100K bag of Hbar and is now at 40K only. I guess I will reinvest again.

>> No.53198832
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kek baggies

>> No.53201105

Hedera fags will always lose. Sad fucks have to post every day to cope with knowing they’re not going to make it. Have fun staying poor

>> No.53201192

what do you dislike about it?

>> No.53201366

I dislike the lying fuck creators who said projects would come online and tps would increase. Akt.imo abandoned hedera and many more will. Not to mention I was denied a grant simply because htards didn’t like me.

>> No.53201417

Lol keep telling yourself that.

>> No.53203635

You sound like a whiny little bitch. Are you an adult? Or, a whiny little bitch?

>> No.53204419

Unironically youre talking about ICP. ICP can do everything every single coin can but also frontend shit, hold other assets in their wallets, etc.

>> No.53204582

Hbaggies are intolerable. I came in here expecting this though. Pleasantly surprised that ICP shill makes a lot of good points, but ultimately is an hfag

>> No.53204647

There are too fucking many hbars
50'000'000'000 hbar
5'000'000'000'000'000'000 tinybars
Thank Leemon for token derivatives
1'000'000'000 SAUCE
7'777'777 LUCKY
1 LUCKY = 6428 HBAR

>> No.53205256

Yes but Lucky and Sauce are just shitcoins while HBAR is the main coin of Hedera.

>> No.53205442
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>5 years and 0 live enterprise usecases
>failed defi
Too many people already invested in Ethereum and Polygon now. Even Solana has a brighter future than Hedera. Unfortunately plenty of technologically superior products have failed in history. It doesn't matter if you have the best tech if literally nobody is using it.

>> No.53205596
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Yes, while hbar is the only required thing to use the network, it acts as a gas and not as a token.
Tokens are the investment layer of Hedera, and they act as multipliers.
Hbar/sauce LP is sauce:hbar multiplier
Lucky/sauce is a lucky:sauce multiplier
These are the store-of-values on Hedera
Lucky especially as the supply is so damn tiny

>> No.53205709

Hbar price, fuck off. I wouldn't want to work with an effeminate whining pussy either. Go and cry elsewhere Joel, you're a fucking joke mate. While I'm at it, leemonswaps coffee can suck a niggers dick too, balding manlet noodle armed nonce
Pair of gamma try hards, its fucking pathetic

>> No.53205720

Thoughts on .hbar domains? The wallet addresses are short already so not as necessary as eth but still a personalised thing late Normans will want

>> No.53205735

Well, if you utilize them properly, it's fine. Say, saucerswap.hbar luckytoken.hbar
But just speculatively, many people will face the fact when the 1/2 year contract expires that they do not want to pay the renewal fees for their whole collection.
More interesting will be the amount of .domain names popping up.
I can have anyname with a different .domain in the end, eventually.

>> No.53205958
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yeah digits making sense on ethereum because the addresses is so long, on hedera not so much... im holding on to some emoji names

>> No.53206532
File: 275 KB, 920x1062, 1672801075148611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hashgraph technology is the future

>> No.53206890

Reminder that HBAR is the Chrisitian white man's token.

>> No.53207366

Arent you the guy that wanted a HBARF grant for running a telegram group?

>> No.53210292

The digits of your post appear to be too identical. You should probably repost this post to make sure nobody thinks you were trying to summon a frog God. The cat God jej grants straights and is widely worshipped on this boards.