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53195408 No.53195408 [Reply] [Original]

all of 4chan going on about spreading muh white genes and having strong sons.....well bitch how about you put your genetic goodness to the test and see if angry dikes wanna use your jizz to make a baby?

you get paid for it too. i did this years ago when i was in college; got paid $100 each time i left a successful sample

i would go monday-wed-friday, and generally i would have 2 out of 3 successful samples (they will reject your sample if you dont have enough of a count or your white blood cell count is too high from a fever or allergy)

so each week i pulled in 2-3 hundred bucks tax free (this was 10 years ago)

additionally, i got my balls fondled (physical) and STD testing done for free; plus they give you genetic testing

not sure you want a kid but still want to make the money? good news is they use most of it for research

and if your an enterprising young lad like me, you will provide the most fuck ugly drunk picture of yourself and your biography will read like simply jack's autobiography....no one will pick your kid but you still can donate

the company i used was called xytex. so, why havent you gotten to it yet??

>> No.53195475
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 9F4C684F-37BC-47C6-836B-3C19C7F2C179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinks sperm banks do anything other than horde sperm for experiments
> doesn’t donate sperm to his bathroom sink regularly to increase the biodiversity of the sewer rat people to aid in their inevitable uprising against the depravity of the surface dwellers

>> No.53195566

I would do it if I didn’t to get my blood taken

needle hurty

>> No.53195588

to be fair that only occurs for the genetic testing

STD is checked via urine and physicals

>> No.53195593

i don't like the world and I'm not forcing anyone else to live in it

>> No.53195611 [DELETED] 


>> No.53195638


been a while since i went in


>> No.53195664

i have the recessive gene that makes you 2x more likely to get Alzheimer's and also the recessive gene that causes deafness. Although both are common I think it voids me idk

>> No.53195668

Forgot how kino the late 2000s GA drivers loicense design was

>> No.53195700

only if you tell them

the genetics testing is looking more for things like tay sachs, sickle cell and to get your blood type and R factor. found out i was AB+ that way

>> No.53195760

Haven't sperm donors been pursued for child support?

I will pass.

>> No.53196043

I'm under 6 feet so i don't qualify
otherwise I would because I shoot very large thick loads that are probably chock full of great sperm

>> No.53196215
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 22insanity-doge.com joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't want lesbians to psychologically abuse my future daughter. Or to have a mongrolchild. Or a roastimother for it. Some things are more important than money to me. My offspring included

>> No.53196346

I wouldn't mind whacking off for money, but I got no swimmers because vasectomy. I don't imagine they pay you for shooting blanks.

>> No.53196996

that would be news to me