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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53191641 No.53191641 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody gaymes anymore on dedicated hardware / PCs, AI / machine learning will move to cheaper parts (ie. mobile GPUs or Asics imho). Greed has destroyed GPU market

>> No.53191721

Nice cope. I happily bought a 3090ti for 1200$ late last year and will not need another GPU for the next half a decade at 1440p, but I am still happy they've been slapped around for their recent missteps. They will never go to zero or go away because they get contracts from the US government though, so anyone shorting based on emotion is a complete fucking moron.

>> No.53191735

>He doesn't know that locally run and trained AI is the new crypto mining.

>> No.53191763

I bought my 3060 ti and a lot of people in the gaming community prefer nvidia over amd.
They also have rtx enabled with hw support.
They have nvidia reflex for e-sports.
They have DLSS which is basically additional frames and a lot of them due to software...
Are you fucking stupid op ?

>> No.53191792
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I play video games on my gaming laptop

It's a lenovo

>> No.53191879

> gayming monopole (incl gaytracing monopole)
> CUDA monopole
> self-driving car research and hardware leader
yeah they're going to be fine, sorry you can't afford that 4090.

>> No.53191907

They are indeed retarded. Nvidia does have some shit business practices and prices are as steep as they've ever been before right now, but I already said the quiet part out loud - their GPU's are so good for gaming people don't need to upgrade but like once or twice a decade unless they want to. I bought a 1070 on paper launch day for 550$ and got six fucking years out of it at 1080p/ultra and 1440p/high with good frames, I waited until the 4000 series was about to launch and snagged a tremendous deal on my current 3090ti and it fucking MOGS 1440p at full retard "even the settings that take a shitload of power for barely any graphical benefit" ultra. I have to render RDR2 at 4k with everything turned all the way up to even get it to dip under 60fps, WITHOUT DLSS and WITH 2xMSAA. Anyone that understands gaming realizes how fucking OP that is, it's not even fair. They're going to take a hit to their stock price sure, but the gaming market segment is so laughably small compared to machine learning AI shit and their quadro line for professionals in a bunch of different industries that it's honestly the height of midwit mindset to argue they're going to take a real hit just because they tried to sell a 4070ti as a 4080 with less memory. Motherfuckers need to learn to think critically and not just go off a gamers nexus video thumbnail when they're talking about a GPU company, all the content creators are shitting on Nvidia right now because they deserve it to an extent but most importantly because it gets clicks. And they're doing all of that, with a brand new 4090 in their personal machine at home and probably more of them in the machines at the office.

Do you short coke just because you saw a youtube video of someone saying sugar and soda is bad? Only if you're an idiot.

>> No.53191952
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i enjoyed reading this rant
I have a 2080ti which I got at it's launch and its been fantastic so far. Can max pretty much everything at ultrawide 1440p still

>> No.53192023
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Very patrician choice. I made sure my new card was from EVGA as well, and I'm currently shopping for a kingpin edition 3090ti as it's the last one they'll ever make and I fully believe it will have value as a collectors item someday. And I will never, ever sell it.

>> No.53192656

Dafuq you talking about?
I find myself playing exclusively taxing games on pc
I have 3080TI now, and waiting for a 4090

>> No.53192660

>bragging about spending $1200 on bong bing yahoos
do goyim really?

>> No.53192669

>Greed has destroyed GPU market
no, the end of moors law coupled with an increased need for gpu power has made graphics cards more expensive (plus insane inflation and high demand).
GPUs today are basically a secondary computers.

>> No.53192694
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If developers think they can rely on AI to make games for them, the entire vidya market will crash (except Nintendo who have some sense).

>> No.53192711

>prefer nvidia over amd.
Why? I've been thinking of getting an amd to play around with AI it makes more sense since I have Linux imo

>> No.53192768

When I wanted one for more than a year when it was only available on ebay for 2.5-4.5k? Yes, I will brag about picking one up for 1200$ as that was damn near the lowest possible price to get one at. I basically bought a 4080 in terms of raw compute power for less than a 4080 costs, it was an insane deal.
Smartest man in the room
AMD has some great offerings and they're a tremendous company, I have nothing against them and use their products every time I turn on the various gaming consoles I own. They're not going anywhere. But if you're a mega autist with money to burn, nvidia is the better choice. Both would be wise companies to invest in especially during the market downturn that's just now really getting to be a good opportunity.

>> No.53192838

AMD is a good alternative if you just want to game on your PC while paying 30% less for the same performance, but NVIDIA is better at a lot of other things. Even for gaming NVIDIA is still better for emulation.
AMD cards are also garbage for AI and they will again have to play catch up. AI will be the next big thing.

>> No.53192881

I know that but in what sense is AMD inferior? I considered getting a 3800ti but it seems on Ubuntu you need to install some dependencies etc, for AMD less so
if AMD is simply like 90% of the speed then I honestly don't care that much, would rather not risk some fuck up in the dependencies

>> No.53192909

If you're not a mega autist that demands the best gaming performance available with every single bell and whistle, go AMD. They will serve you just fine and their higher end offerings are still basically within parity of what nvidia can do anyways, plus they do work better on linux.

>> No.53192939

Their GPUs do last a long time. That's why they're planning to implement a monthly subscription fee.

>> No.53192950

DoE is actively funding Intel (Aurora at Argonne) and AMD (Frontier at Oak Ridge) to break Nvidia’s monopoly on HPC/data center GPUs and is going hard into all future funded machines supporting platform agnostic APIs (SYCL, HIP, OpenMP Target, probably OneAPI if Intel’s really serious about it running on Nvidia and AMD)
That being said, the real money in GPUs isn’t data center GPUs no matter how much Jensen wants to stroke his dick about them on stage, it’s always been the low-end enthusiast cards like the XX50s and the XX60s, and this is the market that Nvidia is bizarrely neglecting because Jensen still retardedly thinks he’s going to be the next Steve Jobs

>> No.53192956

>turns out it was an Nvidia GPU

>> No.53192976
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He literally just listed all the valid reasons.

DLSS means that even if AMD is "better value in rasterization" BECAUSE DLSS is always a level up on AMD you can offset that and have better price/performance with using DLSS over FSR.
That makes a 3060 Ti the better option than an RTX 6700 (XT!) for example.

Nvidia has innovated big time with Raytracing and it`s the future.
The do need someone to keep their silly pricing ideas in check though, so that`s where AyyMD (lmao) comes into play.

>> No.53192998

Marketing meme. Technically meaningless.

>> No.53193012

> “I want to play around with AI on Linux”
go back to your bing bing wahoo on /v/, this board is for non-Brazilian adults

>> No.53193028
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>It's a lenovo

>> No.53193037
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>AyyMD (LOL loser) + Linux

The epitome of Poorfag + Subhuman.
Have fun debugging all this crap.
I`m literally west German.

>> No.53193103
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I love stable diffusion!

>> No.53193847
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Overweight and lonely thread lol

>> No.53194347

I remember making a presentation on Nvidia for finance class and basically saying their stock will only go up. That was in 2021. Tfw I was the top signal

>> No.53194510

thats really good

>> No.53194564

Lol good to see those nvidia marketing dollars aren't going to waste.
Like seriously bro maybe pull your head out your arse

>> No.53194591

I only play on intel graphics

>> No.53194598

Amd has some annoying issues. The cards refuse to chill if you’re running two high (60+) refresh rate monitors etc. These are all fixable with driver updates ofc, but amd seems fucking slow to respond. Even though if you’re running linux its probably less of an issue, but it feels like windows updates + and drivers always manage to fuck new stuff up, introduce old bugs etc. Also I have issues with obs, with usb (related to amd/ryzen bios, not gpu ofc but still) and I’m getting tired of amd.
I own 2x 6800xts, and can’t recommend it. Bang for buck when it works its great, but these little issues keep me on my toes. I never trust anything to work plug & play these days with my radeons.