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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5317595 No.5317595 [Reply] [Original]

Price prediction EOY 2018, 2019, 2020

Where is this going?

>> No.5317650

coinbase integration

do the math

>> No.5317694

Its better solution in payments than paypal 2.0, the team goes skrra, answer yourself.

>> No.5317701

think it'll ATH $1.50-$2 in 2018. 2019/2020 too far away to think about rn.

>> No.5317820

eoy 2017- one braaaap

2018 - braaaaaaaaaaaaap

2019 - brap-brap-brap-braaaaaaaaaap-brap-brap-brap

2020 - braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

>> No.5318149

I tried, but I can't even imagine.

>> No.5318652

Prob 5-8usd for 2018

>> No.5318704

what did he mean by this

>> No.5318715

How does this coin differ from Stellar? They seem pretty similar to me.

>> No.5318731
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don't play with my heart like that

>> No.5318754

50 cents

>> No.5318783
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>> No.5318788

By March

>> No.5318953

How is this coin better than paypal?

>> No.5319014

Literally to zero. OMG will completely own the blockchain-based payment processing market by then. Sorry faggots, you had your chance.

>> No.5319024

Why is it almost a req exclusive topic discussion for EOY prices. Like sure you hear ___ EOY for BTC and a few others but all of these req threads feel like 60% EOY .50c, $1.50, $5, and Ycomb down your throat, PayPal 2.0, coin base addition. Why not everyone just settle down and talk about what happens on Friday.

>> No.5319117

lol OMG fuck you and your vaporware. Sick skateboard sticker dude.

>> No.5319165

That skateboard sticker has made me literally almost $50K. Good luck with your two-screen POC faggot, Omise is an actual fintech company.

>> No.5319166

REQ is chump change compared to OMG pajeet , shoo shoo. We have the big boys backing us , sell your reqt bags idiot