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File: 398 KB, 903x1987, A52D80BF-DF61-4476-ABBF-F10D07E7605B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53182494 No.53182494 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good investment?

>> No.53182508

No, your legs are feeble from the surgery and Stacy will reject you anyways when you can’t hike/swim/jog/whatever with her.

>> No.53182520

>fucked proportions
yeah go ahead you wont look like a freak at all

>> No.53182688
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Gay myth, that is only the first 6 months. With strength training you will actually gain muscle from the lengthening process.
It's a Chad move all around.
>a 5'11" manlet thinking about 6'4".

>> No.53182715

This seems like an elaborate way to get prescribed a ton of painkillers

>> No.53182718

no its a meme. your body is fine just the way it is. no amount of hight will get you laid, just find smaller women

>> No.53182720

Holy fuck.

>> No.53182738

I remember reading about this years ago when they were adding lik 2", your legs are like glass rods for years after.

Adding 5, i wonder how fucking weird his gate is after that, probably looks like an alien

>> No.53182767

imagine doing a low kick on this dude and hearing his bones shatter into millions of pieces

>> No.53182823


>> No.53182829
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>> No.53182861

manlet is based. live longer. have to eat less to put on weight and get strong. easier to maintain the size. Just wear boots to gain 1-2 inches and work on your posture to likely correct another half inch. lengthening your tibia and fibula is an absolutely insane move. your squat technique will go to shit your balance will be all fucked when bending over. Just not worth it.

>> No.53182969
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South Park already did an episode on this.

>> No.53183068
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I looked it up and this dude went from 5'2 to 5'7.

>> No.53183113
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>> No.53183878

I’m 5’7 and I couldn’t imagine being 5’2. Fuck…

>> No.53184070

Lmao why are heightcels so insecure
Im like 5"10 and i have 0 problems with girls.
If youre like 5"5 or something theres plenty of short girls. Its confidence that matters. Guys shouldnt be insecure about anything thats some feminine behaviour

>> No.53184141

they do actually discriminate against short guys it's not a meme
>6'2 lanklet

>> No.53184181

5'8 here, can confirm. Not once in my entire life has anyone ever said anything about my height. I'm in my late thirties dating a twenty year old. Guys blaming their height are just losers coping.

>> No.53184187

>just dont care that youre treated like shit by everyone and will never have a gf or a family bro. just be a man about it bro

>> No.53184238

Here's the exact loser cope I was talking about. You can go to any public place and see plenty of short guys with girls, but this faggot is coping so hard that he actually thinks that being short means that you can never have a girl or a family.

Bro, where the fuck do you think short people come from?

>> No.53184239

>20 yo woman desiring a 30+ man
Yikes she must be unhinged

>> No.53184274

Literally every woman in her friend group is dating a much older man. Her best friend, same age as her, is dating a guy in his forties.

You have no idea how pathetic zoomer guys are. Young girls are unbelievably desperate for mature, masculine men.

>> No.53184275

kek ranjeet cope. it fucks you for life

>> No.53184298
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>> No.53184324

i get that its tough being born 5"5 or less and being stuck with it, but jesus rods in your legs is NOT the way forward..

>> No.53184349

Probably cause those short guys make a big deal about it. Women just dont want to be taller then the man.
Its the same as dick sizes, weirdos spend all their time watching bbc porn and then obsess about having a small dick even though its average.

A 5'5 guy can date a 5' girl no problem.
A 5' girl cant date a 6'8 tall giant its just awkward proportions.

El chapo is literally like 5'4 yet hes respected and feared by everyone in mexico, and model tier women are eager to taste his cock due to his alphaness. No women is like
>oh this uber rich and powerful gigachad cartel boss with armies is so short haha eww gross!
your life is what pulls women, being 6'5 doesnt matter when youre a cringe autistic sperg weirdo, girls are not just gonna magically gravitate to you

>> No.53184353
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Kek manlets

>> No.53184369

What these guys don't get is that it's not their height that turns women off, but their complex and lack of confidence surrounding it. Short guys who don't care about being short have no problem getting women. Sure, some women are obsessed with height too but there are tons who don't care. But being an insecure, sensitive faggot with an obsession about your height like
is a massive turn off for ALL women. Literally all you need to do is be secure and confident with the body you have, but this is sadly impossible for chronically online losers who let the length of their legs define who they are as a person.

>> No.53184381

>posting tranny webms

>> No.53184386

>im destined to be a giga loser entirely because of a few inches of height
Dude you guys are absolutely ridiculous
Theres been many gigachads in history that were short.
Napoleon was 5'6 yet he became a rags to riches emperor, didnt see him compining
>oh no i will never conquer france because i am missing 3 inches!! Its over why even bother!

>> No.53184389

that's a man

>> No.53184391

Man I'm glad to be 6'3, this is fucked

>> No.53184392


>> No.53184407

Worse than transitioning genders. Self-mutilation is never the answer.

>> No.53184424

A short guy is tall to a short girl retard
Im 5'10 and my gf is like 5'1

Also its been proven girls cant tell height accurately, they literally only care that youre taller

>> No.53184458

He's referring to dick size.

>> No.53184476


>> No.53184536

I'm 5'1 and I would never get this done to me. I already know I need millions of dollars to get females to pretend to like me so im not gonna further fuck myself and end up looking like a bigger fucking doofus than I already do by existing. You either come to terms with this shit or your an hero and im still here shitposting and buying crypto and stocks and land so there's that

>> No.53184573
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5'9 manlet here. I wish I was like 5'3 with a 6'1 girlfriend so i could have her titties right in my face while i fucked her.

>> No.53184574

>unironically buying crypto
Honestly more embarrassing than being 5'1

>> No.53184639
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Don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.53184640

post her

>> No.53184655

I also invest into stocks and dividends and roth ira and land. I've been doing this for over a decade i'm super rich and in 1-15yrs when I do a glory jump off some bridge and my parents and sister will end up with all of my fortune and they will have good comfy lives. No my family didnt suck I dont hate them and I dont wish ill on them and my forture is the one grand thing I will do on my way out and yes even with money it doesnt change the broken mind and brain and body. for now I shitpost and occasionally fly to random places in the world and see the world.

>> No.53184662

i want it so bad bros

>> No.53184667


>> No.53184917

>just doxx your gf on 4chan, bro

>> No.53184953

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.53185732
File: 494 KB, 1000x1400, 12DD64A1-AE62-4387-A2BC-FD9E918690E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is disgusting.

There’s a lot of copium coming from both sides from manlets and tall freaks here, but I think most of us can conclude conference is keys in all this.
>pic related. It’s an alpha manlet

>> No.53185769
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>> No.53185825

The ideal height it s 1.80cm/5.9ft

>> No.53185901

Holy shit you guys are pathetic. And this after all the cope about tall guys dying sooner than manlets and you want to turn yourself into a freakshow.

>he thinks women wont know something is sus when his tinder profile says 6'3 but he still has developed a personality from a lifetime of manletism
Ngmi ever

>> No.53185904
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1581701520257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are Americans so obsessed with height? In my country the average is l 180cm but someone that is like 170-175cm can live a perfectly normal life and get girlfriends. Even below if he got charisma.
Most girls only want their bf to be taller than them, even if by just 4 cm.

>> No.53185945

This. Im 6'3 and ive only had like 6 long term relationships but my friend who was 5'10 was banging drunk whores all the time. He never even saw them more than once because thats how chad he was. I used to ask him why he never saw them more than once and he always said"fuck that bitch shes trash anyway" so i guess he liked telling them to gtfo or something the next morning. I even remember some rumours about how he was a tiny penis haver and they actually didnt sleep with him making the rounds basically every time he brought one over, so no doubt hoes was mad and started trying to tear him down because he didnt give them attention the morning after.

I got sidetracked but yeah dont get surgery dude.

>> No.53186051

Damn, he really needed 10 inches

>> No.53186061

> Gain 5 inches in height
> arms stay same length
> live the rest of your life t-rexmode

>> No.53186070

he'll be running like OJ Simpson

>> No.53186129

The world has become an influencer reality show that everyone thinks they live in. Blame easy millions for being a cum sock.

>> No.53186191

That is 5' 11

>> No.53186273
File: 11 KB, 154x178, 1580080081793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audibly kek'd when i hit 2nd part of pic

>> No.53186381

Based, I'm smashing 18-25 yo pussy, fucking nerds

>> No.53186512

I'm 5'6 and while I'm quite secure in my height, as I don't take up much room, and it helps with some of my hobbies like snowboarding and long distance running, I've considered getting limb lengthening surgery when I make it, purely because I recognise that it leads to significant social deficits, particularly with women. Also, I'd like to see if it changed the way people talk to me and my own self-confidence as a result.

>> No.53186697

>Get surgery
>Proportions all fucked up
>Legs now take up 90 percent of your body
>Arms look like stubs
Congrats. You may have fixed the dwarfism but now you look horribly disproportionate

>> No.53186713

Zoomers makes are basically women, they don't understand what it takes. Which is bullish because they are our competition.
Unironically man the fuck up, pussy
I'm going to bang your highschool crush and drag my old man balls across her face while you complain about getting dealt a bad hand. You disgust me

>> No.53186726
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This except go for larger women too

>> No.53186738
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>still have manlet genes
>your children will be manlets

>> No.53186773

Okay i saw this not long ago and I wanted to know what you guys think about it.


>> No.53186816

I unironically do this with exercise cables in my door frame. IT mostly lengthens the spine but it works.

>> No.53186869
File: 138 KB, 576x1024, 1672563149396075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'3 and a 36 years old kissless virgin. The only thing stopping manlets are their own fucked up worldview and defeatist attitude

>> No.53186871

i exclusively fuck escorts that are taller than me.

>> No.53186881

based tall virgin although if i was 6'3 i would not be a virgin. sadly i am only 6'1

>> No.53186946

>if i was 6'3 i would not be a virgin
Did you even read my post?

>> No.53186952

How much time you were doing this?

And is it that uncomfortable at first?

>> No.53186981

Imagine not being able to achieve peak. Physical performance, no squatting jumping, sprinting no fighting but you're now a 6'4 dyel skinny fat bitch with fucked proportions and the inability to defend yourself hahahahhagaga

>> No.53187070

lmao what went so wrong?

>> No.53187088

Would never get the surgery as a 5'9" dude....but honestly I can understand a 5'2" dude getting it
In my opinion any guy between 5' and 5'6" should at least consider the surgery. Between 5'6" and 5'10" is only short by modern women's heightened standards and isn't comically short, so it's not worth risky surgery in that range
And anything below 5 feet is certified midget territory that the guy might as well just get used to; surgery would just be a waste of money

>> No.53187110

>Im like 5"10 and i have 0 problems with girls.
A legit barefoot 5'10 is far from short.

>> No.53187131

>my friend who was 5'10 was banging drunk whores all the time
>banging drunk whores
So he had to rape women since they wouldn't sleep with him sober, got it

>> No.53187141

>Probably cause those short guys make a big deal about it.
Confidently talking about shit you don't know about is sasuga lankfag.

>> No.53187198

My fucking sides

>> No.53187208
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I've thought about it, but I realized that I don't want to be tall; I want to be big. That's more than being able to put a high mark on a doorframe, it's about having a large and robust body that can do things smaller men can't. Hobbling myself would be counterproductive. I'm desperate to be bigger, but I won't put myself through that kind of physical and financial hell for a half-measure. The last year has convinced me that AI and tech in general are going to deliver us ridiculous miracles in the near future, and I'm hoping that some sort of internal treatment for expanding one's frame will be among them. I'll do that instead.

>> No.53187213


brb cripple

>> No.53187225

Maybe im 5'9, point is im not tall and in these schizo heightcel and women height meme circles this is considered short. The memes about girls saying
>swipe left if youre under 6 foot blah blah
Is just bullshit, go ask a bunch of random girls how tall they think you are they will throw random shit out.
Theres not much difference between 5'6 and 5'9 its just 3 inches.
Women just want someone thats taller then them, thats why its actually a negative for women to be tall, because it severely limits their pool of potential men.
Few confident men and women can pull off being together if the womens tale then the man, the problem for that is usually due to the women, they feel insecure being taller then their man

>> No.53187259

Go back to r9k fag. You niggers love to complain all day about being victims.
This shit with incels is so cringe. Its no different from niggers blaming everything on racist oppression, or women blaming the patriarchy

>> No.53187325

I think 5'10 sounds short because for some reason 80% of the male population on internet is 6'3
IRL it's a completely average height.

>> No.53187376

Why do 5'10 people think they can relate to a short man in any way?

>> No.53187479

Oh, you're not even tall. King of manlets carrying water for lankfags, when they'll screw you in an instant without breaking a sweat.
Short dudes getting treated like shit is an empirically-proven truth. It's not about playing a victim, it's just acknowledging that society is imperfect, and happy to dish out a dose of suffering to anyone who doesn't... measure up to its ideals.
It doesn't get better. The idea that it does is a lie, so stop telling it.

>> No.53187511

You contradict your own arguments.
Yes, it's true women want a man taller than them. This reduces the pool of available women a man can choose. Thus, being shorter is less socially advantageous than being taller. It's amazing you got 5'10 people in this thread denying this objective fact. This doesn't mean being short is the end of the world. Being ugly can nullify any height advantage. There's a lot of factors that go into being able to attract a woman, but just because height isn't essential doesn't mean it doesn't matter. Most of the people railing against "heightcels" in this thread are just insecure and think the claim is they only got action because they're taller.

>> No.53187529

>*Short guys who don't care about being short have no problem getting a roastie to be beta provider for when they're 30+

>> No.53187556

>When she's uglier than you

>> No.53187822

yes i did and i stand by what i said

>> No.53187851

being a manlet and also being an ugly subhuman. hbu?

>> No.53187888

I know an old bastard who can't be taller than 155cm, he's divorced, changes his gf every month, gets a girl aged 25-40, and they're all 7/10+. He's not even particularly rich, just generally wealthy. I do not know his secrets, but all in all you're completely right anon.

>> No.53187913

Another 33yo manlet here dating 21yo 5'6 GF for 2 years already. I'm 5'9 and did get rejected bc of height before.
Not as often as due to autism though.
On the other hand, had some girls say they don't like tall guys. It makes no sense, but there is a chance for us manlets too.

>> No.53187976

Unless you can also extend your torso you're just going to look disproportionate as fuck doing this, like you're wearing pogo sticks all the time. Might as well just wear lifter shoes, at least they're cheaper and won't fuck your shit up later on in life.

>> No.53187977


>> No.53188018

>That cuck dwarf
>An alpha manlet
And I share this thread with retards like you ...

>> No.53188042


>> No.53188043

I never understood height
im 184cm and even at that height it's already an issue with the lack of space between seats in transport, which makes me manspread and annoy people and even then it's still uncomfortable as fuck
how do people over 190 cope

>> No.53188046

Don’t go to fit.

>> No.53188096

Because it's seen as a dominant trait, just like 'manspreading'. Men are supposed to be bigger than women, it doesn't look right when it's the other way around. But in reality 100% of people lie about their height and always add 2-4 inches to it and no one can tell. According to 4chan most men are over 6' tall, when statistically that's the 90th percentile in height, so it isn't even really that common, let alone 6'3-6'4+.

>> No.53188097

>Short guys who don't care about being short have no problem getting women.

What a lie... They do have difficulty too. Being shorter than 6' is starting life with a strike.

>> No.53188158

Cope, I'm 6'9, have a 10 inch dick and make 800K per year

>> No.53188172

Lol, too short. 6 feet is a minimum in today's world.

>> No.53188228

>100% of people lie about their height
no one has ever asked my height outside of a clinic/hospital, the internet is the only place where I see people obsessed about height

there's nothing to lie about, it's either you're short, average, or tall, and basic human pattern recognition has the ability to tell between all three at a glance

>> No.53188338

Short guys tend to be better off when they age. You don't see to many tall af old men.

>> No.53188390

>Would you like to look like a penguin for the rest of your life?

>> No.53188395

>no one has ever asked my height outside of a clinic/hospital, the internet is the only place where I see people obsessed about height
It seems amerifats in particular are.

>> No.53188403

Ouch ....

>> No.53188483

Should have started banging midgets instead of spending money on thsi

>> No.53188551

People who are 190cm are usually successful enough to fly business or private. Just missed the mark there chief.

>> No.53189518

>chump become a slightly taller chump
No, it isn't

>> No.53190657

so how is that any different from becoming a tranny?

>> No.53190683

Virtually all of these heightists are ugly, anon. It’s cope, tall and short alike.

>> No.53190706
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not in every case

>> No.53190713
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>> No.53190872

Donald Trump is 6’3” and doing just fine for his age, and from a genetic standpoint you really just need to live through your prime breeding years in order to continue your line and maybe a little into old age to help babysit grandkids. Nobody wants to be a decrepit 90 year old, we’re supposed to die sooner.

>> No.53190921

100% a conspiracy that there isn't a viable penile enlargement surgery available

>> No.53190944

I have short legs for my height i would actually look better

>> No.53190949

There is, you dumb idiot.


>> No.53190998

Cope aside that's not even true. In missionary, the man is lower than the woman, so to be face to face there needs to be about a 15cm height difference.

>> No.53191025
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>> No.53191152

>Have to get circumcised to get it
No thanks. Also kinda kek most of the before and afters are blacks

>> No.53191182

>when they tell you the sergey was a sucksex
>feel happy
>says he feel happy
i should get that sergey. maybe girl wont laugh at when ask for name
[accelerate demoralization process to infinite parameter]

>> No.53191255

He must be a good time for a short time