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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53184040 No.53184040 [Reply] [Original]

when will we finally find an answer to the neighbor question?

>> No.53184057

>the real villain
>it's your neighbors and local governments
"yes goy take up arms and go after your neighbor and local government"
This shit is so tiring.

>> No.53184063
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>HEY its not giant corporations and the federal gov that's the problem, i-its the small businesses and local governments!!

>> No.53184079

the real answer is that it's both. i recently learned that my town's zoning laws prohibit apartment buildings taller than 3 stories, which is why rent is so expensive despite being ghetto adjacent.

>> No.53184095

This is what you wanted parasite:

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period. finance and stock markets are incompatible with life and are in direct competition

Reap what you sowed now and go be an obedient submissive compliant PROUD bootlicking slave like you always wanted and pull on those bootstraps real hard

>> No.53184099
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>gradually, then suddenly

>> No.53184120

This anon isn't getting laid...

>> No.53184123

strawman; ad hominem; unsubstantiated claims.

>> No.53184135
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did you just copy and paste a bunch of unrelated bullshit from reddit?

>> No.53184139
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>(((Derek Thompson)))

>> No.53184156

any my small town government approved building a neighborhood of only three car garage mcdonalds mansions aaaaannndd
nothing else, meanwhile rest of town is rotting away

>> No.53184166

which is to say
the rich boomer running things problem also need a solution

>> No.53184198

my rural hometown in northeastern pennsylvania is similar. a retail "anchor tenant" on main street went out of business after multiple decades. the building is huge, but the local police force bought it for pennies on the dollar and turned it into their new headquarters. local government also built a 3 story parking garage for the court house (despite ample free on-street parking due to main street being dead) and a 3 story 911 call center building. really makes you think.

>> No.53184300

Black Rock shills damage control is strong in this thread

>> No.53184307

divide and conquer identify politics

>> No.53184335
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The final solution for the neighbour's problem

>> No.53184372

Unfathomably based.
Most won’t notice how much.
What books shall I read in the topic?

>> No.53184461

Das Kapital

>> No.53184473

this, the leech boomer tribunal councils need to be all hanged

>> No.53184507
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"Choking on a red dildo: How socialism changed my life"

>> No.53184534

Its fucking zillow listings. Its the same thing as open sea and nfts. Nobody is purchasing half those homes. You can literally remove sale history. Unable to sort homes by % drop so basically whenever you look for homes, you see the top picks at every location. Its so fucking skewed and nobody realizes it.

>> No.53184568

Yes, its not bankers and regulators thousands of miles away, its bill and jan next door! Hate them!

>> No.53184595

Thanks. Keep on sharing your knowledge, we’ll need it when this system is done for !

>> No.53184602


>> No.53184705

It's true. NIMBYs ruined the United States of America
>noooo you can't do what you want on private property
>build a heckin house? Noooo
>building an apartment complex in the city? Not on my watch pal
>is that a flipping fission reactor to power half the state at no cost? Woah woah WOAH, heel bud, this is NOT safe, only solar is safe
These people need crucified, literally strung up on wooden posts, crucified with a capital C, 100000000000000000000x more than Blackrock. If it wasn't for these smoothbrains, Blackrock would have never gained any foothold in asset acquisition. It's like that Frenchman said, Every people has the society they deserve. At this point I can only wish Blackrock immense success so the NIMBYs suffer.

>> No.53184730

Nimbys have prevented over 100 nuclear power plants from being built in the past 40 years by the way.

>> No.53184899

this thread reads like a few discord trannies wrote it while switching ids

>> No.53184907

A lot of America’s problems could be fixed if we used our tax dollars to make subsidize/encourage better infrastructure and urban city/town designs.
If we could do better on breaking even to maintain our roads or our public transportation instead of making money pits.

>> No.53185187

This is undeniable proof that they in fact are 100% the biggest problem.

>> No.53186123
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Based NIMBYS fucking over everyone else for personal gain.

>> No.53186267

We’re living in a real life version of that
> hurr durr I’m going suck 100 dicks just to show you how gay you are
meme where the American left wing has turned into enthusiastic defenders of the global financial elites because they think it will make Orange Man mad