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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53181767 No.53181767 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the ultimate wagie?
>cucked out of all life’s pleasures promised to hard-working Americans
>becomes immediately envious seeing some slob get everything
>died trying to emulate the same slob
>fucked hookers

Also, wagie hate thread(?)

>> No.53181774
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>> No.53181797

The episode was less about Grimes than it was about how much they had written about Homer at that point in the show, an acknowledgement that it had gone on for a bit too long.

>> No.53181816
File: 106 KB, 828x1476, 1DEB02C4-003D-4E0A-B31B-1DCEEDA83AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t expecting that

>consistent suicidal ideation
>works at a shitty, rundown place
>serves shitty, rundown people
>only employee

Is Moe also a wagie? Or maybe he’s a landchad that doesn’t trust anyone else?

>> No.53181841

I mean, yeah, that was the point of the episode, but Grimes is still someone who waged his whole life and still died a miserable death at the end. I wanted to explore that kind of frustration a wagie has to deal with here because, arguably, some wages have it just as bad, if not worse. Or maybe IRL wages are all a bunch of whiners

>> No.53181858

So who is the frank grimes of lisa?

>> No.53181868

Interesting question. Counterpoint: who gives a shit about Lisa’s struggles here? She’s just some elementary school girl who thinks she’s smarter than everyone else. Hardly anything worth discussing in /biz/

>> No.53181876

I think he's a land chad who's done with the norm but he hates his life choices a day what he has become, hence the constant suicidal ideation

>> No.53181898

He's suicidal because he's ugly

>> No.53181916
File: 15 KB, 200x407, 72318815-E4F7-4F0B-A72F-668D507A7AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair point. Imagine being based enough to start your own business, but being too shifty to be able to hire anyone else. I think Apu had a similar problem, but he was part of an in universes multi-chain franchise.

And then the government got rid of him because they can’t stand the idea of hard working legal immigrants.

>> No.53181944


Pure basedness

>> No.53181958

>And then the government got rid of him because they can’t stand the idea of hard working legal immigrants.

>> No.53182004
File: 102 KB, 828x1482, 6ECC79A2-4943-4217-A4B1-C6F0FBC4BFD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, that’s just a consequence for going on for too long. Of course when you’ve existed for literal decades, you’re going to lose your edge and that extends to controversial characters. Based pajeet taken from us, as was Ms. Crabapple.

Also, please excuse my normie take earlier, just seems like a lot of people feel the same way.

>> No.53182113

Have the Simpson a done a thing on crypto yet?