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File: 23 KB, 490x387, burst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5317487 No.5317487 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one talking about the fact that the bubble is literally bursting as we speak.

>> No.5317522 [DELETED] 

dude stop

were selling our bags stop telling people not to buy

are you a no coiner get the fuck off my board were trying to cash out retard

going to delete this post in 5 minutes

>> No.5317521


if you think it's a bubble why would you waste your time here faggot. go short the top 5 coins and prove it nigga

>> No.5317537

Crypto bubble is still healthy, it's just bitcoin being crushed by its own weight

>> No.5317538

this is just shit, sell it all and buy something good like sonm

>> No.5317563

watch out we got a badass over here

>> No.5317569

just buy the dip

>> No.5317574

Because it is not. It's still amazing BTC is over 10k before end of 2017. Noone expected this.
And it is still 50% over 10k!!!

>> No.5317581
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>literally doubles over the course of a month
>drops ~15%
Bubble is bursting guys...

>> No.5317606

>babbys first dip

>> No.5317660

how new art thee?

>> No.5317717
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You delusional retards. It's down 20% since it's ATH. This is literally the "bull trap" phase. Go ahead and buy the "dip", retards.

>> No.5317857
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>goes 100% in a month
>drops ~20%
muh bull trap meme chart. Who the fuck says I'm buying BTC noob. Do you know how much more this has to drop for me to even lose money?

>> No.5317886

There isn’t a bubble it’s not fiat or the stock market

>> No.5317912

>bubbles can only exist in the stock market or fiat

How retarded are you?

>> No.5317929

we have these threads LITERALLY EVERY WEEK

can you faggots die already?

>> No.5317940

>up 500% in two months
>drops back 25%
>oh no, the bubble is bursting!
eh, I'll ride it out, at worst I'm out a couple thousand

>> No.5317962

you have to go back newfriend...you aren't cut out for this I'm sorry
this. Every time shit dips more than 10% I get a "bull trap" baububule buyrst meme chart.

>> No.5318009

lmao just buy more faggot
kikes cant get to it

>> No.5318045

the only bubble that is bursting is the banking system
enjoy your bar mitzfas you jewfucks

>> No.5318097

Short Bitcoin then!

Sign up for BitMex and show us your 10x shorts.

Go. Do it! I dare you.

>> No.5318107

Thats a shit attitude and you know it. Crypto market is definitley a bubble. All you need to have idiots throw $100 million at your garbage project is to have a sleek website and a whitepaper. That doesn't mean there isnt money to be made buying shit coins and selling when people FOMO into them. Even with the market being a bubble there will be topcoins that make it through the invevitable bursting and those are the coins to invest in. ADA is the prime example of a good project that will survive the bubble and be a crypto giant in the years to come

>> No.5318142

Because people are still trying to figure out if it's a bubble pop. The fact that it's still sitting around $15000 shows the possibility it's just a dip.

Which sucks ass for me because I went into tether at $14650 and decided I wanted back into BTC at $14000. Which it won't go back down. Bad move on my part.

>> No.5318219
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the last two week on this board have been the very definition of market complacency

>> No.5318245


Bitcoin sure is a bubble, blockchain is on the rise.

I wish this outdated and mediocre chain would die and give space for some good coins like BCH

>> No.5318250

Bitcoin takes a dip

In other news man bites dog.

u = fud

>> No.5318314


>just a dip
>bitcoin futures are a thing
>normies memeing about it
>ridiculous fee's
>several hours for transactions
>bitcoin is so unusable everyone starts shilling it as a store of value
>store of value with literally nothing backing it but number of users
>not a bubble :^)

>literally doubles over the course of a month
>n-not a bubble

>> No.5318327


>> No.5318482

This and the ridiculous fees and waiting times, making it pretty much unusable as currency. This "store of value" won't fly either, showcased by the recent crashes, losing several thousand dollars in the span of hours. That's some hyperinflation shit that "store of value" should PREVENT. Doesn't help that "some day, it will rise again and even more!" when the holder needs the value urgently.
Meanwhile, ETH, LTC and soon BCH have actual value as a currency and carrier of value, a real-life daily usage purpose that caters to an actual everyday need.

BTC will always have a special place in history and in our hearts, but its time is over. It has led the way, now it's time to step aside.

>> No.5318507
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>> No.5318509


Everytime BTC dips there are faggots like you spreading FUD that bubble is about to burst.

Seen this all the way from 600$ and all the dips in between

>> No.5318538

already back up, see you faggot at 20k

>> No.5318546

Bitcoin has ALWAYS taken fucking hours you idiot, even years ago.

>> No.5318612

i thought it would be at 20k a week ago!

what happened?

>> No.5318628

The transaction fee FUD is strong it is really gonna give more marketshare to alts. People realize bitcoin will never be a viable currency for small transactions. .

Normies know this and are coming and buying alts

>> No.5318659
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>> No.5318777

Put your money where your mouth is. Short bitcoin. Oh wait you won't for so and so reason hahahahahaha

>> No.5318786

Bitcoin is broken. No one who regularly uses crypto for anything outside of speculation even accepts it. We've all moved to ltc, xmr, and bch. Stay married to the coin though.

Bullshit, back when i bought drugs with bitcoin transactions took seconds. lmaoing hard at you cucks who came in late to the game and think hour transaction times are acceptable.

>> No.5318815

Um cause everyone is holding ICX

>> No.5318829

So how does this trans fee work and when does it happen?
I bought part of one of those shitcoins yesterday and sent it to my binance account. It took 2 fucking hours to get there, does that mean i got feed on the way?

>> No.5318848

Bought acid on DNM with BTC in 2014, certainly took hours then.

>> No.5318913


>Marketcap of 620,000,000,000 went down to 600,000,000,000.
>20,000,000,000 is the "le bubble."
>Already recovered 9,000,000,000

Enjoy being poor you simpleton faggot.

>> No.5318968



>> No.5318982

because its not
you need real advice

>> No.5318985

>Bitcoin is broken. No one who regularly uses crypto for anything outside of speculation even accepts it. We've all moved to ltc, xmr, and bch. Stay married to the coin though.

BTC is shit. Overhyped and unuseable. Flippening will only do good for overall health of blockchain market.

Bad coins need to go, good coins need to rule.

BTC is one of the worst coins out there. Literally no use aside from speculation.

>> No.5319016
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>> No.5319026
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>> No.5319038

Earlier this year the "bubble popped" and bitcoin dropped from 4000 to sub 2000. Amazing that you held through tha...

Oh wait no, you're just a shitposting no coiner whose bitter he missed this last spike.

>> No.5319090
File: 295 KB, 1440x1167, Screenshot_2017-12-21-16-07-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought drugs one time nub XD

No fucking shit it's fast when you set a higher fee to pay within 15 minutes but it's always been the same speed on average.

>> No.5319093

If you think so then why do you waste your time on this board? The reason is that you are actually a lying faggot, and you know that this is just a correction like the one we had 2 weeks ago, and the other one we had 4 weeks ago, and the other one we had 6 weeks ago... if you seriously can't see the pattern then you are a fucking idiot.

I'm fucking tired of this level of shilling.

>> No.5319249
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This is the healthy correction we needed. Buy now or miss 30k next month.

>> No.5319251

This. Bitcoin itself is a shitty outdated coin by now. The lack of consensus and leadership to drive the project is killing it. The technology is simply not keeping up.
Blockchain is amazing as an idea. It has limitless potential, and stuff like Ethereum and the likes will thrive as technology adapts around it. The "cloud" meme is just servers owned by someone, blockchain is actually a fucking cloud, it's everywhere and nowhere, it can hold everything and anything. And as a technology, it's still in its infancy.
Get real lads. Getting massive gains is cool, but ultimately, only the usefulness will matter. And that's what will drive value. A "store of value" thst can fluctuate 10% either way every day is a shittt store of value.

>> No.5319384

because it isn't, and you're obviously new to the game and have less than $1k invested

>> No.5319402

It's not a store of value in the real world though. It's still faggot computer money.

That's why it's going to go back up.

>> No.5319567

It's a correction that will go lower around 12-13k, Jan will be a moderatly bad month for bitcoin. Probably dip to 10 k. Buy around this time.
But hey nobody will listen to me

>> No.5319878

>Bullshit, back when i bought drugs with bitcoin transactions took seconds.

ye this guy sounds legit.

>> No.5320000

>muh bubel is berstin
It's still worth more than it was at the beginning of the month. You can start getting nervous, when it drops twice as much in half the time.

>> No.5320296
File: 79 KB, 669x664, 1512344212645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then put ur money where your mouth is and short the market. If you are so sure its a bubble why don't you bet on it?

Pussy ass bagholders probably never took a chance in your life

>> No.5320327

crypto market cap is going up as we speak nigga, people are just starting to understand that bitcoin is worth shit

>> No.5320395

The people who trade alts may think so.

The people who matter don't.