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File: 159 KB, 900x1351, Schiff_2C+Peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53176147 No.53176147 [Reply] [Original]

Can you give me legitimate reasons why you are not buying Gold and Silver

>> No.53176152

Eggs > Gold

>> No.53176180


With gold, it only makes sense to buy physical, and when you buy physical, you are immediately 3-4% down, which is a ton for gold. Then you have to assume it's real gold, then hope and pray whatever online dealer you bought it from doesn't have a data breach where criminals will know your home address and will attempt to steal your gold.

Then if you try selling your gold you're going to take another 3-4% hit..

Fuck that.

>> No.53176190

they underperform stocks and bonds over long time frames

>> No.53176217

I liquidated my small collection of 1 ounce of gold and 7 ounces of silver last week and I made a little bit off of it but to me it just makes no sense to tie up 2000 dollars (in my case) to make a few bucks in profit when I could put 2000 in Bitcoin and make thousands off of it

>> No.53176495

not true, gold out peformed the sp500 including dividends for decades, gold was $35 50 years ago lol

>> No.53176524

They don’t produce economic value. Companies do produce economic value. So I own stock.

>> No.53176535

No excuses. I am buying gold and strongly overperforming the SP500.

>> No.53176541

this is why gold miners are cool, you get leverage to the price of gold plus you get dividends from a real company that produces economic value (more gold into circulation)

>> No.53176540

Physical golded outperformed the NASDAQ since 2000 I think
That's pretty funny

>> No.53176567

i support it, but i am retarded, i only have 10 in my account and 20k in an account in swizerland.
Can op tell me how to do buy it?
Should i keep it in a safe at the bank or should i take it home?

>> No.53176574

* i have 10k in the bank account i use regularly and 20k in another account in CH

>> No.53176579

You would have done much better buying physical gold than buying a miner like Barrick, though, these last 20 years. Barrick cagr is not even 1% while physical got 8%
NASDAQ got 10% so I was wrong about that, earlier

>> No.53176602

that including reinvested dividends?

>> No.53176612

No. Gold and silver seem to be the only viable option at this point.


>> No.53176629

gold isn't transportable and it's too much work for me to verify whether or not it's real. Also it's boring.

>> No.53176671

>its transportable
a million dollars worth of gold can fit in a shoe box
>verify whether or not its real
buy from a reputable dealer, pretty simple
>its boring
pure gold is beautiful, even if its a bar, coin or jewelry it looks great

>> No.53176692
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This answer may be technically correct but it shows a dangerously naive perception of what is unfolding right now. The economy has basically been running on a credit card for decades and we have been consuming our capital while creating bogus IOUs and pretending like these financial assets have any chance in hell of being paid back.
The bond market is $46TN in size. That is twice the size of the U.S. GDP. So there is zero chance in hell that any of these things can be paid back.
This becomes a simple task of understanding where are these bonds? And what are they doing? Well, they are owned by foreign nations all over the world, they are owned by our pensions, insurance companies and retirement accounts. These bonds also represent a MASSIVE glut of purchasing power that is being hidden that could easily attempt to vacuum up all remaining capital.
They pay for our imports that are a whopping $700BN annually. That is $700BN of goods that we can then leverage into corporate profits, taxes. They prop up real estate and stock valuations as yields remain low.
So even at a cursory glance we can see there is a metric fuckton of risk here. And it will unfold pretty much like this: You put 10x apples into the financial system, and on the other end of the collapse you may be able to afford 3x apples. Essentially your "claims" to goods deteriorate. A deferred bank-run a hundred years in the making, ponzi style.

>> No.53176702

All my money is tied up shorting BTC, that's why.

>> No.53176711

My wife has a 24K gold necklace and cross pendant from mene. It’s insanely bright. We had lunch with her friend recently and her friend was caught ‘mirin

>> No.53176714

>buy ETF
All you buy is a claim on gold, not actual gold that is yours. Could be defaulted on.
>have someone store it for you
Costs money. Plus you have to trust a third party.
>store it yourself
You risk having it stolen. Plus you get screwed on the spread.
>mining stocks
Speculative. Numerous risks other than the price action of metals.

There's reasons to own precious metals as well but there's also practical problems related to all of the ways you do it.

>> No.53176744

I bought a couple of 1oz mene bracelet's for my wife as well, she loves them.

>> No.53176749


>> No.53176775
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I have 35 oz, there's no good reason to stop buying

>> No.53176784

because the government can manipulate the price of gold or silver downwards as they want by selling paper IOUs that have no backing in physical gold/silver/wheat whatever

>> No.53176861



>> No.53176886

It'n not even keeping up with inflation lol

>> No.53176889
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i already have plenty

>> No.53176931

USgov actually could pay it back, they'd need to refinance debt at 0 interest over time, and then use the lack of interest payment as a budget shortfall to pay down debt. Alternatively they could inflate away the debt.
What surprises me most about this system is that the government chooses to indebt itself (and thereby the tax-payer) over money that it prints itself. They don't give themselves money, they sell bonds on the open market to buy cash which originates in the banking system.

>> No.53176947

(of course USgov will never pay back the debt, but there's no reason they couldn't do it over time if they were really brutal about budgetting)

>> No.53177027
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How many ounces for a woman like this? What do woman like this even smell like?

>> No.53177066

this is just sad

>> No.53177101

christ her hand looks older than him

>> No.53177104
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the dude turns 60 in March

>> No.53177121
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>this is what goldfags dream for

>> No.53177127

The U.S. government can never pay back the debt without effectively defaulting via inflation. The people who bought $1M worth of bonds will not receive $1M worth of goods. There is a shortage of goods, services and capital and in no way is it possible to sidestep economic pain. Because effectively to do so would mean there is some magical accounting/finance trick that can conjure up free resources. However, the fact is the debt is growing faster than GDP proves that there is no free lunch and any economic gains that debt may have in the economy are long gone at this point.
The banks will recapitalize themselves by massively increasing the price of gold and that will effectively revalue all commodities, goods and capital. Effectively making anyone holding too many "claims" the losers who do not own the real-deal.

>> No.53177134
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>> No.53177158
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bruh thats not even the worst bit

>> No.53177168
File: 145 KB, 595x962, Peter-Schiffs-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

Pete's son looks kinda jewish

>> No.53177185

Yes but what do they historically do before that?

>> No.53177190
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>> No.53177206

Adjusted for inflation that is around a 5x. S&P has ~6.3x since the 70s with adjusted inflation.

>> No.53177208

did they stick something up my coin tonight? there was a lot of blood in my wallet earlier and now it hurts and is sore to the touch, but the only possible new nodule is very small.

>> No.53177212

looks like she smells like make-up

>> No.53177263

most people who are left probably have some silver, maybe gold

>> No.53177273

I think those are Gucci horsebit penny loafers? Nice

>> No.53177326

Peter schiff

>> No.53177339

Yes the last 10-12 years have sucked for gold and been amazing for stocks, which is inversing now. Gold outperformed sp500 up until the last decade, and by the end of 2030 it will likely be outperforming again because were entering a new decade long bull run in gold.

>> No.53177371
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cool it with the antisemitism bro

>> No.53177436

I wear a big leaguer style gold chain.

>> No.53177530

>selling your gold
this is why you have already failed in principle so your argument is suffering

>> No.53177751

i think gold and silver is good to own, but i plan for it to make up a rather small part of my portfolio. Fiat, crypto, real estate and stocks are important as well. Gold and silver is the last line of defense if everything else fails.

>> No.53178294
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>> No.53178903


>> No.53178928

>never selling
So what's the point of it?

>> No.53178953

the value is physics not money. its stupid to buy gold and silver as investment. yull get robbed by jews like all investment.

if you need silver or gold for its physical properties buy it and use it. if you think it has money value you a brainwashed by jews. dont buy anything fr investment until the jews are exterminated in every country on earth

>> No.53179172

You're the one brainwashed by jews, gold and silver have been money throughout all of history until jews hijacked the US government. Once they finish using up all the good goys, silver and gold will be money again.

>> No.53181043

>Pete's son looks kinda jewish
Oh wonder

>> No.53181232

I don't have any money

>> No.53181675

Also I need a new water heater

>> No.53181695

It is shiny

>> No.53182635
File: 2.79 MB, 1389x2000, 1612124860014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto will be the greatest rugpull of all time. The winning is just getting started for precious metal bros.

>> No.53182646

I only make 53k and cause of inflation, and living in NJ the most I can do is slowly stack sliver and dividend stocks.

>> No.53183138

otherwise i would have too much

>> No.53183985

Asteroid mining will render gold useless by quadrupling the world's gold supply overnight.

>> No.53184026

>2 more weeks
>trust the rocks

>> No.53184603

>quantum computing will destroy bitcoin overnight

this is what you sound like

>> No.53184725

>how much higher can it really go?
>its the same ATH price it has been in the 80s, 40 years of disappointment
>it's associated with boomers
>it doesn't do anything other metals and solid elements cannot
>it's a thief magnet
>it's associated with you know whos
>it's associated with the descendants of kangz and queenz and sheit
>it costs money to interact with it in any way
>your hands smell after touching it
>it only looks pretty after a jeweler works with it
there's really no goddamn use for it

>> No.53184771

>grab a pistol with an extended mag off of the corpse of tyrone
>load it up with bullets found who knows where
>sneak up on your wheat field
>kill your daughters and sons
>hold gun to your wifes head
>you bring me the silver
>i kill your wife then you
how did that silver work out for you?

>> No.53184788

Gold and silver are the ultimate cuck cope at this point. You've lost so much money over the past twenty years that it's unreal that anyone can even have this debate. You have to cherry pick so hard just to break even with gold

>> No.53184801

>old out peformed the sp500 including dividends for decades
That is objectively untrue. Boomers just repeat this and expect that no one will fact check it

>> No.53184881

boomer rocks are a distraction for normies to oggle over stupid metals like silver while the big boys buy up shit that matters like property, fuel, tech shit

>> No.53184890

>I'll kill you for the thing I insist is worthless
Asteroid mining tier logic

>> No.53184909

How do you store fuel long term

>> No.53184916

shut up faggot. your rocks are WORTHLESS AHAHAHAHA

>> No.53184930

>So what's the point of it?
LARPing as a pirate obviously

>> No.53184938
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Because I am buying bitcoin and xmr instead.

>> No.53184949

You don't have to buy pysical. I have some stocks in gold companies which are very good hedges against inflation.

>> No.53184954
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>> No.53184984
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Is this you?

>> No.53184989
File: 192 KB, 1080x1350, c1a6def5d29b4aa2a9d3e918a3e37afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich people always have such horrible taste in women.

>> No.53184997

Aren't you a virgin?

>> No.53185000


>> No.53185006

You've never had sexual intercourse

>> No.53185009

Not even close.

>> No.53185019

>it only makes sense to buy physical
Lol, no.

>> No.53185021

>Thinking a woman is ugly means you have never had sex

I thought women only know how to use instagram and snapchat to be whores. Go back

>> No.53185029

ok incel. post face

>> No.53185055
File: 233 KB, 1502x1080, 167213238656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your face on this anonymous imageboard.

Unlike zoomer faggots like you I don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me and I don't need the validation of random whores who stumbled onto 4chan last Tuesday. I know what is and is not true about myself and the things that I have done and I don't need validation from anyone.

>> No.53185071

That's a lot of words for a sexless virgin. Shouldn't you just keep your mouth shut on rating women when you've never had sex before?

>> No.53185136

i spend money enjoying and consuming things rather than looking for a store of value but i might consider it later
i'd still choose gold over crypto any day

>> No.53185162
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Shut up homo.

>> No.53186169

Crystal is the better game.

>> No.53186308
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>> No.53186982

ya and she turns 50 in april lol

>> No.53187031

>on a financial advice forum
>my advice is never do anything with your finances and stay broke cus of le jews

>> No.53187367

It's boomer crypto.

>> No.53187515

>having this amount of lack of historical reference
Ya gold is the exact same as crypto thats why its been the base of money and value since antiquity lol

>> No.53187697

silver premiums are high as fuck, and price is now too high (considering it won't ever go past 28 USD again). maybe when it's back at 17 at least.

>> No.53187879

The better question is, why is that guy selling it?

>> No.53187929

Why would I buy boomer bags when they're about to liquidate to fund their retirement?

>> No.53187931

They’re useless and Jews profit from it.

>> No.53187959
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>> No.53188180

gold 7x since dotcoom bust, no index fund did this, you're totally wrong.
7x over 20 years is very solid, and its on track to 10x in 25

>> No.53188224

Based anon, but diversify would get you more rewards. Not to mention staking too as I do ETH on Binance with NEAR and SYLO on Huobi

>> No.53188359


Gold doesn’t perform at all. A gold ounce 5,000 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today. The primary function of money is to measure value. Gold does that perfectly because it is money. The dollar price of gold going up isn’t the same thing as Amazon stock price going up. Gold going up in price just tracks how unstable and lack of store of value the dollar is becoming. Gold is just stored energy. And the entire reason to hold it isn’t to make more fiat, it’s to make it when there is a currency reset. Why would you be valuing gold in terms of dollars when it was gold that gave value to gold?

Gold is wealth and a real asset.

>> No.53188656

>Immediately down
>Assume it's real
Non issue if you're not retarded about your sellers
>Data breach leading to robbery
Almost completely paranoia, and you can hide your shit easy enough.
>Sell below spot price
Retard indicator. Many dealers pay spot or even a little above when demand is high

>> No.53188681


Good and silver will be worth $0 when if I buy.

>> No.53188721

Government can much more easily manipulate the price of just about any other asset more easily. When corona started silver "dropped" from $20 to $16... Except that no retailer had any in stock for less than $24 an ounce.

>> No.53188729

I just made 150 dollars in ten minutes buying LCX, why would I waste my time with boomer rocks?

>> No.53188741

there's a bird flu pandemic jack ass

>> No.53189547

>Hot chick cloning will make pussy worthless overnight!

>> No.53190072

Not bad anon, sound like a based degen. I on the other hand focus on APYs from the likes of Egld and Ride on Maiar Dex

>> No.53190129

>I sold an oz of physical gold so I could own barely 1/10th of a btc
>it just makes more sense
imagine thinking anyone would believe you

>> No.53190440

Watch BTC do it over and over again, i would rather buy BTC and a few alts like FET and ALBT than opt for boomer rocks.

>> No.53190510
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>> No.53191552

You don't like women you like clothes