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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 300x300, afkgaming_2021-08_aacbd9e7-ce8b-45d2-9c31-ff3c6a5370aa_monkagiga[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53175537 No.53175537 [Reply] [Original]

I just had a phone call with an old friend of mine from college. He was a retarded ass professional in the business of pharmaceuticals but was only good as a dumb mule to carry shit around.
He was in debt to a state college in NJ for 16k, had a car debt of over 35k working in California at the time for $20/hr sharing a bedroom with other college students. That was 4 years ago.

This guy, today, called me to snub about a job he got as a QA engineer after going to a 3 month coding bootcamp that massively faked his resume. Made up job positions, hid his "exercise science" bachelors degree, all kinds of shit
He got a job for 85k/yr fully remote. Earns almost as much as me in my analyst position and not before he told me of his friend with only a HS diploma earns 120k in DHL in another similar position.

That scene of the movie big short where the guy spoke to a stripper owning 3 homes on adjustable rates was just firing in my head. This felt like this but for tech, for the american empire, for everything else. The guy was a massive retard and this is the peak of the tech bubble, if not the american empire itself. It's time to leave the USA, or prepare for a massive collapse.

>> No.53175548

I understand fren. Its concerning, what else does America have besides Tech?

>> No.53175564

Walk into any office anywhere in the world and you'll find 90% of the people in the are useless and could be fired tomorrow with no negative effect on how the business is run. It's not just tech. Most people are useless.

>> No.53175634

welcome to 2019, retard. the economy was due to collapse a week after kung flu started being reported on

>> No.53175660

People have been willfully delusional about this since the GFC. I was disabused of the notion a while ago, when I looked back at my college and post-college years and realized how batshit insane America's selection and recruitment processes for schools and colleges are. A kid in any other developed country on the planet with my test scores would have walked into a top-tier school, into a decently-paying job, and would be working diligently to contribute to society by now. But I don't "look" or "act" the part, so all the informal ways my progress could have been stymied, it was.

I can almost guarantee that the dudes you're talking about are tall, white, and (were at one time) athletic, or otherwise engaged in some activity that ostensibly showcases that je ne sais quois. Don't even have to be attractive or competitive or a leader. Everything - everything - is about the story. All you have to do to get the lead role is "look the part."

>> No.53175671

most "software" jobs are nothing more than gluing together shitty frameworks and copying and pasting code snippets from github, stack overflow, documentation, or other internally developed programs. it's only a matter of time before "better" frameworks (more retard friendly) and AI assistants allow for turd world retards to effectively replace these dipshits.

>> No.53175685

less to do with tech than to do with massively lowered standards across society but particularly in professional settings

>> No.53175689

Okay so what happens when the bubble pops? Are we all going to just quit using software? It's literally used in every facet of society. Gas station pumps, cashiers, restaurants, banks, etc.

>> No.53175691

gummy fu?

>> No.53175707


>> No.53175710

>what happens when the bubble pops?
Go to a third world country and compare the living standards they have to that of those in hyper financialized countries.
If you're eating food, you will be eating soup, and if you're eating good food, you will be eating food to get by.

>> No.53175716

the people who brag about working 30 minutes a week and collecting a $170k a year paycheck will be forced to work an honest 40.

>> No.53175727


Yeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh no.

Just like nocode/lowcode, which has been around for YEARS really hurt us swe's (kek).

I want you to, and i'm not joking here - this isn't some 'minecraft' meme. I want you to really consider killing yourself, for real - and then do it.

>> No.53175766

>Just like nocode/lowcode, which has been around for YEARS really hurt us swe's (kek).

i work in corporate finance at a fortune 10 company. we're forecasting a 30% reduction in IT cost center salary expense for our 5 year strat plan. do with this as you will, wagie.

>> No.53175784

Wait until people realize you can bootstrap any career you want with the internet these days. Tech is just easiest because they have been growing so management is bad.

>> No.53175809

Actually to add onto my post too, I expect there’s a lot of behind the scenes changes coming in employment measurement. The way we measure employment fit currently is way open to abuse, which is why nobody works

>> No.53175812

im eastern european and we practically all work for american and west europe clients
they can pay for like 4 of us for the price of 1 american dev
okay fine, whatever, the american will have a nice degree, some big name internship yada yada yada, but at the end of the day, we're cheap and get the job done relatively well

asked my boss about the layoffs in the US and he literally told me we had record year, wasnt even close and that he expects it only goes up from therem the layoffs being competely isolated to these big bloated companies

>> No.53175823

Yeah but the catch is passing the coding interview.
I've known a couple CS grads who couldnt hack it and one of them works at burgerking now.
Meanwhile one friend who earned a philosophy degree makes bank working for microsoft.
My point is it isn't easy. It's not like you learn a programming language and boom six figures. You have to have an autistic interest in it other than money.

>> No.53175832


HAHAHAHA sure buddy!

I'm a swe with 11 years experience and own 15% equity in a company that has annual revenue of 300m+

You see, anon, i BUILD companies and own a piece of the pie while you're a fagboi cringe salesmen/marketing. And just so you know, every techbro hates your kind. You're so fucking stupid.

No girls like you, your career is not impressive.

Kill. Yourself.

You will NEVER be in tech. You will always be a sales/marketing loser no one look up to.

>> No.53175833

There was no coding interview!!!
Easily hired! EASY MONEY!
Think that stripper with 3 houses on adjustable rates, what made that possible, what was the end of the road. Same fucking thing.

>> No.53175851

>I'm a swe with 11 years experience and own 15% equity in a company that has annual revenue of 300m+

then why are you still working? tech wagies. kek.

>> No.53175863

ZERO due diligence, scammers made his resume and falsified a company and experience and 0 background check.

>> No.53175870


Goes to show your definition of work is the standard 8 hour day. Funny how that idea is engrained in you.

I work, probably 2-4 hours a day but I deliver the equivalent of 8 hours of input. I make decisions and build and review algorithms. I don't code any more. I'm a software ENGINEER not a <coder />

>> No.53175871

So fake your resume and make six figures?
Fucking genius Anon.

>> No.53175882

your speech patterns of those of a mentally deranged autistic codemonkey. you're not rich. you're not a fabled """"10x developer."""" cope and seethe.

>> No.53175885

If it works and you don’t get blacklisted that’s a pretty solid strat.

>> No.53175891

yeah it's all fine and dandy for all the people in 2006's real estate, would just pass on massive loans to low FICO scores and sell it to banks
it was a cocaine sugar ride and it lasted until it didnt and a lot of retards involved never fucking recovered

>> No.53175904

also in no universe is some guy with a 15% equity stake doing wagie tasks like """"reviewing algorithms.""""

>> No.53175912

Lol I don't disagree.
I'm not making a moral point but a practical one. If I lied on my resume in a major way it might show in my work (or lack of it).

Yeah but a lot of men running those CDO scams got fucked by AIG and bigger banks.
I don't like swimming with sharks even if I'm disguised as one fuck that

>> No.53175915

>"I know one guy who lied his way into a job he might be fired from any day. I know literally everything about his life."
>"This is the end of America! The sky is falling! All goys commit suicide now!"

You fucking retard

>> No.53175916


Well you're wrong - in this universe, and that person is me.

Reviewing the decisions trees of people is the same as someone else reviewing your code. Someone needs to do it.

You're ignored the part where I told you to kill yourself. Hurry up.

>> No.53175921

That’s just because they’re moving to the cloud. But we will have a recession this year.

>> No.53175937
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>(Tech) Bubble about to burst
>Tech companies laying off thousands
>Tech Companies stock prices are down like 80% in the past year
>about to burst

>> No.53175941

At least in finland the dev market seems quite healthy, interviews easy to get and while salary is nowhere near USA, it's quite decent
The company I work for is recruiting but there are barely any applications, need to hire headhunter, and the salary is quite high compared to most jobs
I interviewed for some companies in HK and Singapore too and got offers, the HR also said that they don't get that many applications

>> No.53175950

doge coin is 7 cents, at a 10B marketcap if you think we are in the true bottom you're delusional m8
specially when there are still tech companies around hiring morons with 0 due diligence

>> No.53175958

I like how tards like you only support worker's rights in very particular circumstances

>> No.53175959

>doge coin is 7 cents
Wtf does that have to do with the tech industry? kek stay on topic you crazy person.

>> No.53175964

i support workers rights insofar as they benefit me. life is a competition, deal with it.

>> No.53175968

I appreciate the honesty more than you'd ever know

>> No.53175977
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I am BEGGING you

Please stop coping and seething about overpaid tech bros and become one. We are importing pajeets because they have rudimentary tech skills and can speak English. You can become rich yourself by joining us, but instead you delude yourself that we’re all going to be unemployed in 2 weeks

>> No.53176012

>Wtf does that have to do with the tech industry?
...Are you seriously asking this question?
You're investing in crypto and you're asking what does dogecoin having 1/5th the market cap of Ford Motors/General Motors have to do with the state of the bubble we are in?

This is why I refused to go to tech. What are you, investing in BTC and ETH?
Hahahahaha, do you not understand what happens when a bubble bursts?
I can't imagine being one who made choices such as yours man, I almost feel sorry for you.
Almost. You'll eventually end up in someone's plate making questions like these. Smarten up or get eaten, fag.

>> No.53176023


My man, 80k/yr jobs are nothing anymore. Inflation and COL is out of control. Jobs that are 'hard to get' or coveted are 160k+ these days. My very first job out of college like 10 years ago I made 50k and I felt poor then. I imagine people graduating these days need that 80k minimum. Granted I live in a city, so maybe this dude lives in the middle of nowhere, but it's not really as big of an accomplishment as you're imagining

>> No.53176035

i got a job offer for 85k and it was no code, but they did ask me algorithm questions, i.e. how would you do this? not necessarily write pajeet angular js code on the spot

>> No.53176059

The thing with these kinds of jobs is that, at the end of the almost anyone COULD do them if they were given the chance to. People like to cope how irreplaceable they are but you really aren't 99% of the time. I honestly believe anyone who can do some basic math and read English can become a programmer if they wanted. So we are talking at the very least half the population of earth. This applies to almost any other job as well imo. Programming as a field is still relatively new though so people haven't really caught up to it but eventually the bubble will pop, it already has for most of the world, it's really just the US left.

>> No.53176073

>he thinks Doge are a meme coin is a representation of the entire Tech market
kek this is the most midwit take I have ever read

>> No.53176101

uh no, AI will replace stackover and github though.

You know what people really get paid for? Knowing what is correct and isn't correct to do, not some sekurt algorithm kek

>> No.53176113

thinking it is NOT a solid representation of the state of ALL markets, including tech, is the midwit take, and it's not like what happened was not an even bigger representation to the state the tech bubble still finds itself
God, I can't wait man, I seriously can't wait until people like you are completely boiled.
I just hate the fed for making it take as long as it does.

>> No.53176117
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ignore >>53175851 it's the butthurt in office fiance wagie. He often copes about his job on /biz/ and get upset that IT people make more than him working remotely.

>> No.53176130

Listened to first 15 mins or so but yeh basically.
I could literally automate my job and make improvements in doing so but I would literally have nothing to do. So I don't.

>> No.53176131

You are right OP. I self taught (no bootcamp) myself programming 2-3 years ago and I’m still desperately studying every evening after work, reading books, learning new patterns, keeping up with the latest tech news and developments.
The background knowledge required to become a senior developer is huge. But in the field there are a multitude of low iq developers who think that they are set for life after a shitty 3 month bootcamp.

I blame the bootcamp conmen promising high salaries for little work. Reality will hit them soon enough.

>> No.53176134

100%, I've spent a couple years running small tech startups and we're consistently able to outperform and outcompete huge multinational companies because i only hire the 10% of competent people and ruthlessly filter out everyone else. I always have some nagging worry in the back of my head when we're delivering faster than companies with 50x our employees and 100x our funding but then I remember my time working in offices.

>> No.53176138


why'd they give some rando swe FIFTEN PERCENT equity? i think you're full of shit unless you were employee number 2 and you're actually CTO. 15% equity is MASSIVE

>> No.53176140

Ranjeesh and his goons are only getting imported because they work for less. It always ends up the same: use a ton of cheap outsourced labor, they do shitty work, have to pay even more to unfuck it up. Then the manager that OK'd that moves to some other company to do it again.

>> No.53176142

there's no need to be salty over IT folks, they have 0 understanding of finance and think the kool aid will last forever
well so did the dudebros selling subprime mortgages
they all thought the ride would never end

>> No.53176156

it's immediately recognized as a LARP to anyone who isn't a software developer (i.e. doesn't have autism)

>> No.53176158
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Equity ain't shit if you have no market
t. 1 million in private equity I'll never be able to redeem.

>> No.53176173

>You know what people really get paid for? Knowing what is correct and isn't correct to do, not some sekurt algorithm kek

is this why literally every code base devolves into an unintelligible and retarded mess such that it """requires""" a team of hundreds of devs to keep even the most rudimentary of websites online?

>> No.53176192

Yes. It's either be efficient and make your job redundant or be shit but make the company dependent on you.

>> No.53176195


he said 300m valuation, you moron. read the fucking post youre replying to. total larp

>> No.53176204

It devolves into a mess because business managers require growth targets get met, even if it results in a pile of unmaintainable spaghetti. Then, SURPRISE, no one wants to use the new thing because it barely works. The place I am at has slowly devolved into that, and we're at least slightly better about polishing things out. "Fix yesterday's problems tomorrow" is optimistic in the tech world which is why software has only gotten worse over the last decade.

>> No.53176215


Because I was a starting solo-dev for the first 2 years. I took risk by not taking a large salary at the time for more equity.

>> No.53176221

Yeah and my company has a "$2 billion" evaluation. Still means nothing with no market. It is all fake and gay.

>> No.53176228

>It devolves into a mess because business managers require growth targets get met
>average codenigger maintains that he does 30 minutes of work a week
which is it?

>> No.53176235


You know nothing about software development, even in theory, and it shows.

To any outsider who uses some tool that writes code for you it will seem like your job is done - reality is, coding is only 20% of the job for engineers.

>> No.53176261

Code monkies do that much work, I can tell. I gotta do way more than that because we have no QA/designer/performance people. It's not hard work, mind you, but I gotta do it all. If I had a spec with exactly what to do I could only work that much, but I usually get a vague description and some MS paint diagrams (if even that).

>> No.53176271

>You know nothing about software development, even in theory, and it shows.
correct. i'm paid to direct capital, not slave away over an IDE.

>> No.53176272

pfft, that arrogance of yours is telling
do you really think you matter at all?
do you really think you're not an ant following the sugar crumbs into your grave where they'll eventually set fire upon?
who do you think made your salaries a thing?
why do you think the economy switched from the gold standard, and massive amounts of inflation accumulated exactly where you are, the sugar that you chased so diligently?
do you know why you dont know the answers to these questions?
its because you focused your entire life chasing the sugar rather than analyze the hands that made it accumulate where it did

and just like the subprime loan bros, when the time comes to set fire to the hive where all the inflation accumulated, in that case, real estate, people like you will never truly recover

enjoy while it still lasts, and make sure to drop that ego on the way down

>> No.53176317


Yes, I do matter; everything you wrote just now with tears of jealousy running down your cheeks as you fat-fingered your keyboard whilst carefully avoiding being called a 'reddit spacer, matters. Although I must admit I only read the first line (sorry not sorry).

cope, and seethe. Stay heemed.

>> No.53176320

Imagine thinking your... "valuation" and "equity" actually matters. LOL
The basis of this bubble ,much like all others, is the thought of "safety" instruments being taken for granted, actually aren't safe at all.
Imagine being in tech and being blissfully oblivious to this, oh someone is having you for dinner soon.

>> No.53176334

friend, I am jealous of you as much as I am jealous of the shit I am about to flush.
And you both share a similar fate!

>> No.53176335


Again, it matters.

cope, and seethe. Stay heemed.

>> No.53176348

>Imagine thinking your... "valuation" and "equity" actually matters. LOL

private company valuation is a total joke. i say this after taking a valuation course as part of my masters degree.

>> No.53176369

I could sell all my stock by next week if I wanted to.

>> No.53176372

>Again, it matters
I am sure before turning into beef the cattle usually says the same thing
KEK "I mattered!"

>> No.53176380


Aww million pity. Trillion tears for copeboi sadman :(

cope, and seethe. Stay heemed.

>> No.53176384

let me guess: the VC guys told you this when they convinced you to accept privately held shares as compensation (despite putting no such guarantee in writing)?

>> No.53176391

kek, the absolute state of this massive sucker

>> No.53176395

All white-collar jobs were trivialized by computers decades ago and they still are around. They gov't just prints trillions a year for whatever the current meme is, even if tech bursts just pick the next meme to go into

>> No.53176416

Homie please I am about to graduate and get my associates in information systems, I don’t need a black pill like this.

>> No.53176422


Nope, our founder would happily buy back more ownership and would gladly take equity off our hands for a higher salary + pay out the shares at current fair value.

>> No.53176429

let me know how 2023 treats you....kek

>> No.53176446

so I'm just going to continue not working

>> No.53176455


The same way the last decade has treated me I guess, no need to keep tabs on me. We have a very low debt-to-eq :) No worries over here brother, i'm living on a cloud. 2023 will be a great year! Think of me when YOU go through tough times this year :)

>> No.53176466

It honestly startles and confuses me. When people say the word "coding", as in "learning to code" or "coding jobs", they don't mean programming in an old-fashioned, traditional sense, such as working with complex algorithms, solving technical problems, finding your way around sophisticated data structures and hardware requirements. They just mean mushing together web frameworks. No algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills required.

Why is this still a thing, then?

You don't hear about companies paying for custom text processors and spreadsheet editors, why are they so fixated on paying bootcamp graduates for boilerplate work?

>> No.53176473
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you betcha ;)

>> No.53176506

Difficulty != value

“Old fashioned” coding produced less economic value per hour spent coding.
They didn’t have the libraries and languages we have now, and now that we have them there’s little utility in replicating the work.

I can create a basic website and have it deployed with infinite scalability in an hour. If you’re a business owner, you don’t care how hard it was to implement a solution. You care about the value the solution provides to your business

Quit seething and go into tech. It’s easy money and you’ll never regret knowing more about how computers and software work

>> No.53176507


Coding/frontend development is to Software Engineering what Bricklaying is to construction.

>> No.53176534

retards in this board are ignorant and delusional...

>> No.53176576

I think what really triggers anti-tech / non-tech retards to seethe is the fact that we REALLY love our jobs, it's not just about the money, but creating things; a primal and manly instinct. We also get a lot of respect from normies who look up to us almost as magicians. Going from SWE to any other field of work is simple too. You've basically proven yourself to be smart in the eyes of HR, whether or not that's the case.

>> No.53176584

Imagine larping this hard on a Mongolian funko pop enthusiast board

>> No.53176596


>> No.53176598

The majority of programming work is menial "take data and display it over there" work. Why it pays as much as it does even I don't know. Those more complicated jobs still exist, but why put in the work to get those qualifications when lern2code can get you a comparable salary?

>> No.53176622

>Why it pays as much as it does even I don't know.
SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Zoomers would rather go into marketing and bitch about how easy tech bros have it than take a bootcamp

>> No.53176635

meh it pays well because there is value in what they do for the company

>> No.53176636

The world is based off technology. Every company requires developers and there aren't enough to go around. In fact, there's only around 26.9 million of us (including jeets who no one wants to hire anyway)

>> No.53176649

Don't come to europe we are full of arabs and poor. We do not want you here, just wait in america until a nigger kills you, we don't want retarded americans here.

>> No.53176669

I make $150k/year doing a job that any physically capable man that's not a drug addict could do. I have a bachelor's degree that could earn me $50k/year instead otherwise.

It's been clown economy for a long time

>> No.53176674

>bootstrap any career
i can't fit a CNC lathe and and industrial sized air compressor in my apartment anon.

>> No.53176691
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it's a comparatively new career that hasn't been fully commoditized like traditional engineering roles. also consider that the $160k/year starting """TC""" codenigger phenomena has only existed in an environment with artificially low costs of capital. we're just now seeing the start of layoffs.

>> No.53176697

you work in sucking cock at fagtune 420 wagecage, kys nigger

>> No.53176703

>Every company requires developers and there aren't enough to go around.

Most of it is redundant and artificial demand fueled by VCs. Just look at half the shit bluechip crypto projects which are all vaporware built on top each other. Tech industry needs to collapse because every fucking young kid wants to be a hustler and coder and landlord. Society will collapse

>> No.53176718

>Tech industry needs to collapse because every fucking young kid wants to be a hustler and coder and landlord. Society will collapse
Keep going anon, let your inner Boomer come out. Tell us how you really feel about all of this.

>> No.53176740

Keep telling yourself that.
Think of me whenever you use ANY piece of software :)

>> No.53176762

I work in tech you neckbeard. Why the fuck are you using this shitty early 2000s forum? Why don't you use reddit which has 5,000 SWE and analytics and HR and diversity officers and makes no profit

>> No.53176791
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this is literally what a software engineer is worth when the zogged technocrats are not involved with rewarding the most trooned employees with 180k compensation for basic js

>> No.53176825

Give me a hiring manager's email.

>> No.53176839


Give us a look at the job posting. That seems like a entry/junior frontend role with no ownership (codemonkey) and if so, that's a reasonable salary

>> No.53176862

The issue is learning to write software when you have to keep yourself in house and home by other means. There's an element of delusion or recklessness in the people who can focus on learning shit when they're not sure how they're going to make rent.

>> No.53176950

Take a bootcamp and make a profile on indeed

>> No.53177052

Cue employers whining about not being able to fill roles.

>> No.53177117

>I have 8 figure net worth
>here's why I'm not cashing everything out and going innawoods
Larp somewhere else

>> No.53177192


>> No.53177198
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>QA engineer after going to a 3 month coding bootcamp
Kek. QA is largely offensively useless. Most of the time, they're just a massive hindrance to development. They should probably do something else with their time.
I have built stuff that bends their tiny little minds in like 3 days that they took 2-3 months to test and get to prod unchanged. Wasted loads of my time, though.
>t. lead engineer at big corp

>> No.53177342

I make 85, i literally have no skills except Excel. programmers are a dime a dozen

>> No.53177421

That's the average mate

>> No.53177516
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>> No.53177608
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I make $60,000 as a mechanical engineer with 4 years of experience

>> No.53177637

>12 years ago I considered mech eng because the pay was $60k and it sounded like a good salary to me
>learned to code instead
>mech eng is still 60k a year


>> No.53177682

It literally is just 60k no matter what happens, I don’t know how many decades now this fucking job has paid 60k, I honestly think it’s because it’s boomers hiring for it that they just don’t allow pay to go up beyond 60k starting

>> No.53177720
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only 85?
t. hs degree codefag making ~140k

>> No.53178079

It's always the same corporate simping
>just work harder bro

Companies will always prefer jeets and spics to whites and competent blacks because they're cheaper, while also encouraging whites and blacks to go into debt trying to get middle management and fixing 3rd world fuck ups.

It will never be enough

>> No.53178098

> blacks
sorry nigga you we're not in the same category.

>> No.53178105

>competent blacks
Stopped reading there

>> No.53178127

What does race or height have to do with it? They don’t ask for the latter on job applications and you can leave out the former if you choose to or lie about it.

>> No.53178145

>waaaaa all black people are niggers!!
They are as american as whites, and just as screwed over by spics and jeets flooding the job market.

>> No.53178279

Fucking this I don't get it. I make simple videogames and software for music production (as a hobby) and that shit actually requires a lot of abstraction and algorithms. I tried to learn web development and that doesn't require any of the above, basically you spend your time writing lines and lines connecting frameworks. its a lot of effort, so it doesn't surprise me that it pays well, what does surprise me is how inefficient the frameworks are to build a web page. Everyone talks about AI but web dev would be the ideal candidate to use AI and improve productivity in this field.

>> No.53178322

i believe they do it on purpose so you have to get a new device every couple of years so you can have the latest poz like with smart phones
a lot of the modern internet is slow as shit on my thinkpad x230

>> No.53178373

You are non-white. Guaranteed your test scores suck, because even if they were mediocre you would have gotten an undeserved diversity spot and a free ride.

Unless you are a gook, in which case, welcome to the world of white men. Its worse for you because you would be a chink.

>> No.53178427
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Durkadurka says hello

>> No.53178432

every bubbles about to burst, including your mothers

>> No.53178450

QA doesn't really require a ton of technical knowledge to get started. I've known plenty of people who have other degrees but work in that field (art history, biology, philosophy, etc).

>> No.53178502


Being a QA engineer is literal bitchwork. The qualifications is that you're sane enough to be in a white collar environment, smart enough to use a computer, but explicitly dumb enough you don't need any interesting problems to solve and are ok with repetitive work. literal midwit job.

Most QAs don't even write code they just search for bugs and click around and measure pixels in the browser inpsect. SDET (software developers in test) write selenium scripts and unit tests, but if you were actually smart you'd just market that as a SWE since you technically write code anyway.

This dude sounds like he just did a solid job of leveling up in life. Went to a bootcamp, learned something, and passed a an interview for a low on the totem pole job. This happens everyday in every industry and is not unusal, plenty of other unusual examples to cite

>> No.53178537

85k for bitch work that doesnt require ton of technical knowledge to get started and approved with barely any testing of knowledge
in what world does that not scream bubble, how does that not resemble the gazillion of loans given to poor people with 0 due diligence done

>> No.53178605


Natural resources, force projection, and having a goddamn ocean on both sides making it REALLY inconvenient for neighboring rivals to fuck with them.

The worst thing that can happen to America is that it starts manufacturing its own shit again. The country doesn't make shit because it "can't" or "doesn't know how", it doesn't make its own shit because it doesn't have to.

>> No.53178672

Haters gonna hate. Sorry you're a fuckin loser. You should be happy for your friends

>> No.53178673

>3 month coding bootcamp that massively faked his resume. Made up job positions, hid his "exercise science" bachelors degree, all kinds of shit

There's more companies out there like this than you think. Btw, your friend is getting roughly 20% of his pay taken by these guys, so he's not making 85k; that's their business model. I'd be willing to bet that many 'techbro' redditors are employed by similar firms.

>> No.53178680

It's a larp you dumb retard

>> No.53178801

This. Cattle are kept working to keep them from revolting. It's the only explanation.

>> No.53178825
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>> No.53178826

dude was a massive loser, didnt speak with me for 4 years, did after conning a 85k job, guy isn't a friend, just a jealous loser maggot calling to be snub a job over people who had actual degrees
doesn't change the fact that this moron getting an 85k job is, to me, a massive sign we are in the peak of the bubble, and the end of the american empire

>> No.53178834
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I have hundred of them from ticktok trend "Girl in Tech"

>> No.53178845
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you don t realize how easy it is....

>> No.53178858
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let me tell you a secret all of this uselss job are +120k min

>> No.53179019

dang do you have more

>> No.53179086

Haha I'm thinking of a bootcamp myself. You're right on speculating on how long the gravy train will last. I do like tech as a hobby but can't afford the pay cut of starting in help desk or similar.
The problem you mention is in all fields unfortunately.

>> No.53179588

>You will always be a sales/marketing loser no one look up to.
Are you retarded? Sales/marketing fags are the ones that get laid the most and this will more than likely actually have a wife. It's you hardworking, useful losers who the girls get the ick from lmfao

>> No.53179707

This is cringe to read as a SWE/someone in tech(cybersec), I am sorry everyone not all of us are retarded like this dude.

>> No.53179731

did you ever stop to think he might have been embarrassed to talk to you before? And now that he is doing better he feels confident enough to level with you?

>> No.53179758
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There's the problem... you're confronted with an uncomfortability and your smooth brain just defaults to movie analogs because you are incapable of higher reasoning.

>> No.53179777

What kind of Redddit tier reasoning is this kek? Are you that antisocial?

>> No.53179809

checked, and baited

>> No.53179818

>noo it was B-bbbait!
Alright fag, back to Redddit

>> No.53179817

Haven't tech boom and bust cycles been fairly well understood for a decade now?

>> No.53179823

>t.larper about to graduate with bscs and get checked by reality

>> No.53179824

i got my first tech job working at a telecom company
first of all i need to say that the job shillers are retarded, this provides no fulfillment and the company shouldn't even exist
it only exists because some gov law was passed in the 1980's because att had a monopoly on internet services and that's bad for consumers

we basically wholesale buy internet services from att and other carriers and resell them to businesses, organize dispatches, and help customer troubleshoot networking problems
everyone is fucking retarded, some college, used to work at a grocery store
mental age is like 14-17, including the 40-50 year old managers. literal high school clicks everywhere.

senior employees have been teaching me how to game the ticketing system so it seems like i do more work than i actually do

holy shit i think im going to quit on monday stay neet you're not missing

>> No.53179873

>Ask a question about Law
>Lawyers are polite and affable and give a decent response
>Ask a question about medicine
>Doctors are polite and affable, and give a decent response
>Ask anything software related
>Get insulted and mocked, at least two three smug replies about how I don't know. Most people don't even answer the question.

As just a low level hobbyist, I think the insecurity and lashing out shows that a lot of the work is easier than what is made out. People aren't defensive like that unless they're unsure in their position. It reminds me too much of the Pakistanis born in England that shit on immigrant Muslims for their shit English.

Also why are tech-niggers the only people that think they have to deal with customer service and explaining concepts? Doctors have to deal with nurses and retarded munchie patients that cause them problems. Defense lawyers have to tardwrangle 85IQ clients that can barely dress themselves.

>> No.53179926

That's enough Ranjesh.

>> No.53179972

Cope. It turns out that getting along with others is much more important when it comes to getting things done than test scores and intelligence. You dumbfags will never figure this out, but your antisocial tendencies mean you are less useful no matter the workplace because no one is willing to work with your grating piece of shit. We live in a society, start acting like it and you’ll receive the success you seek.

>> No.53180167
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I swear this board is full of the smoothest brains on the planet.

>> No.53180475

It may just be a sign of how much money software companies do and that there is not enough competent workers.

>> No.53180493
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Bad news roastie.

>> No.53180513

It's really not.

>t. staff software engineer

>> No.53180529

Always makes me laugh when people like you get mad when objectively stupider people play the game and win. You should’ve been more intuitive.

>> No.53180578


I work in cybersecurity and have never seen a black woman.

>> No.53181051

lmao this post is a shit cope

>> No.53181065

I can't blame americans for that one since they pronounce that word in such a stupid way.

>> No.53181739
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programming and poor communication skills are comborbidities of autism. (as is transgenderism, that's a topic for another day.)

>> No.53181837

QA isn't really tech, QA is for people who cannot code

>> No.53183410

>dudes you're talking about are tall, white, and (were at one time) athletic
He has a point. I work out and invest in clothes for this reason.
I'm also black- are you going to tell me at this point in capitalist history I don't have an advantage?

Halo Effect

>> No.53183428

>welcome to 2019, retard. the economy was due to collapse a week after kung flu started being reported on

Correct. The lockdowns were about the economy.

>> No.53183743

the lockdowns were unironically to ease us into a lower standard of living and shittier economy because a sudden crash would've led to riots

>> No.53183771

why do people make 1hour long videos that aren't JCS
even JCS makes parts of 20-40minutes

>> No.53184288

Look at the whitoids seething at this post because they can't admit that they lucked out in the genetic lottery. Anon never even mentioned his race. White privilege is real and the halo effect is very real too. Lmao, I see it everyday when I go to the financial sector in central London.

>> No.53184318

paki spotted. have you tried taking a shower?

>> No.53184414

Blake and Chris absolutely seething at this post. Clown world is virtual. Colleges and jobs and corporations are basically holograms at this point. Your worth is a lie.

>> No.53184441

Sure but you can watch countless videos and read countless manuals on it until you know how to talk the talk and get a position

>> No.53184578

I'm not paki nigger.

>> No.53184581

so you're a regular nigger?

>> No.53185350

cope nigger

>> No.53185374

I hate that people like this exist

>> No.53185439

>15% equity in a company that has annual revenue of 300m+

So a company that makes 300m annually, would have to be at least worth 600m. No idea what the net income is on that 300m, but assuming a healthy eval price-to-sales of 2:1, that would mean your 15% would be worth 90 million.

Zero percent chance this is true and you're posting here.

>> No.53185652

u don't work for the gov't i guess