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53173615 No.53173615 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53173636
File: 272 KB, 1070x1172, 1670780178456395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's seething people don't wanna pay him $2500 for rent.

>> No.53173733


He's a boomer

>> No.53173748

>you need to SAVE MONEY
i hope someone sells this boomer nigger into third world gay sex slavery

>> No.53173879

Nothing terrifies boomers more than the tightly-bonded 3rd generation white family which lives together, supports one another, and saves money

It goes against what they loved doing; namely kicking kids out at 18, not supporting them at all, then blowing all of their inheritance money on vacations and RVs and leaving their kids with nothing upon their deaths. Supporting their own kids past the age of 18 is genuinely an alien concept to them .But then they shriek and cry when those same kids toss them into a shitty nursing home the second their bodies give out or the dementia sets in

>> No.53173920

why on earth would you want to live with your parents

>> No.53173967

your largest recurring expense is housing and it's fairly regressive in that the floor on tolerable rents is $1-1.5k/mo regardless of your income. if your parents aren't unbearable then its in your best interest to live with them, presumably or free or very cheap, so you can accelerate your rate of savings by a considerable margin.

>> No.53173973

Christ. Amerifats are truly deranged

>> No.53173987

Based. Boomers pulled the ladder up when they got to the top and sold every piece of this country. The least they can do is let their shitty kids live rent free.
Dave is seething because without the rental demand there is no justifying inflated housing prices.
Fuck em

>> No.53174003

I am no longer asking
eat more rice and beans

>> No.53174004

My parents are truly unbearable and damaged my mental health more than can be fixed in this lifetime. Yet I am still living with them.

>> No.53174005

>if your parents aren't unbearable
I've never met a "bearable" boomer before, and your mental health/sanity is far more important than rent money (which should be a small part of your paycheck anyway)

>> No.53174052

I don’t but for a lot of people it’s a trade off for not spending thousands a month in rent to some landlord faggot and getting a home cooked meal too.
Guess what? Most people aren’t Top G hustlecore sigma grind set drop shipping course peddlers and probably work some middle of the road wagie job making $40-60k/yr. What would you like them to do instead?
>inb4 just make more money bro
Most people are lazy slobs and they’ll always take the oath of least resistance

>> No.53174059

>rent money (which should be a small part of your paycheck anyway)

yes, i too like to imagine fantasy scenarios. i make $100k a year and still wince when i have to pay mr. shekelberg $1300 a month for a 1 bedroom cuckbox. thank god i'm buying a home "soon."


>> No.53174072

>and getting a home cooked meal too
Yeah I wanted to address that too. Boomers simply don't have functioning taste buds and are incapable of cooking. I'll make my own meals, please.

>> No.53174090

I wish I could get a 1br for $1300
I make $140k and split a house with a roommate. We each pay $1200 + utilities which include oil so it kinda sucks but it’s a good enough situation overall.
The numbers on houses just don’t make sense right now so I’ll keep playing crypto until I have enough money where I don’t give a shit anymore.

>> No.53174102

Sorry your grandparents didn’t teach your parents how to cook. Can’t relate

>> No.53174120

You don't need to apologize because they do not matter and do not factor in the equation of my life

>> No.53174136

>The numbers on houses just don’t make sense right now so I’ll keep playing crypto until I have enough money where I don’t give a shit anymore.

same, i'm stacking cash for another 1-2 years. seems financially retarded to buy plywood boomershack with an $1700/month mortgage when it was literally $900/month just 24 months ago.

>> No.53174163

Lmao i'll live with them, not paying rent, until i can buy a decent house.

>> No.53174189
File: 39 KB, 552x368, TIMESAND___0SI3034Cfd52SNBj82mBv8fsQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you still live with your parents

>> No.53174200

he looks like Gen X retard

>> No.53174206 [DELETED] 

Americans are mindbroken by kikes, imagine thinking that living with your parents is a bad thing. I'll continue living with them as long as I want, not paying rent, not giving money to JEW parasites.

Fuck you and fuck your semitic "people".

>> No.53174253
File: 4 KB, 209x241, 1667337683048291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I try to buy house right now in the middle of a bubble when housing prices are near all time highs compared to previous years?

>> No.53174259

that was my first reaction when I saw him in the news

>> No.53174272

This. The guy has all his money in real estate so if people don't move out and instead live home a couple of extra years to save money he loses on it.

>> No.53174309

I moved back in with my parents at 28, just to save a bit of money for a while since I became a remote worker. I ended up really regretting it actually.

>> No.53174407

try not living in a leftwing shithole city
>but I love poop on the street
why anon. WHY

>> No.53174439

because rural areas are economically deprived shitholes with zero women.

t. grew up in a rural shithole

>> No.53174443

>Try living in Ohio bro

>> No.53174463

31 and live with my mom. Moved back in at 30 with 10k credit card debt , 3k signature loan, and $50 in my bank. Currently debt free with 6k emergency fund and 10k in a brokerage. I have thought about moving out but why? I can help my moms retirement and save money or pay some randoms boomers retirement and save no money

>> No.53174483

He's a self-absorbed delusional boomer who's lived his entire life on easy mode and preaches from his ivory tower

>> No.53174485

Almost every other millenial that I know has been forced back into living with their parents. Every fucking person I grew up with in this neighborhood has moved back in. Even the girl I'm seeing who lives nearby does and it sucks because we both have batshit insane parents who will kick us out on the street if we even attempt to fuck.

>> No.53174502

Remember how cocky we all were at the top in nov 21? Now imagine if Nov 2021 was your entire existence.

>> No.53174518

you can live at home with some semblance of dignity (ironically) or you can work to live, knowing that the second you don't feel like being a literal serf/slave and decide you don't wanna take abuse from some shitty customer/boss, you're on the street

wages are too low for the current cost of shelter, one of the two needs to correct

>> No.53174531
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ITT crypto junkies seething over a successful businessman who put in effort and made his money after decades of hardwork telling them the truth while they continue to fail at get rich fast crypto scams

>> No.53174540
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>religious guy
>You must work with 10 jobs for 70 years to pay your taxes and give most of that too a religion and die
>its not about you it's about making Israel great again

It's not even financial advise it's shilling religion. This guy makes money from telling you! Too fiction worship and work shit jobs. It's hillarious

>> No.53174560

Sneethe more boomers

>> No.53174572


This is by design. ((They)) know that if the standard of living gets raised anymore it will compromise their positions on top.

>> No.53174742

Everything That Happens Happens Because Of A Schizo Theory From My Favorite Message Board

>> No.53174791
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t.coping manchildren who have never had sex.


>> No.53174811

this boomer talking about skills, he cant even operate a fucking computer, what fucking skills does he have

>> No.53174819

say this to your renters if you ever find any

>> No.53174824
File: 33 KB, 600x800, E0AF8CC1-F1BB-4D4C-82A5-681FAFD5D229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to move out
>have the salary to
>can’t cause parents make shit money and they guilt me into helping them
>still look like a loser even though I make more than both my parents combined

>> No.53174828

30 BTC here I dont hold property. Grow up manchild.

>> No.53174858

I'm not going to hate on anyone for living with their parents while they're saving up to buy a house or get out on their own. It's pretty pathetic if you're just mooching off them with no plans or aspirations to get your own place eventually, though.

>> No.53174881

My dad rents his old house to bro and I. We have to pay rent…but at least it’s below market rent. Can’t really complain. Anyone shaming is really not that money savvy. Split rent 5 ways you can save a whole lot more money.

>Alone we go fast, together we go far.

Really true if you think about it.

>> No.53174888


>> No.53174918

its literally not bait. learn to stop leeching off your parents. life is hard, get a helmet you fucking chud.

>> No.53174932

Your stupid post makes me not feel bad about stealing your Checkems

>> No.53174942

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53175684

He gives such terrible fucking advice. Always shills actively managed funds or buying real estate. Actively managed funds almost always underperform in the long run and the vast majority of people don’t have the stomach to be a landlord. There’s a lot that goes into being a landlord that assholes like him conveniently leave out.

>> No.53175745
File: 95 KB, 500x368, 5515aa9367097b109a0890b303f67091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the religious
so very much

>> No.53175761

he's a shill for his own bags.

>> No.53175813

Thats not true. The gains made from the pandemic era are already gone.

>> No.53175841

You cannot grow without pressure. You have to at some point leave the nest to learn to fly. You fags what are you eurocucks? Stfu and move the fuck out. I had to. You had to. We all have to. I'm not trying to be mean but be a man, find God, prepare to lead and support a family...EVEN IF YOU DONT WANT ONE.

>Inb4 tranny jannie bans me for the 11th time for mentioning God.

>> No.53175842

I hope i did it right im retarded

>> No.53175854

The houses in my area are still 100-200k+ more than they were 4 years ago. I'm not buying that shit.

>> No.53175865

>femoid nigger

not listening

>> No.53175897

I lived with my parents until I had enough money in my s&p 500 index funds to pay for my rent, utilities, and food each year without worrying.

Sorry Dave, I'm taking advantage of the situation so I don't end up offing myself because I can't find shelter or feed myself.

>> No.53175920

Why would I pay 5x more to not?

>> No.53175938


>> No.53175972


>> No.53176024

How on earth could the common man have aspirations to own his own house when the cost of doing so is 5x more than it should be? It’s completely unattainable. There’s a lot of below average people that aren’t capable of even middle class incomes.

>> No.53176070

i predict that nigger cattle pastimes like niggerball and nigger music will become a lot more popular in the future. ramping up the bread and circuses to keep the slaves from revolting.

>bro can you believe this inflation, eggs are now--
>haha yeah man that's great but did you see DA GAME™? dontavious jackson of the san diego niggers intercepted that pass by shantarious smith of the detroit niggers right at the buzzer! fucking CRAZY man!!!!! i couldn't believe it hahahahaha haven't seen something like that since 2007!

>> No.53176297
File: 35 KB, 637x714, 0ZE93a5E0nW9h71T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and I probably spend about $50k a year just for the privilege of living where we currently are. If we just lived with either of our parents we'd have enough money saved in 2 years to put down over 25% down on a first home. Thunk anyone except me likes this idea? Of course not.

>> No.53176513
File: 112 KB, 823x1024, king apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers (and normalfags lol) are unironically too retarded to understand that rent costs were 1/9th of the median income 40 years ago and are now like 1/2 of the median income.

His 'problem' is that boomers fundamentally have proven since 1995 that they cannot imagine the world ever changed from the 1980s.

>> No.53176537
File: 46 KB, 850x482, higurashi no naku koro ni quahog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society is fucked

>> No.53176600

thank you for posting this lil guy, have been looking for him

>> No.53176661

I live in a 5 bedroom house with my parents, spouse, and child. I saved $150,000 over the last year and a half because my daycare is built in and my retired mom is glad to have something to do. I give her $1000 a month for daycare and rent.
I'm gonna buy a house with my brother and his wife next year. Prices are fucked, interest rates are too high, not a good time to buy. Now he's gonna stop renting, build equity with me, and when we sell we'll both have something to show for it.
I did the whole "move out as soon as you can", spent way too fucking much on rent, literally over $50,000, I have nothing to show for it, and I decided it was a retarded decision. Nobody can argue that it's a good idea for me now.

>> No.53176794

A plumber with at least a decade of experience who lives in a suburb near a city can make 40hr plus bennies, and there are plenty of jobs year round. A plumber in the sticks will not have consistent jobs year round and companies will only pay him like 20hr-25hr with no benefits. On top of that, houses in the sticks are starting to have a comparable price tag to homes closer to the suburbs and cities.

>> No.53177175

almost all tech jobs are remote at this point. You have no excuse.

>> No.53177235
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Cope and seethe.

>> No.53177351

This, the boomer fears the return of multi generational households as boomers enter retirement.

>> No.53177455

Honestly I feel like I just keep getting disrespected and ripped off at every possible turn. Our society is like a big fucking scam with everyone trying to pull a grift on everyone else. Everyone is so unintentionally rude these days, I've had girls just walk away from me mid conversation like it was normal, everything is decaying so fast it's gotten worse since COVID.

I feel tired and my back hurts. I don't make enough money and I need to buy another car. I can't even afford to rent in my area or I could but I'd need roommates or I'd be spending everything I have just to live by myself. This commerical society is so fake and gay I hate it, I really do hate it. I feel like no matter what I do to improve everything gets worse faster than I can make my life better. On bad days I just think about how much easier it would be to die in a battle against evil forces instead of doing this wage slaving for barely anything.

>> No.53177482
File: 26 KB, 350x350, 1652555008345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historically wide spread single family living is a recent phenomenon anon.
>leave the nest to learn to fly
We're not birds.
>Stfu and move the fuck out. I had to.
Okay boomer.
>prepare to lead and support a family
Enjoy it while it lasts, soon the standard of living will dip so low the only way families will form will be with multiple generations living on the same property working together. Like the old days long ago.

>> No.53177487
File: 407 KB, 512x512, a nice garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP dude is on suicide watch that he put all his money into properties and the covid rush is now dying out.

>> No.53177495 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 185x185, Cantfaceit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53177502

My wage cuck job doesn’t pay enough for rent in my state. Even if I scrounge up some money, I will won’t be able to afford anything else.

>> No.53177510

>if we even attempt to fuck.
Wait, what? How old are you? 32?

>> No.53177519

>thinking remote jobs will hire rural people.

>> No.53177570

>fell for the remote job meme
Are you a boomer?

>> No.53177571

They do retard. If you have the experience you can find a job. Stop wasting your time on crypto scams and learn shit.

>> No.53177676


>> No.53177718

uh oh
down goes the propriety values
even after the fed pivots, you're going doooooooown

>> No.53177721

Leave them and tell them thanks for playing the game better luck next time.

>> No.53177752

>ignores the majority of jobs for one niche industry

>> No.53177757 [DELETED] 

The boomers would also preach free market but gladly create BS zoning laws to restrict house supplies and also take section 8 vouchers.

>> No.53177799
File: 65 KB, 519x878, 1644508678811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry zoomie, he at least got to live away from his parents but rent for you is going to become totally unaffordable.

>> No.53177819

>On bad days I just think about how much easier it would be to die in a battle against evil forces instead of doing this wage slaving for barely anything.
This is where revolutions start.

>> No.53177826

The boomers would also preach free market but gladly create BS zoning laws to restrict house supply and also take section 8 vouchers.

>> No.53177853

best post in thread

im saging to punish the rest of you

>> No.53178156


It's still attainable. Median home price is $350k and falling, meanwhile median household income is $70k. Especially if a couple is living at home with their parents and have basically nothing in the way of expenses, you can save up that downpayment pretty damn fast.

Problem is most millennials and zoomies are too addlepated to commit to a single gender, much less living at the same place for more than a couple years. They don't want to commit to a mortgage and house.

>> No.53178242

350k at 6% interest is not affordable at all. Standard home price in a standard town should be between 150-200k so that 1 income can easily afford a home. 350k seems okay for a big city. The 2011-2017 a golden era for home buyers.

>> No.53178277

you can tell someone is low IQ when they ignore interest rates

>> No.53178384

yea its the women thing honestly. You could just move back to the country side once you start a family.

>> No.53178433
File: 43 KB, 140x180, 1633731655026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, Dave. Whatever you say.
>[buys another 0.1 BTC with money saved this month living with parents]

>> No.53178440

You must know shitty people. 75% of boomer parents I know from friends and acquaintances are “bearable” at worst and half that group were downright great. Many of them invested time, money, and love into their kids and grandkids. These were across economic classes and locations. I’m no boomer lover, they are just as flawed as everyone else and made mistakes and still do, but unlike you’re retarded fucking ass I live in reality
Sorry you’re fucking white trash

>> No.53178466

There are many church girls faggot. You clearly didn’t look

>> No.53178696
File: 1012 KB, 852x740, act scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a high school teacher for 28 years.

The Boomers sent their kids to school with supplies. When I called home to inform them of an issue, parents picked up, apologized, and disciplined their child. They made sure their kid did homework. They were there to pick their kids up from school. They showed up to PTO meetings, made sure there was funding for things like woodshop, cooking, sewing, auto repair classes, sporting equipment, transportation. Field trips had chaperones, students did fundraisers to make sure everyone could afford it.

Gen X on the other hand has been an absolute shit show. Every year it gets worse. The Zoomers in school today are by far the worst children I have ever taught. For as much bullshit that is spewed about how Boomers didn't work for it, Gen X is the entitlement generation. They want their kid in the honors class, even though they didn't meet the prerequisites. They want homework eliminated, and there's no late work policies. They want free lunch provided for all. Transportation to/from school should be someone else's responsibility. No more field trips - no chaperones and don't even consider asking a Zoomer to raise money in a fundraiser. They also are the reason students are never sent out of the classroom, and out-of-school detention is out of the question. They have all the information about their child's grades right on the internet, copies of all assignments available online, and still show up to parent-teacher conferences asking "so how's my little Carson doing?".

Thank god I'm done with these fuckers in 2 years.

>> No.53179260

>act exam
>Affluent Chinese Tutors exam

>> No.53179493

I don't work in tech and neither do you.
zoomers are retarded, I don't blame their parents for wanting nothing to do with them

>> No.53179561

Modern schooling makes no sense with the advent of the internet anyway. Modern schooling just moves at the speed of the lowest average student. Online courses cover everything you need up to grade 12. Something like Khan academy is available for free to everyone and lets individuals learn at their own pace. Yeah, parents work, but parents can easily set up their own little community classrooms and have a parent just help guide them through the online work they're doing, each at their own pace, and those students that are ahead can help the students that are behind.

>> No.53179573

>zoomers are retarded, I don't blame their parents for wanting nothing to do with them

Kids don't magically turn retarded anon. If the kids are retarded, usually it's the parents to blame.